dinsdag 30 juni 2015

3D Printing in Zwolle op 10 september 2015, Health, Food and Industry focus, gratis toegang

Bron: 3DprintEU

Met de zomervakantie bijna voor de deur, geven wij u graag een update van het programma op 10 september in Zwolle. Wilt u ook op de hoogte gebracht worden van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen binnen 3D-printen? Meldt u zich dan kosteloos aan (mocht u dit nog niet gedaan hebben) en kom naar 3DprintEU. 

09:30 -12:00 uur Hype of toekomst
  • De invloed van 3D-printen op de industrie, gezondheidszorg, foodsector en vele andere branches, Herman van Bolhuis, Keynotespreker
  • 3D printen: Grijp je kansen! Ir. Sjef van Gastel, Directeur Innovatieve Productietechnologie, Fontys Hogeschool Engineering
  • 3D-printen in de dentale wereld - toekomstdroom of werkelijkheid?, Ir. Anton Aulbers, Programmanager Vat Photopolymerization, TNO

12.30 –14.00 uur Medische toepassingen
  • 3D-printen van aangeboren hartafwijkingen, Dr. Arno Roest, Kindercardioloog, LUMC
  • De verschillende stappen van medisch 3D-printen: van ‘echte’ patiënt naar 3D-geprint model Maureen van Eijnatten MSc, PhD student, VUmc 3D InnovationLab
  • Het ontwerpen van een 3D-printbare mechanische handprothese, Ir. Marco Groenewegen

14.30 –16.00 uur Technologie en onderwijs
  • Doorbraak in 3D-printen op het gebied van orthodontische toepassingen en orthopedische toepassingen, Ir. Robbie Woldendorp, docentonderzoeker, Windesheim
  • Hoe 3D-printen en 3D-design geïmplementeerd kan worden in het bestaande curriculum van een school, Ronald Scheer MSc, Product Manager Education, Ultimaker
  • Spelen, creativiteit en ontdekken, Albert Barth, directeur van Kleinkunstig

De beursvloer is geopend van 9.30 tot 17.00 uur. Hier kunt u onder andere de nieuwste printers bekijken. Daarnaast staan er organisaties die de laatste ontwikkelingen en technologieën op het gebied van 3D-printen binnen de zorg en het onderwijs presenteren. Ga naar onze website voor een overzicht met exposanten.

Workshop 3D-printen basis en voortgezet onderwijs
Bent u werkzaam in het basis of voorgezet onderwijs en wilt u zelf eens 3D-printen? Volg dan de workshop van Kleinkunstig. In deze workshop ontdekt u wat 3D-printen voor het onderwijs kan betekenen. Bij een andere workshop ziet u hoe een klas basisschoolleerlingen aan het werk gaat met 3D-printtechnologie.
Samen met onze partners beiden wij u de mogelijkheid om inhoudelijke informatie te krijgen op het expertiseplein. Kennispoort Regio Zwolle, Polymer Science Park, iLab, Health Innovation Park en de Kamer van Koophandel zijn aanwezig om uw vragen te beantwoorden. Financiering, technisch advies, advies over of hulp bij uw businessplan, check van de haalbaarheid van uw innovatie of op zoek naar samenwerkingspartners? Deze organisaties helpen u verder.

3DPrintEU vindt plaats in de X-T lobby (begane grond, tussen het X- en T-gebouw) van Windesheim in Zwolle.

Meer informatie
Houd onze website in de gaten voor de laatste ontwikkelingen omtrent het programma, de exposantenlijst en om u aan te melden. Met uw vragen kunt u terecht bij Dirry de Groot via info@3dprinteu.nl of 088 - 469 8229.

Tot ziens op 10 september!

Dirry de Groot │Organisatie 3DprintEU event
Windesheim │ 088 469 82 29 │info@3dprinteu.nl 

3DprintEU is een initiatief van Green PAC (hogeschool Windesheim/Stenden hogeschool). Het event wordt ondersteund door Polymer Science Park, Health Innovation Park en Kennispoort Regio Zwolle.

maandag 29 juni 2015

International co operation profiles Energy & Environment from Enterprise Europe Network 29th June 2015

Source: Enterprise Europe Network / KvK

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search in energy and environment published 29th June 2015.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query  for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.


Business : Italian company is offering a new patented street illumination system to distributors and agents for its commercialization and it is also interested in finding subcontractors
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian company specialized in the development of photo luminescent applications and products is offering a new patented street illumination system that puts together photovoltaic and photo luminescent technology and allows to save energy. It offers the product to agents, distributors and representatives interested in its commercialization in Austria, Switzerland, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.

Technology : Wind energy technology: high altitude winds
Technology OFFER from Italy
Italian company active in the renewable energy sector has patented a new technology to produce clean energy from high altitude winds, suitable for any territory, at costs lower than fossil fuel generation plants in the GigaWatt class. The company is looking for financial agreements.

Technology : Technology and pilot station for biodiesel production from soy oil resulted as by product in the technological process of obtaining soy proteins
Technology OFFER from Romania
A research institute from Romania has developed a technology and a pilot station for production of biofuels from soybean oil by using the transesterification reaction with methanol and NaOH (sodium hydroxide) or KOH (potassium hydroxide)as catalyst, in enzymatic catalysis. The institute is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance (engineering and technical assistance) with an industrial partner to design and build the pilot station on which to transfer the proposed technology.

Technology : Dutch sustainable biopark for developing and demonstrating integrated biorefinery systems
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch bio application centre is specialized in piloting and testing innovative technologies in biorefineries. The centre created a biopark on pilot scale, making use of the favourable permitting conditions. The centre is seeking partners for its biorefinery, that are active in biomass fermentation, algae farming, production of bioethanol and sustainable energy within the framework of commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Technology : Innovative wave power generator using regenerative energy
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A SME based in South Korea has invented a highly efficient wave power generator that uses regenerative energy system. The company is looking for international partners who are interested in or specialized in renewable energy project. The possible types of partnership could be licensing, joint venture, commercial agreement with technological assistance and technical cooperation agreement.

Technology : High-end technology wood pyrolysis boiler with ultra-low emissions and high efficiency for small and medium level applications
Technology OFFER from Greece
A Greek company operating in the region of West Macedonia, north – west Greece has developed a high-end technology boiler for small and medium size applications with extraordinary results in efficiency terms and in the flue gases emissions. The company is interested in concluding a licensing agreement with another company interested in manufacturing and trading the boiler. The company is also interested in commercial cooperation with technical assistance, joint venture or financial agreement.


Technology : Advancement of gas powered motor vehicles
Technology OFFER from Serbia
A small Serbian company registered for electronic appliances production has developed a device which enables an easy cold start and quiet engine work by gas fuel, without conventional petrol help. It is tested in practice and ready-made for the world market. The main usage advantages are economical, security and ecological effects. The company seeks a licensing agreement with an automobile industry, automotive electric appliances industry or any gas evaporator factory.

Business : Outsourcing and subcontracting agreements for innovative screw foundation materials
Business OFFER from Belgium
A Belgian company, active in the field of decking materials, developed and produces new screw foundations. These screw foundations, screwed into the ground, are a real alternative to concrete ones. Now, the company is offering manufacturers and installers of mobile or temporary room, cabin, home, etc. its services under outsourcing agreement or to become a subcontractor in order to provide them an innovative foundations system.

Business : Scientific information of the impacts of cigarette butts on ecosystems sought
Business REQUEST from France
A French entrepreneur is currently building a new activity of cigarette butts collecting and recycling in order to reduce pollution and toxicity. But that issue of butts’ toxicity is mainly unknown. In order to negotiate with local institutions, stakeholders of environment he is willing to obtain scientific information on the environmental impacts of cigarette butts: ecological consequences, chemicals & toxicology on ecosystems and humans, polluting activities and degradation in sea.

Technology : Sensor Network Management System for environmental data collection using Hardware & Software Platforms
Technology OFFER from Estonia
An Estonian SME offers a monitoring platform for environmental data collection that can be used in the environmental, maritime, oil and gas sector. The main advantage is a sensor network management system for introducing multi-vendor sensor integration using hardware and software platforms for data collection. The offer is for industrial companies, R&D institutions and universities who are interested in manufacturing, R&D collaboration and financial agreements (also joint venture agreements).

Business : Treatment of industrial waste water through cross-flow micro-, ultra- and nano-filtration based on high performance tubular ceramic membranes, German company seeking distributors or subcontracting agreement with production plant manufacturers
Business OFFER from Germany
A German company offers a wide range of sophisticated tubular ceramic membranes for cross-flow micro-, ultra- and nano-filtration of highly contaminated industrial waste water. Advanced customised membrane design allows exceptional filtration performance and selectivity. The ceramic material results in outstanding physical properties- high temperature, chemical, solvent and mechanical resistance. The company seeks distributors, agents and subcontracting agreement with plant manufacturers.

Technology : Sophisticated web-based software system for the entire control of water, waste water or air quality measurement networks allowing immediate hazard detection and response
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German company offers a web-based software system for the entire control and management of automated measuring networks applicable to water, waste water and air quality monitoring. It allows the immediate detection of pollutions and hazards at the various measuring stations by automatic sampling for lab analysis as well as instant warning and messaging, thus resulting in fast tracing of the respective source and the quickest possible response. Company seeks technical or research cooperation.

Technology : Industrial process design and optimization: biomass processing, microalgae production, biorefinery and green chemistry
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME provides services to the industry in process design and optimization in the fields of biomass processing, biotechnology, green chemistry, microalgae production and downstream processing. Technical cooperation and research cooperation agreements, as well as commercial agreement with technical assistance are expected.

Technology : Real-time permanent biosensing system for biomonitoring of water quality
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME specialized in the field of biomonitoring tools has developed a real-time permanent biosensor to monitor the quality of water. The sensor can be applied in all sectors where pollution hazards in water, sediment and soil can affect ecological integrity and/ or human health. End-users could be e.g. waterworks, the beverage, pharmaceutical or oil industry or waste water treatment plants. The SME is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a research co-operation.

Business : A Turkish consulting company offering its services.
Business OFFER from Turkey
A Turkish company founded in 2014, located in Izmir-Turkey is offering consulting services on production management, quality systems management and renewable energy projects.

Technology : High-end technology wood pyrolysis boiler with ultra-low emissions and high efficiency for small and medium level applications
Technology OFFER from Greece
A Greek company operating in the region of West Macedonia, north – west Greece has developed a high-end technology boiler for small and medium size applications with extraordinary results in efficiency terms and in the flue gases emissions. The company is interested in concluding a licensing agreement with another company interested in manufacturing and trading the boiler. The company is also interested in commercial cooperation with technical assistance, joint venture or financial agreement.

Technology : Soap bubble blowing technology for toy industry
Technology REQUEST from Latvia
Small company from Latvia engaged in children toy and care accessories production is looking for soap bubble blowing technology which could be fit in flat toy. The company is interested in common development of the new product and/or is looking for ready technology already in market.

vrijdag 26 juni 2015

Update uit nieuwsbrieven voor internationaal en duurzaamheid voor uw bedrijf

Bron: RVO / Ecomobiel

Campagne Wereldwijd ondernemen
De campagne Wereldwijd ondernemen laat zien hoe het buitenlandnetwerk van de Nederlandse overheid u als ondernemer kan helpen. Steeds meer ondernemers kiezen voor internationaal ondernemen. Omdat er in het buitenland kansen liggen, waar Nederland het verschil kan maken. Laat u inspireren en ontdek hoe uw bedrijf de stap naar het buitenland kan maken
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Frans-Nederlands economisch jaar
Aan de vooravond van de start van de Tour de France begint ook het Frans-Nederlands economisch jaar. De aftrap is op 3 juli in Utrecht. Alle activiteiten die gaan plaatsvinden, richten zich op een toename van het handelsverkeer tussen beide landen en wederzijdse investeringen. Ook is er aandacht voor uitwisseling van knowhow, versterking van de kennispositie en gastronomie.
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Missie biosector naar Expo Milaan
Bent u actief in de biologische sector? Dit is uw kans om het beste te halen uit uw bezoek aan de wereldtentoonstelling Expo Milaan. Enterprise Europe Network Nederland organiseert een handelsmissie naar de Expo, speciaal voor bedrijven uit de biologische sector. U bezoekt het speciale Organic Paviljoen en kunt matchmaken met Italiaanse biologische bedrijven. Reageer snel
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Matchmaking tijdens FashionWeek
Enterprise Europe Network nodigt u op 12 en 13 juli uit voor de 4e editie van matchmaking op de Modefabriek tijdens de Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam. Of u nu uw internationale modenetwerk wilt uitbreiden of op zoek wilt gaan naar potentiële zakenpartners in het buitenland, via EU FashionMatch 4.0 vindt u deze contacten. Registreer uw bedrijfsprofiel voor 7 juli.
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Workshop bio-energie Brazilië
Op 1 juli kunt u horen wat de marktkansen zijn voor bio-energie in Brazilië. Kom naar de interactieve workshop in Utrecht. U heeft ook de kans om kennis, ervaringen en visies uit te wisselen met andere bedrijven en partijen. Lees meer

Smart-oplossingen voor Tokyo2020
Japan staat open voor internationale samenwerking om zo de meest innovatieve Olympische Spelen ooit te organiseren. Nederlandse bedrijven met smart-oplossingen kunnen hiervan profiteren. Lees het rapport van de ambassade. Lees meer

Platform voor duurzame mobiliteit en mobiliteitsmanagement 6 & 7 oktober 2015 Den Bosch, Deelnemen als exposant aan Ecomobiel
Dat betekent in gesprek zijn met relevante beslissers en stakeholders met concrete vragen en investeringsplannen. Deelname is al mogelijk met een geheel verzorgde stand vanaf € 2.890 Neem contact op met Paul Jan Jacobs voor meer informatie.

Matchmaking sporttechnologie rondom Gran Depart Tour de France
Enterprise Europe Network Nederland nodigt u uit voor SportTechMatch 2015 op 3 juli. Dit is het internationale matchmakingevent op het gebied van sporttechnologie rondom de Grand Départ van de Tour de France in Utrecht.
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Missie medische sector naar VK
Van 31 augustus t/m 4 september bezoekt een missie de NHS Health & Care Innovation Expo in Manchester. Een mooie kans voor Nederlandse medische technologie-bedrijven om zich te presenteren in het VK. Lees meer

Alle nieuwe auto’s vanaf 2035 elektrisch vergt extra inspanningen beleidsmakers
In 2050 worden naar verwachting alle personenauto’s in Europa aangedreven door een elektromotor met elektriciteit uit batterijen of waterstof-brandstofcellen. Om Europeanen massaal te laten overstappen op zero emissie voertuigen moeten beleidsmakers volgens Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland op lokaal, landelijk en Europees niveau nog hard duwen en vooral samenwerken. In het Europese Green eMotion project heeft ECN specifiek onderzocht wat er nodig is. Lees meer.....

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy