dinsdag 9 augustus 2016

Update augustus 2016: Nieuwsbrieven voor internationaal en duurzaamheid

Bronnen: Vakbeurs Energie / RVO / kiEMT / Enterprise Europe Network

Energy Savings in Commercial Buildings: There is Work to be Done!
Energy efficiency at district and building level can help save significant sums of money in commercial and public properties. With this in mind, the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) used the matchmaking services of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) to partner with the Scottish company "NetThings". They successfully acquired more than €1.1 million in funding to develop an analytical platform to save energy and increase reliability in commercial buildings. Read more.

Expected Impact in Horizon 2020 Proposals
The Swiss National Museum recently celebrated the 500th birthday of Conrad Gessner with an exhibition about his life and work. Among his many achievements, he is credited with the invention of the graphite pencil. We do not know if he actually invented this writing instrument or if he was just the first person to document it but either way, by documenting and disseminating this technology he created a lasting impact: Shakespeare is said to have used a graphite pencil similar to the one described by Gessner. Read more.

Horizon 2020 proposals Smart Green and Integrated Transport:
Within the Framework of the Horizon 2020 Infoday on Horizon 2020 “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport” (September, 28th 2015, Brussels), the ETNA 2020 together with the EEN are working on the organization of a Brokerage Event, focusing on the topics covered by the Transport Work Programme 2016-2017, for which a call will close in January 2017.
Participants can already register on the following link: https://www.b2match.eu/h2020transportcall2017-2
Deadlines: Registrations: 4th July – 25th  Aug, Meeting selection: 26th Aug – 11th Sep, Brokerage Event: 28th Sep

Making green business tijdens de GreenTech Week
Oost-Nederland bruist in de eerste week van oktober, met circa 30 activiteiten in diverse steden bundelt het label ‘GreenTech Week’ alle activiteiten binnen de GreenTech Sector. Wilt u gratis meeliften in alle exposure online en offline? Doe dan mee en organiseer een evenement. Meld je aan voor 19 augustus! Lees meer.

De overheid ondersteunt bij duurzame maatregelen
De overheid ondersteunt ondernemers, organisaties en particulieren bij het opwekken van duurzame energie. Met subsidies of als samenwerkingspartner. Tijdens Vakbeurs Energie kunt u een afspraak maken met een adviseur van de RVO voor persoonlijk advies. Of een presentatie bijwonen over de Investeringssubsidie duurzame energie (ISDE) en de rol van de overheid en energiecoöperaties op het gebied van wind- en zonne-energie. Lees meer.

Zonnepanelen voor MKB: rendabele investering?
Elke mkb-ondernemer heeft zich weleens afgevraagd of investeren in duurzame energie een goed idee is. Wat als je op korte termijn geen cash investering kunt doen? Hoe betrouwbaar zijn de garanties op PV-panelen? Bestaan er speciale subsidies voor het mkb? In gesprek met Roel van den Berg, CEO van Autarco, en Teun van Sinten, eigenaar van SolisPlan. Lees meer.

Regiobijeenkomsten duurzaamheid gemeentelijk vastgoed
De Vereniging voor Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG) organiseert in september 2016 drie regiobijeenkomsten getiteld: Het goede voorbeeld! Realiseren van duurzaamheidsambities gemeentelijk vastgoed'. Het thema verduurzamen van gemeentelijk vastgoed staat hierbij centraal. Lees meer.

Innovation Deals nemen innovatiebelemmeringen weg
Europese Innovation Deals moeten praktische belemmeringen in Europese regelgeving gaan signaleren en wegnemen. Bedrijven, NGO’s en overheden in Europa moeten daarvoor gaan samenwerken. Ook Nederlandse partijen kunnen bij de Europese Commissie belemmeringen aandragen die innovatie in de weg staan. De ervaringen met de Nederlandse Green Deals vormen de basis van de Innovation Deals. Lees meer.

3D-metaalprinter voor vliegtuigen
3D-printers werden in eerste instantie vooral ingezet voor het maken van prototypes. Maar de techniek is volwassen geworden. Daardoor is het nu zelfs mogelijk om ze te gebruiken voor seriematige productie. "Zonder WBSO is het bijna niet mogelijk om zo’n project te realiseren", vertelt Mark Vaes van Additive Industries. Daarnaast deed het bedrijf een beroep op het Innovatiekrediet en de RDA voor de ontwikkeling van de 3D-metaalprinter. Lees meer.

donderdag 4 augustus 2016

Where to find new business partners using the Enterprise Europe Network facilities for Summer 2016

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Interested in doing international business within Europe? No idea where to start or how to get in touch with potential business partners? Looking for partners in trade, co operation or mutual technology development? How to find a consortium to develop within the Horizon 2020 or Eurostars projects?

Find help from my colleagues at the following matchmaking events organized by the local Enterprise Europe Network branch on these following fairs. Organize your meetings during your fair visit in a 20 to 30 minute meeting schedule with companies you want to talk to or who would like to talk to you . With the matchmaking we make it easy, fast, simple and succesful for you to find and select future business partners.

Would you like to know what else this network can offer you? Visit Enterprise Europe Network on the internet and find out.

Here are some events for August 2016

Here are some events for September 2016:

vrijdag 29 juli 2016

International co operation profiles Automotive, Energy & Environment from Enterprise Europe Network July 27nd 2016

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published July 27nd 2016.

Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertise's external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.


Technology : Non-chemical (physical) water treatment devices for hard water treatment
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
A Slovakian company has designed non-chemical devices for treating hard water anywhere where boiler scale and sediments are created as a result of water temperature or pressure changes e.g. in boiler rooms, heat exchangers, compressor plants, etc. They operate by alternating current induction to change the supermolecular structure of treated water. The company is looking for partners for further technical development and testing.

Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery (2)

Environmental / BioEnergy Tech projects Barcelona company offers representation in Europe and North America
Business REQUEST from Spain
International Spanish company specialized in selling & developing new business. Very dynamic, with strategic insight and “a can-do approach” to successfully launching start-ups and positioning and executing sales campaigns of a wide range of cutting-edge technologies, mostly related to environmental/ Sustainability / BioEnergy. It is offering representation in the South of Europe and North America to partners working in the same field. 

Seeking expertise for the development of an optical sorting system for mixed paper wastes
Technology REQUEST from Singapore
A Singapore SME specialising in waste paper management is seeking technologies or expertise to automate the identification, characterization and sorting of mixed paper waste to improve their current operations. The company seeks a licensing or research cooperation partnership with industrial partners (22-500 employees) or R&D institutions.

Warehousing and support activities for transportation (2)

Spanish logistics & freight company Barcelona based looking for partners for subcontracting /comercial agreement.
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish logistics company offers its services including transport in Spain and Portugal, warehousing, picking and hub services, and its facilities to companies wanting to introduce and distribute their products/services in Spain. They are interested in establishing commercial/subcontracting/outsourcing agreements with other worldwide logistic companies, producers, and suppliers of products from sectors such as industrial, agro food, pharmaceutical, chemical, or other with palletized products.
A Singaporean company specialised in freight forwarding and logistics is offering services to European partners.
Business OFFER from Singapore
A privately owned freight forwarding and logistics company from Singapore is offering its services including seafreight, airfreight, warehouse and distribution to potential clients in Europe. This is arranged under a services agreement.

 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (1)

Turkish truck producer company seeks distributors.
Business OFFER from Turkey
A Turkish company specialized in producing heavy commercial vehicles which are used for construction, transport and as tow truck is looking for distributors.

No profiles to your interest?

Why not search the Enterprise Europe Network database using your own interests and search keys. Some 10,000 profiles open for co operation in trade, innovation, research and consortia building within Horizon 2020. Please follow me Sir, this way! TO THE DATABASE

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy