FUTURALLIA LILLE 2012 – June 28-29, 2012
FUTURALLIA is a unique and globally-recognized event. FUTURALLIA Lille 2012 (France) will offer small and medium size businesses from various industry sectors, meetings in a “business speed dating” format. Over two days, this international business development event will allow business leaders to have up to 12 personalized and pre-scheduled, 30-minute, face-to-face meetings with partners of their choice. FUTURALLIA is a springboard toward making new international partnerships, in addition to informal meetings in a professional and friendly environment.
How Futurallia works and preparing the Individual Business Meetings
Each registered company will be provided with a unique login code to access our proprietary on-line client area, and create a personal profile specifying their business activities, and indicating the type of partnership(s) sought and/or offered. As the online catalog opens, participants will be able to browse and search profiles for potential partners. Up to 20 companies from the list of participants can be selected for potential meetings. Our specialized and proprietary match-making software then creates a personalized meeting schedule for each participant, which is received upon arrival at the event.
Futurallia Lille 2012 is a UNIQUE opportunity for companies who want to:
● Identify new international markets
● Establish new partnerships with different sectors and countries
● Look for commercial, financial, strategic or technical partnerships
● Meet, over 2 days, more than 300 companies business leaders from all over the world gathered in ONE place (Lille)
● Get the most out of our sectorial targeting through an emphasis on the inter clustering with
French and foreign clusters- New in 2012
● Meet International experts providing International trade advice and practical support (Export, set up, finance …)
Lille Region:
More information on the Lille Region and its economical situation is to be found
Information on the fair and participating companies is to be found
The Organizers
CCI INTERNATIONAL Nord de France is the most important public service in the Region. It supports companies wishing to grow their business overseas, and is well recognized by partners and SME's for its competences. These qualities legitimate the CCI International as the leader of this project, and guarantee a high level quality of means and resources. A dedicated team of 6 persons will manage the project at CCI International.

World Trade Center Twente
As the World Trade Center Twente we are participating in this event to organize a joint mission from businesses located in Easter Netherlands. Join this mission and get also in contact with participants and discuss new possabilities just around the corner as well. For further information please visit
WTC Int. Agenda
This is supported also by
Enterprise Europe Network.
More information on the WTC Twente activities please visit :
World Trade Center Twente, Freerk Faber, tel. +31 (0)74 2915604.
Interesse om deel te nemen maar u weet het nog niet zeker?
Informatiebijeenkomst FUTURALLIA 2012 Lille (WTC Twente)op 19 april 2012
Heeft u de intentie de Franse markt te bewerken of mocht u uw klantenportefeuille in Frankrijk willen vergroten, dan stelt het World Trade Center Twente u in de gelegenheid deel te nemen aan het wereldwijd erkende machtmakingevent FUTURALLIA op 28 en 29 juni 2012 in Lille, Frankrijk.
15:00 - 15:15 uur inloop en ontvangst
15:15 - 15:30 uur welkom
15:30 - 16:00 uur presentatie matchmakingevent FUTURALLIA 2012 door delegatieleider Freerk Faber, directeur World Trade Center Twente
16:00 - 16:30 uur zakendoen met Frankrijk in samenwerking met Xportail
16:30 - 17:00 uur vragen en delen ervaringen met zakendoen in Frankrijk
17:00 - 17:30 uur afsluiting met drankje en hapje
World Trade Center Twente
Prins Bernhardplantsoen 300
7551 HT Hengelo
tel. 074-2915604
De presentatie is openbaar. Zowel Business Clubleden als niet-leden zijn welkom. Deelname aan deze informatiemiddag is kosteloos.
Extra informatie:
Programma van de handelsmissie kijk
Of neemt u contact op met delegatieleider drs. Freerk Faber, directeur World Trade Center Twente: tel. +31 (0)74-2915604, mail f.faber@wtctwente.eu