donderdag 22 januari 2015

Austria: World Sustainable Energy Days, 25-27 Feb. 2015

Source: Enterprise Europe Network Austria

The World Sustainable Energy Days, one of the largest annual conferences in this field in Europe, offer a unique combination of events on sustainable energy.
For more than 20 years, experts from all over the world have gathered in Upper Austria to attend the events. In 2014, more than 750 decision makers from 59 countries participated in the conference! The global meeting place for the sustainable energy community includes: 6 conferences being
  • Pellets, 
  • Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, 
  • Energy Efficiency Watch, 
  • Commercial Buildings, 
  • Smart Windows, 
  • Young Researchers,
3 Hands-on events (a major trade show, B2B Meetings and Site Visits) The event offers up-to-date information on technologies, policies and markets and an excellent platform for new contacts and new business opportunities.
Tradeshow "Energiesparmesse"
In parallel with the conferences, the Energiesparmesse, a leading tradeshow on energy efficiency
and renewable energy, is held. This event attracts around 100,000 visitors and about 1,600 exhibiting
companies annually.
Visiting days for professionals: 25 - 26 February
Days for the general public: 27 February - 1 March
Opening times: 09.00 - 18.00

B2B Meetings
The B2B Meetings offer companies and research organisations the opportunity to meet potential
co-operation and business partners from all over the world in individually planned meetings. A separate pre-registration is required.
  • Biomass: Thursday, 26 February, 8.20 - 10.00
  • Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Thursday, 26 February, 12.00 - 14.00

Site Visits:
Excursions by bus to interesting sites in the surrounding area
  • Pellets & Wood Chips: Tuesday, 24 February, 8.30 - 19.00
  • NZ EB: Friday, 27 February, 13.30 - 17.45

Stadthalle Wels, Austria, Pollheimer Strasse 1, 4600 Wels (close to Linz Austria)

Conference languages: English, German, Russian

Further information and registration:
Please find more detailed information or register online at

The OÖ Energiesparverband
The OÖ Energiesparverband, the organiser of the World Sustainable Energy Days, is the energy agency  of Upper Austria. Located in Linz/Austria, it was setup to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, sources and innovative energy technologies. Its main target groups are private households, companies and public bodies.
The OÖ Energiesparverband is also responsible for the management of the Oekoenergie-Cluster (, the network of renewable energy and energy efficiency companies in Upper Austria. Together, the partner companies have more than 9,300 employees and a turnover of more than 2.3 billion Euro.
Among the OEC companies are European market leaders in biomass boilers and solar thermal collectors. Further information on the OÖ Energiesparverband and the Oekoenergie-Cluster at:,

Upper Austria
The region of Upper Austria is one of Austria's nine regions and has a population of 1.4 million. In the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency, Upper Austria plays a leading role. 36 % of the primary energy consumption are produced from renewable energy sources (mostly biomass, hydro and solar). Upper Austria has set itself the ambitious target of covering 100 % of its space heat and electricity demand with renewable energy sources by 2030.

woensdag 21 januari 2015

University of Salford in Greater Manchester (UK): Partnersearch for project usable low carbon commercial buildings in cities (UL4C)

Source: Enterprise Europe Network UK

    Low carbon buildings are starting to become more normalised for cities, with many of the demonstrator projects having been in place for some years. However, there is an identified performance gap between what is designed and what is built, with significant issues around building usability and operation, with highly technical low carbon buildings often being “fragile” and complex to manage.

    UL4C is designed to capture and apply and evaluate interventions in the low carbon building delivery and in use process to ensure that buildings carbon emissions reductions are maximised through technical and process solutions that focus on the building owners, managers and occupiers.

    Northwest Europe (NWE) INTERREG VB: Priority 2 – LOW CARBON in Non-Domestic Buildings

    The following proposal outlines a potential NWE project led by the University of Salford in partnership with Greater Manchester (GM). Its focus is PRIORITY 2 – Low Carbon, addressing Thematic Objective 2: To reduce GHG emissions in NWE through international co-operation of low carbon, energy or climate protection strategies. The focus is addressing Low Carbon in Non-Domestic Buildings, including both the public and commercial stock within the city.

    This builds on existing good practice, including a knowledge of the results of other previous INTERREG projects, including the CAPEM project, which focused on new energy efficiency products, REGAIN, looking at estate management, and Living Green, which focused on delivery and in use issues around low carbon domestic properties. These priorities also link with a number of low carbon projects under the Energy Efficient Buildings Programmes under both FP7 and Horizon 2020. The GM team are keen to capture learning form previous EU and national work within the bid.

    Salford University (lead), Greater Manchester Combined Authority Partners should be public authorities (cities or regions) and research institutions from the Northwest Europe Area.
    Proposed partners should have the following;
    • The city should have a low carbon strategy that refers to buildings
    • A research/ technical partner linked to the city
    • An identified technology or solution for usable low carbon buildings that they are prepared to champion and implement

    Duration in months: 36


    Greater Manchester (GM) Environment Team is currently developing a work programme to support the retrofit of all non-domestic and public buildings in GM (including mixed use and heritage sites). This program will aim to deliver the deepest possible energy efficiency savings to enable GM and other European partner cities to achieve their challenging carbon reduction targets.
    This work has identified a number of city specific challenges, which appear to be applicable to different extents in NWE urban environments;

    • Lack of detailed performance and benchmarking data on current performance, particularly in the commercial sector to help establish baselines.
    • Performance Gap between as designed and in use for low carbon buildings
    • Issues of usability and complexity around energy management and low carbon in buildings
    • Lack of accessible demonstrators with evidence to support the business case and make risk of implementation more transparent for the market.
    • Barriers to adoption including issues such as client awareness, supply chain readiness, split incentives and a well developed innovation context, such as links to research base.

    Specific work in the domestic sector has seen a growth in adoption of low carbon retrofit. The project intends to build on previous actions in various NWE partner cities around sustainable retrofit and low carbon buildings.

    Main Aim of the Project:
    Main Aim is to increase the uptake and impact of innovative low carbon technologies (heating, lighting, storage, control and optimisation) across all non-domestic building archetypes in a number of European cities using a building user focus.

    Next Steps:
    The first NWE Interreg VB call for projects is likely to be announced in April 2015 with a deadline in May 2015.

    Further information and contact persons:
    Partners interested in this project are asked to contact Rodolphe Soulard by 4th February 2015. A Partners event is to be organised in early 2015. Please contact us for more information.

    maandag 19 januari 2015

    Beursbezoek of standhouder op de Hannover Messe 2015? Beursdeelname in combinatie met matchmaking!

    Bron: KvK / Enterprise Europe Network

    Bezoekt u de Hannover Messe of bent u als bedrijf actief met internationale ambities op de Hannover Messe van 13 t/m 17 april 2015? Bezoek dan op 14, 15 of 16 april 2015 de Hannover Messe in combinatie met matchmaking.
    U bezoekt dan de beurs en op een afgeschermd deel van de beurs kunt u deelnemen aan de matchmaking georganiseerd door Enterprise Europe Network. Tijdens de matchmaking kunt u in contact te komen met een internationaal netwerk van bedrijven en kennisinstellingen om uzelf internationaal onder de aandacht te brengen.

    Van 13 tot en met 17 april 2015 vindt in Hannover de grootste technologiebeurs ter wereld plaats. Deze Hannover Messe trekt ieder jaar ruim 220.000 bezoekers uit meer dan 90 landen. De beurs heeft een ongekende internationale uitstraling niet alleen richting het Duitse bedrijfsleven maar ook naar de internationale media, vakpers en politici.
    Ieder jaar kiest de Hannover Messe een partnerland dat extra in de spotlights staat. In 2015 is dat India. Dit land is daarom prominent aanwezig op de beursvloer en in alle activiteiten op de grootste technologiebeurs ter wereld en een economische groei van 10% per jaar.

    Bezoek de Hannover Messe en voer matchmakingsgesprekken.
    De Kamer van Koophandel biedt in samenwerking met diverse landelijke en regionale partijen u de mogelijkheid om gericht nieuwe contacten op te doen tijdens uw bezoek aan de Hannover Messe op 14, 15 of 16 april 2015.
    De matchmaking wordt georganiseerd door N-Bank Hannover, het locale Enterprise Europe Network contactpunt met netwerkpartners uit diverse Europese landen.

    Wat kunt u concreet van ons verwachten?
    • Een gratis dagkaart om de beurs te bezoeken en inschrijving voor matchmaking bij registratie voor 14 februari 2015
    • Identificeer partners via Technology Cooperation Days en maak individuele afspraken voor samenwerking op innovatie en handel,
    • Mogelijkheid tot een individuele “guided tour” om geselecteerde Duitse standhouders te ontmoeten,
    • Matchmakingsgesprekken 1 op 1 gesprekken in Hall 2, gespreksduur max. 20 minuten per afspraak, gratis koffie of thee
    • Introductie metvoor u relevante netwerken,
    • Diverse presentaties en netwerk recepties onder andere Horizon 2020

    Om uw bezoek zo succesvol mogelijk te maken plannen wij graag een kort gesprek in bij uw bedrijf om uw wensen te inventariseren en de mogelijkheden te schetsen. Vervolgens begeleiden we u bij uw voorbereidingen voor de beurs. Uiteraard zijn wij ook aanwezig op de beurs om u ook ter plaatse van dienst te zijn. Bent u benieuwd welke bedrijven mee doen aan de matchmaking? Dat kunt u HIER zien. Om zelf goed zichtbaar te zijn voor matchmaking dient uw profiel minimaal 20 dagen voor aanvang van de matchmaking zichtbaar te zijn op deze website. U kunt hulp en uitleg krijgen voor het opstellen van het profiel.

    • Latest trends in SMART Factory solutions and manufacturing technologies
    • Short, sharp 30 minute meetings to foster effective networking
    • Get to know key R&D players offering services to companies
    • Get your problem solved - Matching organizations offering or seeking solutions

    Main topics
    • Component Integration
    • Information Processing & Systems/ Workflow
    • Process Automation
    • Manufacturing Tools
    • Energy Efficient Manufacturing
    • SMART Manufacturing
    • ICT for Manufacturing
    • Manufacturing Plants Networks
    • Prototypes, Trials and Pilot Schemes
    • Supply Chain
    • Factories of the Future
    • Measurement Tools
    • Ideas, proposals, partnerships for projects within research and intelligent energy programmes

    Wat kan de Hannover Messe u opleveren?
    • Business / technology leads voor uw bedrijf
    • Toegang tot internationale markten
    • Podium voor uw innovaties
    • Ontmoetingen met decisionmakers uit verschillende sectoren
    • Netwerkmogelijkheden met internationaal opererende bedrijven en onderzoeksinstellingen

    Voertaal tijdens deze afspraken is Engels. U ontvangt voorafgaand aan uw bezoek per mail een agenda met daarop uw afspraken, locatie en tijden.

    Hoe kan u effectief matchmaking organiseren:
    Voor bedrijven en organisatie die deelnemen aan de matchmaking tijdens de Hannover Messe zal een kennismakingsgesperekt worden georganiseerd waarbij het matchmakingsproces aan u wordt uitgelegd, hoe u zich het beste kunt presenteren en hoe u andere bedrijven uitnodigt voor een gesprek. Tevens is er de gelegenheid om na afloop uw profiel voor de matchmaking op te stellen. U ontvangt hierover verdere informatie per mail na aanmelding of belangstellingsregistratie.

    Graag maken wij een afspraak met u om uw internationale ambities nader te bespreken en samen te bepalen hoe de Hannover Messe u kan helpen uw ambities te realiseren.

    U kunt hiervoor contact opnemen met

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