vrijdag 7 februari 2014

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from 1st half Februari 2014

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published first half of Februari 2014.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Find more than 10,000 profiles of companies offering and requesting co operation in technology or business.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
- Combine fair visit with matchmaking organised by Enterprise Europe Network to find your new business partners

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

A Polish manufacturer offers their professional machinery
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish SME is a modern company designing and producing devices and technological lines destined for coatings production. The company is looking for local agents/distributors in european countries. Moreover the SME is offering subcontracting agreement.

Reducing foam in a compact steam generator
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
The UK branch of a domestic appliances business is looking for ways to significantly reduce foam in a compact steam generator. Solutions may be chemical or physical methods, as long as they are safe and user-friendly and do not make the steam generator much more complex. The company has capacity for joint further development, incl under license.

The production line for vermiculite exfoliation with electric and/or induction furnace
Technology REQUEST from Poland
A small company from North-East Poland producing products from vermiculite (mineral) seeks production line for vermiculite exfoliation. The sought line must consist of the electric or induction furnace, cooling system, system for raw material separation and system for packaging in 50-100 litres bags. The line will be used for manufacturing products such as exfoliated vermiculite, agro-vermiculite and boards. The company wants to buy the line ready for implementation from European producers.

Dutch developer of Small Wind Turbines is looking for Joint Venture in Germany, Denmark or UK
Business OFFER from Netherlands
This Dutch company, based in The Netherlands, is a leading company in design, assembling, sales and commissioning of high performance Small Wind Turbines solutions in a standalone and grid connected configuration. The company is looking for a Joint Venture or a Financial Agreement. Strategically investment is offered preferably with a company with expertise in Renewable Energy / Clean Industry in Germany, Denmark or the UK.

Method for hydrogen removal from metallic alloys.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A company based in Barcelona and devoted to R&D in physical metallurgy and engineering, has developed a novel method able to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement in metallic alloys based on sound physical research and provides an economic alternative/complementary treatment to the ones already in use in industry, and licensing agreements with the possibility of further technical cooperation with companies are sought.

Rotation device of a wind turbine blade on its longitudinal axis.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Basque SME specializing in the design and development of customized servo actuators and servo systems, has developed an innovative device rotating blades of wind turbines, which obtains a better performance. The company is looking for companies interested in licensing its patent or establishing joint collaborations for the exploitation of the technology.

Electrical energy efficient room heater
Technology OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
A Macedonian company with more than 15 years of production experience has developed a technology for improved energy efficient room heater. Technology offers low energy consumption with increased heating capabilities. The company is looking for partners for licensing agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance

An innovative design for increased energy efficiency of the electric water heaters
Technology OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
A Macedonian company with an extensive experience in the production of electrical heating appliances has developed an innovative heating system for the electric water heaters. The solution is applicable for upgrading old or production of new water heaters as well as easily adaptable to other types of heaters or tanks. The company is looking for industrial licensees or R&D partners for technical cooperation.

Novel anti-counterfeiting technology for marking individual medicine capsules
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK based SME has developed a 3D barcode marking technology that can be incorporated into the manufacturing process of individual medicine capsules, tablets, and associated packaging. The process is non-adulterating and therefore does not require FDA approval. Additionally the process is not limited to pharmaceutical products and can be used where there is a problem with verification of authenticity. The company is seeking partners who wish to jointly develop or license the technology.

donderdag 6 februari 2014

Bijeenkomst behoefte van maakindustrie aan industriële automatisering en robotisering.

Bron: Nieuwsbrief Automotive NL

De maakindustrie heeft permanente de behoefte om te optimaliseren en te innoveren. Daarbij is het belangrijk om concurrentie op afstand te houden en trachten pole-position te behouden. Ook in de strijd van productie uitstroom naar lage lonen landen.

Essentieel om te kunnen blijven concurreren zijn hoge kwaliteit, lage kosten en minimale uitval. Industriële Automatisering en Robotica hebben reeds hun intrede gedaan om een essentiële bijdrage te leveren aan een optimaal productieproces. Noodzakelijke permanente innovatie op dit terrein geeft bedrijven kansen en mogelijkheden
Voldoende kennis van deze techniek is belangrijk om de juiste keuzes te kunnen maken in uw bedrijf of organisatie. AutomotiveNL organiseert op donderdag 20 februari aanstaande de themamiddag Industrial Automation.

12:15 uur Ontvangst en registratie, inclusief lunch
12:45 uur Welkom JP Heijster - AutomotiveNL
13:00 uur Factories of the Future 2020 EU Programma G. Puts / JP Heijster - AutomotiveNL
13:15 uur Lean and Industrial Automotation R. Burghard / B. v.d. Boom - Ijsseltechnologie BV
13:45 uur Flexibility in Production Automation L. Manders / J. Thijssen - Manders Automation BV
14:15 uur Productiestraten + fixtures afstellen met FARO Laser Tracker en/of FaroArm Plantdesign met de FARO Focus Laser Scanning T. v. Beugen / M v.d. Wolk - Faro Europe BV
14.45 uur Pauze
15:15 uur Safety Circle Lift and Shift Tools C. Aarts - BKL Engineering
15:45 uur Succesvol laserlassen in de praktijk P. Mosterd - AWL Techniek BV
16:15 uur Vragen en discussie
16:45 uur Netwerkborrel

U kunt zich aanmelden via info@AutomotiveNL.com
Voor deze bijeenkomst betalen AutomotiveNL leden € 75,- (excl. BTW), niet leden € 150,- (excl. BTW) en studenten € 25,- (excl. BTW).

woensdag 5 februari 2014

Bron: Nieuwsbrief RON

Research & Development
Technologische vernieuwing is van groot belang voor de concurrentiepositie van uw bedrijf. De overheid helpt ondernemers met regelingen waarbij de innovatiekosten verlaagd kunnen worden. Lees het hele artikel HIER

Belastingvoordeel met behulp van Innovatiebox
Maakt u gebruik van de WBSO of heeft u een octrooi? Dan kun u misschien ook gebruikmaken van de Innovatiebox. Meer informatie HIER

Geen realisatie over 2013 melden betekent geen WBSO/RDA
Hebt u in 2013 gebruikgemaakt van de WBSO en misschien ook van de RDA? Dan hebt u op vrijdag 24 januari een brief ontvangen van Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO.nl). Hierin staat dat u verplicht bent om vóór 1 april 2014 uw gerealiseerde S&O-uren door te geven aan RVO.nl. Lees meer HIER

Waar zijn ondernemers mee bezig?
Wilt u zien welke innovatieve projecten een financiële bijdrage of ondersteuning van Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland hebben gekregen? Neem dan een kijkje in de wereld van duurzaam, innovatief en internationaal ondernemen. HIER meer informatie

40 miljoen voor energie-innovatie projecten 2013
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken kende in 2013 ruim 40 miljoen euro toe aan innovatieprojecten binnen de Topsector Energie.Van de in totaal 213 projectvoorstellen zijn er in het afgelopen jaar 83 gehonoreerd. Meer informatie HIER

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy