donderdag 5 september 2013

Matchmaking op de Pollutech Parijs 2013, nieuwe zakenpartners vinden? Ga mee naar de Green Business Meetings!

Het Enterprise Europe Network nodigt u uit om deel te nemen aan de derde editie van de Green Business Meetings 2013, het Europees matchmaking evenement voor milieutechnologie, duurzame energie en duurzame ontwikkeling tijdens de Pollutec beurs in Parijs op 4 en 5 december.

In 2011 namen 200 bedrijven uit 23 landen deel aan de Green Business Meetings en vonden meer dan 500 gesprekken plaats. De thema's op de Pollutec zijn: afval & recycling, water & afvalwater, energie, lucht, analyseren-meten-monitoren, bodem en duurzame producten.

Deelname aan het matchmaking evenement staat open voor vertegenwoordigers van Nederlandse bedrijven en instellingen werkzaam op het gebied van milieutechnologie, duurzame energie en duurzame ontwikkeling.

Voordelen van Green Business Meetings:
  • Combineer beursbezoek met een dagdeel matchmaking voor meer efficientie 
  • Kies vooraf uw gesprekspartner
  • Ontmoet in een korte tijd veel potentiële partners 
  • Breid uw internationale netwerk uit
  • Mogelijkheid tot uitwisselen van kennis en technologie of vinden van distributeur of producent

U kunt zich inschrijven via de website van de Green Business Meetings,, voertaal van deze matchmaking is Engels.Wij helpen u graag bij het opstellen van uw bedrijfsprofiel en de omschrijving van de samenwerking die u zoekt. Hoe sneller u zich inschrijft, hoe beter u gevonden wordt door geïnteresseerde gesprekspartners en met een gedetailleerd samenwerkingsverzoek krijgt u kwalitatief betere afspraken dan met een globale omschrijving. Eén week vóór het matchmaking evenement ontvangt u uw individuele agenda.

  • Registratie van profielen: 15/11/2013
  • Selecteren gesprekspartners: 25/11/2013
  • Ontvangst agenda: 28/11/2013

Vrijkaart voor de eerste vijf aanmeldingen:

Enterprise Europe Network Nederland heeft van de organisatie 5 vrijkaarten gekregen voor deelname aan de Green Business Meetings. Wilt u zo'n vrijkaart? Stuur voor 15 september een e-mail naar met de melding dat u deel wilt nemen aan de Green Business Meetings op de Pollutec, een beschrijving van uw bedrijf en het soort samenwerking dat u zoekt. De eerste vijf aanmeldingen komen in aanmerking voor de vrijkaarten.

In het kort:
Wat:         Green Business Meetings 2013
Wanneer:  4 en 5 december 2013
Waar:       Pollutec Horizons 2013 in Paris-Nord Villepinte, France

Aanmelden: Tot 15 november 2013

maandag 2 september 2013

Ecomobiel Rotterdam: Matchmaking Event Mobility Meetings 2013,

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Ecomobiel and Syntens join forces in the organization of an international matchmaking event during the 2013 Ecomobiel trade show for Sustainable Mobility in Ahoy Rotterdam.

The Ecomobiel trade show is a major event on E-mobility and sustainable transport in Europe. Exhibitors are a.o. car manufacturers, suppliers, research- and services organizations in the E-mobility industry and other areas related to sustainable mobility. The uniqueness of this event is the broad selection of different companies with products, services and technologies. In addition, Ecomobiel is the only exhibition throughout the world with an indoor test and drive circuit for visitors, to experience all state-of-the-art sustainable mobility solutions.

Mobility Meetings 2013 is a unique opportunity during the Ecomobiel Trade Show to meet, learn and match with potential business partners from several European Countries, in combination with a visit to the exhibition. The program consists of a matchmaking event where companies can have pre- selected 1-on-1 meetings with potential partners in trade, development or research. This will take place on the exhibition floor at the 9th of October 2013 from 9.30 to 13.00 hrs max. (the trade show dates are 8th and 9th of October).
In rounds of 20 minutes you will meet all interesting companies you have pre-selected yourself, or companies that would like to meet you. Participants can find more information, subscribe and select companies to meet with at the matchmaking website

Programme 9th of October
9.30 Coffee at exhibition stand, intake and sharing of meeting schedules
10.00 Start first meeting round of 20 minutes
13.00 Finalize meetings
14.00 Guided tour with drink afterwards (if applicable)

Companies abroad interested in having a stand on the fair, we will support in arranging a special offer.

The matchmaking event, as well as entrance to the exhibition (8th and 9th), is offered free of charge by the organizing partners. Participants have to arrange and take care of payment for travel, hotel accommodation and dinners. We can support in arrangements.

Further details will be published on open for subscribtion starting second week of June 2013.

For all information on participation, please feel free to contact
Mr. Ruben van der Horst
Phone: +31 6 51375254
Enterprise Europe network is funded by the European Community.

For more information on automotive subjects, partnersearch, events and local contact persons, please visit THIS website

vrijdag 30 augustus 2013

MEDICA 2013; Invitation: Healthcare Brokerage Event at MEDICA, 20-22 November 2013

On the occasion of MEDICA 2013, the global No. 1 meeting place for the medical sector, the Healthcare Sector Group of the Enterprise Europe Network will organize an international Brokerage Event. The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners in Europe for product development, manufacturing, distribution and licensing agreements, joint ventures or other types of partnership.This international Healthcare Brokerage Event has a tradition of about 15 years now. In the last year the brokerage event had more than 190 participants from about 25 countries with more than 600 meetings.

How to participate:
Each participant has to register and provide a technology profile describing either a technology offer or a technology request. This will be published in the online catalogue of the Brokerage Event.
The catalogue will be updated continuously as profiles will be submitted and forms the basis for selecting partners for meetings and making appointments at the event.
About one week prior to the event, each participant will receive an individual meeting schedule.

Please, find all information with regard to the event at:

The Healthcare Brokerage Event will be at
MEDICA fair, 20 – 22 November 2013, in Hall 6, 1st Floor/Gallery
Wed, 20 November Bilateral meetings (14:30 - 17:00)
Thur, 21 November Bilateral meetings (11:00 - 18:00)
Fri, 22 November Bilateral meetings (10:30 - 18:00)

A fee of 200 EUR + VAT (19%) will be charged to each registered organisation from Germany and non-EU countries. A fee of 200 EUR will be charged to each registered organisation from EU countries (without Germany). For EU participants, please insert your VAT-ID number which will be needed to not invoice the VAT.

Special price for startup companies:
Start-ups (established on or after 1.1.2011) will be granted a rebate of 50%. A copy of the certificate of registration (or similar) must be sent to fee does not include the MEDICA entrance ticket.


NRW.Europa – An Enterprise Europe Network Partner
Juan-J. Carmona-Schneider / Simone Strathoff
Tel.: +49 (0) 208 30004-54 / -24

For Dutch companies interested in participating at this event, please contact my colleague

Mr. P.S.T. Tan, PhD
Chair Sector Group BioChemTech
Advisor Biotechnology and Life Sciences
Enterprise Europe Network | Syntens
t. +31 88 444 00 18
m. +31 6 510 855 95

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy