- Mylène Hoogendijk-Mesters,
- adviseur Enterprise Europe Network,
- E: Mylene Hoogendijk
- Adina Golombeck-Tauyatswala,
- E: Adina Golombeck-Tauyatswala
Artikelen die interessant zijn voor u als innovatieve MKB ondernemer met een focus op innovatie, industrie, cleantech, en internationalisatie. De inhoud geldt als informatie, inspiratie en implementatie binnen uw onderneming. Articles for SME's to inform, inspire and related to innovation, cleantech, manufacturing and international business. This page is for inspiration, information and an invitation for you to get in contact with Dutch entrepreneurs and their network.
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Noord-Nederland wordt gezien als een leidende Hydrogen Valley in Europa, waar groene waterstof wordt geproduceerd, getransporteerd maar ook toegepast wordt in de industrie, het vervoer en in gebouwen. De provincies en deelstaat willen de Hydrogen Valleys aan beide kanten van de grens met elkaar verbinden. Daarnaast willen ze bestaande waterstofprojecten aan elkaar koppelen en daardoor ook gebruik maken van een nieuw financieringsprogramma van de EU.
In Noord-Nederland gaat de samenwerking om het HEAVENN-project. HEAVENN staat voor Hydrogen Energy Applications for Valley Environments in the Northern-Netherlands. Het is een project met als doel in Noord-Nederland een groene waterstofwaardeketen te ontwerpen en ontwikkelen. Hierbij ligt de focus op de gehele keten: van productie van groene waterstof, transport en opslag tot gebruik in de industrie, voor mobiliteit en de omgeving. HEAVENN is onder andere bezig met de ontwikkeling van de energiehub GZI Next in Emmen en projecten in en rondom de Eemshaven en Delfzijl. In Noordwest-Duitsland gaat het om de H2 Region Emsland en HyWays for Future.
De samenwerking tussen organisaties en kennisinstellingen leidt tot kennisuitwisseling, werkgelegenheid, schaalvergroting en lagere prijzen van groene waterstof. Hiermee wordt het gebruik van waterstof aantrekkelijker, kan de energietransitie versnelt worden en worden de regio's sneller onafhankelijk van buitenlandse import van energie.
Bron: RVO
Tijdens deze missie krijgt u een goed beeld van de ontwikkelingen in de offshore windsector in Polen. Deze sector ontwikkelt zich razendsnel en biedt de Nederlandse ondernemer mooie kansen.
Polen is nog sterk afhankelijk van kolen, maar moet net als andere EU-lidstaten de productie van hernieuwbare energie flink verhogen. Een van de beste manieren om dit te bereiken is de ontwikkeling van windenergie op de Baltische Zee.
Op basis van de nieuwe Offshore Wind Act wordt de komende 10 jaar ten minste 8 gigawatt (GW) aan windvermogen geïnstalleerd, oplopend tot 28 GW in 2050. Polen heeft meer dan 10 windparkprojecten aangewezen. Het land gaat een deel daarvan de komende jaren aanbesteden, samen met vooraanstaande Europese ontwikkelaars.
In 2050 is voor het volledige Baltische Zeegebied 83 GW aan offshore windvermogen gepland, volgens de Europese brancheorganisatie WindEurope.
In Polen is lokale kennis en expertise op het gebied van offshore windenergie beperkt. Daarom is samenwerken met buitenlandse partijen, waaronder Nederland, essentieel.
Voor Polen is nu de aanbesteding van verschillende offshore windprojecten én de versterking van het offshore (export)netwerk belangrijk. Zo is er een plan om 700 megawatt (MW) onderzeese kabel aan te leggen tussen Litouwen en Polen.
Deelname is interessant voor bedrijven en kennisinstellingen die:
De missie geeft u een goed beeld van de plannen van overheden voor offshore windenergie in het Baltische Zeegebied. Daarnaast kunt u de belangrijkste kansen voor uw bedrijf verder verkennen.
Ten slotte is er ruimte om uw zakelijke netwerk op te bouwen, uit te breiden en/of te bestendigen, onder meer via:
Bekijk het voorlopige programma (Engelstalig).
Deelname kost € 250 per Nederlandse organisatie (maximaal 2 deelnemers per organisatie). Iedere extra deelnemer betaalt € 125.
Meld u aan voor deelname. Iedere deelnemer meldt zich apart aan.
De uiterste aanmelddatum voor de individuele matchmaking is dinsdag 10 november. Na 10 november kunt u zich nog wel aanmelden voor de rest van het programma.
Let op: er kunnen maximaal 25 bedrijven deelnemen aan het onderdeel individuele matchmaking op maat. Aanmeldingen behandelen wij op volgorde van binnenkomst. Meldt u zich daarom snel aan.
Deelnemers kunnen ook zelf matchmakingafspraken inplannen via het virtuele b2match-platform. Voor deelname aan deze zogenaamde 'vrije matchmaking', inclusief deelname aan de webinars, kunt u zich inschrijven tot en met 9 december.
Wij vinden het belangrijk dat deelnemende bedrijven binnen de genoemde structuur en thematische focus van het programma vallen. Registratie betekent dus niet automatisch deelname aan deze missie.
De Nederlandse overheid vindt maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen belangrijk en onderschrijft de OESO-richtlijnen voor Multinationale Ondernemingen. Hierin zijn de MVO-normen voor internationaal actieve ondernemers vastgelegd.
Het naleven van deze OESO-richtlijnen is een van de voorwaarden om te kunnen deelnemen aan deze missie. Om te beoordelen of uw bedrijf of organisatie voldoet aan deze voorwaarden, vragen wij u bij aanmelding om een MVO-zelfscan in te vullen.
Heeft u nog vragen over deze virtuele missie? Neem dan contact op met:
Hanneke Bogaerts, projectleider virtuele missie Polen
E: hanneke.bogaerts@rvo.nl
De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) organiseert deze missie in nauwe samenwerking met het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en het Nederlandse postennetwerk in Polen.
Deze missie valt onder de vlag van de Nederlandse campagne 'Moving forwards together'. Wij geloven dat door gezamenlijk actie te ondernemen en onze ervaringen te delen, we beter voorbereid en meer verenigd naar buiten zullen komen.
Business OFFER from Portugal
A Portuguese policy management and engineering consultancy advises governments, businesses and industries in policy design and implementation, institutional technical assistance, concept and strategy planning, project design, implementation, construction and monitoring. They are looking for partners to establish services agreement for solutions in the fields of energy, water, waste, carbon and sustainability.
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
The Czech SME is focused on manufacturing, development and other services in the environmental area, where the company concentrates on technology supply and processing of biologically degradable waste and its further use. The Czech company is looking mainly for a partner that is able to sell its product on a foreign market using distribution agreement or a partner for realization specific parts of the project via subcontracting.
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company is developing and manufacturing air filters. The company produces filters for different industries, shelters, business premises, and sports halls. The company is selling most of its products in the EU markets and is looking for distributors involved in sale of filters to cooperate in form of distribution agreements.
Business OFFER from France
The French water engineering company is interested to expand their water related products abroad. The company proposes catalysis, UV-C equipment, filtration and innovative chemistry for reducing impact on environment, increase safety and hygiene. The French SME is looking for distributors in all countries for its tailor-made products for industrial water treatment : boilers, cooling towers, sterilization, cleaning, pulp and paper, manufacturing process and sanitary water.
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company is active in production of industrial filters for industrial dust collection and for different industrial applications. The company is looking for partners involved in sale or distribution of industrial filters to cooperate in form of distribution agreements.
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company with more than 15 years of experience in magnetic technology and manipulation and separation industry is looking for partners worldwide via distribution, commercial or outsourcing agreement for their pneumatic, electro magnets or magnetic systems.
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME has developed a new mice repellant product. It is an essential oil-based multi-sensory mouse repellent. It is non-toxic natural repellent, suitable for houses with pets and children. One example of the product is already on the market and consists of a complete line of standalone cardboard diffusers to fulfill all customers's needs. Licence, commercial with technical assistance agreements are sought for. Target countries mainly in Europe, second extra EU.
Research & Development REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish SME is looking for a European company to cooperate in an R&D project aiming at setting a series of demonstrative tests of Internet of Things (IoT) water devices. The proposal will be presented at SME Instrument Phase II call. The partner sought should be a facilitator for the implementation of the technology in several sites. After the project, the company should be interested in license or commercial agreement.
Technology OFFER from Italy
A SME from Northern Italy is developing innovative tools for resource management in agriculture through satellite data, by: developing of calculation tools for nutrient balance into crops management; design of database for the storage of farms management data; developing and validation of prescription maps and crops monitoring tools from satellite imagery. Partners are sought for research, technical or commercial cooperation with technical assistance; interested also in finding investors
Technology REQUEST from Greece
A medium-sized Greek company is active in the field of solid waste recycling. The company is looking for a suitable technology for removing labels from glass surfaces, under commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish engineering RD company created a patented technology for saving water at home or businesses using individual hot water heaters. After several years in the Spanish market, the company seeks companions for license or distribution agreements in European countries, USA and Canada.
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean SME is a laboratory company established in 2016 to develop effective environment industrial measurements. They developed the optical visibility meter with KRISS (Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science) in 2015. The company is open to commercial agreement with technical assistance for their advanced technology to be applied on the existing visibility meter.
Business REQUEST from Romania
The Romanian company is a leading electronic scrap recycling company, based in the North-West Region. The company purchases mixed computer scrap, motherboards scrap, cell phone boards scrap, PC scrap, for further sorting and recycling. The company is looking for electronic scrap suppliers under a services agreement.
Research & Development REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK research institute and water company are seeking a lead partner for H2020-SC5-04-2019, Building a water-smart economy and society. The research institute is home to one of the main centres for transdisciplinary water research in Europe and can contribute expertise in working with water industry, economics analyses, circular economy and nature-based solutions. The water company can provide access to demonstration sites in Scotland. A research partnership is envisioned.
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME has developed a novel solution able to detect harmful nano particles within the environment. Areas of potential application include aircraft cabin air monitoring, personal care product development, anti-terrorism and prevention to consumers/workers who may be exposed to harmful substances. Potential partners/ investors are sought to introduce the technology into global markets via financial, joint ventures and licensing agreements
Technology OFFER from Singapore
A Singapore educational and research institution has developed novel enhanced catalysts for sustainable liquid biofuels in the form of capsules by encapsulating syngas (synthesis gas)-to-liquid catalytically active species into a selective penetrable shell of zeolite materials, at approximately 99% of encapsulation efficiency. The institution is seeking licensing or research cooperation agreements with industrial MNEs or SMEs of all sizes.
Business OFFER from Portugal
A Portuguese policy management and engineering consultancy advises governments, businesses and industries in policy design and implementation, institutional technical assistance, concept and strategy planning, project design, implementation, construction and monitoring. They are looking for partners to establish services agreement for solutions in the fields of energy, water, waste, carbon and sustainability.
Business OFFER from Portugal
A Portuguese IT SME developed a business intelligent platform for maximum energy saving performance. To minimize electricity wastage due to lighting independently of usage and occupancy, this system continuously provides the right amount of light when and where needed.This SME is looking for financial, commercial agency or distribution services agreements in Brazil, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands or Luxembourg.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company has developed an interactive and effective solar photovoltaic kit for schools, colleges, universities and the solar industry to help demonstrate how the sun’s energy can be used to generate electricity. The company is looking for a distribution services agreement with established distributors with extensive experience and contacts in the education sector, or with schools, colleges, universities or solar utility companies.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company has developed an interactive and cost effective wind turbine kit for schools, colleges, universities and the wind power industry to help demonstrate how wind energy is used to generate electricity. The company is looking for a distribution services agreement with established distributors with extensive experience and contacts in the education sector, or with schools, colleges, universities or wind power utilities companies.
Business REQUEST from Germany
A German engineering and consulting company with focus on deep geothermal energy, deep drilling technology and special machinery design offers distribution service and commercial agency agreements in German language regions.
Business OFFER from Finland
Founded in 2011, the Finnish company is specialized in the design and manufacturing of special LED work lights. The company is continuously developing new products taking into account the improvement of the lighting conditions in the working environment. The partnership agreement envisaged by the company is a distribution services agreement in France, Germany, Spain and UK. The partner must have knowledge of the sector in which the Finnish company’s products has applications.
Business OFFER from Turkey
Turkish company is active, since 1992, producing PVC granules and Halogen Free Retardant (HFFR) formulated with advanced technology for injection and extrusion applications. Their facility is located in Tekirdag province where is 200 km away to the Turkey's European border. The potential partner could be manufacturer of cable, PVC windows or companies that use PVC granules as raw material. The company looks for a subcontracting or/and manufacturing agreement.
Technology OFFER from France
A French start-up company has developed and patented a gauge used in fuel tanks which is connected to a web platform allowing new services for an optimisation of logistics and customer relationship management. It is helping fuel/liquids suppliers or collectors to improve their business model by offering new services. In order to expand in Europe, it is now looking for partners in the field fuel/liquids distribution for a commercial agreement with technical support
Technology OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian research institute offers a method for rapid deposition of uniformly distributed and vertically oriented carbon nanowalls (CNW). The method provides industrially relevant deposition rates of the carbon nanowalls, synthesis is highly controllable and scalable to large surfaces. Companies from the field of fuel cells, photovoltaic devices, lithium ion batteries and sensors of specific gaseous molecules are sought for license agreement.
Technology OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian company with more than 12 years of experience in the R&D of light-emitting diode (LED) products and technologies has developed innovative lamps intended for heavy duty applications. They can operate in harsh conditions and have integrated thermal, bypass and over-voltage protection, long lifespan and high luminosity. The company seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance with companies in the lighting sector, interested in the implementation of this product.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
This successful UK designer and manufacturer of steam and hot water boiling solutions for industrial use has developed a successful range of made-to-measure products for a wide range of sectors. The range of products includes industrial biomass, heat recovery and waste boilers designed ultimately for fuel efficiency. The company is now looking to expand into new territories and is looking for experienced overseas agents in the industrial manufacturing sector.
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish engineering RD company created a patented technology for saving water at home or businesses using individual hot water heaters. After several years in the Spanish market, the company seeks companions for license or distribution agreements in European countries, USA and Canada.
Research & Development REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish research centre is preparing a proposal for the call H2020 DT-FoF-06-2019 aimed to develop, test, demonstrate and market uptake of an innovative solution for extending the lifespan of large industrial equipment at least a 20%, increasing the return on investment from major machinery. The partner sought is a (big, European) industry that uses large industrial equipment and its role in the project will be to pilot the developed solution.
Research & Development REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK research institute and water company are seeking a lead partner for H2020-SC5-04-2019, Building a water-smart economy and society. The research institute is home to one of the main centres for transdisciplinary water research in Europe and can contribute expertise in working with water industry, economics analyses, circular economy and nature-based solutions. The water company can provide access to demonstration sites in Scotland. A research partnership is envisioned.
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian private researcher designed and patented an innovative system to optimize the use of gas turbine to produce electricity, or pure hydrogen and oxygen. The researcher is looking for companies active in gas turbine production or hydrogen and oxygen production, interested in testing and engineering the innovation under manufacturing agreement or for research centers specialized in energy efficiency willing to further test and develop the idea under a research cooperation agreement.
Business : Leading Polish producer of air humidification systems is looking for distribution services, manufacturing, subcontracting and joint venture agreements
Business OFFER from Poland Leading and experienced Polish producer of industrial air humidification systems offering dust and electrostatic voltage eliminating systems, systems eliminating the risk of explosion and adiabatic cooling systems is looking for cooperation partners such as agents and distributors familiar with heating, ventilation, air conditioning branch to enter new markets in Europe and beyond. The company is also ready to operate as manufacturer or subcontractor and take part in a joint venture. |
Technology : Specialist geo-information system for data integration and mining Technology OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian University of Dnepr city offers a software product for monitoring of mineral resources, environmental conditions, forecasting of seismically hazardous events. Advantages - complex processing of various spatial data, operate on Windows, user-friendly interface with built-in hint system. The university is looking for companies for commercial agreement with technical assistance and R&D Institutions for technical cooperation agreement in geological exploration and mineral mining. |
Technology : A Portuguese research group is offering their large-scale cyclic triaxial load testing system Technology OFFER from Portugal A Portuguese group specialised on the characterization of road, airport and railway materials, aggregates, bituminous binders, bituminous mixtures and materials treated with cement and non-traditional binders offers its large-scale triaxial device. They are open to establish a research and technical cooperation agreement with the industry, universities or R&D institutions, seeking for expertise on characterization of bound and unbound granular materials for infrastructures layers. |
Research & Development : Horizon 2020/ MSCA: Researcher in optoelectronics /photonic sought Research & Development REQUEST from Germany A German precision engineering company is looking for a researcher in optoelectronics/ photonic with technical skills for the development of remote sensing devices to detect the speed of particles and objects based on the companies patented core technology. The aim is to commonly apply for a MSCA Individual Fellowship grant under Horizon 2020 (MSCA-IF-2018). |
Business : Portable vehicle wash water recovery and wash and refueling containment pad offered for distribution Business OFFER from Netherlands Dutch specialist in the development, design and production of water treatment and management systems has developed an innovative portable vehicle wash water recovery system and wash and refueling containment pad. The system is easy to install, mobile and modular, and suitable for heavy traffic loads. The company is offering a distribution agreement or commercial agency agreement to companies with expertise in water treatment and containment and mobile facilities. |
Business : Romanian company, producer of environmental systems for monitoring of air quality, is looking for distributors and agents. Business OFFER from Romania A Romanian IT and communications company developed a range of environmental systems for monitoring air quality. Their innovative solutions contribute significantly to a healthier environment, monitoring indoor and outdoor air quality. The company seeks distributors or commercial agents from the environmental sector. |
Technology : Innovative system to monitor, predict and control algae with the use of ultrasound in many large water surfaces such as lakes, ponds, and drinking water reservoirs. Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch manufacturer has developed an innovative system to monitor, predict and control algae (including the toxic blue-green algae) with the use of ultrasound in many large water surfaces such as lakes, ponds and drinking water reservoirs. The manufacturer is offering a commercial agency agreement with technical assistance to companies active in the water sector. |
Business : Chillers for commercial air conditioning or process temperature control - for cooperation under distribution services agreement Business OFFER from Israel An Israeli SME specializing in development, manufacturing, service and marketing chiller systems offers an innovative chiller system for comfort cooling industry. Advantages include minimal operating costs at high energy efficiency, minimal environmental impact, extreme reliability and safety. The company is looking for specialists / companies in the electro-mechanical field in Greece and Cyprus to cooperate under distribution services agreement. |
Technology : An Italian company offer an innovative technology: thermal bridge system for aluminum frames Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company, specialized in the development of new technologies for aluminium windows, is interested to contact foreign manufacturers of windows for commercial agreements with technical assistance or license agreements. The company developed an innovative thermal bridge system capable to maximize energy efficiency, environmental performance, reduce the CO2 emission. Partner can be from any country. |
Business : A Turkish SME developing smart control systems for clean environment is looking for commercial agency agreements and distribution services agreement Business OFFER from Turkey The SME based in Turkey is specialized in single integrated smart control systems regarding, namely; infrastructure and geosolutions. They offer commercial agency agreements and distribution services agreements with utility companies. |
Technology : Solar hybrid (photovoltaic and thermal) panels with increased energy production Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish company works in the development of solar hybrid panels for the solar energy sector. The company has developed and commercialized its second-generation PVT (photovoltaic-thermal) panel that produces thermal and electrical energy on the same module. The company is looking for partners to sign a commercial agreement with technical assistance, research agreement or technical cooperation agreement for its commercialisation and/or the continuous improvement of the panels. |