Bron: RVO Nieuwsbrief
Subsidieregelingen energie-innovatie 1 april 2015 open
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken stelt € 103 miljoen beschikbaar voor energie-innovatieprojecten, via diverse subsidieregelingen van de Topsector Energie.
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Enorme besparing op koeling van serverruimtes mogelijk
Het MKB kan 40 tot 50% besparen op de koeling van serverruimtes. In sommige gevallen is zelfs een besparing van 85% mogelijk.
Lees meer
Gratis voorlichtingsbijeenkomsten wijziging SDE+ voor windenergie
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( organiseert op 26 maart en 15 april een gratis voorlichtingsbijeenkomst over de veranderingen in SDE+ 2015 op het gebied van windenergie.
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Informatiebijeenkomst TKI Groen Gas en Biobased Economy: spreekuur en matchmaking
Heeft u een vernieuwend idee om energie uit biomassa te produceren? Of heeft u een innovatief concept om een fossiele grondstof te vervangen door een groene grondstof? Dan kan de overheid mogelijk financieel bijdragen. Verdere info HIER.
Voorlichtingsbijeenkomst Programmalijn LNG van TKI Gas
Op donderdag 26 maart organiseert de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland in samenwerking met het Nationaal LNG Platform en het TKI Gas (onderdeel Topsector Energie) de voorlichtings-bijeenkomst ‘Programmalijn LNG van het TKI Gas (LNG: Liquefied Natural Gas).
Verdere info HIER.
Nationaal ESCo Congres 31 maart
Bent u leverancier van diensten die het energiegebruik in gebouwen terugdringen? Of bent u als eigenaar of beheerder van een gebouw afnemer van deze diensten? Tijdens het Nationale ESCo Congres staat samenwerking tussen opdrachtgevers en uitvoerende partijen centraal. Verdere info HIER.
Verover nieuwe markten
Gaat u voor het eerst exporteren? Wilt u uw bestaande exportmarkten uitbreiden? Kom dan op 10 maart naar hét event voor (startende)exporteurs. Bezoek de workshops over exportplan en exportstrategie, zakencultuur, exportcontroles, leveringsvoorwaarden en financiering. Ook wordt de winnaar van de MKB Export Award bekendgemaakt. Het programma sluit af met een netwerkborrel. Verdere info HIER.
Export naar Zwitserland goedkoper
Export naar Zwitserland is goedkoper geworden. De waarde van de Zwitserse frank is gestegen doordat de koers is losgekoppeld van de euro. Door de waardestijging is de import vanuit eurolanden voor Zwitserland meer dan 10% goedkoper geworden. Dat biedt kansen. Volgens schattingen exporteerde Nederland in 2014 voor ongeveer 5,3 miljard euro aan goederen naar Zwitserland. Meer informatie HIER.
Drijvende windturbines in Japan
Japan is op zoek naar vervangende energie-bronnen voor de op non-actief gestelde kerncentrales. Drijvende windturbines kunnen uitkomst bieden. Met 2 demonstratieprojecten doet het land onderzoek naar deze vorm van energieopwekking. Meer info HIER.
Kansen vergistingsinstallaties in België
De Vlaamse overheid steunt en stimuleert de toepassing van kleinschalige vergisting of pocketvergisting om energie op te wekken. Levert u producten of diensten voor vergistings-installaties? Dan liggen er kansen voor u in België. Meer informatie HIER.

Artikelen die interessant zijn voor u als innovatieve MKB ondernemer met een focus op innovatie, industrie, cleantech, en internationalisatie. De inhoud geldt als informatie, inspiratie en implementatie binnen uw onderneming. Articles for SME's to inform, inspire and related to innovation, cleantech, manufacturing and international business. This page is for inspiration, information and an invitation for you to get in contact with Dutch entrepreneurs and their network.
woensdag 25 februari 2015
dinsdag 17 februari 2015
Call for Papers: Conference on Advanced Building Skins - Bern Switserland
Call for Papers: 10th Conference on Advanced Building
Skins 03-04 November 2015, Bern, Switzerland
Skins 03-04 November 2015, Bern, Switzerland
We are very pleased to invite you to the 10th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, to be held at the Congress Center of BernExpo in Bern, Switzerland, on 03-04 November 2015. The aim of the Conference is to contribute to a multidisciplinary, integrated planning approach by architects, engineers, scientists and manufacturers to reduce energy consumption of buildings. This annual international conference attracts 400 participants from over fifty countries.
