Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published July 2017.
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Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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Technology : An accurate and affordable device for real-time monitoring of wine’s temperature Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish SME has developed a portable, multichannel and low-cost device for real-time monitoring of the temperature of wine along its entire production process. Its high accuracy allows measuring temperatures with an estimated error less than 0.3 ºC. This system has already been tested and installed in a winery and it is operating successfully. The SME is open to technical cooperation for implementing it in wineries, and commercial cooperation (and/or distribution) with technical assistance. |
Technology : Innovative LED floodlights and LED panel lights Technology OFFER from Serbia A Serbian company produces innovative high quality LED floodlights for (indoor and outdoor use) and LED panel light for indoor use. Advantages compared to existing LED floodlights are: modular chassis and electronics for floodlight (power of main floodlight unit is 15 W), different orientations of the light beam controlled by custom made optics, and long lifetime (over 60,000 hours). The company is looking for partners interested in commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : A Russian SME a producer of light overhead monorail transportation system is looking for the partners under the distribution services agreement, manufacturing agreement or joint venture agreement. Business OFFER from Russian Federation The Russian company in partnership with one of the most famous building company in Russia, engaged in research in the field of light transport systems, manufactures light overhead monorail road and cars with "smart" design. The company is looking for European partners for distribution services agreement, manufacturing agreement or joint venture agreement. |
Business : Italian manufacturer of customized cabling and wiring solutions is looking for a sales representative / business partner Business OFFER from Italy An Italian manufacturer of custom designed cabling and wiring solutions is looking for an agent / distributor for its products in the following target countries: Germany, Switzerland, France and United Kingdom. The company is able to manufacture power harness, wire harness and assembled harness for agriculture machinery, automotive non-passenger, lift equipment. |
Technology : Full inorganic load bearing insulator Technology OFFER from Germany A German university together with a research centre developed a high performance light weight thermal-insulator material that has robust compressive load and flame retardant properties. The university and the research centre offer a license agreement and are open for technical co-operation. Companies and institutes from the construction or automotive sector are addressed. |
Technology : New device and methodololgy to measure direct current (DC) magnetic fields Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish Public Research Organization, a German Research Centre and a Slovak University have developed a procedure as well as the apparatus for the measurement of the DC magnetic field based on the magnetostrictive effect of given magnetic wires. This methodology allows the quantification of the magnetic field in a simple and sensitive way. This invention relates to microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Industrial partners from the electronics industry are being sought for patent licensing. |
Business : Ukrainian producer of wooden bicycle frames seeks distributors Business OFFER from Ukraine A producer of wooden frames and complete bicycles from Ukraine seeks distributors. Innovative wooden frames that absorbs kicks and vibration with an improved durability and strength are in great demand in Ukraine. The manufacturer is looking for distributors and financial partners to expand its international activities. |
Business : Ukrainian manufacturer of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coating is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian company that specialises in manufacture of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coating which can be used in housing stock to prepare buildings and constructions for a heating season, on pipes or steam lines, agriculture, or automotive industry.The company is looking for distributors and commercial agents throughout Europe. |
Business : A Chinese company is looking for distributors for waste tyre pyrolysis production line equipment in the European market. Business OFFER from China A Chinese environmental protection company has developed a set of intelligent waste tyre pyrolysis production line equipment for waste tyre recycling. Now, they are looking for distributors for their equipment in the European market via a distribution agreement. |
Technology : Underwater objects scour protection technology offered for commercial, license or research cooperation agreement Technology OFFER from Poland A scientist from a leading Polish university has developed a set of structural solutions regarding the protection of foundations of offshore objects against water erosion. Key advantage of the solutions lies in their increased efficiency in comparison with competitive solutions in terms of maintaining the stability of underwater objects and durability of the offshore foundations. Cooperation types: commercial agreement with technical assistance, license agreement, research cooperation agreement. |
Business : German SME offers consulting services in the marine industry and in particular in the offshore wind energy sector and is looking for services agreement and subcontracting Business OFFER from Germany The SME based in Northern Germany is an independent production- and logistics oriented consulting company with long term experience and is offering their support in relevant projects in the marine industry as well as offshore wind energy. The company is already engaged in multiple international projects and has gained a very good reputation over the years. To foster its international activities and entering new markets, the company is looking for services agreement and subcontracting. |
Business : Training services and infrastructure for energy efficiency optimization of industrial production lines, processes and utilities (also applicable to functional buildings) Business OFFER from Luxembourg A Luxembourg based company has developed a set of experiential training modules for energy efficiency optimization of industrial production lines and other businesses. Thanks to a unique infrastructure, the company proposes the training modules to industries and training companies and is looking for service agreements. |
Technology : Licensee for a seat with adjustable pressure profile Technology OFFER from Czech Republic A research team of the Czech university focusing on mechanics, strength and flexibility of materials have developed a seat with adjustable pressure profile. The technology allows controlling the hardness of a seat's cushioning using the electro-pneumatic feedback circuit. The university is looking for partners interested in further research and development and for companies interested in production under a license agreement. Technical cooperation and license agreements are sought. |
Technology : Maritime fuel reduction technology - based on predictive modelling and big data - for ship owners of short sea / deep sea ships. Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch tech-startup, combining maritime research and experience, has developed a fuel efficiency service for seagoing ships. The company uses big data based predictive models to provide insight on fuel saving opportunities. Savings up to 20% on fuel consumption have been proven. Recommendations vary from aspects of operation to the configuration of propulsion. The company is looking for owners, of short sea and deep sea ships for commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Business : A Polish company which produces unmanned aerial systems seeks commercial agents and distributors globally Business OFFER from Poland The company from Poland produces unmanned aerial systems. The company delivers integrated platforms from multi-rotors up to fixed-wing aircraft. These products allow for monitoring and surveillance with the highest safety standards. The Polish company is looking for distributors with a good knowledge of unmanned aerial systems and system integrators. The company is looking for commercial agency agreements and distribution service agreements. |
Business : Bulgarian company with over 50 years experience is offering subcontracting services for electronics assembly. Business OFFER from Bulgaria With over 50 years of experience in the electronics field this Bulgarian company is offering it's services as subcontractor for electronics assembly, testing and quality control. |
Technology : Licensee sought for a mobile-stabilized platform for medical care or security applications Technology OFFER from Czech Republic A Czech university has developed a wheeled robotised mobile platform intended as a chassis for light off-road vehicle keeping its load in permanent stabilized state. New patented active suspension enables multiple special manoeuvres. Utilization is expected to be as an advanced wheelchair in social care area or a light carrier in security applications. Partners interested in further development based on a technical cooperation agreement or in a license based on a license agreement are sought. |
Research & Development : EUROSTARS-2 – URGENT: Looking for a SME or a large company related to industrial energy market activities to develop ICT tool to help optimize energy sales Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish Research Centre specialized in energy is seeking a company to participate in a Eurostars-2 project that aims to develop a virtual holistic platform for industrial energy production management and planning. The role of the partner sought will be to develop and test an ICT tool that combines certain functionalities for the optimal sale of power of the industries or group of industries involved, either for consumers or prosumers. |
Business : A Greek company with extensive experience in auditing and certification services mainly for quality management systems, in sectors including maritime, hospitality, e-learning & food seeks business partners, through a services agreement. Business OFFER from Greece A Greek SME with 30 years’ experience in providing accredited certification, inspection and auditing services for the maritime, hospitality, e-learning and food sectors wishes to offer its package of support services in matters of safety, security, environmental protection and regulatory compliance to companies interested in offering such services to their clients, under a services agreement. |
Technology : New applications for electrically-driven vehicles Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian SME active in the field of manufacturing of innovative mechanical power systems for electric vehicles - notably powertrains, differential and traction, powered axles, transaxle drives - is interested in new partnerships for commercial agreements with technical assistance to extend its product range to new applications and markets. |
Technology : NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) Multiplexer hardware manufacturers with satellite connection incorporated for maritime solutions. Technology REQUEST from Spain Spanish sensor network technologies specialised company is requesting an NMEA multiplexer technology which storages data from sensors and is able to communicate with a satellite, in order to integrate within a maritime fleet intelligence platform that collects and analyses with big data technologies the sensor data generated by ships. The data will be obtained on a real-time basis. The company is interested in technical cooperation agreements. |
Business : German based service provider and subcontractor for on- & offshore geotechnics and geophysics, consulting and numerical modelling is looking for services agreement and subcontracting Business OFFER from Germany Cornerstones of this German university spin-off are on-/offshore geotechnics and geophysics together with highly skilled personnel. Extensive field experience, for instance in foundation planning and exploration for entire offshore wind energy parks, combined with know-how from in-house developed equipment, e.g. on-/offshore cone penetrating testing (CPT) makes this company a powerful partner. To offer its services the company is looking for services agreement and subcontracting. |