dinsdag 29 april 2014

Matchmakingevenement op REW Istanbul 2014

Bron: RVO / Enterprise Europe Network

Het Enterprise Europe Network organiseert op 13 juni een matchmakingevenement in Istanbul, Turkije. Dit vindt plaats op de Recycling, Environmental Technologies and Waste Management Fair 2014 (REW).
De matchmaking staat open voor overheidsorganisaties, universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen, agenten en distributeurs.

Duurzame energie en milieutechnologie
Tijdens het evenement ontmoeten ondernemers en onderzoeksinstellingen op het gebied van duurzame energie en milieutechnologie elkaar. Hierdoor kunnen zij een handelsrelatie opbouwen of technologie uitwisselen. Er zijn ook bedrijven die partners zoeken om in een consortium mee te dingen naar Europese onderzoeksprojecten.

REW Istanbul 2014-beurs

Van 12 tot en met 14 juni vindt de REW Istanbul 2014-beurs voor de 10e keer plaats. De beurs biedt uitstekende gelegenheid voor:
  • kennis opdoen over de nieuwste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van afval, afvalwater en waterzuivering en duurzame energie;
  • bekijken van de verschillende machines, technologieën, producten en diensten op het gebied van milieutechnologie;
  • kennis opdoen bij de paneldiscussies en themabijeenkomsten;
  • interessante contacten leggen met bedrijven die uw product of technologie kunnen gebruiken of verder kunnen brengen.

Datum,locatie en aanmelden
Vrijdag13 juni 2014,Istanbul Turkije

De matchmaking wordt georganiseerd door Enterprise Europe network, voor deelname en verdere informatie kunt u zich Aanmelden. Deelname aan de matchmaking is kostenloos.

Meer informatie
Meer informatie en inschrijven: Janine Kaya of Michelle Lemmers van Enterprise Europe Network Nederland

vrijdag 25 april 2014

5. Deutsch - Niederländisches Netzwerktreffen - Thema Sensortechnik

Thema: Entwicklungen & Trends in der Sensortechnik

Haben Sie geschäftliche Beziehungen in die Niederlande oder beabsichtigen Sie grenzüberschreitend aktiv zu werden? Dann ist es nützlich mit den richtigen Kontakten ins Gespräch zu kommen, um sich über Erfahrungen im Exportgeschäft austauschen zu können. Vor diesem Hintergrund laden die Kamer voor Koophandel Noord-Nederland, das Kompetenzzentrum Wirtschaft Nino Hochbau aus Nordhorn und Industrie- und Handelskammer Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim zu einem Netzwerktreffen mit deutschen und niederländischen Betrieben am 22. Mai im Nino Hochbau nach Nordhorn ein.

Das Thema dieses Netzwerktreffens sind 'Entwicklungen & Trends in der Sensortechnik. Derzeit sind in diesem Bereich in der Grenzregion interessante Entwicklungen zu beaobachten. Im Anschluß haben Sie während eines Netzwerkbuffets die Gelegenheit, neue Kontakte mit möglichen neuen Kunden und Partnern zu knüpfen oder die bestehenden Kontakte zu vertiefen.

16.00 Uhr: Einlass mit Kaffee und Tee
16.30 Uhr: Eröffnung der Veranstaltung
16.35 Uhr: Begrüßung durch Falk Hassenpflug (IHK) und Han smidt (Kamer van Koophandel)
16.45 Uhr: Fachvorträge:
  • EU-Programme und Fördermöglichkeiten (Ulrich Dammeyer, NBank)
  • Vom Tochscreen zum Sensor (Herman Edelijn, Touchtronic) 
  • Über Sensoren und was danach kommt...(Leon van Nisselroy, van Nisselroy Interim Consultants)
17.45 Uhr: Netzwerkbuffet
19.30 Uhr: Abschluss der Veranstaltung

NINO Hochbau, NINO-Allee 11,
(Navigationsgeräte / Routenplaner: Turmstraße 3)
48529 Nordhorn

NINO-Hochbau: www.nino-hochbau.de

Information und Anmeldung:
Teilhame ist gratis, bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 21. Mai online an: busemann@osnabrueck.ihk.de oder tonnie.vande.koolwijk@kvk.nl

IHK Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim: www.ihk-osnabrueck.ihk24.de

Wir würden uns freuen Sie am 22. Mai begrüßen zu dürfen.

donderdag 24 april 2014

Vervolgbijeenkomst PING workshop Modulair Produceren zoals gehouden bij Jansen Poultry Equipment

Bron: KvK & Metaalunie

Een aantal van de deelnemers aan de Ping-bijeenkomst bij Jansen Poultry Equipment in Barneveld, heeft aangegeven over het gepresenteerde onderwerp nader met elkaar te willen spreken.

Om aan deze vraag tegemoet te komen organiseert de HAN samen met KvK-Oost en de Metaalunie een workshop over het onderwerp modulariteit en mogelijkheden voor systematische ontwikkeling. Dit onderwerp zou ook voor uw bedrijf van belang kunnen zijn.
We nodigen u daarom van harte uit voor deze workshop bij de HAN, Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen, Ruitenburglaan 26 in Arnhem op maandag 19 mei van 15.00 – ca. 17.00 uur

Meldt U zich per email aan bij Mevrouw Huijben.

U ontvangt twee weken voor de workshop een vragenlijst om daarmee uw eigen positie ten aanzien van modulariteit en / of mass customization duidelijk te maken aan de hand hiervan krijgt u tijdens de workshop ook individueel advies voor uw eigen bedrijfsvoering.
Verder wordt u op 19 mei geïnformeerd over een ambitieus project dat de HAN afgelopen jaren met een aantal MKB bedrijven uitgevoerd heeft en dat vanaf september een nieuw vervolg zal krijgen. De achterliggende visie daarbij is dat kennis en kunde op het gebied van productarchitectuur essentieel is voor innovatie in het MKB. Het gaat erom verstandige keuzes te maken in de ontwikkeling van producten en business. Doelstelling van dit project is de snelheid en effectiviteit van productinnovatie bij MKB bedrijven te vergroten.

Hiervoor is afgelopen jaren een praktische methode ontwikkeld. Daarbij krijgt u als ondernemer onder meer inzicht in de architectuur van Uw producten. En dat geeft u weer de mogelijkheid voor afgewogen innovatiekeuzes waarbij gedacht kan worden aan zaken als time-to-market, marktpositionering, doorlooptijden in de supply chain, (beheers-) kosten, en duurzaamheidsvraagstukken.

We hopen u op 19 mei bij de HAN te kunnen ontmoeten,

Met Vriendelijke groet,

Ir. Hans de Weerd
KvK Ondernemingsondersteuning
t. +31 88 585 3620
m +31 6 55174070

Toine Straatman
Regiosecretaris Koninklijke Metaalunie
t. +31 263810320
m +31651803902

Bouwgeintegreerde oplossingen voor Pv Installaties uit de SBIR-IPZ regeling

Bron: RVO

Bouwen op zonne-energie :
Nu het aantal zonnepanelen in Nederland jaarlijks verdubbelt, groeit ook de behoefte aan esthetische, bouwgeïntegreerde oplossingen.
Reden om de sector uit te dagen een product te ontwerpen dat zonne-energie beter toepasbaar maakt in de gebouwde omgeving. Het resultaat: 4 innovatieve oplossingen. Deze bouwgeïntegreerde PV-producten kwamen voort uit 50 inzendingen voor de aanbesteding SBIR-IPZ programma (innovatieprogramma zonnestroom).

Zonnestroom- en warmteproductie ineen
Het Modular Energy Roof System van Dimark Solar is een multifunctionele kunststofmodule die werkt als dakbedekking, warmtecollector en drager voor PV-panelen. Het benut zonne-energie efficiënter door zowel stroom als warmte te leveren en ook energieopslag en koeling mogelijk te maken. De productie- en installatiekosten zijn goedkoper en de verschillende dakfuncties zijn beter geïntegreerd.

Energieopwekkend glas
Peer + ontwikkelde slim en energieopwekkend glas: Smart Energy Glass. Het glas is zonwerend en wekt energie op uit het tegengehouden licht. Hierdoor kun je zowel het binnenklimaat als de lichtintensiteit beheersen. Met een afstandsbediening schakel je tussen een lichte en donkere stand. De opgevangen zon wordt omgezet in elektriciteit, waardoor het glas zelfvoorzienend is.

Zonnepanelen in schaduw optimaliseren
Het Femtogrid Solar System maximaliseert de opbrengst van zonnepanelen die in de schaduw liggen met slimme elektronica. 25 procent van de zonne-energiemarkt heeft daar last van schaduw door obstakels. Het systeem bestaat uit een power optimizer, inverter, gelijkstroombekabeling en monitoringportal. Dit verbetert de opbrengst van zonnepanelen in de schaduw tot wel 30 procent.

Een dak in een dag
Samen met Kingspan Unidek en Oskomera Power Solutions ontwikkelde Ballast Nedam een modulair zonnedak. Het dak is volledig in de fabriek gemaakt en is in één verhuisbeweging op een woning te installeren. Alle handelingen vinden in de fabriek plaats; van het aanbrengen van zon-PV tot het bedraden en waterkerend maken van het dak. Het resultaat: een lagere kostprijs en een mooier dak.

Presenteer uw product tijdens de Greentech Week:
Bent u ondernemer en actief in duurzame technologie, cleantech, energie en milieu en wilt u zich presenteren? Grijp uw kans op de GreenTech Week: Presenteer uw duurzame producten tijdens de GreenTech Week in Oost Nederland. Meer informatie is HIER te vinden.

Lees heet hele artikel HIER

More on Dutch Solar Innovation is to be found in this ARTICLE

woensdag 23 april 2014

GreenTech Week Oost Nederland voor duurzaam leven en ondernemen

Innovatie, Inspiratie, Interactie, Handen ineen voor de GreenTech Week

Van maandag 6 tot en met zaterdag 11 oktober vindt de GreenTech Week plaats in Oost Nederland voor iedereen die actief is of wil worden binnen de energie- en milieutechnologie.

Één week, waarin we in Oost Nederland onze activiteiten en evenementen op het gebied van energie- en milieutechnologie bundelen en inzetten voor de ontwikkeling van de sector. Gebundelde  innovatiekracht  in onze regio om de energietransitie en de biobased economy te versnellen

Samenwerking en kennisuitwisseling tussen bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en overheden zijn voor versnelling de sleutels tot succes. Elkaar ontmoeten, nieuwe verbindingen leggen en inspireren om te innoveren staan deze week centraal. De inhoudelijke thema’s tijdens de GreenTech Week zijn duurzame energie (opwekking, opslag en transport), energiebesparing, circulaire economie, Clean Tech, duurzame mobiliteit en Biobased Economy.

Het initiatief voor deze week en de organisatie ervan is in handen van
- GreenTechAlliances, powered by kiEMT
- de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (Gelderland Valoriseert!, SEECE)
- VNO-NCW Midden
- de Kamer van Koophandel
- de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland

Bent u actief binnen deze thema’s en bent u van plan een excursie, lunchsessie, debat of bijeenkomst te organiseren in het najaar? Reserveer deze week dan alvast in uw agenda. Meer informatie over de wijze van deelname wordt binnenkort bekend gemaakt, website

Voor meer informatie kunt u nu al contact opnemen met Corine Janssen van GreenTechAlliances, 026-4461469 / 06-27085581

dinsdag 22 april 2014

Dit voorjaar (21/05) in Enschede, het Innoversum Innovatiecongres 21 mei 2014!

Bron: Innoversum


Het Innoversum 2014
'Ketenversterking’ binnen High Tech Systemen en Materialen (HTSM) Ambitie is om bedrijven uit te dagen op te schuiven in de waardeketen. Om anders naar elkaar, klanten, producten en markten te kijken en om na te denken over de invloed van verandering binnen de keten. Met trots kunnen wij alvast Gerben Edelijn (CEO Thales Nederland), Yuri van Geest (Singularity University) en Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gausemeier (Hoogleraar Product Engineering)als keynote speakers tijdens het Innoversum aan u voorstellen.

Naast deze verdieping op HTSM biedt het Innoversum ook podium aan onderdelen in het programma die breder innovatief ondernemerschap behandelen. Zoals de Innovatielezing van de Universiteit Twente, de Studentondernemersdag, het Eindcongres Innovatief Materialen Platform Twente (IMPT), Ten Kate Huizinga Lunchsessie en de finale EW/Saxion Ondernemersaward.

Early Bird:
Profiteer nu van de tijdelijke 'Early Bird' actie en ontvang € 30,00 korting op de toegangsprijs! Meldt u HIER aan!

Tickets zijn nu te bestellen via de website www.innoversum.nl

donderdag 17 april 2014

Terugblik Hannover Messe 2014 en Nederland als partnerland

De Hannover Messe is weer voorbij, de stands afgebroken, de standhouders naar huis met nieuwe contacten en aangehaalde bestaande contacten. Elektrische auto's die als taxi hebben gereden op het Messegelände staan vermoedelijk aan de lader te wachten op het volgende evenement. Ben benieuwd wat er wordt gedaan met al die mooie banners van de Holland promotie, hopelijk niet de container in want er stonden mooie producten op die mij als Nederlander in Duitsland toch wel trots lieten zijn. Ik liep immers niet voor niets met het oranje ronde tulpenspeldje op mijn colbert.
Om "Holland" in de promotie gebruiken is altijd vragen om een vraagreactie bij de andere nationaliteiten. Wat is het verschil tussen Holland en Nederland, waarom is het the Netherlands want het is toch maar één land en waarom wordt er dan Dutch gesproken. Om alles goed uit te leggen, en er nog een extra schepje onduidelijkheid bij op te doen, is dit wel een erg leuk FILMPJE om te bekijken. Nee, op een Nederlander kun je niet zomaar een sticker plakken.

In de aanloop naar de Hannover Messe heb ik prettig samen gewerkt met mijn oud collega Remco Lucassen , nu werkzaam bij OOST NV, om bedrijven uit Overijssel en Gelderland te interesseren voor de matchmaking gekoppeld aan hun stand of bezoek aan de Hannover Messe. Een financiële bijdrage van Provincie Overijssel om regionale ondernemers een extra duwtje te geven om deel te nemen was voor ondernemers welkom.
Samen met de N-Bank Hannover en partner in het project Enterprise Europe Network wordt de beurs aangegrepen voor een 3-daagse matchmaking. Speeddaten met potentiele zakenpartners vanuit een 30 minuten kennismakingsgesprek, op basis van een vooraf opgesteld profiel met bedrijfsactiviteiten en wensen voor samenwerkingen.
Wilt u eens kijken wie er deel namen, HIER is de lijst van de bedrijven te vinden. We praten dan over bedrijven uit 19 landen van België  tot de U.S.A. Totaal namen circa 250 bedrijven mee waarvan 18 uit Nederland en waren er 450 afspraken. Dus ook heel veel koffie, koekjes, visitekaartjes en handdrukken in Hal 2.

De Holland promotie heeft voor mij een goede uitwerking, positief nieuwes in de pers en op televisie, trots op Nederlandse producten en de maakindustrie. Met veel plezier heb ik foto's gemaakt van producten die mij aanspreken en om te delen met mijn collega's die niet mee zijn geweest. De foto's zijn HIER trouwens te vinden. Vooral interessant vind ik de hal 2, waar vooral universiteiten en kenniscentra nieuwe technologie laten zien. Daarnaast is hal 27 interessant, gericht op duurzame energie en duurzame mobiliteit. De sfeer is heel anders met de naastgelegen hallen 13 en 12 met het onderwerp Energie, waar het merendeels elektrische energie verdeling, transformatoren, componeneten en laagspanning producten staan. Naast een zeer grote stand van Siemens staat er uit Hengelo Eaton Holec en ik herken nog wat producten van mijn werk destijds, leuk.
In hal 27 staan diverse elektrische voertuigen maar ook waterstof als energiebron is niet uit te sluiten. Vooral bij het bufferen van energie overschot lijkt dit interessant te zijn. Ook blijkt, met keuze uit 3 verschillende tankpistolen, dat het harmoniseren van elektrisch tanken nog niet helemaal is gelopen. De elektrische bakfiets en elektrische verhuiswagen ontbreekt niet en een andere bakfiets wordt opgeladen door een Pv paneel met daaronder 3 verticale windturbines, gemaakt in Frankrijk. Zo iets zoek in nog voor bij mij op de garage. De elektrische landbouwtractor van de Twentse ondernemer Machinefabriek Boesekool staat trots uitgestald, anders dan ik had verwacht en ook hier blijkt dat elektrische aandrijving veel design vrijheid geeft voor het productontwerp. Er naast de bekendere elektrische verhuiswagen die er concentioneel uit ziet. Verdre producten als de lichtgewicht bus en medische tafel van VDL en de design award Auping slaapkamer met inderdaad, de Wingman op het nachtkastje. Dat deed even wat stof opwaaien bij de Duitse pers. Inderdaad, if it ain't Dutch, it ain't much.

Meer en meer blijkt dat een land niet alleen kan draaien op dienstenproducten, maar dat er meer behoefte is aan techniek, techneuten, innovatie en een stabiel technisch innovatief milieu. Helemaal naar mijn oren als technisch opgeleid met een liefde voor techniek. Ik merk dat voor de huidige jeugd techniek sexy en stoer is, en om mijn dochters er wat van mee te geven slopen we af en toe oude apparaten uit de afvalbak van de kringloopwinkel. Uiteraard wordt alles wel weer gescheiden afgevoerd.
Ondanks dat Duitsland een grote exportpartner is, hoorde ik maandag op ons KvK kantoor Arnhem dat Italië het meest interessant is voor ons als het op zaken aan komt. Italianen nemen meer complete producten af die een hogere winstbijdrage hebben, daar waar de Duitse economie vooral onderdelen betrekt met een lagere bijdrage. Al weer naar mijn oren als gepassioneerd Alfisti en Ducatisti.

Nieuwe financieringsmogelijkheden voor uw Innovatie: EFRO, INTERREG, Horizon 2020 en Energiefonds

Bron: Kennispark Twente

De komende jaren komen vanuit Europa middelen beschikbaar voor het subsidiëren van innovaties in Oost Nederland. In het najaar van 2014 start de uitvoering van het EFRO programma. Als u actief bent binnen de sectoren High Tech Systems & Materials, Health, Agrofood en/of Energie- en milieutechnologie (inclusief biobased economy), kunnen deze middelen uw ontwikkeling van producten, diensten en processen wellicht ondersteunen. Tevens behoren cross-overs met sectoren zoals ICT, water, chemie, creatieve- en maakindustrie tot de mogelijkheden. Ondernemers, onderwijs- en kennisinstellingen kunnen aanvragen doen.
Ook het INTERREG programma staat op de planning om in het najaar van 2014 te starten. Ook hier staat productontwikkeling centraal, maar INTERREG richt zich op de grensoverschrijdende samenwerking tussen Duitse en Nederlandse ondernemers, onderwijs- en kennisinstellingen in de grensregio.
Het onderzoeks- en innovatieprogramma HORIZON 2020 biedt ook kansen. MKB-ers kunnen deelnemen in projecten van consortia met andere bedrijven en kennisinstellingen of gebruik maken van het speciale MKB-instrument voor haalbaarheidsstudies, R&D en demonstratieprojecten

Snel geld of een strategische keuze?
Provincie Overijssel informeert u graag over de (on)mogelijkheden van deze subsidieprogramma’s voor uw bedrijf of organisatie, zodat u zich maximaal kunt voorbereiden op de start van in het najaar. Daarnaast zal Oost NV u laten zien wat de subsidie voor impact heeft gehad op de ontwikkeling van innovatie en samenwerking.
Samenwerking met regionale en internationale partners is cruciaal, wij hopen dat u tijdens deze bijeenkomst geïnspireerd wordt om met relevante partners innovatie op een hoger plan te brengen

15.15 uur: Ontvangst met koffie/thee
15.30 uur: Introductie– Pieter Dillingh (Kennispark)
15.35 uur: Toelichting op het EFRO - Jolanda Vrolijk (Provincie Overijssel)
15.55 uur: Toelichting op het INTERREG - Jacques van Steenbergen(Provincie Overijssel)
16.15 uur: Toelichting op Horizon 2020 (Universiteit Twente
16.35 uur: Toelichting op Energiefonds Overijssel – Jacco van Egdom (Energiefonds Overijssel
16.55 uur Ervaringen en Kansen – Diane Pluimers (Oost NV
17:15 uur: Afsluiting- Pieter Dillingh
17.20 uur: Netwerkborrel
18.00 uur Einde bijeenkomst

Aanmelden en locatie
Kennispark Twente is gastheer voor deze bijeenkomst op woensdag 23 april 2014.
De bijeenkomst vindt plaats in Grand Café The Gallery, Hengelosestraat 500 te Enschede.
Aan deelname zijn geen kosten verbonden, maar het aantal plaatsen is beperkt.
Aanmelden kan via Mevr. Dijkstra.

Wij hopen u 23 april te mogen begroeten!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Pieter Dillingh
Directeur Kennispark Twente

woensdag 16 april 2014

Kennistafels Kunststof in Zwolle met diverse thema's voor u

Bron: Kamer van Koophandel

Kennispoort Regio Zwolle en de Kamer van Koophandel slaan de handen ineen en organiseren samen de inspirerende, interactieve en informatieve kennistafelsessies in de gemeenten Zwolle, Hardenberg en/of Steenwijkerland. Bent u ondernemer in de kunststoftechnologie, werkt u samen met

een kunststofverwerkend bedrijf aan een product waarin kunststof wordt verwerkt of bent u, voornemens op dit gebied activiteiten te gaan ontplooien? Dan zijn deze bijeenkomsten iets voor u.

Bijeenkomsten waar u volop in gesprek kunt gaan met collega ondernemers die net als u innovatief zijn en informatie willen delen rondom kunststoffen. Voor de interactieve tafelsessies hebben wij onderwerpen vastgesteld die actueel zijn. Mist u een onderwerp? Laat het ons weten.

Het programma voor de bijeenkomsten ziet er als volgt uit:
15.00 uur Ontvangst met koffie/thee
15.30 uur Introductie door Kennispoort en Kamer van Koophandel
  •  Geert Heideman en Margie Topp (15 mei en 12 juni), Lectoraat kunststoftechnologie Hogeschool Windesheim over de betekenis van onderzoek voor de kunststofbranche.
  • Michiel Bilstra, directeur Techniek bij het Deltion College over hun bijdrage aan het opleiden van jonge mensen op het gebied van innovatie.
  • Ron Nuwenhof, clustertrekker kunststoffen, over de begrippen open innovatie en clustervorming
16.15 uur Tafelsessies op de volgende onderwerpen
  • Recycling en de toepassing ervan in producten
  • Biomaterialen
  • 3D printen
  • Verbeteren van oppervlakte eigenschappen van kunststoffen
  • Verpakkingen
17.20 uur Plenaire terugkoppeling
17.30 uur Afsluiting met aansluitende netwerkborrel

U kunt kiezen uit vijf onderwerpen. U keuze voor bovengenoemde onderwerpen voor de tafelsessies kunt bij aanmelding aangeven in het vakje vragen/opmerkingen. Voor de onderwerpen met de meeste voorkeur worden uiteindelijk drie kennistafels ingericht

De locaties voor deze bijeenkomsten zijn:
  • Donderdag 15 mei, Polymer Science Park, Ceintuurbaan 15 Zwolle of op nader te bepalen locatie in de gemeente Hardenberg
  • Donderdag 12 juni, Polymer Science Park, Ceintuurbaan 15 Zwolle of op een nader te bepalen locatie in de gemeente Steenwijkerland.

U bent bij alle bijeenkomsten van harte welkom. Aanmelden kan via www.kennispoortregiozwolle.nl/214 en www.kennispoortregiozwolle.nl/215
Wij nodigen nadrukkelijk ondernemers in de maakindustrie uit.
Deze bijeenkomst is niet bedoeld voor Intermediaire organisaties

Heeft u vragen of wilt u een speciale inhoudelijke bijdrage leveren op één van de onderwerpen tijdens de tafelsessies? Dan kunt u contact opnemen met Joke Smit telefoon: 038-2022020 of  René Pluim mobiel: 06-83648763.

Wij kijken er naar uit met u in gesprek te gaan!

dinsdag 15 april 2014

Photonics, Vision, Robotics & Mechatronics Brokerage Event 2014

 Meet the right project or business partner at the right place!

Enterprise Europe Network The Netherlands invites you to the international brokerage event during the Photonics, Vision, Robotics & Mechatronics Event 2014.

The Photonics, Vision, Robotics & Mechatronics Brokerage Event 2014 is an international brokerage event focused on the enabling photonics technology and related researchers, business partners, suppliers and intermediaires.
The Photonics, Vision, Robotics & Mechatronics Event 2014 with its fair, conference and bilateral meetings make it the ideal venue for tailored networking to develop future projects and new business. The event establishes a bridge between the research world and business. Scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, CEO's, policy makers, consultants and science students are gathering annually to share their knowledge on photonics and to do business and project networking.
The event takes place on the 11th en 12th of June 2014 in the NH Conference Centre Koningshof in Veldhoven, close to Eindhoven. The region around Eindhoven is called the Brainport region. Brainport is the most knowledge intensive and industrialized region in The Netherlands and gives home to multinationals like Philips, ASML, FEI, NXP, DAF Trucks, VDL and many other high tech companies, that in most cases are supplying multinationals.

This networking event will target a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from all over Europe interested in sharing new project ideas, collaboration partners and business opportunities.

Main topics
  • A wide variety of lectures showing the impact of photonics in society and industry.
  • An international fair and knowledge exhibition.
  • A number of activities aimed at meeting and matching.
 Why to participate?
  • Attend the combination of an international fair, conference and bilateral meetings.
  • Meet many potential project of business partners in a short time.
  • Meet a number of key players from networks and projects around the Framework Programme.
  • Meet a number of people from other important international photonics networks (SPIE, EOS, representatives of national and regional clusters, ...).
  • Meet internationally focused researchers.
  • Encounter most recent technologies.
  • Discover latest applications.
  • Meet a wide variety of SME's, technostarters, OEMs, multinationals and suppliers.
  • Meet the Dutch Photonics network.
  • Utilize the network to create new market opportunities.
  • Select and prepare your meetings in advance.
  • 30 minute meetings.

Please visit het website of the Photonics Event for visitor registration (registration is required!)
To register click here

maandag 14 april 2014

Meet the right partner at the right place! High Tech Systems 2014 Brokerage Event

We kindly invite you to take part in the High-Tech Systems 2014 Brokerage Event, Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th May 2014.

ASML, Philips Healthcare, FEI and Océ Technologies/Canon are world leaders in their markets. According to market research, most of the suppliers contributing to the success of these OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) are based in The Netherlands. The Netherlands, and in particular the Brainport region around Eindhoven, are key players in the development, manufacturing and marketing of some of the most advanced, precise and intelligent machines.
In our region you will find high tech companies that are keen to explore how your technologies, services, expertises, software and advanced components can add value to their business. Outsourcing is part of the business-DNA of the high tech ecosystem around Eindhoven, which has an annual buying power of over 20 billion euro's.

Why to participate?
HTS 2014 especially welcomes international visitors. Open innovation and collaboration are at the heart of Dutch high tech industry. The industry is particularly open-minded towards cooperation with international partners to strengthen its business.
  • Attend the international Fair and Conference
  • Participate in company visits to regional OEMs and their high-level suppliers
  • Meet a wide variety of relevant SMEs, OEMs, suppliers, techno starters, research institutes and scientists
  • Meet many relevant potential project or business partners in a short time
  • Request, prepare and choose your meetings in advance
  • Focused 30 minute meetings
Please visit the website of High-Tech Systems 2014 for visitor registration (registration is required!).
To register click here.

vrijdag 11 april 2014

Bedrijf vestigen in Duitsland, 3 bijzondere bijeenkomsten voor u.

De groeivooruitzichten voor de Duitse markt zijn de komende jaren uitstekend. Het juiste moment lijkt daar te zijn om dit jaar succesvol de Duitse markt op te gaan met een eigen product of dienst!
Ondernemen in Duitsland draait om doorzettingsvermogen, vernieuwingsdrang, perfectionisme… en nog zo oneindig veel meer! Ondernemers kunnen elkaar hierin helpen. Ze kunnen elkaar ondersteunen door kennis te delen, elkaar opdrachten te geven en elkaar de juiste contacten aan

En wij? Wij vinden het geweldig om ondernemers hiermee te helpen!

Kenniskring "Start uw bedrijf in Duitsland":
De Kamer van Koophandel organiseert een kenniskring voor ondernemers om samen concreet praktisch en resultaatgericht aan de slag te gaan! Heeft u concrete plannen om een onderneming in Duitsland op te richten of overweegt u om uw activiteiten uit te breiden naar Duitsland? Dan is deelname aan deze 3 daagse kenniskring hierbij een uitstekende tool voor u!
De kenniskring is met name gericht op de industriebedrijven in de regio Oost. Onderwerpen als juridische zaken, fiscale zaken, accountancy en organisatie&personeel staan centraal. Als deelnemende ondernemer vragen wij van u betrokkenheid, inbreng van een casus, bereidheid kennis te delen en aanwezigheid bij al de drie bijeenkomsten.

Datum en locaties:
De eerste bijeenkomst is op donderdag 15 mei bij ECO-NOVA GmbH. Een succesvol “Nederlands/Duits” bedrijf gevestigd in Schüttorf(Duitsland).
De tweede en derde zijn op donderdag 5 juni en dinsdag 1 juli bij Heisterborg International in Emsburen (Duitsland).
De sessies beginnen om 14.30 met “Kaffee und Kuchen. Er zijn geen kosten verbonden aan deelname.

Voor vragen en/of aanmelding kunt u contact opnemen met

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from the second half of April 2014

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published second half of April 2014.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

New nanotechnology-based surface coating product
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company is seeking distributors in Austria, France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland for a premium, nanotechnology-based, vapour-permeable and breathable coating product which is free from hazardous pollutants and is suitable for many diverse applications and markets. Compatible surfaces include painted bodywork; ceramics; concrete, stone and minerals; metals; glass and textiles.

Installation of heating and sanitary networks
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company specialized in construction and restoration of heating and sanitary installations (pre-insulated networks, gas and biomass boilers) is looking for subcontracting opportunities in Austria, Germany, Norway and Sweden.

Producer of pipe cutting and bevelling machines for on-site machining of pipes is looking for a distributor or agent.
Business OFFER from Estonia
Estonian company producing equipment for on-site machining is looking for a distributor or agent in the UK market. Main products offered are machines for pipe cold cutting and bevelling in oil, gas, process and nuclear industries. Production is located in Estonia.

A Hungarian SME active in the metal industry is looking for manufacturing and subcontracting opportunities
Business OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian SME specialized in mechanical engineering and manufacturing of various steel structures is offering its competence for manufacturing and subcontracting opportunities. The Hungarian company would like to find business partners in Sweden, Russia, Germany, Finland and the Netherlands.

A Hungarian firm from the machinery sector would like to find agents and subcontracting opportunities
Business OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian company specialized in designing and manufacturing of various devices, custom made precision machines and parts of machines is looking for commercial agency agreements and subcontracting opportunities in the European Union.

Production of lighting equipment
Business OFFER from Bulgaria
Bulgarian company, specialized in production of a wide range of high quality lighting products, is looking for distributors abroad. The products are suitable for different projects and lighting solutions and concepts - both decorative and energy saving.

Dutch developer of sustainable washroom solutions with product range free of harmful chemicals (C2C-certified) , with stylish and timeless design is looking for distributors in Denmark
Business OFFER from Netherlands
Dutch company offering complete and innovative solutions for better washroom hygiene in combination with exceptional environmental performance. The product range consists of hygienic paper, dispensers and accessories such as soaps, air fresheners, waste bins and ladies hygiene. The product range is free of harmful chemicals (Cradle to Cradle certified) , with stylish and timeless design. This Dutch company is looking for distributors in Denmark.

GIS-based software for the calculation and mapping of noise immission in industrial environments
Business OFFER from Germany
A German SME specialises in noise measurement and consultancy. Their latest development is an innovative GIS (geographical information system)-based software for the mapping and monitoring of noise sources in industrial environments. The software provides a solid basis for the planning and implementation of noise protection measures. The company looks for service agreements (Europe-wide) as well distribution partners in Austria and Poland.

Inexpensive and easy-to-use noise mapping software for non-experts
Business OFFER from Germany
A German company specialising in industrial noise measurement and consultancy offers an inexpensive and easy-to-use noise mapping software which enables non-expert users (like architects, plant designers, etc.) to assess noise levels in industrial and commercial environments. The software combines the advantages of the 3D modelling software Trimble SketchUp and Google Earth. A web-based version is available. The company looks for service and distribution agreements.

Italian company producing pellet and multi-fuel (pips, corn, almond shells, shredding) stoves and boilers is looking for trade intermediaries for its eco-friendly products.
Business OFFER from Italy
An Italian company specialises in producing pellet and multi-fuel stoves and boilers. The company uses a productive process that merges artisan skills with cutting edge technology. The company produces solutions created for domestic and industrial furnishings and in compliance with high quality standards while completely respecting the environment. The company is looking for trade intermediaries (agents, representatives and distributors) for its products in Ukraine.

Fine organic chemistry services for small molecules development from early stages to the market
Business OFFER from France
A French Company is offering its established expertise in the field of small molecules chemistry. Specialized in chemical process research and process development/optimization for scale up, the Company covers the customer needs from early discovery up to scall up activities and up to the market. The Company is looking for clients interested in services agreement.

Looking for technologies, products and different solutions involved in the restoration of inland water systems to distribute them, or for joint venture
Business REQUEST from Spain
This Spanish company is specialized in environmental monitoring, control, management and improvement of inland water bodies, including the restoration of these systems by problems of eutrophication, anoxia, microbial infection, etc.. ). They are looking for technology/products and different solutions involved in the restoration of these inland water systems in an environmental friendly way, to distribute. They are also interested in joint venture.

SME seeks subcontractor within galvanised sheet work, to produce metal frames of laboratories' equipments
Business REQUEST from France
A French company, manufacturing air treatment equipment for major pharmaceutical companies, is looking for a subcontractor operating in the sheet metal working sector. This involves the following tasks: Steel sheet metal cutting, Steel sheet metal bending and welding, Epoxy-powder painting (optional). Long term subcontracting agreement for small series production: 50-100 units per year.

Intelligent tool control system for sheet drawing
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
Czech university is developing an intelligent tool control system for sheet drawing, which is lowering the limit deformations in the critical areas of stamping, lowering inhomogeneities, lowering direct and indirect costs etc. The university's solution is using numerical simulation in combination with intelligent tool control system for sheet drawing. The university is looking for various types of cooperation like license agreement, manufacturing agreement and technical cooperation agreement.

Drones as an inexpensive airborne instrument platform
Technology OFFER from Norway
A small Norwegian company has developed an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) that gives an inexpensive airborne instrument platform which opens new possibilities within research, resource management and environmental surveillance. The drone is designed to fulfil the requirements for a low cost platform with long endurance, moderate payload capacity and capability to operate without a runway. The company is looking for partners for technical cooperation.

Innovative catalyst based on gold nano-clusters for air purification
Technology OFFER from Spain
A spin-off of a Catalan university has developed a nanocatalyst with gold nano-clusters for the elimination of harmful air pollutants. This catalyst can be adapted to offer a wide range of solutions in different fields such as automotive, electric appliances, personal protection, industrial pavements or defence. It shows high activity at room temperature and at low cost. Industrial partners interested in technical cooperation, license and commercial agreement with technical assistance are sought

The design, engineering and production of precision glass tubing
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME is specialized in the design, engineering and production of precision glass tubing in different geometries. The SME offers its expertise regarding materials selection, product characteristics, quality control, and its cost efficient and highly accurate, automated production capabilities. The Dutch SME is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance with industrial partners.

High accuracy surface grinding technology for glass and ceramic parts
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME is specialized in the high accuracy surface grinding of glass and ceramics. The SME is able to manufacture parts with a flatness accuracy in the sub-micrometer range and a surface roughness in the nanometer range. With their unique grinding technology they can achieve high-end surface planes without the need for polishing. The Dutch SME is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance with industrial partners.

Pump-compressor, to transmit liquid and gases
Technology OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian inventor develops pump-compressor with cardan-joint system to transmit liquid and gases. Its main advantage: it operates without valves, piston and winch. The technology is good mainly for machine industrial, pump- and compressor producing companies and fire departments. The inventor is searching for industrial or service providing partner in order to further develop the technology together and to make it suitable for mass production and then to make the mass production.

A transportable, rollable photovoltaic array
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
An East of England based SME has developed a transportable, rollable photovoltaic (PV) array. Unlike other rollable PV products which are all single modules, this is an entire PV array pre-wired and pre-connected with built-in power cabling which can be created on a multi-kW scale. They are looking to source partners to provide angel/seed investment (financial agreements), technical cooperation and routes to market.

New fluid bed pilot plant for recycling of waste
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish research institute offers a new fluid bed pilot plant for development of industrial processes for separation of harmful substances from waste materials in order to recover valuable raw materials in many fields of application. Specific areas are residuals and waste metallurgy and mining industries. Industrial partners are sought for technical co-operation to develop the process for different recycling needs and plant specifications.

Intelligent waste sorting system for portable batteries that enables data management possibilities
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish SME within waste management, has developed an efficient waste battery sorting system with integrated management possibilities. By using object recognition technology and artificial intelligence, the sorting system enables data collection which can be used for valuable reports and analysis regarding the waste's chemical compound, manufacturer and brand. The SME is interested to find partners within waste management that want to implement the system and/or research partners.

Intelligent power battery solutions based on lithium-ion technologies
Technology OFFER from France
A French company, positioned in the lithium-ion storage market, specialises in the design, manufacturing and marketing of intelligent and modular battery packs with embedded battery management system covering a large application spectrum. The company is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation worldwide. Potential partners are expected to develop the proposed technology and test it in new and innovative applications.

Intelligent small wind turbine tower
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company developed an intelligent small wind turbine tower designed for maximum efficiency with moderate wind. The product is customizable and can be combined with other systems such as wind pumps, desalination plants, solar thermal energy, photovoltaic or ultrasonic wind sensors. The company seeks technical partners interested in technical or research cooperation agreements, commercial agreements with technical assistance, licensing or acquisition.

Disassembly and recycling of electric / hybrid vehicle batteries
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A multinational electronics company with a base in Scotland is setting up a plant to offer the safe disassembly and recycling of electric / hybrid vehicle batteries. To this end, knowledge is sought to deal with battery capacities up to 85kW. The company seeks suitable partners who, preferably collectively, have the electrical, mechanical and chemical scientific knowledge to transfer through technical or commercial cooperation on a project basis or under subcontract or license.

Italian plastic and clay pottery industry leader in the production of Italian design products, made of resins and galestro clay, is looking for trade partners or joint ventures.
Business OFFER from Italy
Started in 1973, the Italian company, with up to 600 employees, developed a worldwide leading experience and know-how in the production and distribution of several plastic and real terracotta items, made of the best raw-materials (resins and galestro clay). The company registered hundreds registered trade-marks and patented designs especially for flower pots and decorative items and developed new waste water purification systems and is looking for new distributors or joint ventures.

Tool for carrying out Life Cycle Assessments of eco-designed products
Technology OFFER from Luxembourg
A Luxemburgish Research Centre has developed an online platform which serves for the evaluation of environmental performances of products and processes. This platform is particularly useful for companies that wish to enhance their development process by integrating the concepts of eco-design. Commercial and technical partners are sought, for further development and adaptation to specific needs.

Innovative food container for transporting ethnic foods such sushi and/or sashimi
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company, specialized in projecting, manufacturing and commercializing food containers for cold and hot transport, has developed an innovative food container for transporting ethnic foods such sushi and/or sashimi. These food containers, entirely recyclable, allow to savour the food, without losing its properties when being transported. The sme is looking for cooperation with industrial partners available to customize the product or a manufacturing agreement.

Optical Sensor for Public Lighting
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company has developed an interactive system which reduces the energy consumption for public lighting and provides interactive services for Smart Cities through the automatic analysis of urban scene. The product is made of an electronic board equipped with an optical sensor and an integrated software which enables adaptive lighting techniques. The company seeks partners, offering licensing agreement and technical cooperation, for joint further development or to test new applications.

Boilers fired by biomass
Technology OFFER from Serbia
A Serbian producer offers a technology for the production of boiler plants fired by biomass, from steam, hot water and thermo oil boiler plant up to cogeneration plants and plants for district heating fired by fossil fuels. They are seeking for either licensing, manufacturing or commercial agreement with technical assistance and financial resources.

Innovative UV Water Disinfection/Treatment that meets strict Environmental regulations
Technology OFFER from Israel
Israel-based company offers unique UV Water Disinfection/Treatment. Solutions include chemical-free disinfection, dechlorination & ozone destruction that meet stringent food and water safety regulations, with third-party validation to US FDA (U.S Food and Drugs Administrtion) and EPA (U.S Enviorment protection agency) criteria. The company is seeking a Joint Venture, Technical Cooperation and Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance

Innovative UV Water Disinfection/Treatment product
Technology OFFER from Israel
The Israeli based company has developed a UV Water Disinfection/Treatment. The process is chemical-free water disinfection, dechlorination & ozone destruction that meet stringent food and water safety regulations, with third-party validation to US FDA and EPA criteria. The company is looking for Joint Venture, Technical Cooperation and Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance

High efficiency, low cost, scalable biogas reactor
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish SME in the industrial systems field has developed a biogas reactor, with a residence time about half compared to conventional reactors. This makes the reactor relatively small, and suitable for customers with a lower production of biological waste. The construction enables the four digestion stages to take place without affecting each other. The SME is seeking partners, in the bio-waste digestion field, for a joint launching of a full-scale demonstration facility.

Analysis and assurance of sterility and hygiene
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German research and test laboratory offers special technologies for analysing products towards bakteria, fungi, mould and for hygienic safety of medical devices, disinfectants, and pharmaceutical products. It also supplies services for health care institutions and industrial operators. Main advantages are highly innovative testing methods developed in close r&d cooperation with academic researchers. The company is offering its testing know-how and technologies to SME, labs or R&D institutes.

Biomass dust swirl burners mounted in existing burners
Technology OFFER from Poland
A Polish SME, being a private engineering company, has developed burners for biomass dust firing. The technology enables low emissions for fuel firing, leading to a reduction in environmental impact associated with power generation. Biomass dust burners are mounted on boiler’s combustion chamber walls in the coal-fired burners and start-up burners zone. Partners for technical cooperation, joint venture or manufacturing agreement are sought and also partners for further product development.

Energy Saving Radiator Bracket
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME has developed technology which enables interior curtains to close behind central heating radiators thus reducing heat loss. The new technology provides a universal radiator fitting whilst improving access. The technology will enable the user to recover the initial fitting costs and obtain further energy savings. The technology can be used on all panel radiators irrespective of size. Collaboration to support the development and commercialisation of this technology is welcomed.

Cost effective substrates
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME specialising in the field of semiconductors and photovoltaics has developed technology to reduce the cost of substrates. The novel technology enables the creation or transfer of a one to ten micrometres depth Semiconductor Film, as a functional substrate, from bulk materials or via thin film deposition. Partners are sought for technical collaboration or license in the areas of LED, photovoltaics, power electronics and RF chips from companies/ universities experienced in this sector.

Novel Droplet Deformation Control
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK research company has developed an innovative technology which provides a unique capability for the deformation of oils, polar solvents and gels droplets by the use of generated laser beam optical traps. The main advantages over other methodologies are; it is able to generate multiple traps over many planes, enables new manufacturing capabilities and permits droplet manipulation. An opportunity is offered for partners to develop this technology into marketable products under licence.

New Low Temperature Deposition Process
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A North West UK University has developed improvements in plasma generation technology to extend the capability of plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition/etching processes at atmospheric pressure. This development has advantages over current methods chief of which are removal of wet chemistry based techniques and the ability to treat sensitive substrates. The developer now offers a commercial partnership with technical assistance and the possibility of an exclusive licence to take to market.

Innovative cooling system for hard materials cutting
Technology OFFER from Italy
An italian laboratory is developing an innovative cooling system based on the addition of liquid nitrogen instead of traditional oil-water emulsion, that can be used in cutting operations of hard machine materials such as aeronautic titanium alloys. The laboratory is looking for industries in the field of machine tool and aerospace for technical cooperation and further development.

Innovative retractable pergola/cover for shade/cover and electricity production using PV panels.
Technology OFFER from Greece
A Greek inventor has developed a patent that provides a means for a retractable cover/pergola using PV panels for shade/cover while producing electricity. The produced systems are highly customizable and can be integrated into a wide range of buildings in a cost-efficient way. Sun & wind sensors guarantee maximum electricity production while offering protection to the investment in case of high winds. The inventor is looking for collaborations abroad to optimize the alluminium alloy structure.

Sensors for precision measurements in harsh environments
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company has developed optical sensors for harsh environments. High temperature pressure sensors for gas turbine combustors are enabling new approaches for carbon reduction. Innovative optical sensor solutions are being developed for aircraft landing gear and fuel systems and trials are being conducted for point pressure sensors for oil and gas down-hole and pipeline applications. They seek licencing and technical agreements.

Innovative process of sugar production from the lignocellulosic biomass
Technology OFFER from France
A French R&D centre has developed a process allowing the lignocellulosic biomass to be fractioned through a continuous pre-treatment coupled with enzymatic reaction. That could lead to production of second generation biofuels (ethanol) or other molecules of interest (polyhydroxyalkanoate, xanthan gum, butanol). Pilot plant is running in western France. Now the R&D centre is looking for financial partners for proceed with further industrial development of the technology.

Innovative and easy-to-use radon gas sensor
Technology OFFER from Italy
An italian start up has developed an innovative radon gas detector that is easy to use and can be used in workplaces or private environment. It is looking for public and private organisation, and companies obliged by law to the environmental monitoring, for commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Fabrication and characterisation of silicon solar cells and modules
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
UK SME manufacturer of silicon solar cells and silicon based specialist PV modules. Skills: Solar cells fabrication including wet chemistry, laser processing, diffusion, texturisation, and metallisation (including electroless plating). Full characterisation of solar cells. Significantly experienced in private and public funded collaborative R+D. This expertise is offered to interested parties for research, technical cooperation, manufacturing or joint venture agreements or subcontracting.

Licensees (manufacturers and/or resellers) sought for electric combi/renewable energy boilers
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A Scottish company has designed and developed high efficiency electric combi boilers with unique solar thermal and wood burning renewable energy options to provide central heating and hot water in a single package. Boilers store energy for use when required; the storage of off-peak or free solar energy further reduces costs. The company target the residential/light commercial market, and are looking for partners to manufacture and supply the system under licence.

Electronic solutions based on ARM technology focused on products requiring low cost, high performance and low power consumption.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish SME offers its expertise in embedded electronics and software development to design System-On-Modules and Single-Board-Computers. These low-cost and low-energy solutions are based on ARM technology. Although open to different kinds of collaborations, the SME is mainly looking for technical cooperation with companies developing and/or distributing industrial/commercial products needing to be controlled by powerful embedded electronics running GNU/Linux and/or Real Time Operating Systems

An innovative sewage water treatment system
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company has designed and produced a new generation of waste water purifier capable of treating from 2500 up to 22000 litres per day. The system can process and purify waste water thanks to physical and chemical treatments just before discharge water into the sea with a total respect of enforced norms. An industrial partner in the shipbuilding field is sought for a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Mycoremediation using fungi
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian research team, expert in the use of fungi in the treatment of real and contaminated soil, developed a new system for biodegradation and bioremediation of contaminants in soil and waste. This technology presents a high tolerance to toxic compounds and produces extracellular enzymes characterized by a wide range of action and able to reach pollutants with low availability. Partners sought are SME and/or research centers for technical cooperation, manufacturing and commercial agreements.

Removal of sulfur compounds form a liquid hydrocarbon stream or from flue gasses
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
A Flemish company is looking for an alternative treatment of a waste stream with a high caloric value and a high sulfur content.They are looking for companies or research institutes for the removal of sulfur compounds in order to be in compliance with the environmental permit of the company. They wish a partnership via license, technical cooperation, commercial agreement with technical cooperation.

Manufacture of automobile top coat liquid paints
Technology REQUEST from India
An Indian company, engaged in manufacture of coatings, metal pre-treatment chemicals, automotive and industrial paints, powder coating paints.is seeking technology collaborator (s) and joint venture partner for top coat paints, including coatings used in cathode electronic deposition (CED) process for automobiles. Joint development, commercial agreement with technical assistance and training are also sought.

Development of a system for storage and use of solar power heating system in an array of water tanks
Technology REQUEST from Greece
A Greek SME is looking for a boiler constructor, experts in smart controllers development and a partner related to contribute in the improvement of systems efficiency in order to further develop a patented invention which can improve the performance of solar energy systems in the areas of efficient capturing, storing and using of solar power. They are looking for a technical cooperation agreement.

Biodegradable materials for the sea
Technology REQUEST from Germany
A German university aims at re-establishing natural seagrass meadows by installing an artificial one that creates suitable hydrodynamic conditions for seagrass settlement. The artificial seagrass should biodegrade after a given time as the long term aim is to have a purely natural seagrass meadow. The project will be a joint effort of ecologists, hydrodynamicists and material developers. The sought partner should be interested to devolop the required material and/or explore new business avenues.

Novel sound reduction technologies for application to glass partitioning.
Technology REQUEST from Ireland
An Irish company specialising in the design and manufacture of workspace partitioning is seeking novel and innovative technologies that provide sound attenuation, sound reduction or cancellation solutions that could be applicable to their area of operation. The company seek solutions already on the market or at earlier stages of development. They would, for example, be interested in partnering with research groups with early stage concepts under a suitable mutually beneficial agreement.

A Greek engineering company is looking for Biomass Processing Equipment in the field of gasification, pyrolysis and CHP.
Technology REQUEST from Greece
A Greek engineering company acts as a technical consultant of major investors for the development of grid-connected biomass plants, each of 0.5 or 1 MWe. The company is interested in novel and industry-ready solutions for the thermochemical transformation of biomass feedstock either into combustible gases for power generation or into synthetic fuels. The company is seeking to establish a technical cooperation agreement and/or subcontracting with companies abroad.

Wireless medical sensors
Technology REQUEST from Spain
A southern Spanish technology based enterprise active in the area of remote patient monitoring solutions is very interested in getting in contact with providers of novel wireless medical sensors. Companies interested should provide not only the sensor but also technical support for the integration in the technology developed by the Spanish requester. Commercial agreements with technical assistance are sought.

Large scale storage and cover systems for water and liquids
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME with worldwide experience in the development, manufacturing and installation of large scale storage and cover (prefab tanks and lagoons) systems for water and liquids, is offering a commercial agreement with technical assistance to partners with experience with large storage tank building.

Licensing agreement for an innovative 3D lattice structure
Technology OFFER from France
A French company has developed an innovative 3D lattice structure. This new concept is a deployable light and rigid equipment which could be used in addition with textile or not, in all activity sectors: design, furniture, civil and military equipment, space deployable elements. Examples of application are furniture or metal framework used for bigger structure. They are looking for a license agreement.

A Bulgarian company specialized in plastic injection moulding is looking for distributors, partners for joint venture or subcontracting.
Business OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian company specialized in plastic injection moulding is looking for distributors of their products, partners for joint venture or subcontracting.

Distribution agreement for heat pumps producers
Business REQUEST from Poland
A Polish private company with nearly forty years of experience in heating installation is looking for producers of heat pumps from Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark or the Netherlands, for commercial purposes (to be a distributor on the Polish market).

German automotive supplier looks for metalworking SME in Poland for an acquisition agreement
Business REQUEST from Germany
A German automotive supplier needs to increase its production capacities. To that end, they would like to aquire the majority of shares or a full company in Poland. This company needs to have expertise in metalworking processes like welding, forming and cutting.

New energy storage systems
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian university develops projects aimed at improving local and distributed energy management using different kinds of storage systems such as predetermination of produced energy, systems to support local self-consumption and peak shaving and UPS. They are looking for partners (SME /research centres) to develop future applications.

A newly invented device for removing dirt, down to micro-dust level, on the bottom of shoes
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean SME offers an innovative technology for preventing dirt coming indoors from outside. The technology is used to make an electronic cleaning mat set collecting even micro-dust including harmful substances like germs. It is suggested for any type of place but strongly recommended to the places where fine dust particles should be excluded. It is efficient, durable and easy to use and maintain. The firm is looking for a joint venture partner for further technical development.

Waterproof coating for led lines in moist environment
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
A small Belgian company active in LED (light-emitting diode) design, manufacturing and distribution of LED displays and LED lighting for home, commercial, industrial and horticultural applications is looking for a reliable coating solution for their outdoor LED lines. The company is looking for licencing , commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation agreement.

Service and products to make offices wasteless by ensuring that all waste flows will get a second life
Business OFFER from Netherlands
Dutch company offers a service and products to make offices wasteless by ensuring that all waste flows leaving a building will get a second life. With smart waste bins and trained and inspired people, the company fully manages the waste flow process for its users. It also monitors the output, all in order to reduce waste and accelerate recycling and cradle-to-cradle (C2C) processes, sustainable results and cost efficiency. The company is looking for licensing, joint venture and trade partners.

Spanish company working in industrial product design and sourcing is looking for commercial agency agreement.
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish company dealing with industrial product design and sourcing is looking for partners in order to develop and extend its commercial area. Industrial parts are provided for sectors as automotive, house hold appliance and industrial supply.

Service and products to make offices wasteless by ensuring that all waste flows will get a second life
Business OFFER from Netherlands
Dutch company offers a service and products to make offices wasteless by ensuring that all waste flows leaving a building will get a second life. With smart waste bins and trained and inspired people, the company fully manages the waste flow process for its users. It also monitors the output, all in order to reduce waste and accelerate recycling and cradle-to-cradle (C2C) processes, sustainable results and cost efficiency. The company is looking for licensing, joint venture and trade partners.

Spanish company working in industrial product design and sourcing is looking for commercial agency agreement.
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish company dealing with industrial product design and sourcing is looking for partners in order to develop and extend its commercial area. Industrial parts are provided for sectors as automotive, house hold appliance and industrial supply.

Provoked mineral synthesis - Immobilisation of contaminants and sealing of rock by using time dependent crystallisation
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME offers (grouting) solutions for water inflow stops/ sealing of rock and decontamination in mining industry. Using super saturated solutions it is possible to precipitate natural occurring minerals which reduce permeability of rock. The decontaminating metals can be fixed as sulphides and will remain in-situ. The SME is looking for partners from industry and research for joint venture, research cooperation, technical cooperation, subcontracting or technical cooperation agreement.

Provoked mineral synthesis - Immobilisation of contaminants and sealing of rock by using time dependent crystallisation
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME offers (grouting) solutions for water inflow stops/ sealing of rock and decontamination in mining industry. Using super saturated solutions it is possible to precipitate natural occurring minerals which reduce permeability of rock. The decontaminating metals can be fixed as sulphides and will remain in-situ. The SME is looking for partners from industry and research for joint venture, research cooperation, technical cooperation, subcontracting or technical cooperation agreement.

A concrete mixer with low weigth offered for distribution
Business OFFER from Norway
A small Norwegian SME has developed a concrete mixer that does not work on electricity. The mixers portability and short mixing time makes it suitable for any construction site. The mixer is lightweight in transportation and is made of robust and durable materials. The company is looking for for distributors or agents in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany and United Kingdom.

Biowaste-to-fertilizer for citrus waste processing
Business OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME specialised in process technology design and transfer has developed a new technology to ferment citrus processing waste-to-fertilizer. The solution is economic, simple, reliable, profitable, innovative and environmental friendly. Investment and maintenance costs are lower than existing applications. It is looking for waste treatment technology, alternative energy or food and beverage SMEs for acquisition, commercial agency or license agreement.

Technologies to raise efficiency in energy production and distribution
Technology REQUEST from Germany
In cooperation with leading companies in the energy sector, mainly from China, a German company is looking to obtain technologies for raising the efficiency in the process of producing and distributing electrical and other types of energy. Advanced technologies for the coal mining industry, for coal fired power stations and in the renewable energy sector are of interest. The technologies should be in a ready-to-use condition. A commercial agreement or technical cooperation are preferred.

Diamond coating on the 32’’ glass
Technology REQUEST from Poland
Polish company specialized on building high performance electronic appliances is searching for a partner / supplier who can deliver diamond coating on 32’’ glass. The company is also interested in cooperation with a company who can offer a comparable protective coating made of any other optional material - required transparency should be at least 90%. A company is sought for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation in case of specific adaptation.

Extract more energy from landfill gas by a unique combined heat and power technology
Business OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish cleantech company has the clear mission to be market leader within stirling based climate friendly energy solutions. They offer a unique possibility to utilize landfill gas with very poor methane content (down to record low 18% methane) and still produce heat and power. The system is already up and running at some sites. Now they seek distributors and agents that can reach landfill gas owners in more markets.

UK manufacturer of steam, hot water, thermal fluid and heat transfer solutions is looking for trade partners
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
The UK company specialises in the design and manufacture of steam, hot water, thermal fluid boilers, packaged plant rooms and skid-mounted systems for industrial, commercial and medical applications. It is looking for trade intermediaries (agents and distributors)

Distribution partners sought for road safety products (crash cushions, road airbags)
Business OFFER from Austria
An Austrian company active in the development and production of road safety systems is looking for distribution partners for its road crash cushions and road airbags with a special focus on Southern and South-eastern Europe, Russia and the Baltic States.

Italian freight forwarder company offers a wide range of logistic services
Business OFFER from Italy
International freight forwarder specialized in Renewable Energy, active in Italy since 2005, offers transportation and logistic services to and from all countries worldwide. The services offered include national and international transport, custom clearance, fiscal assistance and logistic platforms.

German company specialized in the treatment of sludge oils, used oils, oil/water-emulsions & oily water offers trade intermediary services
Business REQUEST from Germany
A German SME, with main activity in the treatment of sludge oils, used oils, oil/water-emulsions and oily water offers trade intermediary services for products complementing their own product range (e.g. products with regard to recycling, water treatment). The company is looking for partners to be their representative and to distribute their technologies & components. In return the cooperation partner could be the representative for the company in the according country.

Italian company looking for warehousing and transport services in France (Nancy area)
Business REQUEST from Italy
Italian company manufacturing technical rubber products is looking for warehousing and transport services in Northern France, more specifically in the area of Nancy.

Swedish retailer of motor vehicles is looking to distribute low priced Chinese cars
Business REQUEST from Sweden
Swedish retailer of motor vehicles is interested in expanding its business by including low priced Chinese cars. The client is interesting in setting up a distribution agreement with dealers of Chinese cars (low price) that are interested in the European market (or is already on the European market) and is now interested in selling cars in Sweden and in the Nordic countries.

A UK company specialised in commercialisation of technologies in the aerospace sector offers trade intermediary services (as agent, representative or distributor)
Business REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK company greatly experienced and successful in commercialising new technologies and high-value innovation, as well as launching products and services across the world in the aviation, space, telecommunication, material science and aerospace sectors, offers trade intermediary services to companies working in these sectors looking to turn their projects into financially viable and successful businesses in the UK and internationally.

Investigating the potential of modern sail fishing and line caught fish product
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A Scottish SME has developed an innovative way to increase fuel efficiency and reduce carbon usage in the shipping and fishing industries by way of a collapsible mast system that allows vessels to maximise wind power when conditions allow. They are looking for academic or industrial partners for technology collaboration in order to assess the potential of Scotland as a sail fishing pioneer and the development of line caught fish as a niche product.

Tidal energy device and expertise - seeking financial and technical engineering partners
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A Scottish company has developed patented tidal technology optimised to work in any tidal velocity. This simple, robust and reliable device, requires less material, costs significantly less to deploy and maintain compared to other devices and can be used in all water depths. The company now seek financial and technical cooperation partners interested in the marine energy sector which are active in investment; product design; component development; manufacture; construction; site development.

Eddy-Current based non-destructive testing
Business OFFER from Germany
A German company, active in Eddy-Current based non-destructive testing is searching for foreign partners who are active in industrial services, industrial testing, inspection and maintenance of power plants. The company seeks distribution partners and subcontracting contracts.

Trade partner for import/export intermediation
Business OFFER from Sweden
An SME from Northern Sweden that is working with import and export of various goods is looking for a partner with strong finances that can enable large volume export from Sweden. There are existing clients and requests from buyers in many countries, among them Tunisia, Egypt, Spain and Libya. The company is looking for a joint venture partner that is financially strong or a distributor.

A Belgian company specialised in the sale of vehicles and industrial equipment is looking for distributors outside EU
Business OFFER from Belgium
The company is specialised in the sale of "duty-free" vehicles of all types, for export in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The company is not linked to a particular brand. The vehicles can be delivered new or used, in tropical, European or US version, in left or right hand drive. The company delivers also spare parts, for vehicles, as well as for trucks, machinery. The company provides also industrial equipment in new or used condition. The company is looking for distributors outside EU.

Austrian company is looking for sales agents which are involed in bulk solids applications.
Business OFFER from Austria
The Austrian company developed a unique product for producers and processors of bulk materials - the bulk solids logistic plant. The Austrian middle-sized company is looking for sales agents which are involved in bulk solids applications. The co-operation partner should also have experience in engineering and a good market overview.

A Slovak company specialized in logistic services, warehousing, and distribution of zeolite and zeolite products, animal feed, and soft and energy drinks, is offering their distribution services and logistic/ warehousing capacities
Business REQUEST from Unknown
A Slovak company specialized in logistic services and warehousing, as well as distribution of zeolite and zeolite products, animal feed, and soft and energy drinks is offering re-distribution services and logistic/ warehousing capacities. The sought partners should be suppliers of zeolite, soft and energy drinks, and/or animal feed. The company is also looking for partners for joint venture.

Low emission swirl burner for co-firing biomass with coal in power boiler
Technology OFFER from Poland
A Polish SME, being a private engineering company, has developed burners for co-firing grinded biomass dust with a coal dust or a brown coal dust in a power boiler. The burner can be mounted as a new unit or in existing coal dust swirl burners being modernized. The partners for technical cooperation, joint venture or manufacturing agreement are sought and also partners for further product development.

Anti-wear treatment for friction pairs using nanodiamonds
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME has developed nanodiamond (ND) anti-wear compounds for finishing treatment of friction pairs. The products enable to save energy / fuel and increase considerably reliability & durability of machine parts. The offered process is highly efficient for treating engines, pumps, compressors, gear boxes, bearings and other friction pairs. Looking for big manufacturers of industrial lubricants interested to increase significantly the efficiency of their antifriction products.

Incident and Crisis Management System
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK-based firm active in developing proven software solutions, offers an Incident and Crisis Management system to support tactical and strategic command in times of crisis as well as business as usual, such as major events management. Intra- and inter-organisational collaboration is improved through a shared information picture, helping decisions to be made and the outcomes disseminated more quickly and effectively. The company seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Truck tyre retread system
Technology REQUEST from Germany
A German company is looking for partners in the field of retreading truck tyres. It has a daily production of 150 retreaded tyres (ISO 9001 and ECE 109). Besides, the company exports know-how and technical equipment. Technical cooperation with foreign companies, testing institutes, local administrations and environmental agencies are requested in order to develop new application for retreaded truck tyres and further develop the technology specifically to the different demands in other regions.

Intelligent High-Security Physical Access Control
Technology OFFER from Slovenia
Slovenian research institute has developed an intelligent access control system that learns from experience to distinguish authentic entries from the impostor ones and to detect an unusual behaviour of the regular users. The system improves efficiency of an arbitrary access control in surveillance and security demanding applications. Researchers are looking for partners interested in integration of the system into their products, joint further development and commercialization of the solution.

Italian company offers highly professional and competitive logistic services.
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian company offers highly professional and competitive services in the logistic sector, and it is interested in offering its warehousing capacity, which is located close to one of the major port on the Northeast of Italy for storage and distribution of goods. The company is able to guarantee fast and reliable logistic service in Italy and transport as well. The company with its bonded and VAT warehouse is able to offer a wide portfolio of services.

Italian international freight forwarder, also able to offer auxiliary logistic services, is offering logistics and transport services
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian certified international freight forwarder, specialized in container transportation and also able to offer auxiliary logistic services, is offering logistics and transport services to other international freight forwarders.

Italian company offers highly professional and competitive logistic services.
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian company offers highly professional and competitive services in the logistic sector, and it is interested in offering its warehousing capacity, which is located close to one of the major port on the Northeast of Italy for storage and distribution of goods. The company is able to guarantee fast and reliable logistic service in Italy and transport as well. The company with its bonded and VAT warehouse is able to offer a wide portfolio of services.

Italian international freight forwarder, also able to offer auxiliary logistic services, is offering logistics and transport services
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian certified international freight forwarder, specialized in container transportation and also able to offer auxiliary logistic services, is offering logistics and transport services to other international freight forwarders.

Italian company, specialized in luxury sea transfers, is looking for partners.
Business OFFER from Italy
The Italian company is specialized in luxury sea transfers in Napoli, Salerno and in the gulf of Policastro and is the owner of a web portal that allows to search mooring availabilities and capabilities. They are looking for partners to conclude a service or acquisition agreement or to form a joint venture.

A shipping company from Poland is offering full range of forwarding services.
Business OFFER from Poland
Shipping company from North West Poland, providing full range of forwarding services for every kind of export, import and transit cargo carried by sea and land is looking for freight and land forwarding partners from Asia. Services agreements and joint ventures on a long-term basis are sought and offered.

Polish company is offering road construction and maintenance services, road machinery production and repairs and transport services.
Business OFFER from Poland
A company from North West Poland, a leader in road construction business: high quality road maintenance and repair services, road machinery production and repairs, and transport services. The company is looking for a partner to take part in public procurement for road maintenance in Germany. The company is offering its subcontracting services as well as joint venture agreements.


Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy