maandag 30 september 2013

Horizon 2020 versus FP7, BEDRIJFSLEVEN AAN BOD

Bron: Nieuwsbrief PNO Consultants

Op 1 januari 2014 gaat het Europese onderzoeks- en innovatiesubsidieprogramma Horizon 2020 (H2020) van start. Bij dit programma hoort een budget van iets meer dan 70 miljard euro. De Europese Commissie (EC) moet dit budget via subsidies in zeven jaar tijd besteden aan de ontwikkeling van nieuwe technologieën, die een bijdrage leveren aan de Europese gemeenschap en die de concurrentiekracht van het Europese bedrijfsleven wereldwijd moeten versterken.

Dit is het derde artikel in een serie van vijf, waarin de verschillen met voorganger FP7 (‘7th Framework programme’) uitgebreid worden toegelicht. Hiermee krijgt u inzicht in de factoren die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het verwachte succes van Horizon 2020. Daarnaast kan het u helpen bepalen of en hoe u vanaf 2014 H2020-subsidie kunt inzetten voor uw innovatieplannen en –projecten.

Horizon 2020 is ‘gebouwd’ op drie strategische pijlers – met elk een specifieke focus. De pijler Industrieel Leiderschap lijkt in zoverre op FP7 dat er behalve het gewenste resultaat ook de daartoe te gebruiken technologie in grote lijnen wordt voorgeschreven. De reden hiervoor is dat de Commissie vier kerngebieden heeft gedefinieerd, waarin Europese bedrijven en onderzoekers wereldwijd bepalend zullen moeten zijn. De gedachte daarachter is dat marktleiderschap naar verwachting leidt tot een toename van private investeringen in R&D en de groei van start-ups.

De basis voor de nieuwe ‘calls for proposals’ (uitnodigingen om een subsidieaanvraag in te dienen) wordt gevormd door de roadmaps uit de FP7 Coördinatie Actie-projecten; meerjarige roadmaps van relevante Europese Technologie Platforms (ETP) en adviezen van de Key Enabling Technologies (KET) High Level Group. Via de door het bedrijfsleven aangestuurde ETP’s worden korte en lange termijn-agenda’s en roadmaps voor onderzoek en innovatie opgesteld, die als aanjager moeten dienen voor actie op zowel Europese als nationale schaal. Een vergelijking met het Nederlandse topsectorenbeleid dringt zich hier op. In onderstaande tabel ziet u een overzicht van de ETP’s die de commissie helpen bij het bepalen van de subsidieprioriteiten (bron: Europese Commissie).

Bio-based economyEnergyEnvironmentICTProduction and processesTransport
·       EATIP
·       ETPGAH
·       Food for Life
·       Forestbased
·       Plants
·       FABRE TP
·       TP Organics
·     Biofuels
·     EU PV TP
·     TPWind
·     RHC
·     SmartGrids
·     SNETP
·     ZEP
·      WssTP·       ARTEMIS
·       EUROP
·       ETP4HPC
·       ENIAC
·       EPoSS
·       ISI
·       Net!Works
·       NEM
·       NESSI
·       Photonics 21
·        ECTP
·        ESTEP
·        EuMaT
·        FTC
·        SusChem
·        Nanomedicine
·        ETP-SMR
·        Manufuture
·       ACARE
·       ERRAC
·       ERTRAC
·       Logistics
·       Waterborne
Cross ETP Initiatives
·         Nanofutures
·         Industrial Safety

Bij het bepalen van die prioriteiten gaat de voorkeur uit naar onderwerpen die zowel betrekking hebben op specifieke ambities van de pijler Industrieel Leiderschap als de technologie-gerelateerde behoeften, die behoren bij de pijler Maatschappelijke Uitdagingen (zie Subsidieflits 19 september). In subsidieaanvragen zal dus zeer duidelijk moeten worden gemaakt hoe de resultaten van het betreffende onderzoek zullen worden omgezet in concrete en meetbare producten en diensten, die bovendien bijdragen aan het oplossen van de Uitdagingen en/of het verbeteren van Europa’s concurrentiekracht. Deze trend is overigens al ingezet in de laatste calls onder FP7. Begrippen als: “duurzaamheid, intellectueel eigendom, standaardisatie, commercialisering, exploitatie, business modellen, efficiënt gebruik van grondstoffen, marktpotentieel, toegevoegde waarde, business plan, spin-off, Technology Transfer, levenscyclus, recycling” zullen het goed doen in subsidieaanvragen onder beide programma’s!

Tussentijdse evaluaties hebben ertoe geleid dat ook binnen FP7 verbeteringen zijn doorgevoerd om de betrokkenheid van het bedrijfsleven te vergroten in de strijd tegen de economische recessie. Zo zijn er drie Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI’s) en drie Public Private Partnerships (PPP’s) opgericht die innovatie nog meer benaderen vanuit de marktvraag. JTI’s hanteren hierbij hun eigen subsidie- en managementregels terwijl de PPP’s de ‘standaard’ FP7-regels voor deelname, selectie en project- en fondsenmanagement volgen.

Evaluatie van beide modellen leverde overall een positief beeld op: de betrokkenheid van het bedrijfsleven bij de verschillende PPP-projecten was groot (55%; MKB’s ontvingen meer dan 20% van de publieke gelden). Maar ook hier bleken de innovatiekloof en andere niet-technologische barrières moeilijk te overwinnen. Onder H2020 worden de JTI’s en de PPP’s in ieder geval voortgezet. Dit geldt specifiek voor de thema’s transport, brandstofcellen, waterstof en life sciences (voorheen IMI). De JTI’s Eniac en Artemis (beide ICT-georiënteerd) worden samengevoegd in een nieuwe nano-electronica-JTI. De drie startende/lopende PPP’s in H2020 zijn: EFFRA (voortzetting van het eerdere ‘factories of the future’ PPP), Energy Efficient Buildings PPP en SPIRE (duurzame proces industrie).

Tot slot mag het European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) niet onvermeld blijven. Dit nieuwe EU-instituut is opgericht in 2011 om door het integreren van hoger onderwijs, onderzoek en bedrijfsleven de cyclus idee-laboratorium-markt te versnellen. Hiertoe heeft het EIT in verschillende lidstaten zogenaamde Knowledge Innovation Centres (KIC’s) opgezet. Daar werken de drie onderdelen van de kennisdriehoek nu samen. Als zodanig levert het EIT een belangrijke bijdrage aan de realisatie van de Europe 2020 Strategie.

Zoekt u nog naar een vervolg op het FP7-MKB-programma? Dan kunt u stoppen met zoeken! In een eigen evaluatie heeft de Commissie vastgesteld dat dit programma méér de onderzoeksinstellingen ten goede kwam dan dat de MKB-onderzoeksbehoefte groot was. In plaats daarvan, en om de doorlooptijden van MKB-aanvragen te verkorten, heeft de Commissie een instrument binnen het reguliere H2020-programma bedacht dat speciaal is bedoeld voor het MKB. Het resultaat is een verkorting met 100 dagen ten opzichte van de huidige praktijk! Overall zal 20% van het Horizon 2020-budget terecht komen bij in projecten participerende MKB’s. Laten we maar eens kijken of de Commissie haar belofte, om te komen tot een MKB-deelname aan H2020 van 15%, kan waarmaken. FP7 heeft deze 15% nauwelijks gehaald, en men vermoedt zelfs dat sommige cijfers zijn ‘afgerond’ ten einde openlijke kritiek van de lidstaten en het Europese Rekenhof te voorkomen.

donderdag 26 september 2013

Bijna 30.000 bezoekers voor het MKB Innovatieblog - Inspiratie voor ondernemers

Het MKB-Innovatieblog vierde onlangs haar eerste verjaardag. We hebben hard gewerkt om van het nieuwe middel een succes te maken, en dat werpt zijn vruchten af.

Zo hebben we al bijna 28.000 bezoekers gehad en gaan we in rap tempo richting de 30.000! Implementatie van het weblog in het Syntens social mediaplan heeft daaraan bijgedragen, maar ook de intern werden de stukken goed opgepakt en verspreid. Het team Creatieve Industrie bijvoorbeeld omarmde het weblog al snel en wist het merendeel van haar adviseurs te enthousiasmeren om mee te doen. Extra bijzonder: zij bundelen de blogs van de creatieve industrie in een boekje, dat binnenkort verschijnt!

Ook de media weten het blog steeds vaker te vinden, en door verspreiding via social media komen de verhalen onder de aandacht van steeds meer lezers. Dat leidde in enkele gevallen tot uitnodigingen om te komen spreken op bijeenkomsten, verzoeken tot contact en nieuwe aanmeldingen voor onze workshops.

De groep ‘vaste Syntens bloggers’ groeide van 8 naar ca. 15 en nog steeds melden zich elke week weer adviseurs die een gastbijdrage willen leveren. Samen met deze groep mensen realiseerde ik al zo’n 150 blogposts, met Frans Balemans en Chris Willemsen als hofleveranciers!

Met alle aankomende veranderingen is, zoals veel dingen, de toekomst van het MKB Innovatieblog onzeker. De komende tijd blijf ik mij in ieder geval, samen met de mensen achter mij, sterk maken voor het delen van jullie verhalen via dit kanaal. Jullie inbreng is en blijft van harte welkom!

Judith Winnen

Slimste Bedrijf van Nederland 2013, Het beste uit mensen voor welvaart en welzijn

Er ligt nog veel onbenut potentieel in organisaties dat kan worden ontsloten. Het merendeel van dit potentieel zit opgesloten in de mensen. Het blijkt dat 75% van de strategische vernieuwingen wordt verklaard door sociale innovatie, en maar 25% door technologische innovatie. Sociaal innovatieve bedrijven weten beter gebruik te maken van hun bestaande kennisbasis in combinatie met nieuwe (technologische) kennis (Volberda et al. 2010). Dit beeld herkennen wij bij Syntens!
Syntens helpt MKB-ondernemers, zoals u, met duurzame vernieuwing en bevordert hiermee de welvaart en het welzijn in Nederland. We zien dat ondernemers die werken vanuit dienend leiderschap het beter doen. Ook ondernemers die focussen op de toegevoegde waarde van het talent van hun medewerkers doen het goed. En we zien dat goed en vernieuwend werkgeverschap uiteindelijk goed is voor omzet, winst en maatschappij. Daar is inmiddels overtuigend bewijs voor. Wij noemen dat slimme bedrijven!

Bent u een slim bedrijf?
Bent u een ondernemer die het beste uit mensen haalt? En betrekt u uw medewerkers en uw omgeving bij innovatietrajecten. Is uw bedrijf slimmer gaan werken en boekt u daarmee ook resultaat? Werkt u aan een stimulerende en open cultuur binnen uw onderneming? Vertrouwt u meer op verantwoordelijkheid dan op controle? Schrijf u dan in voor de verkiezing Slimste Bedrijf van Nederland. Doel van deze verkiezing is om slimme bedrijven zichtbaar
te maken, te feliciteren met hun resultaat en om andere organisaties te inspireren en te laten leren van hun ervaringen.

Bedrijven die zich willen opgeven hebben:
  • een effectieve aanpak van verandering waarbij medewerkers en omgeving betrokken worden
  • nieuwe omzet gerealiseerd door organisatieverandering
  • een verhoogde productiviteit van medewerkers gerealiseerd
  • maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemerschap onderdeel gemaakt van hun bedrijfscultuur
  • verbetering van de bedrijfsvitaliteit gezien bij één van onderstaande indicatoren;
  • verzuim medewerkers
  • verloop medewerkers en klanten
  • tevredenheid medewerkers, klanten en stakeholders
  • meerwaarde gecreëerd in één of meer van de volgende categorieën: leiderschap, netwerken, cultuur, flexibilisering, talentontwikkeling, zeggenschap
Door dit alles ervaren klanten en medewerkers de positieve gevolgen van slimmer werken in de
dienstverlening van het bedrijf.
Interesse om deel te nemen of verder te lezen? Kijk op Syntens - MKB Krachtcentrale.

woensdag 25 september 2013

Nederland exportland: Steeds meer bedrijven exporteren, maak gebruik van de SIB-regeling

Starters International Business (SIB) is een dienstverlening, die voorbouwt op de inhoudelijke successen van onze jarenlange ervaring met prepare2start en de door ons ontwikkelde Internationale Innovatiescan. Binnen het traject helpen we een ondernemer met exportambitie bij het onderbouwen en formuleren van zijn internationaliseringsstrategie. SIB kan ook binnen verschillende andere lopende innovatie trajecten/projecten van toegevoegde waarde zijn voor klanten.

Inzicht in: waar liggen mijn internationale kansen, en hoe kan ik die verzilveren?
In een SIB traject helpen we de ondernemer in drie stappen:
1 - Waar ben je goed in en waar biedt dat kansen?
2 - Hoe aantrekkelijk zijn de verschillende landen?
3 - Wat moet je doen om in het gekozen land tot succes te komen? [Actieplan]

Deze stappen zijn opgelijnd met de dienstverlening van NL EVD v.w.b. informatie- en vraagbeantwoording. De inbreng van NL EVD over landen en internationaal ondernemen krijgt dus een structurele plek. Zo werken we optimaal samen: Syntens helpt met het stellen van de juiste vraag, NL EVD helpt met zoeken van het juiste antwoord.

Een SIB bestaat uit ca 3 sessies binnen een periode van ca 3 maanden of sneller indien nodig. Hierin worden de bovengenoemde drie stappen doorgewerkt. Tussendoor werken ondernemer en NL EVD aan de vragen die naar voren zijn gekomen.
Er zit geen subsidie meer in Starters International Business, in plaats daarvan staat nu het inhoudelijke adviestraject volledig centraal.

Meer informatie over de regeling is HIER te vinden.

Op zoek naar internationale partners voor handel en innovatie? Kijk dan eens in DEZE database en maak een vliegende start  . . . .

dinsdag 24 september 2013

World Trade Plaza: Meedoen met internationale allure tijdens Business Meets Twente

Het World Trade Plaza is op 13 en 14 november 2013 hét internationale plein van Business Meets Twente, kortweg BMT.
Deelname aan het internationaal plein betekent: gedurende twee dagen een gezamenlijke internationale uitstraling en het ontvangen van relaties uit de doelgroep in uw eigen ‘ready to start’ stand. U ontvangt relatiekaarten om mensen een persoonlijke uitnodiging te sturen. Zo ziet en spreekt u in korte tijd veel (potentiële) klanten. Bovendien wisselt u kennis en ervaring uit over internationaal zakendoen. Gekoppeld aan het World Trade Plaza zijn de workshops over internationaal zakendoen en de finale van de WTC Twente Export Award 2013 verkiezing. De samenwerking van de WTC Twente Business Club met de Kamer van Koophandel Oost NL maakt het mogelijk om tegen een gereduceerd tarief te participeren.

Meer informatie/aanmelden kan HIER.

Wij zijn er ook bij, u ook?

World Trade Plaza resulteert in successtory

In de editie van 2012 onstond een ware successtory op het World Trade Plaza tussen de standhouders Markvoort Holten en B&W Energy uit het Duitse Heiden. Het Holtense hoveniersbedrijf Markvoort heeft zich gespecialiseerd in groene vegetatiedaken de zgn. sedumdaken. Tijdens de Business Meets Twente 2012 is op het World Trade Plaza een eerste contact gelegd met collega-standhouder B&W Energy. Dit bedrijf richt zich op duurzame energie, zoals zonnepanelen, electromobiliteit en exploitatie van windmolenparken. Begin 2013 is een concrete synergie en samenwerking ontstaan gericht op de verkoop van ‘solargroendaken’. Inmiddels zijn er de eerste gezamenlijke verkoopcontacten, zowel in Duitsland als ook in Nederland. Lees verder

maandag 23 september 2013

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from second half September 2013

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published second half of September 2013.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
- Combine fair visit with matchmaking organised by Enterprise Europe Network to find your new business partners

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

French company manufacturing countertops, washbasins, shower trays, sinks made of copolymer solid surface material is looking for trade intermediaries
Business OFFER from France
French company specialized in creating, designing, developing and manufacturing countertops, washbasins, shower trays, sinks made of copolymer solid surface material installed in collectivities schools, kindergarten, nursing homes, shop fittings, in healthcare structures (hospitals, clinics, laboratories, retirement houses) or in private housing (kitchen, bathroom) is looking for sales agents in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ukraine.

Vintage/Classic/Veteran Motor Cycle parts replicated, repaired/refurbished
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
An SME based in Northern Ireland replicate, repair and refurbish vintage/classic/veteran motor cycle parts from a workshop supported by a 3D design and printing capability. The company is searching for partners (typically motocycle dealers) in Europe to act as agents and will provide technical assistance.

French manufacturer of automatic lifting barriers and turnstiles seeks a distributor in your country
Business OFFER from France
French manufacturer of automatic lifting barriers and turnstiles seeks a distributor in you country: capacity to install products and provide after sales maintenance would be an advantage.

Production of moulds for foaming, pouring and injection
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
A Czech company is looking for cooperation with production companies from automotive, rubber, glass and other industries requiring moulds for foaming, pouring and injection of parts. The company uses technologies: CNC 5-axis milling centre, CNC milling centers, conventional horizontal and vertical milling machines, lathes, drilling, boring and grinding machines. Subcontracting is offered.

Open source solution for stocks management
Business OFFER from France
A French SME is offering an open source solution for stocks management and planning. That solution enables to follow all kinds of data and manage stocks according to their demand with mobile phone or tablet; leading to enhanced functionalities and enlarged data streaming. It can be adapted to any companies’ requirements and specifications. Distribution agreement is expected in the logistics sector.

Innovative mounting device capable to substitute well-known fixing solutions like screwing, gluing, clinching, clipping and plugging.
Technology OFFER from Austria
This newly developed mounting/fixing device eliminates some disadvantages of well-known connection systems. It includes many of their benefits in one system. The device can be applied in different industrial sectors. The patent owner is interested to license the patent to industrial organizations looking for new innovative mounting/fixing solutions.

High-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) for thin film coatings
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish SME has developed a high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) technology for thin film deposition. The technology enables new and outstanding thin film solutions, preferentially in the following areas: • Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) coatings • Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) coatings • Barrier coatings • Hard coatings. The SME is looking for a License agreement, Manufacturing agreement, Research cooperation agreement and/or a Joint venture

Dimensionable stable polishing and deburring process without mechanical stress for several industries
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME offers a highly accurate polishing process for several metals and alloys, without mechanical stress. For the process a permanent plasma cloud is formed. This artificial plasma deburs, degreases and polishes the surface. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with adaptation with specific needs for partners in avionics, aeronautics, machine parts, 3D printed models-, defense industries.

Electrospinning technique for production and functionalization of ultrathin fibers in the nano-/micrometer range
Technology OFFER from Germany
A Bavarian SME is specialised in the field of electrospinning thanks to various R&D projects in the last years. Their own lab-scale electrospinning unit is ideal for both trials with small-scale materials and up-scaling tests for medium/large-scale production. The unque technology allows the spinning of very thin fibres. The SME would like to offer its newly developed know-how and technology to customers from the industry for further development into new products and production of small fibers.

Butterfly Gyro component
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish Research Institute has developed a high performance MEMS gyro component, well suited for motion tracking and sensing. Typical applications are unmanned vehicles (UAV, ROV, UGV), inertial navigation, human and animal motion, industrial measurement, home appliance, mobile phones and toys. They are looking for commercial agreements with industrial partners for implementation of the technology. Technical support is included for easy integration in the partner's product.

Epitaxial growth of novel type injection lasers – lasers with asymmetric barrier layers (ABLs)
Technology REQUEST from Russian Federation
A Russian SME from St. Petersburg, specialized in the field of semiconductor optoelectronic devices, is looking for a company that has a technology of epitaxial growth of lasers heterostructures with quantum-dimensional active region. The company seeks technical cooperation to develop a novel type of injection lasers – lasers with asymmetric barrier layers.

Numerical simulation of characteristics of novel type injection lasers – lasers with asymmetric barrier layers (ABLs)
Technology REQUEST from Russian Federation
A small Russian company from St. Petersburg, specialized in the field of semiconductor optoelectronic devices, is looking for a partner that has the competence in the field of numerical simulation of characteristics of semiconductor lasers with quantum-dimensional active region. Technical cooperation is proposed to develop a novel type of injection lasers – lasers with asymmetric barrier layers.

Home automation technologies for new construction, renovation and decoration projects
Technology REQUEST from Spain
A Basque SME looks for partners with technology capabilities in home automation in order to jointly create a fully renewed platform that offers higher processing power, storage, control and expansion aiming at automating new house constructions as well as renovating existing ones (wired systems). The partner has to integrate the company’s know-how and technology into its product manufacturing process so a high performance system platform can be developed and jointly offered to the market.

A Croatian company is looking for distributors or franchisers of their integrated technical security systems.
Business OFFER from Croatia
A Croatian company with a long experience in electronic security, innovative technologies, products and proven solutions is looking for distributors or franchisers of their technical security systems.

Turn-key projects in Renewable Energy and Heat Pumps
Business OFFER from Turkey
A Turkish company specialized in contracting projects on renewable energy and heat pumps is offering subcontracting and distrubuting activities to companies in the related fields.

Agents for passive air/ground heat pumps and groundwater heat pumps
Business OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish company manufacturing passive air/ground heat pumps and groundwater heat pumps is looking for new agents and distribution channels, primarily in Denmark, Finland and Germany. The technology is built on following principles; easy to use and easy to service. This is combined with products with high reliability. The company is now looking for agents or distributors within construction, supplying products such as ventilation heat air-condition etc. for private homes and smaller businesses.

Professional technical metal detectors and X-ray scanners
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company is looking for distributors for exclusive marketing and sale of professional technical metal detectors x-ray scanners, electromagnetic fields (EMF) detectors and accesories in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Novel manufacturing process for product of low cost anodes and cathodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A leading Scottish (UK) University has developed a novel manufacturing process for the production of low cost anodes and cathodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. The technology has the potential to significantly reduce costs when compared with current techniques. They seek industrial partners for technical cooperation in order to move the technology from the laboratory into a manufacturing environment.

Striation free laser cutting
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A North West region of the United Kingdom University has developed a novel Laser cutting method for cutting metal parts and panels that is striation free with the advantage over current methods that a completely smooth surface is obtained. The developer is seeking a suitable partner to take this to commercialization under licence or as a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

A novel thin film technology capable of changing colour
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A North West UK University has developed a Thin Film coating that is capable of changing colour and / or solar properties when heated. The developer is looking to license the technology to suitable manufacturers or reach a commercial agreement with technical assistance that require their products to have heat sensitive reactions.

Improvement of injection lasers characteristics by the use of asymmetric barrier layers in the waveguide
Technology OFFER from Russian Federation
A Russian SME has developed the technology that leads to enhancement of semiconductor lasers characteristics: reduction of threshold current and internal optical losses, increase of slope efficiency and maximum optical power and growth of thermal stability of these parameters. Effects are achieved by the formation of asymmetric barrier layers (ABLs) in the waveguide layers of diode lasers. The company is looking for partners for joint development of ABL lasers.

Innovative hovercrafts for multifaceted applications
Technology REQUEST from Germany
An innovative German start-up manufactures air cushion crafts for multifaceted applications. It will be the first company in Germany going into serial production! Due to the specific mode of operation (based on the well-known hovercraft-principle) the vehicles are virtually unsinkable thus a multitude of operation areas are feasible. Partners are sought for production,adaptation to specific needs and trade services. Moreover,investors are sought for up-scaling this prosperous niche technology.

Polish engineering company offers CAD design, crash an multibody simulations, noise, vibration and tensile measurements.
Business OFFER from Poland
A leading engineering company from south-east Poland, specialized in aviation, railway and automotive industry, offers complete services in development of products for transportation. A major company advantage is ability to develop complete ground transportation vehicles and components of airplanes as well as tooling, and assembly lines. The company is looking for new clients, especially OEMs from variuos sectors, with whom business agreements are sought.

French company specialised in energy efficiency solutions for the industries is looking for sales agents
Business OFFER from France
French company specialised in energy efficiency solutions for the food and chemistry Industry, with special expertise in the reuse of energy present in the liquid or gaseous waste (like in waste water or boiler fumes); is looking for trade intermediaries and especially German speaking sales agents in order to expand their activities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Besides, the company is also looking for sales intermediaries in Belgium.

Polish software for 2D cutting in craft industries is offered.
Business OFFER from Poland
Company from North West Poland has developed software to be used for 2D cutting in every craft industry using cutting materials (glass, wood, metal). It is based on algorithms created by developers with a great support of IT scientists from the region. Companies interested in implementing and supporting this software on their region markets are sought. Joint venture is offered and required.

Manufacturer sought of special purpose cutting knives for bread slice machines.
Business REQUEST from Netherlands
A Dutch manufacturer of bakery machinery is looking for a highly qualified manufacturer of special purpose cutting knives. The partner needs to have experience with the development and manufacturing of dedicated industrial knives to be used in patented bread slicing machines. The Dutch company is interested in cooperation in the framework of a manufacturing agreement.

Production partner with expertise in blow moulding plastic items sough
Business REQUEST from Finland
A Finnish design company is looking for a manufacturing partner with capabilities in blow moulding of large plastic design items. A professional partner with high quality standards and cost effective and flexible production is sought. The partner should have capabilities to refine (cut) the top of the product.

Mineral biofilter in mobile insulated closed housing for the optimized treatment of industrial odors and VOCs
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME masters the techniques to reduce the odorous emissions or harmful gas discharge in industry and agriculture. Specialist for 10 years in the biological treatment of odors and volatile organic compounds, it has developed an effective solution to treat air contaminated with odorous and toxic gases (H2S, NH3 and VOCs). This reliable, compact, modular biofilter is movable to different locations of a site. The French company offers a Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance.

Combined Heat Power (CHP) generation technology and CHP modules with top efficiency
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German company is specialised in gas-powered high tech combustion engines and the integration in modules for distributed power and heat power generation. Especially for biogas, a new engine was developed and integrated in a compact CHP module with an efficiency of 42,5 %. Industrial partners are sought to integrate the technology in biogas plants through commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Digital manufacturing technique for dental frames solutions
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME company has co-developed a digital dental frame manufacturing technique based on selective laser melting technology. Combined with a high frequency polishing process this results in high gloss frames. The Dutch company is offering its know-how regarding materials, production and specialized manufacturing skills to dental laboratories and/or manufacturers of dental frames who are looking for long term partnerships with possible license agreements.

Low-stress Silicon Nitride thin film for MEMS
Technology OFFER from Denmark
A Danish university has gained extensive knowledge within low-stress silicon nitride thin films which is essential for the development of micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). The coatings can be customer designed to meet specific demands e.g. stress level, thickness, refractive index and extinction coefficient, which can be fully documented. The university is interested in R&D, commercial and technical cooperation with especially industry partners.

Low-cost and large scale solar thermal collector
Technology OFFER from France
An innovative French SME has developed a patented low-cost and large-scale solar thermal collector enabling to produce heat (as warm water from 60°C to 130°C, or power ranging from 0,5 to 100 MWth) for industrial processes and district heating. Users are sought for commercial agreement with technical assistance. Companies with internal engineering capabilities are welcome for technical or franchise agreements, to integrate the solar thermal technology as an offer to their clients.

Technology for producing ethanol from starchy grains without distillery stillage
Technology OFFER from Russian Federation
Small Russian company from St. Petersburg has developed a technology to produce ethanol from starchy grains without distillery stillage. The transition to the new technology allows: reducing the cycle time by 25%, receiving a 25% higher yield of ethanol, avoiding the cost of utilization of distillery stillage (amounting to 30%). The company is looking for partners for further development and industrial implementation of technology.

Hardware component for automatic testing in Electronic Control Units
Technology REQUEST from Italy
A small Italian company, currently operating in the field of Embedded Systems, developed a Test Automation product. The system, mainly composed by hardware and software components, enables the automatic execution of a set of tests needed to validate an electronic head unit. The company would like to find partners interested in providing a hardware system with specific technical requirements. Type of collaboration may vary depending on partners' needs.

German company developing water filtration systems is looking for trade intermediaries and distributors
Business OFFER from Germany
German company, technology leader in ceramic membranes for water filtration is active in the field of water and waste water treatment, potable water treatment, ground water and aquifer water treatment as well as industrial applications. The company is looking for trade intermediaries and representatives in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece that would integrate its products into their portfolio.

Looking for an agent with good connections to the Northern German Market for Wind Energy and Offshore Industries
Business OFFER from Denmark
A leading Danish manufacturer of encoders is looking for a commercial agency or distribution service agreement with an agent or distributor with good connections to the Northern German market for Wind energy and offshore industries. The partner sought is an agent or distributor with knowledge and contacts to the Northern German market and industry (wind and/or offshore). Furthermore good Mechanical and/or technic knowledge related to selling technical is requested.

Device for algae cultivation
Technology OFFER from Poland
A research unit from North-East Poland developed device for algae cultivation consisting of tank with recirculating water flow. Tank is equipped with movable luminescent filling and stepped lift. The device can be used for the industrial scale algae cultivation. Developers are interested in establishing cooperation - technical financial support, the conclusion of a license agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Unique multi-mount for microphones
Technology OFFER from Sweden
An SME from Northern Sweden has invented and patented a technology that allows microphones of all shapes and brands to be mounted in flexible cords with an easy twist of your hand. Only one holder grabs and holds any microphone, regardless of shape. It opens from the side which gives no cablethrough problems. The mount is stable and still flexible with elastic cords as tension means. The company wants to find a partner that can design and manufacture the mount in a license based cooperation.

GIality (Geospatial Mobile Augmented Reality) application which enhances existing Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) for developments such as Wind Farms
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A Scottish SME has developed a GIality application which can be used at all stages of wind farm development: feasibility/scoping, site assessment and professional consultation. It reduces costs of capturing viewpoints, improves in-field understanding of visual impact (inc. cumulative effects) and encourages greater access to information. The company seeks environmental and visual impact experts for licensing agreements and commercial agreements with technical assistance.

A submersible multimedia console offering underwater technologies
Technology OFFER from Germany
The French company has developed a submersible online multimedia console with a digital tablet which offers new underwater technologies. With a product intended to the general public, the SME is looking for partners interested in license agreement.

Manufactures of thermal management solution for construction sought
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK SME with extensive knowledge of phase change materials (PCMs) is willing to collaborate in the development of a new thermal management product for the construction industry to be used as a component of the building fabric, such as the ceiling, wall or floor. It will help to maintain a comfortable interior temperature by absorbing and releasing heat energy. Manufacturers of building material products able to help develop and market thermal management products are sought.

High precision measurement device in ionization environments
Technology REQUEST from Italy
In the context of a tender notice for electronic measurement instrumentations, an Italian company,providing advanced technology services in the offshore industry, is looking for an industrial partner for the design, the validation and the production of the prototype devices which are able to measure a magnetic flux. The industrial partner shall have specific know how in electronic design and expertise applied to high precision measurement device in ionization environments.

Web stabilizer technology for paper machines
Technology OFFER from Finland
Finnish company has developed technologies to overcome runnability problems in paper production. Company’s solutions for web stabilizer combined with company are other products and know-how increase productivity and minimize process bottlenecks. The company is looking for technical cooperation agreements with paper mills for modifying or updating their current production technology.

E-commerce management solution for online retailers to sell on several marketplaces in managing stocks, prices, orders, logistics, invoicing, book keeping, product indexing and categorisation
Business OFFER from France
A French SME has developed an e-commerce management solution for (future) online retailers. The solution enables users to manage stocks, prices, orders, logistics, invoicing, book keeping, product indexing, categorisation and more across multiple channels, including marketplaces and price comparison engines. The firm also provides legal assistance, e-commerce audit, data and image improving, translation, brand watching, commercial support. Commercial agency and distribution agreement are sought.

Research, Test and Demonstration facility for Marine Information and Communications Technology seeks manufacturers, developers and researchers of novel marine devices and / or their associated data acquisition and data communication systems.
Business OFFER from Ireland
Our client are an Ireland based research, test and demonstration facility for Marine Information and Communication Technologies. They wish to become an outsource partner for researchers and manufacturers of novel marine sensors and equipment to who which to further research, test and development their products for the maritime industry.

Wave Energy Test site offers facility for researchers and industry partners to test and validate ocean energy devices
Business OFFER from Ireland
Our client are an Irish company that manages a test and demonstration site in Galway Bay which supports the collection of marine data for R&D communities, and the trial, demonstration and validation of ocean energy devices. The test site is a 1/4 scale test site for wave and tidal energy devices. This business offer is seeking research and industry partners who wish to test and develop ocean energy devices in a 1/4 scale marine test environment.

Wireless logistics support system for underground transport
Technology OFFER from Poland
R&D from Poland developed a wireless communication and location system for underground transport vehicles. It characterizes with precise location, good transmission of data and small infrastructure costs. The institute is looking for industrial partners ready to implement and test the solution within license, technical cooperation or commercial agreement with technical assistance (incl. assembly, engineering, technical consultancy, quality control and maintenance).

Istantaneous modulating power Stirling engine
Technology OFFER from Italy
An SME based in the North of Italy has patented an innovative modular Stirling engine (external combustion). The technology permits a bi-cylindrical engine to modulate the torque delivered to the drive shaft without changing the energy source. They are looking for licence agreements or testing the application with partners from powertrain industry (automotive, agricultural machinery, naval).

Low-cost integrated disposable printed biosensor
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish R&D institute is developing an all-printed biosensor concept, disposable, versatile and adaptable to specific user applications. Printing of all components, integrated on a paper or polymer substrate, enables high volume, low cost production. The institute is looking for industrial partners, for technical cooperation and/or financial agreement.

Additive manufacturing of technical ceramic parts
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch research organisation developed a 3D printing technology capable of producing technical ceramic parts directly from 3D CAD data. The parts are built ‘layer-by-layer’ using a highly filled, photo curable ceramic paste. Afterwards the green parts are debinded and sintered. Currently several ceramic materials can be processed, such as aluminum oxide and nitride, silicon carbide and piezoelectric ceramics. The Dutch partner is interested in technical cooperation projects.

New light emitting devices controlled by external magnetic fields
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish university developed a new electroluminescent device that controls emitted light by magnetic fields. Its HyLED configuration enables the manufacturing of a simpler, cheaper and more air-stable apparatus than those based on OLED, with low emission threshold voltages. The invention is mainly engaging for optoelectronics and optospintronics applications (lighting, displays, etc). Enterprises in these fields are sought for licensing the technology and for research/technical collaborations.

Belgian company looking for news sales representative to distribute ecological cleaning products
Business OFFER from Belgium
A Belgian company specialized in the distribution of ecological cleaning products is looking for new self-employed sales representatives in France, Luxemburg and Netherlands. They will be in charge of selling to hotels/restaurants/schools a special sponge which can be used to clean every surface regardless of dirt, using only water and no detergents. By becoming part of an international distribution Network, sales representatives will benefit from marketing and sales trainings.

An Irish developer of electronic point of sale solutions seeks distributor in the UK market
Business OFFER from Ireland
Our client designs and installs completely integrated Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) systems for the retail and hospitality sector. They are one of the leading PC based hospitality and retail point of sale systems providers in Ireland. They would like to further establish their distribution network in the UK by appointing a distributor.

Brussels spin-off offers a solution to identify individual electrical consumptions in a house/building from a single electrical meter
Technology OFFER from Belgium
The Brussels-based university spin-off has been created to bring a new electrical consumption analysis technology to the market. Its core business focuses on electrical signal analysis and identifies individual electrical appliance consumption from a single device installed in the electricity meter or breaker box. The spin-off is interested in technical cooperation with ESCOs, smart meters/electricity box manufacturers, or electricity utilities.

Technology to industrialize production of wooden expandable lattice
Technology OFFER from France
A family-owned French company, specialized in the fabrication of custom made blinds, has developed a unique technology for the industrialization of production of wooden expandable lattice. The company has developed a prototype (10 years of research) and is now looking for partners to further develop the technology and bring it to the market.

Low power rugged small form factor systems with high-performance
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company is specialized in embedded hard- and software computer systems. These are used primarily in harsh and space constrained environments, like unmanned vehicles, robots and aeronautical related applications. The systems enable real-time analysis of captured data and combine small dimensions, high performance and low power usage. The company is interested in cooperation with industrial and research partners in the frame of commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Energy Wall - for converting wind’s and water’s kinetic energy into electricity
Technology OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian SME has developed an independent electric power generator, with a rigid chassis structure. The technology converts the water’s and wind’s kinetic energy into electricity without using huge moving parts and generating no noise as a side-effect. The comnpany is interested in finding suitable license, research and manufacturing partners.

Technology to treat high nitrogen content streams (chicken manure) in Anaerobic digestion plants
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company combines and translates extended knowledge with digestion and fermentation processes into practical and feasible solutions. The company offers technical solutions for biogas plants/anaerobic digestion plants to improve the biogas production from feedstock and lower the operational costs of handling the digestate. The company is looking for farms/agricultural estates and/or biogas plant operators for a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

LED lamps intended for general lighting main voltage 230Vca(115Vca)
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME specialised in R&D Electronic Engineering, expert in control solutions LED lighting, is looking for partners interested in their technology for energy savings via advance control of lightings. The company is looking for licence agreement with another company interested in their technology. The company is able to adapt the technology to specific partner's needs under a technical cooperation agreement.

Competence in the design of industrial electronic modules
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian company, providing advanced technology services in the offshore technology industry, is looking for an industrial partner for the design, the validation and the production of the prototypes of electronic devices which are able to measure a magnetic flux with very high precision. The industrial partner shall have specific expertise in design and production of electronic modules which comply with specific standards and protocols.w and expertise in complying with ATCA/PI

Energy efficient crop dryer
Business OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish SME has developed an areal and energy efficient crop dryer, using the waste heat from solar cells for pre-heating of the dryer inlet air. The company is seeking cooperation for marketing and establishing the product in Europe, mainly in the form of commercial agency and/or distribution services agreement.

Development, layout and manufacturing of high-quality textile lingerie, corsetry and beach fashion offered
Business OFFER from Germany
A small German company is specialized in development, design, manufacture, marketing and sales of high-quality textile lingerie, corsetry and beach fashion. All processes like layouts, sewing, finishing etc. are performed in-house and based on long-term experiences. The SME offers its capacities for the development of new fashion, for small series and custom-made design. The company is searching for customers interested in manufacturing agreements and subcontracting.

Dutch company is looking for OEM companies and agents/distributors for their Anaerobic digestion plants technology
Business OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company active in biobased solutions has developed add-on systems which can be applied on biogas plants/Anaerobic digestion plants. After successful market introduction and proven long-term references in the company's home market, it is now looking to expend the add-on systems/technology to other countries outside its home country. The company is seeking OEM companies and agent/distributors for a commercial agreement.

Intelligent, autonomous and self-driven shopping cart for people with reduced mobility.
Business OFFER from Portugal
A Portuguese technological company is finalizing an intelligent, autonomous and self-driven shopping cart, designed to follow people with reduced mobility without the need of special clothing or sensors in the user’s body. The company seeks intermediary services in Spain, France, Germany and United Kingdom and is looking for partners who can act as sales representatives such as players on the retail industry, suppliers of supermarkets and shopping malls and producers/sellers of shopping carts.

UK environmental consultancy offers to act as subcontractor to manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment and also seeks partners for joint ventures / collaborative working
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
UK-based environmental consultancy offers to act as a subcontractor or outsourced provider of specialist services to manufacturers of electrical or electronic equipment who wish to reduce the carbon footprint of their existing or new products. They would also like to find potential partners that would like to work on European-funded projects in the field of eco-design and carbon foot-printing.

Concrete and steel related innovative products
Business REQUEST from Belgium
Belgian company specialized in products for concrete repair, concrete protection and waterproofing is looking for new products they can distribute. These new products must be related to their core business ‘concrete and steel’ so they can widen their product range. Sectors of activity are renovation and new build construction. This cooperation can also be realised by reciprocal distribution (for complementary products); commercial agency agreement is also possible.

Suppliers of textile materials sought to be used for the own manufacture of lingerie, corsetry and beach fashion
Business REQUEST from Germany
A small German company is specialized in development, design, manufacture, marketing and sales of high-quality textile lingerie, corsetry and beach fashion for men and women. All processes like layout, sewing, finishing etc. are performed in-house and based on long-term experiences. The company is seeking suppliers of various textile materials for the own production of lingerie, corsetry and beach fashion to create an own fashion series. Commercial agreements are sought.

Textile and clothing suppliers sought for ready-made saucy lingerie, underwear and smart fashion aimed at widening the product line
Business REQUEST from Germany
A small German company is specialized in development, design, manufacture, marketing and sales of high-quality textile lingerie, corsetry and beach fashion for men and women. The company is seeking suppliers of ready-made textile clothing like saucy lingerie, corsetry, underwear, nightwear and smart fashion to be sold via the local outlet as well as the internet shop. Partners for commercial agreements are sought.

Intelligent, autonomous and self-driven shopping cart for people with reduced mobility.
Business REQUEST from Portugal
A PT technological company which developed an intelligent, autonomous and self-driven shopping cart, designed to follow people with reduced mobility seeks subcontracting regarding consultancy services, which can provide them specific information on the retail industry in Spain, France, Germany and United Kingdom. The SME also seeks companies on the metalomechanics for the production of the device (subcontracting, manufacturing or license agreement).

Optical sensor and system and method of detecting ice on a surface
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Catalonian technological centre with high expertise in sensor development has developed an innovative and new optical sensor for detecting ice appearing on a surface. This sensor is able to detect the ice in early stages of nucleation with micrometric sensitivity. It can be applied in various fields as an aeronautical industry, wind turbines or the shipbuilding industry. Companies for technical cooperation, license and/or commercial agreement with technical assistance are sought.

Device for signalling and illuminating road edges, roundabouts and road dangers
Technology OFFER from Italy
An italian research group has patented a device for signalling road edges, roundabouts and obstacles particularly in unfavourable weather conditions on highways and roadways. It makes driving safe even with fog, heavy rain, smoke etc. It recreates the necessary road reference for safe driving. The research group is looking for industrial partners interested in further development.

Enzymatic technology for the measurement of the degree of toxicity of environmental aqueous matrices.
Technology OFFER from Italy
A Southern Italy spin-off company is offering the license of a patented bioassay in vitro. The technology can be used for measuring general toxicity of aqueous environmental matrices, representing a quick, simple, and low cost method which does not use living organisms. License agreement or joint venture are sought with producers and marketers of the biossay kit.

Electronic devices controllable from smartphone or tablet
Technology OFFER from Spain
Spanish SME from Murcia (South of Spain) specialized in custom made consumer electronics and industrial systems, offers hardware development with emphasis on remotely controllable devices (via Bluetooth, ZigBee or WiFi) using either a tablet or smartphone. This offer is aimed to software companies wishing to broaden their product portfolio including remotely controllable electronic gadgets. Working as subcontractor or joint ventures agreements are sought.

Fill level detection
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German company developed an automated solution to monitor and control fill quantity in storehouses or haulage capacity in transport. Thanks to the automated solution processes are rendered more efficient and time-saving. The technology is more reliable than conventional methods and can be adjusted to individual applications. Partners are sought to integrate the technology in their systems and adjust to their tasks in the framework of commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Fingerprint scan solution for mobile phone application
Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of
A Korean company is specialized in developing and manufacturing high-tech parts. The company is looking for fingerprint scan sensor for mobile phone application. As more and more people use Smartphone for electronic payment and financial transaction, the needs of fingerprint scan solution will increase for the enhancement of personal information management of Smartphone. The company is looking for a partner for licensing agreement, technical or manufacturing cooperation.

Spare parts for classic cars
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company dealing with distribution of spare parts for classic cars, especially dedicated to vintage automotive industry is looking for distributors/agents.

High quality water jet cutting systems for flexible precision cutting and micro machining
Business OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish company has developed high quality water jet cutting systems for flexible precision cutting and micro machining. Through the usage of water jet cutting, any material can be cut without it reacting to heat etc. The company is looking for sales agents in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Search for technical cooperation on the mountaineering and alpinism equipment
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian company, specialized in the designing and production of dies and equipment for the bucking of metals, provide a wide range of products in small or large series. Actually the company is interested in exploring a new market and testing new products and prototypes: for this reason is looking for technical cooperation with a partner expert in mountaineering and alpinism equipment.

Montenegrin company,privately owned freight forwarding and logistics company, founded in 1997, is offering transport/logistics solutions (ocean freight, customs clearance, project cargo services, procurement logistics, distribution logistics, warehousing)
Business OFFER from Republic of Montenegro
Montenegrin company,privately owned freight forwarding and logistics company, founded in 1997, is offering transport/logistics solutions (ocean freight, customs clearance, project cargo services, procurement logistics, distribution logistics, warehousing)

A Montenegrin company specialized in national and international shipping, is offering sea, road, air transport services, distribution, customs clearance services
Business OFFER from Republic of Montenegro
Montenegrin shipping and forwarding agent offer transport/logistic services to foreign partners. A Montenegrin company specialized in national and international shipping, is offering sea, road, air transport services, distribution, customs clearance services.

Company specialized in logistics and transportation possibilities is offering its services
Business OFFER from Belgium
A Belgian company specialized in all types of logistics and transportation possibilities is offering its services.

Novel cable-tie product for continuous banding & bundling
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME has developed a novel bi-directional system for easy fastening, banding or bundling of tubes, wiring, boxes, pallets or for horticultural uses. It can be easily cut to the required length & permits easy assembly and tightening from any direction & can be easily undone, re-used or adjusted. The developer is offering a licence to manufacture and market or commercial agreement with technical assistance to partners that have plastic/rubber moulding and extrusion capability.

UK remanufacturer of starter motors and alternators seeks agents and distributors.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
UK remanufacturer of starter motors and alternators seeks agents or distributors to help distribute its remanufactured units and support its growth in the European automotive industry.

Looking for logistics partners with European expertise
Business REQUEST from France
French SME specialized in e-commerce is looking for logistics partners in Europe for subcontracting agreement. The firm has developed the most innovative input and output interface on the market and smoothly connect any e-commerce technology and all services to its solution.

Czech company specialized in production of ski lifts, ropeways and bob sleighs is looking for trade intermediaries.
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
Czech company mainly specialized in production of ski lifts, ropeways and bob sleighs is looking for agents or business representatives. The company is also specialized in custom manufacturing (welding, machine cutting of small and big parts from steel or aluminium).

Belgian company specialized in logistics is offering subcontracting services
Business OFFER from Belgium
A Belgian company specialized in reception, loading and unloading of seagoing ships in the maritime port of Brussels is offering subcontracting services to companies distributing goods in Belgium or in Europe through Brussels.

Distributors and contractors sought for German stainless steel couplings
Business OFFER from Germany
A German company specialising in stainless steel couplings is looking for partners for distribution services agreements, franchise, joint venture. It also offers its subcontracting capacities.

Maintenance and overhaul services for military vehicles
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish company specialized maintenance and overhaul of military vehicles (battle tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, etc.) is looking for partners in need of subcontracting this kind of services. It includes main components such as engines, transmissions, final drives and gear boxes.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy