donderdag 16 oktober 2014

Mix and Match Creative Industry meets Energy Industry in Amsterdam op 24-11-2014

Bron: KvK

De Kamer van Koophandel organiseert iedere derde maandag van de maand Mix&Match bijeenkomsten. Op 24 november ontmoeten ondernemers uit de creatieve industrie en energie sector elkaar. We organiseren deze bijeenkomst in samenwerking met Create Energy, Immovator en ClickNL.

De energiesector ondergaat sterke veranderingen die grote gevolgen hebben voor de eindgebruiker. In de bijeenkomst wordt duidelijk hoe de energiesector kan samenwerken met de creatieve industrie om deze verandering vorm te geven.

Wat kan de ondernemer verwachten?
  • U krijgt informatie over de laatste trends in de energiesector;
  • U hoort wat een creatief kan betekenen voor de energiesector;
  • Matchmaking tussen de creatieve industrie en de energiesector;
  • Samen nieuwe oplossingen bedenken voor bestaande vraagstukken in de energiesector;
  • U ontdekt nieuwe mogelijkheden ontdekken voor uw bedrijf;
  • U bouwt nieuwe contacten op in een andere sector.

Locatie KvK Amsterdam, Ruyterkade 5
Wanneer maandag 24 november 2014
Tijd 15.00 uur tot 19.30 uur

Aan deze bijeenkomst zijn geen kosten verbonden.

Meld u aan via

Agenda: 24 november Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam

15.00 uur Ontvangst
15.30 uur Welkom door Linde Gonggrijp, directeur Regionale Dienstverlening Kamer van Koophandel
15.35 uur Opening door dagvoorzitter Rob Huisman, oud directeur BNO
15.45 uur ‘Transitie in de energiesector: van centraal naar decentraal’ door Freek van ‘t Ooster, kwartiermaker Create Energy en directeur Immovator
15.55 uur ‘De duurzame aanpak van de Amsterdam Arena en de omgeving (50% komt uit eigen voorziening)’ door Henk van Raan, directeur facility/new business development
16.10 uur ‘Inspirerende voorbeeldprojecten uit de energiesector’ door Robert van den Hoed, lector Energie en Innovatie, Hogeschool van Amsterdam
16.25 uur Samenvatting van de belangrijkste conclusies door Rob Huisman

16.30 uur Pauze

16.45 uur Mix & Match: In kleine groepen ondernemers/specialisten (uit de creatieve en energiesector) verkent u uw marktkansen rond één van de thema’s in de energiesector.

Na de pitches kiest u zelf over welk thema u mee wilt denken:
  • Hoe kan de creatieve industrie woningbouwcorporaties ondersteunen bij wijkgewijze energie-renovatieprojecten? Elke Heidrich, Eigen Haard.
  • Hoe betrekken wij onze bewoners / bezoekers (15 miljoen per jaar) bij nieuwe energieconcepten? Henk van Raan, Amsterdam Arena.
  • Hoe overtuig je consumenten, wijken of energiebedrijven van het belang van data gedreven diensten? Marcel Elswijk, Energygo
  • Hoe kunnen we burgers en burgercollectieven stimuleren om collectief duurzame energie op te wekken? Pauline Westendorp, collectief Wij krijgen Kippen.
  • Hoe kunnen we zorgen voor een gedragsverandering bij consumenten zodat ze kiezen voor duurzame energie?

17.10 uur Mix & Match ronde 1.

17.40 uur Mix & Match ronde 2.

18.10 uur Netwerkborrel

vrijdag 10 oktober 2014

Green Mobility Conference and B2B meetings in Hamburg with Enterprise Europe Network

Source: Enterprise Europe Network Hamburg

We have the pleasure to invite you to the Green Mobility Conference 2014 – starting point for future EU cooperation projects.

Please register free of charge in order to:
• interface with aerospace and logistics topics
• use synergies regarding R&D activities
• present projects and future ideas
• meet cooperation partners in matchmaking sessions

The Green Mobility Conference is a cross-sector event exploiting synergies between aviation and logistics with special focus on green and sustainable innovation. Target group are cluster associations, private companies, R&D institutions, public bodies and technical experts from all over Europe.
The event is focused on state of the art presentations as well as on networking and b2b meetings amongst actors interested in cooperation, business development and future H2020 projects. It is a unique opportunity for international cross sector networking amongst industry and research centers.

Lectures will be held from experts in renowned companies and institutions such as Airbus, Lufthansa LEOS, Stichting Energy Valley, The French Civil Aviation University (ENAC), TU Delft, The Hellenic Institute of Transport, and many more. Close to 150 participants are expected.

Please register here free of charge: to participate at the conference and to register a b2b profile.

Please note that the number of participants is limited and that the registration phase will close on Monday, 17th of November. For all further information regarding location & accommodation, agenda and contact, please refer to the Conference website.

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from 10th October 2014

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published first half of October 2014.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

Brussels SME seeks distributors able to market its lubricators systems to the wind energy sector
Business OFFER from Belgium
Brussels based SME is looking for established distributors able to market its lubricators and accessories towards wind energy industry (wind manufacturers, wind turbine operators). The company already has commercial contacts with wind energy players and now needs local players to strengthen its market penetration. The product consists in electro-mechanical autonomous lubricators and accessories that allows industries to reduce maintenance costs.

heavy pressure equipment manufacturer is looking for partners in the fields of oil, petroleum, cryogenic storage or new energy
Business OFFER from France
French company, one of the most important heavy pressure equipment manufacturers in Europe is looking for partners or prime- contractors in the fields of oil, petroleum, gas exploration, cryogenic storage, new energy, or storage and production of tanks. The company designs and performs cryogenic storages working under very low temperatures for liquefied gas and could be subcontractor in specific task like oxycutting.

Design, development, engineering, manufacturing and sales support services offered for inventions and new product concepts.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME with 30 years’ experience of developing and producing its own agri-tech products wishes to provide its services to help innovation in other product sectors. Design, development, engineering and manufacturing services are offered to help inventors and creators of new product concepts turn their ideas into commercial success. Joint venture, licensing and other types of manufacturing agreement are offered.

Producer of mobile, no-installation turnkey photovoltaic systems for city and country use seeks trade partners
Business OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME has designed and manufactures stand-alone, portable photovoltaic systems that require no installation. The systems are complete with an inverter, accumulator, cabling, and plugs, on a wheeled stand. The accumulator is available in an extractable wheeled unit, to be easily moved to where energy is needed after dark. The company seeks a distribution partners to offer the system in other countries.

Drill hammer system with drill dust absorber, accident prevention and depth stop
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German company has developed a system for drill hammers with drill dust absorber, accident prevention and depth stop. A single-hand control for a perfect work flow is possible. By using the static drill chuck of the company different drill dust absorbers can be installed by a simple click-connection. A LED-light and a sensor for the contactless measuring of the drilling depth are integrated. The company is looking for partners both for further technical development and for manufacturing.

Process for recycling carbon fiber
Technology OFFER from France
A South West France laboratory specialized in materials mechanics and engineering has developed a low-cost process for recycling carbon fiber. This technology is interesting for recycling or composites industries. The laboratory is looking for private companies from the recycling or composite manufacturing sectors for a technology transfer under license agreement.

Brussels SME markets automatic lubricators to reduce maintenance costs for wind energy players
Technology OFFER from Belgium
Brussels based company manufactures and markets innovative electro-mechanical autonomous lubricators and accessories. Over the past 15 years, it has achieved great results in reducing maintenance costs in heavy industries such as mining, steel, wind but a lot of applications can also found in the automotive, food and in other industries. It mainly seeks contacts with stakeholders involved in wind farm operation and maintenance in view of commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Freeform lens technology for precision optics devices
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME is offering it's expertise in freeform optics technology in a search for partners who could help to develop new products which incorporate precision lenses. The collaboration will take the form of a product development project. The advantage for the partner will be the chance to develop new and better devices. The partner will already be involved in conventional precision optics. Projects might include applications such as head up displays, or car headlights.

Method and instrument for ultra-sensitive multi-elemental analysis of liquids by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian Research Institute offers an innovative technology for ultra-sensitive elemental analysis of any kind of liquid by LIBS technique. The advantages are: small sample volume, no sample preparation, rapid measurement, low operative costs and the instrument could be compacted to hand portable format. The Research Insititute is looking for research and/or industrial partners for tecnhical/research cooperation agreement.

Modular solutions for energy efficiency and single modules/products in buildings
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME specialised in improving energy efficiency and sustainability has developed energy management and monitoring systems to screen and analyze building technology of existing buildings and their saving potentials as well as energy-recovery-systems. It offers full service for ventilation, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, including planning, implementation, maintenance and repair and is interested in a license agreement, commercial co-operation with technical assistance or JV .

Development and volume manufacturing of microfluidic devices
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME has designed and developed microfluidic products for the life sciences, chemistry, medical and industrial sector. The technology enables process intensification, which significantly improves the sustainability of chemical and pharmaceutical production processes. The company is looking for partners for joint further development of current and new applications, within the frame of joint venture, research, licensing or commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Transition metal doped zinc oxide for lithium-ion batteries
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German university developed an advanced material that improves energy density and cycle durability in lithium-ion batteries. It is based on a sucrose supported synthesis of transition metal doped zinc oxide nanoparticles. This synthesis is simple and can easily be upscaled at low costs. Industrial licensees are sought.

A method and installation for determining the workability of plastic deformation of camber foils.
Technology OFFER from Romania
A Romanian university has developed an innovative method and installation for determining the workability of plastic deformation of camber foils. The university is seeking companies working in steel industry for technical cooperation and manufacturing agreements to bring the new solution to market.

Seeking advanced technology for emanation of a vapour / gas / fragrance into the atmosphere at a constant rate throughout product lifetime
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK company is seeking a device for the passive (non-powered) diffusion/emanation of an organic vapour/fragrance/volatile materials from a substrate (gels, plastic, wick) or through a membrane/barrier/film. The system should deliver a diffusion (emanation) which is consistent in intensity and in composition over a long period of time (one to two months). They are seeking SMEs/companies or universities for licensing, technical cooperation and manufacturing agreements.

Seeking for products and methods to clean matrices and bending punches.
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An italian company specialized in the manufacture of iron and steel is looking for products and methods to clean matrices and bending punches. The company is looking for partners to perform a Technical Cooperation Agreement.

French manufacturer masters all plastic and metal materials processing techniques
Business OFFER from France
French company specialised in plastic and metal materials processing, such as injection, stamping, thermoplastic, overmoulding, assembly, laser making, finition services (paint, metal coating, decoration), product engineering, particularly in automotive, transport, aeronautics, medical, electronics, agrofood, multi-industry, luxury fields, looks for new manufacturing and subcontracting agreements.

French company specialized in healthcare furniture is looking for distributors and agents
Business OFFER from France
This French company offers a rich catalog with over 1500 healthcare furniture products combined with monitoring solutions and the ability to adapt to customer needs, The company looks for commercial partners distributors or agents to develop its activity in the EU.

French manufacturer looks for finishing solutions' suppliers
Business REQUEST from France
French company specialised in design and production of special machines for the finishing of industrial parts, descaling, degreasing, trimming, deburring, blasting, washing, polishing, drying, tumbling is looking for manufacturing and subcontracting agreements with manufacturers specialized in finishing solutions, such as degreasing.

A Polish company seeks novel products and services in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency to implement in the Polish market.
Business REQUEST from Poland
A Polish SME active in energy audits, energy consulting and distribution of renewable energy products seeks new innovative products and services related to renewable energy and energy efficiency in order to introduce them on the Polish market.

Coagulation-flocculation process for paint removal from water
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish SME developed a new coagulation-flocculation process to remove up to 95% overspray paint from water adaptable to all kinds of painting booths that use water curtains working in recirculation to extract overspray paint from the air. The technology eliminates the use of biocide, antifoaming and pH corrector products. They are looking for a partner that already cooperates with automotive factories and that would be interested in signing a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Production technology for the 5 layer polyethylene foils (PE foils)
Technology REQUEST from Poland
A Polish company is specialized in the production of single-layer polyethylene foils. The company is seeking a production technology for the 5 layer polyethylene foils (PE foils). The company is interested in a commercial agreement or/and technical cooperation with joint further development to adapt the current production lines.

A French company (partner of aerospace industry, defense industry, renewable energy, and many others) specialized in integration and industrialization offers providing services.
Business OFFER from France
This French group focuses its activities around three main activities: machining, assembly of assemblies and sub-assemblies and machines assembly. The breadth of their expertise in machining and assembly allow them to work for several different sectors such as food processing, aerospace, armament, medical, defense and nuclear.

Italian company specialised in the production of plastic pipes and fittings is looking for partners.
Business OFFER from Italy
This is a leading italian industry in the production of plastics pipes and fittings which has been working in the field of plastics transformation from over fifty years.The company is looking for distributors and trade intermediaries.

Italian company operating in the environmental field, especially in the waste management. It developed an idea for the realization of a new innovative product for the urban-solid waste management.
Business OFFER from Italy
The company operates in the environmental field. Its task is to realize interventions for the environmental improvement. The company has planned a new innovative product for the urban-solid waste management which helps the user to divide upstream food waste from other types of waste. The company seeks partners able to help them to put the product on the market and then export it abroad. They need appropriate partners (silent ones and partners with and active role) and Research Authorities.

Romanian SME specialized in the wholesale of wood industry equipment and in the provision of consultancy services for the wood industry, offers its services as subcontractor
Business OFFER from Romania
Romanian SME specialized in the wholesale of wood industry equipment and in the provision of consultancy services for the wood industry, offers its services as subcontractor. The key activities of the company are the import, distribution and resale of technology and equipment for the wood industry. In order to ensure that each commercial partner will implement the most suited solution for its industrial needs, the company can offer evaluation, consultancy and design services.

Topsoil substitute made of mining/quarry mineral waste
Technology OFFER from France
French expert SME in recycling engineering processes is offering its expertise in designing topsoil formulas and testing recycled material from mining industry (waste rocks). They are providing consultancy services on the whole process from mineral material characterization to final product formula and agronomical data sheet . Mining/quarry industrials willing to develop an eco-design approach for their waste rocks are looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Innovative high wear-resistant materials
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian company working in the field of research, experimentation, synthesis and production of innovative materials is looking for partners to set up: acquisition, commercial or services agreements. The company produces innovative high wear-resistant materials (suitable for aeronautics, aerospace, transport, energy sector) using a proprietary know how combining Mechanochemical Activation, Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis and Spark Plasma Sintering processes.

Long term partnerships for an on-going smart village project and concept development are wanted
Business OFFER from Finland
A Finnish company with a novel concept of ecological and sensible living in a village-like environment equipped with digital technology is looking for EU based financiers and real estate sales professionals for its on-going project in Finland. Partnership could be a commercial agency agreement, a financial agreement or a joint venture agreement.

Austrian environmental consultancy is looking for joint venture partners in EU for development of renewable energy plants and waste treatment
Business OFFER from Austria
This Austrian SME designs sustainable solutions for environmentally friendly waste treatment and alternative energy projects from the initial analysis to turn-key-ready-concepts. It develops projects in co-operation with leading environmental technology suppliers. The projects are mainly implemented on a joint venture basis with an operating partner. Thus, this SME is looking for investors (private or public) in such environmental infrastructure.

Cetane number improvement additive for diesel or biodiesel fuels
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
A research team from an established Slovak university developed an innovative additive for improving cetane number of diesel and biodiesel fuels. Improvement of cetane number has a significant effect on the reduction of ignition delay of fuel engines. The additive is based on bio-components, making it possible to increase the quality of fuel fully ecologically. The university is looking for partners through license agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistence.

Rotating cell biofilm reactors technology for wastewater treatments
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company has patented and realized an innovative machine for wastewater treatment that uses plastic objects, called "biological carriers", to develop a bacterial bio-film for purification. The technology is a self-installing module. Very reduced dimensions allow usage in a large spectrum of applications. The company is looking for a large European enterprise for a joint venture or license agreement.

Advanced ICT system, based on free and open source technologies, for environmental data management: monitoring, storage, analysis, exploitation
Business OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME is offering a global service for environmental data management, based on advanced ICT technologies with free and open source technologies, for environmental data management: monitoring, storage, analysis, exploitation. The company is looking for distributors/agents and partners for joint venture agreement in order to share competences and provide together an all inclusive service.

Norwegian producer of aid-products for disabled people seeks suppliers of technical parts for their products
Business REQUEST from Norway
A Norwegian SME developing and producing innovative aids for disabled people are looking for suppliers abroad to increase their capacity and reduce the price of their products. The SME are looking for subcontracting partners to supply single parts, and partners to manufacture substantial parts of the aids. The final assemblage and testing will be done by the Norwegian SME in Norway.

Welding consumables supply partners sought for lucrative UK market.
Business REQUEST from United Kingdom
An established UK SME with a growing business supplying the UK metal fabrication industry seeks new suppliers of consumable materials and products of welding, brazing and soldering applications, for distribution agreements.

Innovative self-bearing building modules for buildings facades
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian university spin-off of architects has developed a new modular, self-bearing architectural element, which is esthetically agreeable and allows easy integration of optimally oriented photovoltaic panels, thus providing a simple, efficient and environment friendly architectural system. Partners are sought to perform financial agreement, licence agreement and/or technical cooperation agreement.

Optimization of flow air carrier for air blast sprayer output
Technology OFFER from France
The invention aims to provide a device for improving the efficiency of an air blast sprayer. On one hand by improving the distance covered by the spray jet and on the other hand by improving the homogeneity of the droplets distribution of the treatment product. A French research team, working on dispersion of pesticides in the air and land, is looking for licensing agreement or research cooperation agreement.

Advanced abrasive technology solutions sought for high value metal working and carbon composite applications.
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
In the UK there is a clear commercial opportunity for the introduction of superior products using advanced abrasive technology for speciality metal working and carbon composite fabrication applications. A UK SME that is an established supplier of welding and abrasive products to industrial users seeks partners with access to such technology to collaborate on the development and supply of new, high value abrasive products.

Multilayer ribbons based on metal alloys suitable for use in the field of actuators and sensors or in electrical engineering, medical, automotive or chemical industry
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
Slovak institute developed a technology for preparation of multilayer ribbons based metal alloys. Innovative manufacturing method ensures seamless joining of layers and enhanced quality of joints. The invention is applicable in the field of actuators and sensors, but also finds applications in electrical engineering, medical, automotive or chemical industry. Partners are sought for the development and professional use of the technology, for investments and commercialisation of the technology.

Lignin extraction process – Plant residues as sustainable carbohydrate and lignin source for green chemistry
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German tech company has developed a patent protected pretreatment process. It provides a lignin and a digestable cellulose stream from residues or waste containing ligninocellulose. Relevant to large and small companies interested in 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels and chemicals in the field of industrial biotechnology, chemistry and agriculture.License agreements in a technical cooperation scheme are sought as well as further adaption of process to specific needs.

Hexapod system
Technology OFFER from France
A French research center has developed and patented an innovative hexapod device with adaptable loading capability and flexible insulating system for accurate & controlled movements. The system can be reproduced at several scales, and operated in extreme environmental conditions. License agreement, or technical / research cooperation agreement are expected for numerous industrial applications such as aerospace, security, nuclear...

Designer and manufacturer of equipment for deburring and finishing of industrial parts looks for distributors and commercial agents.
Business OFFER from France
French company specialised in the design and production of special machines for finishing of industrial parts, descaling, degreasing, trimming, deburring, blasting, washing, polishing, drying, tumbling is looking for distributors and commercial agents.

Italian manufacturer of door and ramp systems for buses, coaches and vans is looking for trade intermediary services
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian company specialized in products research, testing, development, manufacturing and after-sales services of pneumatic and electric doors and manual and electric ramps for buses, coaches and vans is looking for trade intermediary services in Russia.

Specialists and suppliers wanted for an on-going Finnish smart village project and concept development
Business REQUEST from Finland
A Finnish company with a novel concept of ecological and sensible living in a village-like environment equipped with digital technology is looking for EU based architects, module building or infrastructure developers, construction and energy specialists and landscaping designers for its on-going project in Finland. Partnership could be a subcontracting, distribution services or manufacturing agreement.

London based company developed a new electric bicycle and is interested in joint manufacturing
Business REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK SME, based in London, has developed a new, advanced electric bicycle. Although there are several models available in the market, the company has developed a new design whereas it has overcome major challenges on weight, incorporation of additional equipment such as battery, charger and motor. It now seeks companies for manufacturing agreements, to help it mass-produce the e-bike and offer it on the market.

A Slovak company specialized in the field of complete design, effective technological solution, production and assembly of metal products for production fields as well as for households, etc. offers its services as a subcontractor.
Business OFFER from Slovakia
A Slovak company specialized in the field of complete design, effective technological solution, production and assembly of metal products for production fields as well as for households, etc. offers its services as a subcontractor. The offerer is a constantly developing engineering company. The goods include both assembly-line production and single piece production for all mechanical engineering areas. The company is looking for partners via subcontracting.

Manufacturer of large volume heating solutions (infrared systems) seeks distributors in Europe
Business OFFER from France
A French company, manufacturing heating solutions using Infrared Technology is looking for distributors of heating products. The company seeks partners in the following countries: UK, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary.

UK based investment fund seeks partners in Eastern and South Eastern European renewable energies sector for financial agreements
Business REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK investment fund based in London and active in the field of capital raising for companies and projects operating in the renewable energy sectors, is seeking partners in eastern and southern Europe for financial agreements. The primary focus is on medium size installation projects (1MW+) however all projects are to be considered.

Austrian trading company (with a worldwide network) offers intermediary services for agricultural and environmental products.
Business REQUEST from Austria
The Austrian trading company offers trade intermediary services for companies that are interested in distributing their agricultural or environmental products in the Austrian market or in other foreign markets.

Thermoelectric conversion equipment
Technology OFFER from Romania
A Romanian university has developed a device that statically converts geothermal water heat into electricity. The device is already a prototype available for demonstration and some of its main advantages are: high reliability of the entire system, operational simplicity and possibility of using geothermal water for heating systems. The Romanian university is looking for research, academia and production partners, for further development of the product and for technological transfer.

Compact vacuum duct for high-sensitive materials as fibre optics for application in tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS)
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German research institute has developed a compact vacuum duct for high-sensitive materials as fibre optics for application in tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). The solution enables the positioning of optical fibres in vacuum chambers whereas rotary and longitudinal movements of the fibres are possible, hereby precise positioning and adjustment of the fibres are improved. The German research institute is searching for licensees.

Material for ceramic filters for the filtration of various liquids
Technology OFFER from Latvia
A research institute from Latvia has developed a ceramic material with open porosity and such characteristics of permeability that it can be used for the filtration of various liquids, e.g. water purification from contaminates. The institute is looking for technical cooperation with universities, research centres and companies for development of practical applications, material testing, and further elaboration.

A French SME is looking for partnership to develop sensors for airships
Technology REQUEST from France
A South West France SME specialized in drones and airships has developed automated airships for observations at low altitude for technical, scientific purposes and for observing sensitive area such as polluted areas or inaccessible areas. The SME is seeking partners for technical cooperation to develop and integrate sensors in airships.

Looking for partners from manufacturer of dumper, trailer, dump trailer, chassis
Business OFFER from Turkey
A Turkish company which is operating of the heavy-duty vehicles, maintenance, repair and vehicle equipment is offering its own services for the relevant firms as subcontracting and is interested in partners that can distribute its products.

A Polish company, specialized in the production of obstacle lights designed and columns emergency SOS is looking for partners in all European countries.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company, specialized in the production of signaling aviation obstacles- obstacle lights designed and columns emergency SOS is looking for partners in all European countries and offers itself as a subcontractor.

Ecological car washing company looking for franchisees
Business OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company involved in the establishment of ecological car washing centers is looking for partners in order to establish franchise agreements. The ecological washing procedure is based on saving water as well as reducing energetic resources. The company has demonstrated its success in Spain and is looking for partners interested in implementing new washing centers in Europe and other countries.

UK freight forwarding company is offering subcontracting opportunities or services agreements to partner companies with full and part loads from mainland Europe.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
UK global logistic provider specialised in European road haulage, warehousing and distribution is looking for European partner companies with loads to offer daily departures from UK and Europe and/or return and offers to act as a subcontractor or for services agreements.

UK leading mobility specialist is looking for trade intermediaries in Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A leading UK mobility aid specialist is looking for well established agents and distributors in Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany in order to commercialize its mobility aids equipment, such as scooters, power chairs and wheelchairs. Commercial and distribution agreements are sought.

Compact and versatile transportable scooters for elderly and disabled people
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK leading mobility specialist has developed a range of folding, portable scooters for elderly and disabled people. Stability, strength and a light-weight design are some of its differentiating characteristics.The company is looking for well established agents and distributors in Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany. Commercial and distribution agreements are sought.

London based company is interested in distributors for its electric bicycle
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A London-based SME is interested to work alongside distributors (wholesalers) to promote and bring to the European market and North America its new electric bicycle. The product features some innovative design parameters and is comparatively low cost.

Dew-resistant traffic sign improving the road safety
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
Distinguished university from Slovakia offers innovative technology – dew-resistant traffic sign, which due to its special construction solution can withstand condensation in an environment with frequent fogs. The technology can be applied to any exterior graphic and text traffic signs, including information and advertising boards, in which good legibility is required. Partners are sought for commercial agreement with technical assistance, licence, manufacturing or financial agreement.

Motor boats with electric, combustion, and mix engines
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company specialized in laminate boat design is looking for partner and / or a foreign investor, which will support the company in developing business opportunities and increase sales.

A UK company manufacturing light aircrafts is looking for distributors and agents involved in the leisure aviation sector across Europe.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company manufacturing light aircrafts is looking for distributors and agents across Europe. The aircrafts are available both kit form for home construction and as finished for customers who do not want to build. The company is looking for partners to grow their presence in the European aviation market.

Effective biodiesel production from waste materials
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME which specializes in converting UCO (used cooking oil) & other fats to biodiesel, has developed an enzymatic method to do it. Advantages over the conventional methods include ability to work with all types of organic feedstock, which is processed quickly, in a cost-effective way and environmentally friendly. Looking for joint venture, license, manufacturing and technical cooperation agreement.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy