Posts tonen met het label enterprise europe network. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label enterprise europe network. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 8 juli 2022

Following companies are interested in working with Dutch partners on the subject "Textile" (27-2022)

Source: Enterprise Europe Network week 27-2022

Following companies and research institutions are looking for a commercial or technical co-operation with other international companies on the field ofmobility in various stages of development. Please find more information by clicking the profile of your interest.

If you would require further information or would like to express your interest, please contact your local Enterprise Europe Network support office with the profile title and reference, free of charge that can be found on this page Enterprise Europe Network Branches

Title of ProfileCountryTypePublish Date
Innovative Romanian textile company based on development of patterns and prototypes, and production of new fabrics or ...RomaniaBus. Offer2021-07-07
Romanian manufacturer of handmade silver jewellery seeks international business partners under distribution agreementsRomaniaBus. Offer2021-01-08
An Indian garment design company is looking for partners to associate with under a distribution services agreement.IndiaBus. Offer2021-07-08
Japanese company seeks distributors and agents to distribute their GPS-compatible footwear for dementia patientsJapanBus. Offer2020-07-14
Japanese SME manufacturing ergonomically superior flip-flops seeks EU partners for distribution, manufacturing, and ...JapanBus. Offer2020-07-15
German company specialized in trading with any apparel supply for all age groups and gender is looking for sales ...GermanyBus. Offer2020-07-16
An Italian company specializing in historical haute couture dresses and costumes offers manufacturing agreements.ItalyTech. Offer2021-07-13
Romanian manufacturer of dresses seeks international business partners under distribution agreementsRomaniaBus. Offer2021-07-13
COVID-19: Czech company offers professional protective half-masks without expiratory valve with set of nano filters and ...CzechiaBus. Offer2021-07-13
A Romanian company specialized in business sales and acquisitions is looking for partners under outsourcing agreementsRomaniaBus. Offer2021-01-14
An Italian clothing manufacturer offers its services under manufacturing agreementsItalyBus. Offer2021-07-13
The UK designer and manufacturer of an innovative range of sustainable shapewear seeks distributorsUnited KingdomBus. Offer2021-07-14
Nanoceramic coating for light alloys, superior to anodising and plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO)United KingdomTech. Offer2021-01-18
A Ukrainian manufacturer of women's outerwear is looking for distributors, commercial agents and offers manufacturing ...UkraineBus. Offer2020-07-23
Armenian producer of souvenirs, decorative pillow covers, as well as tablecloths & napkins is looking for distribution ...ArmeniaBus. Offer2021-07-19
Romanian textile company manufacturer of work clothing offers its services under manufacturing or subcontracting ...RomaniaBus. Offer2021-07-19
A Croatian company registered for wholesale and retail for textiles and sewing accessories is looking for a partner to ...CroatiaBus. Offer2020-07-24
A Ukrainian company that produces wool blankets is looking for distributorsUkraineBus. Offer2021-07-19
Armenian producer of textiles is looking for distributors, commercial agents, or manufacturing agreementArmeniaBus. Offer2020-07-24
Polish casual shoes offered under commercial agency and distribution services agreementsPolandBus. Offer2021-07-19
A Czech firm specialised in precision machining is searching for manufacturing and subcontracting agreements in Central ...CzechiaBus. Offer2021-01-21
A Swedish textile design startup looking for distributors, sustainable fashion brands and event organizersSwedenBus. Offer2021-07-20
Italian pillow manufacturer seeks commercial partnersItalyBus. Offer2021-07-21
French company is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance for its innovative quick changer filter ...FranceTech. Request2021-01-22
A Polish textile company offers production capacity to garment designers under manufacturing or subcontracting ...PolandBus. Offer2021-07-21

donderdag 7 juli 2022

"Get Digital: Go Green and be Resilient. Promoot jouw digitale oplossing op Europees niveau en ontvang ondersteuning om je bedrijf op te schalen.

Bron: Enterprise Europe Network NL

De Russische agressie tegen Oekraïne heeft de internationale inspanningen op energieafhankelijkheid en veerkracht van de toeleveringsketen geheroriënteerd. In dit verband zal het directoraat-generaal Interne Markt, Industrie, Ondernemerschap en MKB, samen met de Europese Innovatieraad en het Uitvoerend Agentschap MKB, en DIGITAL SME, een catalogus opstellen van toonaangevende Europese bedrijven met use cases voor een veerkrachtigere industrie. Via ons initiatief zullen we digitale oplossingen en bedrijfsmodellen onder de aandacht brengen die high-impact oplossingen kunnen bieden om de afhankelijkheid van olie, gas en externe grondstoffen te verminderen, evenals de veerkracht in de wereldwijde toeleveringsketen te vergroten. Ben je een start-up of MKB uit de EU, Oekraïne, Moldavië of Georgië met een innovatieve digitale oplossing op een gerelateerd gebied, meld je dan aan. Kerstin Jorna, directeur-generaal Interne Markt, Industrie, Ondernemerschap en MKB: “We moeten het MKB actief ondersteunen om de digitale transitie te versnellen. Door middel van de serie ‘Get Digital’-workshops willen we ervoor zorgen dat toonaangevende digitale mkb’ers in Europa, Oekraïne, Moldavië en Georgië de interne markt kunnen gebruiken om digitale oplossingen op te schalen die al onze industrieën, waaronder onze vele mkb’ers, helpen groener en veerkrachtiger te worden. Onze interne markt is de beste hefboom om digitalisering te bevorderen en onze industrieën te helpen gedijen in de huidige mondiale context.”

Following companies are interested in working with Dutch partners on the subject "Mobility" (27-2022)

Source: Enterprise Europe Network week 27-2022

Following companies and research institutions are looking for a commercial or technical co-operation with other international companies on the field ofmobility in various stages of development. Please find more information by clicking the profile of your interest.

If you would require further information or would like to express your interest, please contact your local Enterprise Europe Network support office with the profile title and reference, free of charge that can be found on this page Enterprise Europe Network Branches

Title of ProfileCountryTypePublish Date
Romanian high tech software company offering software solutions for field workforce automation seeks IT solutions ...RomaniaBus. Offer2021-07-07
Modular battery pack for sustainable mobilitySpainTech. Offer2021-01-11
Social and environmental initiative active in waste management through vermiculture is looking for partners under ...RomaniaBus. Offer2020-07-15
System for breathing COVID-19-free air in indoor common areasSpainTech. Offer2021-01-13
Multipurpose satellite platform using electric propulsion for small missions from Earth up to the MoonGermanyTech. Offer2021-07-14
Battery-electric powered drive train system including motors, battery, controls and software for non-road mobile ...GermanyTech. Offer2021-07-14
Portuguese company offers its subcontracting and manufacturing services of mechanical components (milling, laser cutting ...PortugalBus. Offer2020-07-20
A young German company offers innovative grippers and services for highly flexible handling by robots in production or ...GermanyTech. Offer2021-07-19
The Ukrainian company offers logistics services for the pharmaceutical sector and for clinical trials under outsourcing ...UkraineBus. Offer2020-07-24
Cyber security software to detect, investigate and respond to cyber threatsGermanyTech. Offer2021-07-19
A Romanian transport company is looking for partners under subcontracting agreementsRomaniaBus. Offer2021-07-21
UK company specialising in smart 3D battery electrodes seeks to partner with battery fabrication and scale-up ...United KingdomTech. Request2021-07-21
Spanish start-up is looking for a financial agreement to scale its industry validated and registered platform in the ...SpainBus. Offer2020-07-28
German supplier of customer specific gluing solutions based on self-adhesive tape is searching for manufacturing and ...GermanyBus. Offer2021-01-25
A Korean company with expertise in advanced antenna technology is seeking collaborative partners. Partnerships sought ...South KoreaTech. Offer2021-01-26
Spanish SME specialized in Visible Light Communications (VLC) technology wants to enter new markets with their ...SpainBus. Offer2021-07-26
Performance electric motorcycle in the performance offroad and dual-sport segment - joint venture agreementSloveniaBus. Request2021-07-27
Polish company offering innovative financial assistant for entrepreneurs is looking to sign a license agreementPolandBus. Offer2021-01-29
An Austrian SME manufacturing electric two-wheelers in the categories L1e to L3e is looking for European suppliers ...AustriaBus. Request2021-07-29
Design and manufacture of plug and play kits to convert vehicles powered by fossil-fuel internal combustion engines to ...SpainTech. Offer2021-07-30
A Turkish company specialized in glass technologies is looking for distributors and commercial agentsTurkeyBus. Offer2021-08-03
UK SME seeks distributors in a wide range of accessories for wheelchair usersUnited KingdomBus. Offer2021-08-11
French SME specialized in awning conception for multiple uses made from aluminium is looking for agents or distributors ...FranceBus. Offer2021-08-12
French SME specialised in temporary building construction made from aluminium is looking for agents or distributors to ...FranceBus. Offer2021-08-12
Permanent magnets rotor for high-powered synchronic motors for hybrid and plug-in vehicles performanceSpainTech. Offer2021-08-12


donderdag 30 juni 2022

Live en online matchmaking voor mode- en textielondernemers: B2WORTH@TorinoFashionMatch 2022 7-10 juli

Live en online matchmaking voor mode- en textielondernemers: B2WORTH@TorinoFashionMatch 2022

7 July - 10 July

De eerste stap naar internationaal zakendoen, is netwerken. Daarom organiseert het Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) B2WORTH@TorinoFashionMatch 2022. Er zijn fysieke en online events. Modeontwerpers, leveranciers van diensten en producten in de mode en textiel, detailhandelaren en inkopers: grijp deze interessante kans voor nieuwe zakelijke contacten en contracten en meld u vóór 3 juli aan.

Waarom deelnemen?

Om concurrerend te blijven, is het belangrijk om nieuwe relaties op te doen die interessant zijn voor uw netwerk. De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), EEN en Unioncamere Piemonte helpen ondernemers relevante zakenpartners te vinden in de mode & textielsector en circulaire & duurzame sector.

Op de B2WORTH@TorinoFashionMatch 2022-sessies komt u bijeen met de meest veelbelovende, internationale zakenpartners.

Voor wie?

We raden in het bijzonder de deelname aan van:

  • Modeontwerpers, start-ups, innovatieve merken
  • Mkb’ers die textiel en/of accessoires produceren
  • Kleinhandelaars, distributeurs, verkoopagenten, modewinkels
  • E-commerce platforms
  • PR bureaus, experts in de marketing en bedrijfsontwikkeling
  • Inkopers, commerciële agenten met echte interesse in het vinden van nieuwe producten
  • ICT dienstverleners voor de mode-industrie
  • Investeerders gericht op de mode-industrie en vrouwelijk ondernemerschap

Programma en aanmelden


Van 7 tot en met 9 juli is er de fysieke B2B matchmaking, bij Il Mercato Centrale Torino in Turijn. Naast de internationale matchmaking kunt u deelnemen aan ‘talks’, workshops, netwerkborrels en andere evenementen op de Torino Fashion Week 2022.  Lees meer over het programma en aanmelden op de evenementpagina (Engels).


Als u deelneemt aan de live matchmaking, krijgt u daarnaast gratis toegang tot Modefabriek op 11 juli in Amsterdam. Vraag hiervoor per mail uw toegangscode aan bij RVO.


Kunt u niet naar Turijn afreizen? Dan kunt u deelnemen aan de online B2B matchmaking op zaterdagmiddag 9 juli of zondagmorgen 10 juli. Maak vooraf gratis videoafspraken met bedrijven die voor u interessant zijn

WORTH project

In het najaar kunnen bedrijven zich inschrijven voor de EU Call WORTH II. Bedrijven die zich kandidaat willen stellen en hiervoor internationale partners zoeken, kunnen zich hierop voorbereiden. De projectleider van het WORTH project geeft in zijn ‘talk’ op 8 juli op de matchmaking tekst en uitleg.

woensdag 20 april 2022

B2B matchmaking tijdens Sustainable Foodtech Solutions at Anuga Köln

Bron: Enterprise Europe Network 

Brengt u een bezoek aan de vakbeurs Anuga FoodTec in Keulen van 26 tot 29 april? En bent u op zoek naar internationale zakenpartners? Neem dan deel aan de b2b matchmaking tijdens de Sustainable Foodtech Solutions. Via matchmaking kunt u contact leggen met relevante samenwerkingspartners. 

Voor wie? 
De matchmaking is interessant voor bedrijven in de voedingsmiddelenbranche en aanverwante sectoren zoals duurzame verpakkingen. 

Doel b2b matchmaking
Het doel van de b2b matchmaking is om relevante contacten te vinden in de gehele sector. Via de website kunt u zich aanmelden en een bedrijfs- en samenwerkingsprofiel aanmaken. Op basis van de online profielen die de deelnemers aanmaken, weet u wat partijen vragen en te bieden hebben.
Via deze LINK kunt u zien welke bedrijven deelnemen aan de matchmaking en mogelijk interessant zijn voor u.

U kunt zich inschrijven voor de b2b matchmaking tot en met 29 april. 
Afspraken inplannen met andere deelnemers kan voorafgaand aan het evenement of op de dag zelf. Gebruik hiervoor het online registratieformulier. Ook maakt u hier uw eigen bedrijfs- en samenwerkingsprofiel aan. Deelname aan de matchmaking is gratis, voertaal is Engels.

Meer weten? 
Heeft u nog vragen over dit matchmaking evenement? Neem dan contact met ons op: inhoudelijke vragen: 
  • Mylène Hoogendijk-Mesters, 
  • adviseur Enterprise Europe Network, 
  • E: Mylene Hoogendijk

Organisatorische vragen: 
Wij wensen u goede zaken toe op de matchmaking!

donderdag 7 april 2022

Companies interested in cooperation on hydrogen, gas, energy, CO2, carbon subjects

Source: Enterprise Europe Network week 14-2022

Following companies and research institutions are looking for a commercial or technical co-operation with other international companies on the field of energy, hydrogen, gas CO2 and carbon in various stages of development. Please find more information by clicking the profile of your interest.

If you would require further information or would like to express your interest, please contact your local Enterprise Europe Network support office with the profile title and reference, free of charge that can be found on this page Enterprise Europe Network Branches

Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space - Looking for consortium partners interested in a demonstrator for implementing hydrogen 
Technology Offer Updated last year from Spain
A Spanish construction company, asphalt mixes producer with own quarries and experienced in EU projects, is looking for partners for a proposal to be ...
moreA Spanish construction company, asphalt mixes producer with own quarries and experienced in EU projects, is looking for partners for a proposal to be prepared for Horizon Europe “HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-17: Integration of hydrogen for replacing fossil fuels in industrial applications (IA)”. The company will act as a demonstrator and they look for partners and a coordinator for the consortium (hydrogen suppliers, R&D centres, communication management, other demonstrators…).

Expires in 4 months

A Slovene company dealing with white hydrogen seeks investors and distributors
Business Offer Updated last quarter from Slovenia
The Slovene company, specialized in waste problem solving, converts mixed plastics into hydrogen via syngas with its own proprietary technology. The ...
moreThe Slovene company, specialized in waste problem solving, converts mixed plastics into hydrogen via syngas with its own proprietary technology. The company is looking for investors through a financial agreement, and trade intermediaries through distribution agreement.

Expires in 9 months

A patented process of combustion by controled ionization (liquid, gaseous or solid fuels) offered under license or commercial partnership with ...
Technology Offer Updated last quarter from Belgium
To reduce the energy consumption in private or collective buildings, a Belgian inventor developed a process to improve boiler burners based on ...
moreTo reduce the energy consumption in private or collective buildings, a Belgian inventor developed a process to improve boiler burners based on combustion by controlled ionization. The technology involves the embedding of metallic parts in the combustion area to alter the electric field, in order to produce more energy. A commercial partner with technical assistance or a license contract is requested to manufacture, integrate or/and sell the system.

Expires in 8 months

Italian start-up offers an innovative technology for the reliable and economic recovery of raw material from different wastes while capturing carbon ...
Technology Offer Updated last year from Italy
An Italian company developing sustainable technologies for circular economy is seeking partners for a research cooperation. It offers a solution ...
moreAn Italian company developing sustainable technologies for circular economy is seeking partners for a research cooperation. It offers a solution based on the use of alkaline waste for the mineralization of carbon dioxide (CO2), reducing both investment and operating costs. It can be applied in several sectors, such as: •civil and industrial wastewater treatment plants; •waste incinerators; •iron and steel mills; •plastic industries; •cement industries; •aluminum production.

Expires in 4 months

UK engineering design company seeks distributors or manufacturers under license for their fuel cell gas sensor
Business Offer Updated last year from United Kingdom
A UK engineering design company has developed an accurate gas measuring sensor to monitor gas quality in blended hydrogen / natural gas environments. ...
moreA UK engineering design company has developed an accurate gas measuring sensor to monitor gas quality in blended hydrogen / natural gas environments. Based on solid oxide fuel cell technology, the sensor monitors the mix of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other natural gases enabling the user to produce more accurate quality control and effect costs savings. The company is looking for distribution partners or companies to manufacture the product under license.

Expires in 4 months

System for the recovery, purification and recycling of argon purge gas used in high technology manufacture of silicon wafers, 3D printed metal ...
Technology Offer Updated last year from United Kingdom
A UK clean-tech company has developed a product that recovers, purifies and recycles argon purge gas used in high technology manufacturing. The ...
moreA UK clean-tech company has developed a product that recovers, purifies and recycles argon purge gas used in high technology manufacturing. The product removes all combustible impurities using an innovative chemical looping combustive purification technology. The company are seeking engineering/OEM partners working in 3D metals printing, biogas and heat treatment applications to incorporate the technology into their systems via commercial agreement with technical assistance or joint venture.

Expires this month

Italian researchers have developed a technology that captures and eliminates Co2 from biogas that can also be reused in the food and beverage sector.
Technology Offer Updated last year from Italy
An Italian group of researchers, working in the field of renewable energy and industrial wastewater plants, has developed and patented an easy system ...
moreAn Italian group of researchers, working in the field of renewable energy and industrial wastewater plants, has developed and patented an easy system able to remove Co2 from biogas. The type of partnership considered is the commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Expires this month

UK smart energy company seeks manufacturers and suppliers of hard components for modular hydrogen energy conversion containers
Business Request Updated last year from United Kingdom
A UK energy infrastructure provider is developing and installing modular fuel conversion containers which convert ammonia to hydrogen fuel on site at ...
moreA UK energy infrastructure provider is developing and installing modular fuel conversion containers which convert ammonia to hydrogen fuel on site at air and seaports or onboard large vessels. The modular containers will have the capacity to crack ammonia into hydrogen fuel in-situ. The company is looking for manufacturers and suppliers of ammonia crackers, gas purifiers, pressure swing absorbers, heat exchangers, gas (ammonia/hydrogen) burners, and ammonia tanks.

Expires in 2 months

Air purification based on novel heat exchanger and catalyst technology - compact, mobile devices for elimination of indoor pathogenic germs and ...
Technology Offer Updated last year from Germany
A German SME offers a novel technology for pathogenic germ elimination as well as pollutants and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) oxidation. It ...
moreA German SME offers a novel technology for pathogenic germ elimination as well as pollutants and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) oxidation. It combines the advantages of heat exchanger (heat storage and recovery) and catalysis technology to compact, scalable and very energy-efficient air purification systems. The flexible and adaptable systems are applicable in crowded indoor places and at highly emitting industrial production sites. Company seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Expires this month

High power mobile genset (350 kW) to produce off-grid decarbonated electricity based on renewable energy
Technology Offer Updated last quarter from France
A French company designs and manufactures an innovative generator set operating with green hydrogen (H2) fuel cell. Available in a 40-foot mobile ...
moreA French company designs and manufactures an innovative generator set operating with green hydrogen (H2) fuel cell. Available in a 40-foot mobile container, this genset makes isolated areas (industry, ephemere events, construction sites, ports, airports etc.) self-sufficient in eco-friendly electricity. Multiple gensets can be placed together to increase the power level. Commercial agreements with technical assistance are sought with partners aimed at decarbonating their activities off-grid.

Expires in 8 months

Cold end gas condenser design and manufacturing for combustion fumes heat recovery in waste-to-energy plants.
Technology Request Updated last year from Spain
A Basque SME is looking for partners with knowledge and experience in the design and manufacturing of cold end gas condensers for energy plants. The ...
moreA Basque SME is looking for partners with knowledge and experience in the design and manufacturing of cold end gas condensers for energy plants. The company requires specifications in order to develop the final formulation of an advanced carbon steel tubes coating to be applied in fume heat recovery installations. A commercial agreement with technical assistance, manufacturing agreement or a technical cooperation to carry out a pre-industrial demonstration is what the SME is looking for.

Expires in 2 months

Ukrainian University offers a technology (an installation) for production of ultrapure hydrogen and oxygen
Technology Offer Updated last year from Ukraine
University with research laboratory for special instrument engineering offers a technology (an installation) for production of ultrapure hydrogen and ...
moreUniversity with research laboratory for special instrument engineering offers a technology (an installation) for production of ultrapure hydrogen and oxygen from water steam by electrochemical electrolysis with solid electrolytes. The advantages of this offer are technological (the ultrapure products, compact size of installation, ability to work from a standalone power source) and competitive (quality of the products, price). Cooperation type is likely to be licensing or technical cooperation.

Expires in 1 month

UK company with hydrogen based storage unit looking for a research partner
Technology Offer Updated last quarter from United Kingdom
A UK based company has designed a hydrogen based storage unit which has multiple applications. They are seeking international research partners for ...
moreA UK based company has designed a hydrogen based storage unit which has multiple applications. They are seeking international research partners for cooperative R&D in the sectors of hydrogen handling and storage, electrolysis, hydrogen fuel cells or control electronics.

Expires in 3 months

UK company is seeking joint venture or licencing agreements for its patented solution for energy storage and power generation
Technology Offer Updated last year from United Kingdom
UK company has developed a new power cycle based on enhanced steam turbine condensing that provides dramatic efficiency increases on a wide range of ...
moreUK company has developed a new power cycle based on enhanced steam turbine condensing that provides dramatic efficiency increases on a wide range of energy storage and generation applications including thermal electric and hydrogen combustion, geothermal, bio-fuel generation and conventional power plants, reducing associated emissions and fuel consumption. UK company is looking for joint venture, licencing or financial agreements.

Expires in 5 months

A Finnish energy and gas technology installation and service company, including hydrogen, biogas and hospital gas systems, is looking for European ...
Business Request Updated last quarter from Finland
The Finnish company, with a long tradition in sales, installation and maintenance of energy and water systems that are used for process industry, ...
moreThe Finnish company, with a long tradition in sales, installation and maintenance of energy and water systems that are used for process industry, municipal, healthcare, heating applications and overall handling, is looking for suppliers for components, equipment and systems or system parts from all over Europe, working under distributor agreement. Service agreements may also be considered.

Expires in 4 months

Looking for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysers
Technology Request Updated last year from France
An innovative French company is designing an hydrogen production station powered by photovoltaic panels and hydrogen fuel cell. The company is ...
moreAn innovative French company is designing an hydrogen production station powered by photovoltaic panels and hydrogen fuel cell. The company is starting to manufacture stations and is currently looking for PEM electrolysers that can be connected to renewable energies for the electrolysis of water. A commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement is sought with a manufacturer of PEM electrolysers or any private / public body with strong expertise in this field.

Expires this month

Italian start-up developing and applying sustainable solutions for circular economy, carbon capture and gas purification seeks partners under ...
Business Offer Updated last year from Italy
An Italian company develops and applies technologies for circular economy, carbon capture, and gas purification that are cost-effective (reducing the ...
moreAn Italian company develops and applies technologies for circular economy, carbon capture, and gas purification that are cost-effective (reducing the operational and investment costs) and environmental friendly (reducing consumption of both energy and primary resources). They can be exploited in several sectors, such as: waste collecting and management; landfill management; steel works. The envisaged partnerships are: financial agreement, joint venture agreement and licence agreement.

Expires in 4 months

Design and manufacture of plug and play kits to convert vehicles powered by fossil-fuel internal combustion engines to hydrogen internal combustion ...
Technology Offer Updated last year from Spain
A Spanish consulting company in industry and automotive environment, aims to allow the deployment of a hydrogen vehicles fleet as fast as possible, ...
moreA Spanish consulting company in industry and automotive environment, aims to allow the deployment of a hydrogen vehicles fleet as fast as possible, focusing on current vehicles and changing their power system into hydrogen internal combustion engine by using compressed H2. The option is cheap, would speed up the hydrogen vehicles and contribute to circular economy. The technology is offered under joint venture or research cooperation agreement with industry and/or academia.

Expires in 4 months

Dutch SME offers cost effective zero emission off-grid energy solution for offshore applications
Technology Offer Updated last year from Netherlands
Dutch SME specialised in off-grid energy generation offers a cost effective zero emission energy solution for offshore applications. The company is ...
moreDutch SME specialised in off-grid energy generation offers a cost effective zero emission energy solution for offshore applications. The company is looking for companies active in offshore wind- , oil and gas-, aquaculture- or maritime market to integrate this solution into their working process in the framework of a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Expires in 5 months

An Italian startup has developed innovative technologies for cogeneration plants based on solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) under technical cooperation ...
Technology Offer Updated last year from Italy
An Italian startup has developed innovative technologies for cogeneration plants based on solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The innovation consists of a ...
moreAn Italian startup has developed innovative technologies for cogeneration plants based on solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The innovation consists of a new process that allows a SOFC system to be fed directly by biogas, without degradation of the cell components and with high energy efficiency. The company team has developed a set of numeric models and simulations tools to process distributed power generation system based on SOFC. They offer the technologies under technical cooperation agreement.

Expires in 1 month

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy