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woensdag 11 november 2020

Virtuele editie CES 2021: 'Tech Solutions for Global Challenges'

 Bron: RVO Website

Heeft u een technologische innovatieve oplossing voor een wereldwijde uitdaging? Bent u klaar voor de internationale markt en zoekt u wereldwijde aandacht voor uw product? Doe dan van 11 tot en met 14 januari 2021 mee aan de digitale editie van CES 2021, de 'global stage for innovation' en meest invloedrijke technologiebeurs ter wereld.

CES is dé plek waar 's werelds meest vooraanstaande (tech)bedrijven zakendoen, nieuwe partners ontmoeten en inspiratie opdoen.

CES 2021

Al meer dan 50 jaar is CES het internationale podium voor innovatie. Het is de ideale plek voor het lanceren van nieuwe producten. Daarnaast verbindt deze beurs de belangrijkste spelers in de tech-industrie met potentiële klanten, marketing- en ontwikkelingspartners, distributeurs, en media.

Digitale editie

Dit jaar vindt de CES volledig digitaal plaats. Door deelname aan CES kunt u uw innovatieve product etaleren, maar zeker ook valideren en waardevolle feedback krijgen voor de verbetering van uw product. CES 2021 is de beste conferentie om uw product te testen voordat u het internationaal op de markt brengt. Bovendien komt u in contact met nieuwe klanten en investeerders en u genereert (internationale) exposure voor uw organisatie en product. Tot slot kunt u keynotes en thema-specifieke sessies bijwonen.

Nederlands Paviljoen 'Tech Solutions for Global Challenges'

Voor CES 2021 zetten we in op het organiseren van een digitaal Nederlands paviljoen dat in het teken staat van 'Tech Solutions for Global Challenges'. Hier presenteren we – in samenhang – een groep bedrijven en kennisinstellingen die leidend zijn in een van de onderstaande thema's:

  • energy transition & climate change; 
  • security & resilience;
  • smart cities & smart mobility;
  • future of work;
  • sustainability & circularity;
  • artificial intelligence (AI) & big data;
  • medtech & healthtech.

Er is een beperkt aantal plekken beschikbaar. Daarom gaat de voorkeur uit naar start-ups, scale-ups en mkb-bedrijven die oplossingen bieden voor de genoemde thema's.

Voor wie

Deelname aan het Nederlands Paviljoen staat open voor organisaties die goedkeuring hebben van beursorganisatie CTA en voldoen aan onderstaande criteria:

  • passend binnen een door CTA bepaald interessegebied;
  • technologie met de potentie om bij te dragen aan het oplossen van een 'global challenge';
  • product of dienst is innovatief en potentieel baanbrekend;
  • product of dienst is niet langer dan 12 maanden voor CES 2021 in de markt gezet of zal zeer binnenkort gelanceerd worden;
  • product is beschikbaar om gedemonstreerd te worden met een functionerend businessmodel;
  • ambitie om op korte termijn internationaal op te schalen.

Ervaringen eerdere edities

Nederland heeft de afgelopen 4 jaar met groeiend succes deelgenomen aan CES. Tijdens eerdere missies deden 50 start-ups mee in een eigen paviljoen, het 'Holland Tech Square'. Een Nederlandse start-up die deelnam in 2019 heeft zelfs door deelname een investering van € 10 miljoen opgehaald van een grote Nederlandse investeerder.

Nederlandse sucCESstory's

Sound Energy werd door Forbes aangemerkt als een van de 10 grootste doorbraaktechnologieën op CES2019. In 2020 won Hydraloop 3 innovatieprijzen in verschillende categorieën. Daarnaast ging de start-up er ook nog eens vandoor met de hoofdprijs: 'Best of the Best'. Dit gaf Hydraloop veel internationale media-aandacht. Ook werd het bedrijf opgenomen in toplijstjes van Time Magazine en Newsweek.

2 oud-deelnemers aan het woord

Incision: "We found a hardware partner that makes head mounted stereoscopic cameras to film our procedures. Made contact with investors and accelerators for potential cash injection."

Ninthway - Care Watch: "CES really put us in the spotlights and opened doors. We gained trust by other parties. As a result we sealed a deal with municipality Emmen to set up a big pilot project."

Training en coaching

Om Nederlandse deelnemers te begeleiden met het meeste uit hun deelname te halen, organiseren we in de weken voorafgaand aan de CES, diverse digitale prep-events en coachingsessies. Dit organiseren wij in samenwerking met partners zoals NovelT, Yes!Delft, High Tech XL en het Nederlandse consulaat-generaal in San Francisco.

Daarnaast krijgen deelnemers, voortbouwend op eerdere succesvolle missies, ook toegang tot individuele coaching. Deelnemers worden in dit traject voorbereid op hun deelname aan CES. Er is aandacht voor onder andere online pitch- en mediatraining. Verder zijn er 'investor readiness workshops' en sessies over 'how to hack CES' met oud CES-deelnemers en andere experts. Tot slot krijgt u tips & tricks over internationaliseren naar en zakendoen in de VS.


Deelname kost € 250 per organisatie (maximaal 2 deelnemers per organisatie). Bij meer dan 2 deelnemers betaalt u € 125 per extra deelnemer.

Inbegrepen is deelname aan de digitale prep-events en een bezoekerspas aan de digitale CES-beurs. U krijgt toegang tot een platform met verschillende virtuele programmaonderdelen, inclusief 30 dagen toegang tot de digitale CES (tot 14 februari).

Deelnemen als exposant

Wilt u deelnemen aan de CES als exposant? Schrijf u dan in bij de CTA, de organisator van de CES. Deelname kost $ 1.500 per individuele exposant ($ 1.300 voor CTA-leden). Lees meer over deelnemen als exposant. Voor deze kosten komt u mogelijk in aanmerking voor een subsidie-arrangement. Lees meer over de voorwaarden en spelregels voor het inzetten van de SIB-missievoucher.


Meld u aan voor deelname. De uiterste aanmelddatum is vrijdag 6 november.

Let op: elke deelnemer schrijft zich apart in.

Wij vinden het belangrijk dat deelnemende organisaties goed binnen de genoemde opzet en inhoudelijke focus van deze digitale missie vallen. Aanmelding (en de automatische ontvangstbevestiging hiervan) betekent niet automatisch deelname aan de missie. Na sluiting van de aanmeldperiode ontvangt u een definitieve bevestiging van deelname.

Meer weten?

Heeft u nog vragen over de Nederlandse deelname aan CES? Neem dan contact op met:

Celeste Flores-Uijtewaal
T: 06 1516 0093


Maurits Berger
T: 06 2564 1019


De Consumer Technology Association (CTA) organiseert de digitale CES 2021. De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) verzorgt de Nederlandse inzending, in samenwerking met het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, het consulaat-generaal in San Francisco en andere publieke en private partners.

Over de CES

CES heeft zich in de afgelopen 50 jaar ontwikkeld tot de grootste en meest brede technologiebeurs ter wereld. Jaarlijks exposeren meer dan 4.400 bedrijven, waaronder fabrikanten, ontwikkelaars en leveranciers van hardware voor consumententechnologie, content en technologie-afleveringssystemen.

In afgelopen edities bezochten meer dan 180.000 bezoekers uit 160 landen, de beurs. Kijk voor meer informatie over de Consumer Electronic Show op de website van CES.

Moving forwards together

Deze missie valt onder de vlag van de Nederlandse campagne 'Moving forwards together'. Wij geloven dat door gezamenlijk actie te ondernemen en onze ervaringen te delen, we beter voorbereid en meer verenigd naar buiten zullen komen.

vrijdag 15 december 2017

Ondernemers op zoek naar samenwerking thema: Protecting Man and Environment d.d. 15 december 2017


In dit bericht staan de meest nieuwe samenwerkingsvoorstellen van innovatieve ondernemers uit voornamelijk Europa die zijn opgenomen in de databank van Enterprise Europe Network, gepubliceerd op 15 december 2017. Deze ondernemers zijn op zoek naar internationale partners voor samenwerking, innovatie en handel.
Het Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit circa 70 aangesloten landen met sterke zakelijke netwerken in de regio. De dienstverlening is veelal kosteloos vanuit financiering door de Europese Unie. In Nederland wordt dit netwerk onder andere door de KvK en RVO uitgevoerd.
De onderstaande profielen betreffen innovatieve technologieën en producten waarbij wordt gezocht naar internationale zakenpartners voor samenwerking en hebben tot doel het versnellen van de innovatie en time to market. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de samenwerkingsvoorstellen kunt u krijgen door op de link te klikken van het betreffende profiel. Na registratie op de website kunt u uw interesse kenbaar maken en wordt dit opgepakt door mijn collega's. Profielen bevatten handelsvoorstellen, technologische samenwerkingen of onderzoeksprogramma's.


Technology : Method of recuperative treatment of the zinc ion from residual solutions
Technology OFFER from Romania
A research team from a Romanian university has invented and patented a method of recuperative treatment of the zinc ions from residual solutions, method that has the advantage of establishing optimum conditions of cleaning solutions containing compounds of zinc waste. The research team is looking for industrial partners interested in license agreements and technical cooperation agreements.

Technology : Dewatering of waste water sludge and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) reduction technology in waste water
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch technology centre for sales and service of centrifuges is offering a centrifugal extractor and vertical centrifuges for dewatering waste water sludge and separate waste water flows. The technology can be applied in municipal-, and industrial waste water treatment facilities. The company offers a commercial agreement with technical assistance to experienced partners with a complementary product portfolio in various countries in Europe.

Technology : On-site water diagnostic kit to detect microbiological contamination
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK South West SME with expertise in water quality has developed an on-site diagnostic water testing system which accurately and reliably detects and quantifies E coli contamination in water. It is in an advanced testing and prototyping phase, with batch production tooling completed and assembly processes in place. The company seeks partners to support further research & development and launch the technology on global markets based on a joint-venture, licence or financial agreement.

Technology : A French start-up that designs bioconversion units is looking for partners to launch pilot-projects
Technology OFFER from France
A French start-up designs a bioconversion equipment. This is an insect refinery transforming bio-waste into animal feed coupled with a wastewater phytopurification system. This equipment could bring economic solution for agro producers in area where animal and vegetal proteins are currently imported. The SME supports the users to achieve the profitability of the equipment. It is looking for partners to help it to launch pilot-projects under a financial, joint-venture or research agreement.

Technology : Regeneration Technology for Used Industrial Oils - Cost Saving - Circular Economy
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
A Czech SME active in ecology and recycling of waste has developed cost efficient technology for regeneration of used industrial oils. The technology is 4 - 5 times cheaper at regenerating oil compared with currently known methods, is TUV certified and complies with relevant EU standards. The regeneration unit is available both in stationary and mobile versions. The company is looking for operators of machinery or recycling companies for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Technology : Italian insects farming using renewable energy for chemical, agro, pharma and pet care applications
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian innovative startup, active in the biotechnology sector, is breeding insects into a pilot plant to create a production network which could satisfy economic, environmental and social needs with a high sustainability. The system will produce, via extraction from insects, molecules which will be used in the agriculture, chemical and industrial sector. The startup is looking for investments in the form of joint venture or financial agreement.

Technology : Italian company offers low-cost, custom sensors for process control in chemical, food processing, paper and water industry
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company has developed an innovative method of chemical sensing & process control; the devices are flexible, modular and lead to a more efficient process control at a lower cost. The company seeks industry partners in food processing, paper, metal treatment, chemical or water treatment. Technical/research cooperation agreement is envisaged, as well as commercial agreement with technical assistance or joint venture agreement to companies willing to apply and adapt the technology.

Business : Dutch company that produces and sells organic filter materials for biological odour treatment is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch developer of organic filters that can be used as a last step in the reduction and control of odour is looking for distributors. The filters make use of bacteria to breakdown harmful gases into harmless substances. The filters can be applied at slaughterhouses, rendering plants for animal waste, composting plants, agricultural facilities, waste water treatment plants and fish processing plant (fish meal). Cooperation is offered in the framework of a distribution services agreement.

Business : An Israeli manufacturer of Oil-on-Water detection and monitoring systems for process control and environmental protection is looking for distributors.
Business OFFER from Israel
An Israeli company specializes in solutions for early detection & monitoring of oil leaks and spills for various industries. They offer an innovative product for process control and environmental protection. Advantages include high detection quality, no false alarms under harsh conditions, no sensitivity to oil coating etc. Looking for commercial agency, distribution services & services agreement.

Technology : A UK company offers a novel pump to boost solar syphons in Cyprus and elsewhere
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A small UK company has developed and successfully commercialised a water boosting device in the UK which is uniquely suited to boosting solar syphons (and other domestic and industrial applications). It seeks enthusiastic business partners to jointly exploit this unique product, through commercial agreements with technical assistance, followed by manufacturing under license.

Technology : First 3D time of flight (ToF) camera with the capability to record underwater
Technology OFFER from Austria
An Austrian SME has developed a prototype for a 3D ToF camera system to classify and track objects under water. High recording speed allows fast moving objects to be captured or to map underwater structures. The system can be mounted on any installations and equipment including unmanned vehicles. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance Alternatively a technical or a research cooperation is possible to further develop the technology in (research) projects.

Technology : Colorimetric sensor for detecting formaldehyde
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish university has developed a new and environmentally friendly colorimetric sensor for detection of formaldehyde. It can be used in sensing devices for personal protection systems in various industrial sectors that generate formaldehyde. Researchers are seeking industrial or research partners to license the patent for manufacturing or reach technical cooperation or research agreements to carry out new developments.

Business : A French SME offering algae-based fertilizers is looking for distributors worldwide
Business OFFER from France
A French company, located in Brittany, is specialized in sustainable marine biotechnologies. The SME develops, produces and distributes fertilizers with original active ingredients for the agriculture markets. These fertilizers are made up active ingredients extracted from rigorously selected Seaweeds. The SME offers a range of seaweed-based bio stimulant products and is looking for commercial partners abroad to disseminate the innovative products under distribution services agreements.

Technology : A Polish start-up is developing an innovative solution for real-time monitoring and control of industrial refrigerating systems. Commercial agreement with technical assistance, research cooperation agreement or financial agreement is considered.
Technology OFFER from Poland
A start-up company from Poland working on an innovative solution for real-time monitoring and control of industrial refrigerating systems would like to conclude a commercial agreement with technical assistance, a research cooperation or a financial agreement. The client is interested in further testing of the developed solution and introducing it to the international market. The system will monitor the status of the refrigerating equipment and allow to control leakages of harmful substances.

Research & Development : A Greek university would like to cooperate with companies who are interested to host post-graduate researchers for semestrial training under funded Erasmus+ project (EU programme for Education , Training , Youth and Sport 2014-2020)
Research & Development REQUEST from Greece
A university and a research centre in Greece are looking for companies to host researchers of a post-graduate programme on bio-entrepreneurship for training under a funded ERASMUS+ project. The companies should have expertise in research in the fields of life sciences, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics diagnostics or food. Students should be hosted by the research & development or marketing/business planning departments. Trainee costs will be covered by the project.

Business : Italian multi-certified service company globally active in the oil & gas, environment and the asbestos fields is offering its services, also as a subcontractor.
Business OFFER from Italy
An Italian multi-certified company specialized in engineering, consultancy, industrial plants reclamation and revamping, contaminated sites remediation, site assessment, emergency containment and recovery, demolition and decontamination, asbestos removal, industrial maintenance and waste management, is offering its services and looking for partners in terms of a subcontractor agreement.

Technology : Established Slovak research centre is offering pheromone insect traps suitable for capturing bark and wood boring beetles with the purpose of monitoring and inspection of forest protection
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
Established Slovak research centre has developed highly effective pheromone insect traps suitable for capturing bark and wood boring beetles with the purpose of monitoring and inspection of forest protection. The pheromone trap is available in two different shape variants, both providing high quality of collected samples, and 20 - 30% increase in collecting efficiency compared to currently available technologies.The centre seeks companies interested in financial agreement or licensing agreement.

Technology : A novel cost effective, time saving and easy to use fluid dynamics simulation product usable for a broad application range from automotive industry to environmental issues.
Technology OFFER from Austria
An Austrian SME developed a novel Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software product for simulation of air- and water flows and any other kind of liquids. Investment costs are 60 and annual costs 5 times lower compared to existing products. Simultaneously simulations are implemented easier with less expenditure of time and preciser results can be generated. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance and for technical or research cooperation agreements

Technology : New ecological technology to remove copper from lead with the application of aluminium and its alloys.
Technology OFFER from Poland
A Polish research institute has developed a new ecological technology to remove copper from lead, which is the alternative for the sulfur method which is currently used in the non-ferrous metallurgy. Other technologies incorporating sulfur for lead decoppering have several disadvantages that can be eliminated by this new technology. The institute is looking for partners who are interested in cooperation based on licence agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

De voordelen voor u om gebruik te maken van het Enterprise Europe Network zijn onder andere;
  • Snelle en makkelijke toegang tot nieuwe technologieën en handel,
  • Veelal gratis dienstverlening vanuit funding uit de Europese Unie,
  • Minder risico in ontwikkelingstrajecten voor producten en technologieën,
  • Versnellen van de innovatie en "Time to Market",
  • Vergroten van het afzetgebied naar andere landen,
  • Vinden van nieuwe zakencontacten via een warme netwerk introductie,
  • Begeleiding en support bij het leggen van de eerste contacten,
  • Deelname aan matchmaking programma's op diverse beurzen,
  • Neem direct contact op met de adviseur in uw vakgebied HIER.
  • Kijk HIER waar u kunt deelnemen op beurzen waarbij onze diensten worden aangeboden.

vrijdag 1 december 2017

Ondernemers op zoek naar samenwerking thema: Protecting Man and Environment d.d. 1 december 2017


In dit bericht staan de meest nieuwe samenwerkingsvoorstellen van innovatieve ondernemers uit voornamelijk Europa die zijn opgenomen in de databank van Enterprise Europe Network, gepubliceerd op 1 november 2017. Deze ondernemers zijn op zoek naar internationale partners voor samenwerking, innovatie en handel.
Het Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit circa 70 aangesloten landen met sterke zakelijke netwerken in de regio. De dienstverlening is veelal kosteloos vanuit financiering door de Europese Unie. In Nederland wordt dit netwerk onder andere door de KvK en RVO uitgevoerd.
De onderstaande profielen betreffen innovatieve technologieën en producten waarbij wordt gezocht naar internationale zakenpartners voor samenwerking en hebben tot doel het versnellen van de innovatie en time to market. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de samenwerkingsvoorstellen kunt u krijgen door op de link te klikken van het betreffende profiel. Na registratie op de website kunt u uw interesse kenbaar maken en wordt dit opgepakt door mijn collega's. Profielen bevatten handelsvoorstellen, technologische samenwerkingen of onderzoeksprogramma's
De voordelen voor u om gebruik te maken van het Enterprise Europe Network zijn onder andere;
  • Snelle en makkelijke toegang tot nieuwe technologieën en handel,
  • Minder risico in ontwikkelingstrajecten voor producten en technologieën,
  • Versnellen van de innovatie en "Time to Market",
  • Vergroten van het afzetgebied naar andere landen,
  • Vinden van nieuwe zakencontacten via een warme netwerk introductie,
  • Begeleiding en support bij het leggen van de eerste contacten,
  • Deelname aan matchmaking programma's op diverse beurzen,
  • Neem direct contact op met de adviseur in uw vakgebied HIER.
  • Kijk HIER waar u kunt deelnemen op beurzen waarbij onze diensten worden aangeboden.


Business : Distributors sought for an online sensor system for continuous, real-time, quality monitoring and early warning in water distribution networks
Business OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company has developed an online sensor technology for real-time monitoring of water quality in water supply systems. The system is designed for use as a high-density detection system throughout a distribution network. The technology is based on a unique, patented, integrated optical chip. The Dutch company is offering a distribution services- or a commercial agency agreement to industrial- or engineering companies with expertise in the water sector (drinking water or wastewater).

Business : Italian designer and manufacturer of exhaust gas purification systems for diesel and gas-powered engines is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian company with over 30 years experience in designing and manufacturing gas purification systems for diesel and gas-powered engines is looking for distributors. Main production lines include: oxidation and three-way catalysts, Carbon high pressure(CHP) catalysts, particulate filters, exhaust gas purifiers and accessories. These products are widely used for industrial vehicles, such as: forklift trucks, gen-sets, heavy goods vehicles, earth moving machinery and processing machinery.

Business : Portuguese SME active in telemetry and Machine to Machine solutions for the Oil&Gas market, improving efficiency, logistics and processes being an international reference in real time remote monitoring solutions looks for trade intermediary sevices
Business OFFER from Portugal
Portuguese SME specialized in telemetry and Machine to Machine solutions for the Oil&Gas (O&G) market, improving efficiency, logistics and processes for O&G, dedicated to software and hardware, and provision of services looks for partners for distribution services agreement, services agreements, commercial agency agreements and subcontracting. This portuguese company is an international reference in real time remote monitoring solutions, with more than 100.000 telemetry units installed.

Technology : Multi-purpose miniaturized wireless device fully customizable for Internet of Things systems
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian startup has developed a multi-purpose miniaturized (~25 mm2) device that operates completely wireless. Both communication and charging are wireless. This product can be used in a wide range of applications, especially in the Internet of Things systems, such as environmental data collection, especially in extreme climates or out-of-reach places. The startup is willing to negotiate licence agreements to commercialize the product or research cooperations to further develop it.

Technology : An alternative total solution to mine water and mine spoil remediation
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
An East of England company has developed a range of media for permanently binding metal ions in contaminated waters. The medium is in itself safe and easy to use. It is recyclable and re-usable and has successfully remediated sites of very different pH and pollution levels. Mine owners are sought globally for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Technology : Livestock feeders made of antibacterial polymer concrete
Technology OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian SME has developed a novel antibacterial polymer concrete that can be used for producing livestock feeders and drinking troughs. The company is looking for possible extensive cooperation particularly in the field of pig and cattle feeders manufacturing including partners interested in licensing the technology and manufacturing antibacterial livestock feeders.

Technology : Method and device for recovery and retention of carbon dioxide (CO2) out of exhaust gas of combustion engines
Technology OFFER from Germany
German scientists developed a method and device for thermodynamic separation of carbon dioxide (CO2) out of combustion fumes. A prototype is available. Manufacturer of combustion engines or combustion plants are sought for further development and/or license agreement.

Technology : Production of cyclodextrin polymers at industrial scale to encapsulate textile dyes
Technology REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish technological centre has developed a process to recover the dyes from the waste water of textile industries encapsulating them in cyclodextrins. A semi-industrial scale pilot plant has been set up and currently they look for partners capable of producing cyclodextrins polymers in the amount needed to be used as adsorbent at industrial textile scale. A technical cooperation agreement with the industrial partner is foreseen, and then a manufacturing agreement with end-user industries.

Technology : Innovative plant technology for water disinfection based on mixed disinfectant (sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide)
Technology OFFER from Serbia
A Serbian company developed an innovative water disinfection plants with dosing systems producing disinfection solution based on combination of sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide on place of consumption from common salt. The advantage is production of chlorine dioxide from common salt without toxin. The company seeks partners from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania, and Austria interested in commercial with technical assistance, licensing and/or joint venture agreement.

Technology : Effective biological treatment of contaminated soil. Looking for partners.
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli company specialising in soil & ground water remediation has developed a new hub for biological treatment of contaminated soil. Advantages over the existing technologies include highly customized fast complete biodegradation process even for the wastes "difficult to decompose". The process results in no gas / odour / dust emissions. Looking for joint venture, license & services agreement.

Business : Looking for partner to produce animal feed from human food wastes via recycling factory establishment
Business OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME, which specialises in processing human food wastes turning it mainly into animal feed as animal feed substance. Advantages over current methods include innovative cost-efficient rational use of the human food wastes followed by providing the market with the resulting animal feed, also environmental friendliness etc. Looking for reciprocal production and joint venture agreements.

Technology : Innovative technology for the production of slabs with a high efficiency in the reduction of pollutants in the air we breathe
Technology OFFER from Spain
Spanish company located in the north and dedicated to the production of different kind of slabs, but with an innovative technology that reduces the pollution of the air. The slabs have a superficial layer with photocatalysts and enhancers which are activated by luminous radiation which produces an oxidation of the main pollutants. They are looking for manufacturing companies interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Technology : Dewatering of waste water sludge and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) reduction technology in waste water
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch technology centre for sales and service of centrifuges is offering a centrifugal extractor and vertical centrifuges for dewatering waste water sludge and separate waste water flows. The technology can be applied in municipal-, and industrial waste water treatment facilities. The company offers a commercial agreement with technical assistance to experienced partners with a complementary product portfolio in various countries in Europe.

Technology : Strong sewing thread made of compostable material
Technology REQUEST from Switzerland
A Swiss company has launched its first compostable clothing line. In order to achieve compostability for a piece of clothing, the guidelines for design and production are very strict. As a consequence of these guidelines, the company is looking for a sewing thread with the strength and properties of polyester. The company is seeking partners who have the know-how for this kind of sewing thread. Commercial, technical or research agreements could be possible.

Technology : Hourly weather history worldwide for any point on land and sea, since 1985, with full range of weather parameters and no gaps
Technology OFFER from Switzerland
Swiss company offers high precision hourly weather history data worldwide for any point on land and sea since 1985. Full range of parameters (temperature, humidity, wind, etc.). Data based on high precision simulations, which have been validated on >10,000 locations. Data is suitable for renewable energy assessment, building management, climate risk analysis, tourism, etc. Commercial agreement with technical assistance, license- or research cooperation agreement sought.

Technology : A cost-effective and environmentally friendly technology for shore protection and stabilization
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
Ukrainian scientists developed a cost-effective and environmentally friendly technology for shore protection and stabilization based on the maintenance of ecosystem biodiversity as well as the ability of aquatic environment to self-purify.The developers seek collaborative partners (industry or academic) to adapt the technology to specific needs.They are looking for technical or research cooperation

Business : German inventor offers an innovative, back-ventilated house plinth system for franchise or license agreements
Business OFFER from Germany
A German inventor is specialized in the construction and installation of house sidings and holds a licence on a house plinth system which can be delivered in many different settings. The aluminium-based system can be customized in matters like colour, condition and technical installments, e.g. back-ventilation. It can also serve as an advertising panel. The inventor is looking for commercial agreements concerning a license or a franchise partnership.

Technology : German SME offers new technology for biogas production using cyanobacteria
Technology OFFER from Germany
The R&D-performing SME from Berlin working in the field of biogas production, developed a technology which enables the innovative and decentralised production of biogas by cyanobacterial biofilms using only CO2 and sunlight. The company is looking for research and/or technical cooperation agreement for further development and implementation of their technology.

Business : Russian producer of organic fertilizers is looking for agents and distributors.
Business OFFER from Russian Federation
The Russian company specializes in industrial processing of organic poultry and animal wastes obtaining organic fertilizers is searching for partners abroad to conclude distribution services, commercial agency agreements.

Business : Distributors sought for iron supplement to improve bee colony health and prevent colony losses in Spain, Italy and Greece
Business OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company has developed an iron supplement that can be administered to the bees, from July (decrease of honey production) until late October (before winter), but also during the season. Trials in twelve countries between 2011 and 2015 showed that iron has several beneficial effects on bee colonies, such as a low to very low winter mortality and strong colonies after the winter. The company is offering a distribution services agreement to beekeeping supply shops in Spain, Italy and Greece.

Technology : German company offers innovative technology for exploration process for oil, gas, mining and geothermal industry
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German company from Berlin active in the field of sensing of natural resources offers research or technical cooperation agreement on innovative sensing technology for gaining subsurface data for oil, gas, minig and geothermal industry. The new technology is able to generate geological data from satelite and aerial image processing to make exploraition more efficient and cost-saving.

Technology : Production and installation of systems for liquid radioactive waste treatment
Technology OFFER from Armenia
An Armenian company engaged in designing and fabrication of systems for treatment of liquid radioactive waste has constructed a unit for neutralization of liquid radioactive waste,which was successfully tested in Armenian nuclear power plant. Such units can be used also in nuclear ships, nuclear reactors, etc. Partners are sought for further commercial use/manufacturing. The company is looking for joint venture, research cooperation, as well as manufacturing/technical cooperation agreements.

Technology : Firefighting drones
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian inventor has developed a firefighting system based on drones for launching extinguishing fluid over remote areas affected by wildfires and difficult to be accessed by fire engines and firefighting aircrafts. The inventor is looking for a license agreement.

Business : Dutch developer of a preventive and temporary measure against flooding and water damage is looking for business partners
Business OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME has developed an innovative barrier for flood protection. The flexible barrier is specifically designed for ever changing weather circumstances at local level. The reusable barrier can be set up as pop-up dam in rivers, streams, ponds, brooks and canals situations where there is a high flood risk. The company is offering a distribution services agreement, commercial agency agreement or a manufacturing agreement to partners with expertise in flood management.

Technology : Optimization of fluids properties intended for cooling and lubricating
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
A Czech university research team has optimized properties of the fluids used for cooling and lubricating during machining processes. The solution offered is based on using natural nanoparticles in order to inhibit growth and reproduction of bacteria in order to increase the friction and anti-adhesion fluid attributes. Scientists are looking for partners manufacturing coolants and lubricants interested in production of such improved fluids under a license agreement.

Technology : Online flow cytometer for fast detection of fecal contamination in water resources
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish research institute has developed an online measurement system for early and fast detection of fecal contamination in water resources by using Escherichia coli (E.coli) as indicator bacteria. The system does not need to cultivate bacteria to measure. The concentration is given directly after measuring and can be communicated online. They are now looking for instrument developers and product owners to engage in further development of the system and commercialization.

Business : A French manufacturer of public restrooms is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from France
A French manufacturer of restrooms for public places is looking for new distributors in Europe. Automatic systems and aesthetic designs are well mastered by this company, who counts hundreds of satisfied customers around Europe. Distribution services agreements are sought.

Technology : Advanced system made of low cost components to monitor environmental variables.
Technology OFFER from Spain
Spanish research center offers license agreement and technical cooperation to exploit an advanced technology, made of low-cost components, to monitor environmental conditions. It is a set of modular nodes and sensors allowing the selection of variables under control, plus an application to display results and operative commands in a user-friendly dashboard. The system has practical application in fast-growing sector like smart agriculture, industry 4.0 and smart city management.

Technology : Innovative and sustainable process for the management of special and hazardous wastes based on supercritical water with the production of methane.
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian start up founded by a researcher group has developed a unique technology for the treatment of special and dangerous wastes (from hospitals, researcher laboratories and industries) with a process that it’s innovative, sustainable and safe for the environment thanks to supercritical water that cancel harmful emission.The technology is protected by 5 Italian patents internationally extended.The group is looking for financial or joint venture agreement or technical cooperation agreement.

Business : Spanish company leader in the field of manufacturing equipment for waste management and treatment is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance and manufacturing agreement
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish multinational with more than 20 years’experience designing and manufacturing waste treatment plants offers solutions in the treatment and valorisation. It is specialised in the manufacturing of high performance equipment adapted to various materials and needs, such as ballistic separators, rotary screens, vacuum systems, belts and mobile machinery, bags, openers, etc. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance and manufacturing agreement.

Business : Italian distributor is looking for suppliers of innovative industrial equipment, electromechanical and automation components for the European market
Business REQUEST from Italy
Italian SME, belonging to an international group, offers itself as distributor for the European market. The company is looking for suppliers of technical and innovative products such as: electric and electromechanical components, products for automation and robotics, industrial equipment, medical equipment and devices, technologies related to Internet of Things (IoT) and renewable energy. The company offers a collaboration under a distribution, a commercial agency or a services agreement.

Technology : Eco-friendly insects farming for chemical, agro, pharma and pet care applications looking for partners to develop new business
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian innovative startup, active in the biotechnology sector, is breeding insects into a pilot plant to create a production network which could satisfy economic, environmental and social needs with a high sustainability. The system will produce, via extraction from insects, molecules which will be used in the agriculture, chemical and industrial sector. The startup is looking for different partners under services agreement, research cooperation or technical cooperation agreement.

Business : Italian company manufacturing ball valves, industrial taps and fittings looks for commercial agency agreements
Business OFFER from Italy
An Italian small, highly certified company, market leader in the manufacture of ball valves, taps and fittings for the hydraulic sector and industrial installations and already active in international markets is willing to further increase its export market share. It is thus looking for trade intermediary partners (agents) interested in commercial agency agreements.

Business : A German SME is looking for distribution partners for its new green system for the treatment of oils and dewatering of sludge
Business OFFER from Germany
A German SME, with a main activity in the treatment of sludge oils, used oils, oil/water-emulsions and oily water has developed a new green system for treatment of oils and a system for the dewatering of sludge. The system is in particular of importance for heavy oils and waste disposal systems. In order to expand its business, the company is now looking for distribution partners in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands or Poland.

Business : UK company is offering to carry out specialist industrial decommissioning of redundant industrial, petrochemical, chemical manufacturing plants and assets of all sizes
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A specialist technical engineering and decommissioning company based in the UK is offering its services to the following markets and sectors; petro-chemical, chemical, refinery, heavy industrial, food and beverage, industrial manufacturing, nuclear and pharmaceutical, life sciences and utility services such as power, water, gas and telecoms. The company specialises in the safe removal of aging, obsolete, and redundant industrial assets.

Technology : Catalan company developed a versatile Helicopter bucket with low consumption loading and release
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Catalan company offers a multiple applications liquid tank for transportation by helicopters. This helicopter bucket can be loaded extremly fast, in very narrow and shallow spots. Due to his aerodynamic design, it increases flight safety while loading and transport.The patented technologies to fill the tank and empty it out are low electricity consuming. They are looking for companies interested in manufacturing and selling this product by a license agreement.

Business : Spanish acoustic engineering company offers innovative services in the areas of industry, construction, infrastructure and environment
Business OFFER from Spain
The company, located in northern Spain and staffed by experienced and qualified professionals is dedicated to acoustic engineering services in different areas of activity like industry, construction, infrastructure and environment. High quality and innovative services are offered to clients: noise maps in 3D, sound measurements, studies and certification acoustics, acoustic monitoring camera, etc. The company is looking for commercial agency agreements, services agreements and/or subcontracting.

Business : Spanish company offers real-time high-resolution weather forecasting assistance under subcontracting
Business OFFER from Spain
A Spanish environmental engineering SME, with a real-time high-resolution weather forecasting methodology, is offering assistance through subcontracting, to implement new services oriented to high-quality standard meteorological information, which can be used as input for several impact models and decision-making processes.

Technology : Realtime systems for automated environmental and water monitoring networks
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German company specialised in environmental monitoring networks offers realtime devices that can be used in water, weather and soil monitoring. GPRS data loggers allow an automated measurement of data, transmission via internet and statistical evaluation. Advantages include the devices' ease of usability and high longevity. Partners sought are industry, water suppliers or public utility companies with environmental monitoring tasks for commercial agreements and technical cooperation.

Technology : Green Roof inventory, mapping and potential analysis
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German association and an SME specialized in IT geoinformation systems have developed a remote sensing tool using airborne optical imagery to estimate the percentage of vegetated areas on building roofs. It can also be used to identify potential or most suitable Green Roof sites. It is supportive to green urban planning policies to optimize the usage of green roofs. Urban planners, municipalities and service providers are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Technology : Low-weight oil separator
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME, active in the machine tools area, has developed an oil separator for on-site recycling of drilling emulsions and lubricants from metal processing. The separation of lubricants, emulsions, chips and metal sludge, respectively, is achieved by using a mobile, low-weight separator equipped with skimmers and pumps. The SME seeks partners from the industry for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement.

Technology : Low-cost fibre spraying module for horticulture, landscaping and renaturation
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME from the machine tools sector has developed a low-cost fibre spraying module for horticulture, landscaping and renaturation working in three steps: Mixing - wetting - blowdown of the fibres onto the requested surface. Substrates are sprayed on the soil via a patented procedure. The company seeks industrial partners to find out new application fields for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement.

Technology : Vegetable paper for food packaging
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian SME is planning the launch of a novel product range based on vegetable papers (non-wood paper) to propose more sustainable approach to production cycle and is looking for innovative papers, based on agricultural waste or alternative fibres (such as hemp, flax, sugar cane,...) to be used for primary food packaging. The SME is interested in contacts with paper industries for research or technical agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Business : Innovative technology and consumable products for hygienic, efficient and environmentally friendly disposal of human waste
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
Established UK company specialised in sluice room design and manufacturing technologies for the safe, hygienic and environmentally friendly disposal of human waste seeks partners operating in the health, clinical waste and care home sectors to act under a distribution agreement for a range of anti-microbial coated, hands free, voice recognition medical pulp macerators and related consumables.

Business : Mobile ashtray with pocket for cigarette case for distributors
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
A small Czech producer offers a cigarette case with ashtray 2in1. The aim of the invention is to prevent a large number of butts on streets. It is designed the way that even a burning cigarette end can be inserted and there is no smell and no fire possibility. A positive influence on environment is clear and also fire prevention in hot dried regions could be very useful . The company is looking for distributors of the product based on distribution services agreement.

Business : German company specialized in manufacturing and distributing designer glass bottles is looking for distribution partners
Business OFFER from Germany
A German glass drinking bottle manufacturer, focussing on international designs and sustainable production, is looking for distribution partners in Europe (primarily in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, but not only) and worldwide, based on distribution services or commercial agency agreements.

Business : Distributor for environmental monitoring data loggers in Southern Europe sought
Business OFFER from Germany
A German university spin-off specialised in environmental monitoring networks offers a realtime system that can be used in environmental and water monitoring. Data loggers allow an automated measurement of data, transmission via internet and statistical evaluation. Advantages include the devices' ease of usability and high longevity. Distribution partners sought in Southern Europe.

Business : Spanish company offers statistical downscaling techniques for reliable projections of climate change impacts in environment and economic costs for subcontracting
Business OFFER from Spain
A Spanish technology-based company specialized in reliable projections of climate change impacts in environmental and economic costs offers its advanced statistical downscaling techniques to develop new services and products to companies and governments interested in responding more effectively to the demanding challenge of adaptation to climate change. They offer their services under a subcontracting agreement.

Business : German company is looking for distributors of mildew killer combining disinfection by alcohol with long term effect
Business OFFER from Germany
A German SME works as consultant for mining, tunnelling and civil engineering companies and is offering a product for the destruction of mildew arising indoors. It is the first product, which combines disinfection effect by alcohol and long-term effect by lime. The company is looking for distribution service agreements.

Technology : Innovative concentration systems for industrial water treatment to achieve zero liquid discharge
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish engineering SME working in heavily damaged industry water has developed concentration systems based on vacuum evaporation and crystallisation that allow achieveing Zero Liquid Discharge. These systems achieve higher degree of concentration with lower energy consumption than conventional methods. The SME is looking for industrial partners interested in a technical cooperation or a commercial agreement with techncial assistance.

Technology : Sorption material based on organically modified vermiculite
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
A Czech university invented a technology of preparation of modified vermiculite and its application as an adsorbent. The organically modified vermiculite is a very efficient adsorbent especially for removal of organic compounds from highly contaminated water. The university is looking for partners who would produce/reproduce the material and ensure the distribution to the final partners. Commercial agreement with technical assistance, license or technical cooperation agreement is offered.

Technology : High temperature dust removal equipment
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
Czech university with rich experience in energy production, developed equipment that is a part of gasification technology for electric and heat production. It is usable everywhere for dedusting of gaseous media with high temperature. The university is looking for industrial and business partners who would be able to produce a filter unit – a device for trapping solid particles of different types of air. Cooperation offered on the basis of license, manufacturing and/or technical agreement.

Technology : A Spanish research center offers mass spectrometry facilities, to be used for analyzing uranium trace and isotope, seeks partners for technical, research and services agreements.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish research centre, with activity in the field of human evolution, offers uranium series lab to be used for trace element and isotope analysis, e.g. geological, environmental, materials, forensic sciences or traceability studies. The main advantages are: extremely low detection limits and capability for isotope ratios. Partners from industry, research and public administrations are looking for applying these techniques in research, technical and service collaborations

Technology : A Belgian water utility is looking for partners for a project aiming at recovering heat from wastewater
Technology OFFER from Belgium
A Belgian water utility is looking for partners for a project aiming at demonstrating an innovative wastewater heat recovery system, in an urban context. For this purpose, the water utility seeks other water utilities and cities interested in demonstrating the wastewater heat recovery system in cities. Type of agreement: research or technical co-operation.

Technology : A Polish research institute offers an advanced and innovative device for environmental biological samples transport
Technology OFFER from Poland
A Polish research institute offers technology intended for the transport of environmental biological samples. The developed device, in addition to the function of safe transport of biological samples requiring aeration can act as a laboratory respirometer enabling analysis of the physiological state (condition) of activated sludge. The Institute offers license or commercial agreement with technological support.

Technology : Ressource cadaster for recovering raw materials from industrial heaps and dumps
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME has co-developed a mapping tool for anthropogenic deposits in industrial heaps. Remote sensing data combined with data about the chemical composition of the residues have led to a resource cadaster which can be used for the recovery of scarce raw materials such as metals and minerals. Players from public administrations and the private sector dealing with the recovery of mining products and anthropogenic residues are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Technology : Smart management platform for electrical vehicles recharging networks.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish technology centre, has developed a new management platform for electrical vehicles (EV) recharging networks, based on artificial intelligence and big data technologies. The system allows the integration of the points of charge under open charge point protocol (OCPP) and an optimal customization level. The centre is seeking for companies in the field of electromobility for commercial cooperation and license agreements. New partners for further developments are also welcome.

Technology : Italian company specialized in meteorology, air quality and climate change is looking for partners interested in technical cooperation and service agreement
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company located in Northern Italy performs forecasts, analyses, assessments and projections in the field of meteorology, air quality, renewable energy and climate change modelling. Partners are sought for a technical cooperation agreements.

Technology : Grouting solutions for water inflow stops, sealing of rock and decontamination in mining industry
Technology OFFER from Germany
German SME offers a technology for immobilisation of contaminants and sealing of rock by using time dependent crystallisation, so called "Provoked mineral synthesis". Using super saturated solutions it is possible to precipitate natural occurring minerals which reduce permeability of rock. Decontaminating metals can be fixed as sulphide. The SME is looking for partners from industry and research for a research cooperation, technical cooperation, or services agreement.

Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery (2)

UK company seeking distributors for a patented battery testing and disposal product for use in households or businesses.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company specialised in the field of battery distribution seeks distribution partners in Germany, Belgium, France and Spain for the resale of an innovative, environmentally friendly, battery testing and disposal product.

Russian producer of organic fertilizers is looking for agents and distributors.
Business OFFER from Russian Federation
The Russian company specializes in industrial processing of organic poultry and animal wastes obtaining organic fertilizers is searching for partners abroad to conclude distribution services, commercial agency agreements.

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