Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published January 14th, 2019.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep. Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 60 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
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Business OFFER from Portugal
A Portuguese policy management and engineering consultancy advises governments, businesses and industries in policy design and implementation, institutional technical assistance, concept and strategy planning, project design, implementation, construction and monitoring. They are looking for partners to establish services agreement for solutions in the fields of energy, water, waste, carbon and sustainability.
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
The Czech SME is focused on manufacturing, development and other services in the environmental area, where the company concentrates on technology supply and processing of biologically degradable waste and its further use. The Czech company is looking mainly for a partner that is able to sell its product on a foreign market using distribution agreement or a partner for realization specific parts of the project via subcontracting.
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company is developing and manufacturing air filters. The company produces filters for different industries, shelters, business premises, and sports halls. The company is selling most of its products in the EU markets and is looking for distributors involved in sale of filters to cooperate in form of distribution agreements.
Business OFFER from France
The French water engineering company is interested to expand their water related products abroad. The company proposes catalysis, UV-C equipment, filtration and innovative chemistry for reducing impact on environment, increase safety and hygiene. The French SME is looking for distributors in all countries for its tailor-made products for industrial water treatment : boilers, cooling towers, sterilization, cleaning, pulp and paper, manufacturing process and sanitary water.
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company is active in production of industrial filters for industrial dust collection and for different industrial applications. The company is looking for partners involved in sale or distribution of industrial filters to cooperate in form of distribution agreements.
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company with more than 15 years of experience in magnetic technology and manipulation and separation industry is looking for partners worldwide via distribution, commercial or outsourcing agreement for their pneumatic, electro magnets or magnetic systems.
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME has developed a new mice repellant product. It is an essential oil-based multi-sensory mouse repellent. It is non-toxic natural repellent, suitable for houses with pets and children. One example of the product is already on the market and consists of a complete line of standalone cardboard diffusers to fulfill all customers's needs. Licence, commercial with technical assistance agreements are sought for. Target countries mainly in Europe, second extra EU.
Research & Development REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish SME is looking for a European company to cooperate in an R&D project aiming at setting a series of demonstrative tests of Internet of Things (IoT) water devices. The proposal will be presented at SME Instrument Phase II call. The partner sought should be a facilitator for the implementation of the technology in several sites. After the project, the company should be interested in license or commercial agreement.
Technology OFFER from Italy
A SME from Northern Italy is developing innovative tools for resource management in agriculture through satellite data, by: developing of calculation tools for nutrient balance into crops management; design of database for the storage of farms management data; developing and validation of prescription maps and crops monitoring tools from satellite imagery. Partners are sought for research, technical or commercial cooperation with technical assistance; interested also in finding investors
Technology REQUEST from Greece
A medium-sized Greek company is active in the field of solid waste recycling. The company is looking for a suitable technology for removing labels from glass surfaces, under commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish engineering RD company created a patented technology for saving water at home or businesses using individual hot water heaters. After several years in the Spanish market, the company seeks companions for license or distribution agreements in European countries, USA and Canada.
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean SME is a laboratory company established in 2016 to develop effective environment industrial measurements. They developed the optical visibility meter with KRISS (Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science) in 2015. The company is open to commercial agreement with technical assistance for their advanced technology to be applied on the existing visibility meter.
Business REQUEST from Romania
The Romanian company is a leading electronic scrap recycling company, based in the North-West Region. The company purchases mixed computer scrap, motherboards scrap, cell phone boards scrap, PC scrap, for further sorting and recycling. The company is looking for electronic scrap suppliers under a services agreement.
Research & Development REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK research institute and water company are seeking a lead partner for H2020-SC5-04-2019, Building a water-smart economy and society. The research institute is home to one of the main centres for transdisciplinary water research in Europe and can contribute expertise in working with water industry, economics analyses, circular economy and nature-based solutions. The water company can provide access to demonstration sites in Scotland. A research partnership is envisioned.
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME has developed a novel solution able to detect harmful nano particles within the environment. Areas of potential application include aircraft cabin air monitoring, personal care product development, anti-terrorism and prevention to consumers/workers who may be exposed to harmful substances. Potential partners/ investors are sought to introduce the technology into global markets via financial, joint ventures and licensing agreements