We are inviting you to present a paper on a topic falling within the scope of the conference, and to submit a proposal by 20 March, 2015. Below are the topics which will be covered in next year’s conference:
Policies, Finance, Business Models:
- Policies to overcome market barriers / Challenges to policy implementation
- Incentives: moving beyond niche markets / Market strategies for sustainable buildings
- Commercialization: How to get sustainable building products into the market
- Commercialization: How to get sustainable building products into the market
- Mandatory policies and community empowerment
- Efficiency improvement programs for existing buildings
- Financing and new business models of building refurbishment
- Economic evaluation of building retrofits / Cost optimization of façade renovation
- Building ownership and energy consumption
- Urban development strategies for EcoCities / Applying sustainable urban-scale strategies at building level
Innovative Products and Technologies for the Building Skin:
Innovative Products and Technologies for the Building Skin:
- New materials for the building skin
- Smart materials for intelligent building envelopes
- Thermal performance of Phase Change Materials for the building skin
- Eco materials for the building skin
- Integrating solar technologies into the building envelope
- Solar reflective technologies and shading systems for enhanced daylight control
- Solar Decathlon projects and technologies
Advanced Building Skin Design:
- Design methods for sustainable, high-performance building façades
- Design methods for sustainable, high-performance building façades
- The future of advanced building skin design
- Sustainable design with building information modeling
- Intelligent sensing, control and optimization
- Responsive and adaptive building skins
- Building skins for tropical climates
- High-tech lightweight building envelopes
- Kinetic architecture
- Green walls
- Kinetic architecture
- Green walls
- Biomicry
- Digital fabrication
Performance of the Building Envelope:
- Models, tools and simulations for sustainable buildings
- Models, tools and simulations for sustainable buildings
- Tools and models to optimize daylight performance
- Building design optimization / Building energy performance simulation
- Building design optimization / Building energy performance simulation
- Optimal insulation levels of roofs and façades
- Systems performance and benefits of new construction materials
- Cost engineering and life cycle cost analysis
- Building commissioning
- Building certification: LEED, Passivhaus, Minergie and other certification systems
- Natural ventilation and thermal behavior of the building envelope
How to apply:
Proposals should be sharply focused; please avoid any introduction to the topic or a description of your organization. Each proposal should clearly identify its subject and its particular approach to it; the premise, scope, and ambitions underlying the paper should be clear to the reader. We will accept proposals that are either research or practice orientated. Please send your proposal in English or German language and include the following information:
- Paper title plus titles of 3 sub-chapters (see the 2014 program for samples of sub-chapters)
- Author’s and co-author’s names, job titles and organization; please underline the name of the speaker
- Phone number, email address and postal address
- Synopsis of 300 words (abstract) with 6 key words
- Brief Curriculum Vitae or résumé on page two of your proposal
Click here to download our template that you can use for your proposal.
Please include your contact information and the topic of your paper in your proposal AND your email. Proposals can be submitted in either English or German and should be sent in PDF format to by 20 March 2015. The Scientific Conference Committee will review your proposal, and submitters will be notified by 10 April regarding the status of their submission.
Registration Fee:
Speakers and poster presenters are required to register for the conference by 30 April and qualify for the reduced conference fee of 380 EUR (regular fee is 580 EUR). The registration fee includes lunches, coffee breaks, and the publication of full manuscripts and posters in the conference documentation. Full papers received by 15 June 2015 will be included in the conference documentation. In addition, selected papers will be published in the Journal of Advances in Building Energy Research, a scientific Journal published by Taylor & Francis, Oxford and New York. All papers will be cited in the Scopus index.
Important Dates:
Deadline for paper proposals: 20 March 2015
Registration deadline for speakers: 30 April 2015
Submission deadline for full manuscripts: 15 June 2015
First announcement of the conference program: 15 June 2015
Second announcement of the conference program: 15 September 2015
Deadline for PowerPoint presentations: 10 October 2015
Submission deadline for full manuscripts: 15 June 2015
First announcement of the conference program: 15 June 2015
Second announcement of the conference program: 15 September 2015
Deadline for PowerPoint presentations: 10 October 2015
Conference on Advanced Building Skins: 03-04 November 2015
For information about the conference please visit our website, where you can also order last year's conference documentation.
For information about the conference please visit our website, where you can also order last year's conference documentation.
Information about hotels in Bern, the conference venue and information on travel will be added shortly.
Please disseminate this announcement to any colleagues who may be interested in participating at this conference. Thank you!
Looking forward to receiving your proposal.
Best regards
Andreas Karweger
President of the Scientific Committee
Advanced Building Skins Conference
Advanced Building Skins Conference
General Manager, EF Economic Forum
Landsberger Str. 155 - D-80687 Munich, Germany
T +49 89 20000-4161 -
via Simml 8 - I-39050 San Genesio (Bolzano), Italy
vrijdag 13 februari 2015
International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from 15th February 2015
Source: Enterprise Europe Network / KvK
Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published 30h January 2015.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published 30h January 2015.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
Technological system for protection of cutting fluids based on photodynamic inactivation of microorganisms Technology OFFER from Czech Republic A Czech university has developed a new technological system for the protection of cutting fluids which can purify the microbial contamination of such fluids without the use of biocidal products. The university is looking for cutting fluid or machine tool manufacturers or engineering companies interested in a license agreement. |
A German company specialised in development, production and distributing of hot melt adhesive and applicator systems is looking for new distribution partners Business OFFER from Germany A German company, offering tailor-made solutions for hot melt applications, is looking for distrubution partners to get access to new markets. Regions of special interest are Scandinavia, UK and Turkey. The companies' services range from the development to the production of hot melt adhesive products, including adhesives itself as well as applicators for the b2b market. The company is looking for distribution or joint venture partners. |
An Indian manufacturer and supplier of Brass Fittings is looking for intermediaries to sell its products abroad. Business OFFER from India An Indian company having three manufacturing facilities is one of the leading suppliers of Brass Fittings for Plumbing and Sanitary. The company a part of diversified group started in the year 1992 with its roots in the field of Brass Fittings and Components. The company is backed by unwavering dedication and technical expertise. The Company is equipped with Extrusion Plant, CNC and Trope Machines to manufacture quality products at competitive prices. |
An Indian manufacturer of sophisticated and precision engineering products for medium and heavy industries is offering manufacturing services to manufacturers and customers of industrial equipment/machinery. Business OFFER from India An Indian company specialized in Fabrication, Reconditioning and Revamping of Aluminum and Steel Plant Equipment's is offering their services to medium and heavy industries. |
A leading Indian engineering company is looking for a joint venture partner in providing turnkey solutions for a solar Photo Voltaic based power plant having capacity of 20 Mega watt. Business REQUEST from India The Indian engineering company is planning a solar Photo Voltaic (PV) based power plant. It is seeking a joint venture partner in providing turnkey solutions for that grid connected solar PV based power plant having capacity of 20MW. Manufacturing capacity will be done by the Indian entity. |
Manufacturing group in India is looking for joint venture/manufacturing agreement for High-tech defence equipments and consumables Business REQUEST from India A leading manufacturing group in India manufacturing Welding Electrode Production Line, Welding Electrodes, Steel Plant and also deals in variety of commodities, specialized goods and services. The Indian company looks for technical cooperation or commercial agreement with technical assistance with partners in manufacturing High-tech defence equipments in India. |
Joint Research collaboration to develop a scientific model to estimate sustainable energy usage. Technology OFFER from India A reputed Indian academic institution wants joint research collaboration with universities in EU to develop a scientific model that will be designed to estimate sustainable energy usages and will also represent an integrated approach to energy and policy analysis at the national level. |
A new novel range of sensor techniques for advanced condition monitoring of gearboxes for onshore and offshore wind turbines, as well as improvements to test and development regimes. Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company with a special interest in the clean energy and power generation sector has developed a new novel range of sensor technologies applicable to a broad range of wind turbine drivetrains, which can diagnose the condition of components earlier than current systems, and can be used to detect sub-surface damage and develop remaining useful life predictions for components. Partners are sought for joint venture, licensing, manufacturing, research and/or technical cooperation agreements. |
An Indian company seeks joint venture partner with European company having experience in implementing projects in waste to gas, gas scrubbing, bottling of gas. Technology REQUEST from India The Indian firm is a cleantech company with a presence in Solar Photovoltaic, Efficient Lighting and Water Management. The company wants to offer waste-to-gas and waste-to-gas bottling technology to customers in India. The target customers are private entities which have a large organic waste stream and a requirement for gas. It is looking for an experienced technology partner to enter the waste to energy market within India. |
Brazilian Cashew Tree Wood Chip producer seeks commercial partner to distribute the product in the EU market Business OFFER from Brazil A genuine Brazilian company nationally well known as a Cashew Tree Wood Chip producer and also as a fresh fruit juice manufacturer that exports for more than ten countries is looking for experienced distributors and companies that are environmentally conscious and therefore use Cashew Tree Wood Chip as a renewable energy resource. The company wants to sell Cashew tree Wood Chip to worldwide. |
Multi-system burner and environmentally friendly pelletized biomass burning procedure. Technology OFFER from Romania A Romanian company specialized in the design, installation and service of heating and drying systems has developed a multi-system burner based on environmentally friendly pelletized biomass burning procedure. By practical implementation of the invention, non-polluting thermal energy is obtained at minimal costs and the burning efficiency achieved exceeds 98%. The company seeks partners interested in implementation of the burner into their technologies, through licensing agreement. |
A new innovative bearing system for increased reliability and improved economics of gearboxes for onshore and offshore wind turbines. Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company with a special interest in the clean energy and power generation sector has developed new technologies applicable to a broad range of wind turbine drivetrains to achieve a 20 year life for offshore applications. It is anticipated that life will be increased by a factor of at least five, making a valuable contribution to offshore economics. Partners are sought for joint venture, licensing, manufacturing, research and/or technical cooperation agreements. |
Distribution agreements for acoustical insulators Business OFFER from Belgium A Belgian company is looking for distribution agreements in order to sell a complete range of acoustical products. |
Exclusive distribution agreements for catalysers allowing substantial energy savings Business OFFER from Belgium A Belgian company is looking for exclusive distribution, license or commercial agency agreements in the Netherlands and Luxembourg in order to sell two kinds of catalyser. One of them can be used by engines, the other, by heating systems. |
Commercial agency agreements for green innovations and technologies for residential, non-residential and industrial sectors Business REQUEST from Belgium A Belgian company is looking for environmental European technologies in order to supply these products to distributors in Latin America. The company provides this service in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. |
Innovative street lighting poles with LED strip Technology OFFER from France A French company has developed innovative lighting poles fitted with a small LED strip. This innovation in street lighting enables to switch off the main light at a certain time of the night and still benefit from a less powerful light. Its consumption is only 3W of electricity during off-peak hours instead of approximately 100W. License agreements are offered to manufacturers of lighting columns as well as manufacturers of street lanterns willing to add this product to their range. |
Slovenian company active in design and installation of panels for the food industry is looking for subcontractor or distributor. Business OFFER from Slovenia Slovenian company engaged in panels for the food industry is looking for subcontractor or distributor. They offer subcontracting or distribution agreement. |
dinsdag 10 februari 2015
Search for project partners in Horizon 2020 projects on sustainable, shipbuilding, lightweight, composit, environment
Source: Enterprise Europe Network
Partner search in H2020 Energy projects 04 Feb 2015,
A Polish private Innovation Centre is a company as well as business support organization (BSO), which came into being in November 2009. It deals with the implementation of innovations and new technologies in various areas of functioning of enterprises, self-governments and institutions with special emphasis on eco-innovations and technologies connected with renewable sources of energy. This centre is offering itself as a partner in H2020 Energy projects.
This Centre mediates among science, business and administration and provides comprehensive services for the implementation of innovations and new technologies in various areas of the business, governments and institutions. Special emphasis is placed on eco-innovation and renewable energy sources (RES).
The company is located in office building which is equipped with a wide range of technologies and special equipment that allow the company to accumulate energy from the sun and wind:
thermal energy: heat pump and solar collectors, ventilation with recuperation
electricity: photovoltaic panels, wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation.
The company is open and willing for cooperation in topics of: energy efficiency, renewable sources energy (RES) and innovations (in particular eco-innovations). The company is also interested in topics which support entrepreneurship and regional development.The company is looking for a leader of consortium or cooperation partners for H2020 projects in the topic of Renevable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency.
Portuguese shipyard company is looking for existing R&D project proposal consortium, 9 Feb 2015
A Portuguese shipyard SME and the main activities are shipbuilding and ship repair both in Steel and GRP. Recently they became part of an entrepreneurial group with activities and experience in offshore activities, pipelines and oil platforms.
The companies characteristics, as industrial end-users that they are, they can have a very versatile collaboration in various areas beyond their core business.
The company is available and interested to participate actively in R & D projects, with special emphasis on the development and application of new materials including composites where the company can add some added value acquired in our experience in this area.
This Portuguese company is better equipped shipyard for the naval intervention in the range of small and medium boats, both in Steel and GRP.
They has a strong interest in modernization and on the use of eco and innovative production technologies, materials and methods.
Incorporating technology & innovation into shipbuilding activities, enabled them to consolidated technical knowledge over a period of time and diversified the product offering. The company has participated in several 7FP projects has industrial end-user
Seeking industrial partners for H2020-NMP-22(stage1,)19 Jan 2015
a German university located in Weimar is seeking industrial partners to develop innovative lightweight components based on fibre-reinforced materials for automotive, aerospace, energy applications . The faculty is active in materials research and seeks industrial partners for an innovation project (IA) under H2020- NMP-22-2015, deadline 26/03/2015, stage 1.
Main concept: to develop and produce novel generation of lightweight components based on fibre-reinforced materials for automotive, space, energy applications. Potential partners sought should deal with
H2020 Energy-efficient Buildings calls, partners sought, 23 Dec 2014,
Partners for H2020 calls: Energy-efficient Buildings and Energy Efficient – PPP EeB and SPIRE topic.
An Italian client is looking for partners (SMEs, large companies, PAs) interested in participating in the following H2020 Innovation Actions:
Partner search in H2020 Energy projects 04 Feb 2015,
A Polish private Innovation Centre is a company as well as business support organization (BSO), which came into being in November 2009. It deals with the implementation of innovations and new technologies in various areas of functioning of enterprises, self-governments and institutions with special emphasis on eco-innovations and technologies connected with renewable sources of energy. This centre is offering itself as a partner in H2020 Energy projects.
This Centre mediates among science, business and administration and provides comprehensive services for the implementation of innovations and new technologies in various areas of the business, governments and institutions. Special emphasis is placed on eco-innovation and renewable energy sources (RES).
The company is located in office building which is equipped with a wide range of technologies and special equipment that allow the company to accumulate energy from the sun and wind:
thermal energy: heat pump and solar collectors, ventilation with recuperation
electricity: photovoltaic panels, wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation.
The company is open and willing for cooperation in topics of: energy efficiency, renewable sources energy (RES) and innovations (in particular eco-innovations). The company is also interested in topics which support entrepreneurship and regional development.The company is looking for a leader of consortium or cooperation partners for H2020 projects in the topic of Renevable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency.
Portuguese shipyard company is looking for existing R&D project proposal consortium, 9 Feb 2015
A Portuguese shipyard SME and the main activities are shipbuilding and ship repair both in Steel and GRP. Recently they became part of an entrepreneurial group with activities and experience in offshore activities, pipelines and oil platforms.
The companies characteristics, as industrial end-users that they are, they can have a very versatile collaboration in various areas beyond their core business.
The company is available and interested to participate actively in R & D projects, with special emphasis on the development and application of new materials including composites where the company can add some added value acquired in our experience in this area.
This Portuguese company is better equipped shipyard for the naval intervention in the range of small and medium boats, both in Steel and GRP.
They has a strong interest in modernization and on the use of eco and innovative production technologies, materials and methods.
Incorporating technology & innovation into shipbuilding activities, enabled them to consolidated technical knowledge over a period of time and diversified the product offering. The company has participated in several 7FP projects has industrial end-user
Seeking industrial partners for H2020-NMP-22(stage1,)19 Jan 2015
a German university located in Weimar is seeking industrial partners to develop innovative lightweight components based on fibre-reinforced materials for automotive, aerospace, energy applications . The faculty is active in materials research and seeks industrial partners for an innovation project (IA) under H2020- NMP-22-2015, deadline 26/03/2015, stage 1.
Main concept: to develop and produce novel generation of lightweight components based on fibre-reinforced materials for automotive, space, energy applications. Potential partners sought should deal with
- fibre production/fiber supplier
- metal film / sheets
- joining - soldering
- joining - bonding
- joining - ultrasound
- packaging
- post-Treatment
H2020 Energy-efficient Buildings calls, partners sought, 23 Dec 2014,
Partners for H2020 calls: Energy-efficient Buildings and Energy Efficient – PPP EeB and SPIRE topic.
An Italian client is looking for partners (SMEs, large companies, PAs) interested in participating in the following H2020 Innovation Actions:
- H2020 - Industrial Leadership – Energy Efficient Building 2014-2015, Call Name : Call for Energy-efficient Buildings. Topic: Integrated approach to retrofitting of residential buildings ... -2015.html
- H2020 - Industrial Leadership – Energy Efficient – PPP EeB and SPIRE topics,Call Name : Energy Efficient – PPP EeB and SPIRE topic.Topic: Building design for new highly performing buildings ... -2015.html
maandag 9 februari 2015
Rising Star, wedstrijd voor innovatieve startende ondernemers geopend, schrijf je in!
Bron: KvK / Shell Lifewire
Rising Star is dé nieuwe innovatie prijs die eens in het kwartaal wordt uitgereikt aan innovatieve ondernemers die jury en publiek weten te overtuigen van de toegevoegde waarde van hun innovatieve product of dienst. Rising Star is een aanvulling op het internationale LiveWIRE programma van Shell dat innovatief ondernemerschap stimuleert. In Nederland is de Kamer van Koophandel partner.
Ambitieuze innovatieve ondernemers die niet langer dan vijf jaar bestaan kunnen zich vanaf 2 februari 2015 inschrijven op De eerste Rising Star wordt op 21 mei bekendgemaakt. De winnaar ontvangt 2.500 euro.
Ken jij jonge innovatieve ondernemers die een Rising Star verdienen?
Heb jij ambitieuze innovatieve startende ondernemers in je netwerk waarvan je denkt dat die in aanmerking komen voor de Rising Star? Mail dan deze e-mail naar de potentiële Rising Star kandidaat. Inschrijven voor de eerste competitie kan tot 29 maart a.s.
Selectiecriteria zijn:
· Innovativiteit van product of dienst
· Ondernemerschap en ambitie
· Presentatievaardigheden
· Haalbaarheid business
· Mogelijkheid tot bescherming innovatie
Competitie Een commissie selecteert vijf finalisten die met een videopitch op het publiek kunnen overtuigen hun stem uit te brengen. Op basis van de beoordeling van de vakjury (60%) en de online verkiezing (40%) wordt bepaald wie de eerste Rising Star gaat worden.
Direct inschrijven
Meer informatie? Meer informatie over Rising Star of neem contact op met Theo Vrolijk
Rising Star is dé nieuwe innovatie prijs die eens in het kwartaal wordt uitgereikt aan innovatieve ondernemers die jury en publiek weten te overtuigen van de toegevoegde waarde van hun innovatieve product of dienst. Rising Star is een aanvulling op het internationale LiveWIRE programma van Shell dat innovatief ondernemerschap stimuleert. In Nederland is de Kamer van Koophandel partner.
Ambitieuze innovatieve ondernemers die niet langer dan vijf jaar bestaan kunnen zich vanaf 2 februari 2015 inschrijven op De eerste Rising Star wordt op 21 mei bekendgemaakt. De winnaar ontvangt 2.500 euro.
Ken jij jonge innovatieve ondernemers die een Rising Star verdienen?
Heb jij ambitieuze innovatieve startende ondernemers in je netwerk waarvan je denkt dat die in aanmerking komen voor de Rising Star? Mail dan deze e-mail naar de potentiële Rising Star kandidaat. Inschrijven voor de eerste competitie kan tot 29 maart a.s.
Selectiecriteria zijn:
· Innovativiteit van product of dienst
· Ondernemerschap en ambitie
· Presentatievaardigheden
· Haalbaarheid business
· Mogelijkheid tot bescherming innovatie
Competitie Een commissie selecteert vijf finalisten die met een videopitch op het publiek kunnen overtuigen hun stem uit te brengen. Op basis van de beoordeling van de vakjury (60%) en de online verkiezing (40%) wordt bepaald wie de eerste Rising Star gaat worden.
Direct inschrijven
Meer informatie? Meer informatie over Rising Star of neem contact op met Theo Vrolijk
woensdag 4 februari 2015
Lezing De Wijzen in het Oosten, open data en meer op 19 februari 2015 - Zwolle

Saskia Stuiveling
Tijdens de lezingencyclus De Wijzen in het Oosten sprekenlandelijke opinieleiders vanuit hun eigen persoonlijke invalshoek over de toekomst van Oost-Nederland.
Saskia Stuiveling is president van de Algemene Rekenkamer. De Rekenkamer zal eind maart het tweede Trendrapport over Open Data publiceren.
‘You have to change to stay the same.’ (Willem de Kooning)
De zoektocht naar de waarheid over de werkelijkheid is van alle tijden, maar de mogelijkheden en methodes om dat te doen zijn veranderlijk. Juist nu met het uitdijend heelal van digitale mogelijkheden is innovatie geen vraag meer, maar een opdracht. Wat zijn de mogelijkheden van open data in de toekomst? En welke uitdagingen zijn er daarbij voor overheden?
De lezing van Saskia Stuiveling is van 16.00 uur tot 17.00 uur in het provinciehuis te Zwolle. Aansluitend discussie en borrel van 17.00 uur tot 18.00 uur.
Graag aanmelden via of via de website.
dinsdag 3 februari 2015
PING bijeenkomst: 247TailorSteel B.V. Varsseveld op 12 februari 2015
Bron: KvK
Hierbij nodigen wij u uit voor de PING-bijeenkomst op donderdag 12 februari 2015
247TailorSteel B.V.
Markenweg 11, 7051 HS Varsseveld
+31 315 270 375
"Smart Industry” jazeker, maar waar staat u nu precies met uw bedrijf?
Donderdag 12 februari a.s. wij zijn te gast bij 247Tailorsteel, een Productie-efficiënt bedrijf door vergaande automatisering in het totale proces. Én een bedrijf met een missie; Het opzetten van een “world wide scalable” proces dat in staat is om met behulp van moderne technologieën een leidende positie in te nemen in een van oudsher conservatieve branche en het neerzetten van een bedrijf dat gericht is op de ontwikkeling van hoogwaardige werkgelegenheid en daarom passend in de positie van Nederland binnen Europa.
De heer Carel van Sorgen zal verder op deze missie én de visie van het bedrijf in gaan.
De heer Paul D’Hond van de Kamer van Koophandel geeft een presentatie over digitalisering en ketenbenadering.
De heer van de Werf van de afdeling economische zaken van de Koninklijke Metaalunie, laat U zien hoe naar Uw bedrijfsproces kunt kijken om beter inzicht te hebben in de stappen die U zou kunnen maken.
15:00 Ontvangst; Hans de Weerd en Toine Straatman
15:15 Inleiding Fried Kaanen, landelijk Voorzitter Koninklijke Metaalunie: “Trends en Teqnow”
15:30 Paul D’Hond KvK: “Data aanpassen in de keten”
15:50 Carel van Sorgen, 247Tailorsteel: “ Kostenreductie op lokale proces "Flexibiliteit bedrijf”
16:20 Rob van de Werff, Koninklijke Metaalunie: “Meer productie met minder krediet”.
16:40 Rondleiding
17:10 Ondernemers vragen - panel: Carel van Sorgen, Fried Kaanen, Paul D’Hond
17:30 Buffet en netwerken
Aanmelden kan via de agenda op de website van Koninklijke Metaalunie Uw aanmelding wordt automatisch per e-mail bevestigd.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Ir. Hans de Weerd Kamer van Koophandel
Toine Straatman / Rard Metz / Eelco Wildschut / Bert Rundervoort Koninklijke Metaalunie
PING (Productie Innovatie Netwerk Groep) is een initiatief van Kamer van Koophandel Regio Oost en Koninklijke Metaalunie
Hierbij nodigen wij u uit voor de PING-bijeenkomst op donderdag 12 februari 2015
247TailorSteel B.V.
Markenweg 11, 7051 HS Varsseveld
+31 315 270 375
"Smart Industry” jazeker, maar waar staat u nu precies met uw bedrijf?
Donderdag 12 februari a.s. wij zijn te gast bij 247Tailorsteel, een Productie-efficiënt bedrijf door vergaande automatisering in het totale proces. Én een bedrijf met een missie; Het opzetten van een “world wide scalable” proces dat in staat is om met behulp van moderne technologieën een leidende positie in te nemen in een van oudsher conservatieve branche en het neerzetten van een bedrijf dat gericht is op de ontwikkeling van hoogwaardige werkgelegenheid en daarom passend in de positie van Nederland binnen Europa.
De heer Carel van Sorgen zal verder op deze missie én de visie van het bedrijf in gaan.
De heer Paul D’Hond van de Kamer van Koophandel geeft een presentatie over digitalisering en ketenbenadering.
De heer van de Werf van de afdeling economische zaken van de Koninklijke Metaalunie, laat U zien hoe naar Uw bedrijfsproces kunt kijken om beter inzicht te hebben in de stappen die U zou kunnen maken.
15:00 Ontvangst; Hans de Weerd en Toine Straatman
15:15 Inleiding Fried Kaanen, landelijk Voorzitter Koninklijke Metaalunie: “Trends en Teqnow”
15:30 Paul D’Hond KvK: “Data aanpassen in de keten”
15:50 Carel van Sorgen, 247Tailorsteel: “ Kostenreductie op lokale proces "Flexibiliteit bedrijf”
16:20 Rob van de Werff, Koninklijke Metaalunie: “Meer productie met minder krediet”.
16:40 Rondleiding
17:10 Ondernemers vragen - panel: Carel van Sorgen, Fried Kaanen, Paul D’Hond
17:30 Buffet en netwerken
Aanmelden kan via de agenda op de website van Koninklijke Metaalunie Uw aanmelding wordt automatisch per e-mail bevestigd.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Ir. Hans de Weerd Kamer van Koophandel
Toine Straatman / Rard Metz / Eelco Wildschut / Bert Rundervoort Koninklijke Metaalunie
PING (Productie Innovatie Netwerk Groep) is een initiatief van Kamer van Koophandel Regio Oost en Koninklijke Metaalunie
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