woensdag 7 maart 2018

International co operation profiles on ENERGY from Enterprise Europe Network from February 25th, 2018

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published February 25th, 2018.

Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep. Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertise's external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

Hannover Messe 2018
Visiting or present at the Hannover Industrie Messe 2018? Get pre arranged meetings with companies and technology of your interest and meet new business partners! Use the Enterprise Europe Network services to your business advantage.

ESEF 2018 Utrecht
The supplier of succesful technologies, tomorrow's technology today at Utrecht the Netherlands. The matchmaking event will take place in the exhibition complex Jaarbeurs Utrecht from 20th to 23th March 2018. More information HERE.


Technology : Water Power Plant: a portable physical model of a pumped storage hydro-plant
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
An established Slovak university has developed a new water power plant. It is a portable physical model of a pumped storage hydro-plant. It can be applied in the research and testing of advanced control algorithms before their implementation on real industrial processes. The system is also suitable for supporting practical education in courses on automatic control systems analysis and design. They are looking for partners for license agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Technology : Photovoltaic module with increased efficiency and reduced cost
Technology OFFER from Armenia
An Armenian company specialized in design and development of cost effective solar energy systems has developed a new type photovoltaic module with increased efficiency and reduced cost. The company is looking for license agreement , joint venture agreement and manufacturing agreement with PV module manufacturers.

Technology : Innovative ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) modules for heat to power conversion systems in small plants (10 to 100 kW) ready for integration in all systems producing residual heat.
Technology OFFER from France
A fast-growing French SME, expert in thermodynamics and micro-turbine design and production, has developed and commercialises small turbine ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) systems providing a high conversion rate of heat to power and offering improved reliability. The company looks for partnerships through commercial agreements with technical assistance to integrate its technology in industrial sites, anaerobic digestion units, geothermal sources and concentrated solar plants.

Business : Spanish company specialized in wastewater treatment, civil engineering and solar power plants offers subcontracting/outsourcing services
Business OFFER from Spain
The Spanish company has a multidisciplinary team with more than ten years of experience providing conceptual development services or basic engineering, design, execution and management of engineering projects in the sectors of wastewater treatment, civil engineering or solar power plants.They offer their services to private companies or public institutions with the aim of establishing subcontracting, outsourcing or services agreement.

Technology : Compact solar collector with linear Fresnel concentrator and triple movement.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish research group in renewable energies has patented a compact solar collector with a linear Fresnel concentrator and triple movement for collecting and concentrating solar energy over a heat transfer fluid, which carries it to where it can be used providing a new thermal and electrical technology for the building industry. Companies operating in the energy and building sectors are sought to develop applications of the described technology under license agreements.

Technology : Advanced research and development in mobile propulsion using cutting edge test facilities for low carbon mobility solutions
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German university operates a sophisticated research centre for any kind of mobile propulsion system. The institute’s longtime research experience ranges from fundamental research on experimental and numerical basis up to the implementation of market-ready applications of single components as well as complete propulsion systems. Partners from research and industry are sought for any research and technical co-operation to develop and promote sustainable low carbon mobility solutions.

Research & Development : LC-GV-04-2019: A French SME looking for trucks and passenger cars manufacturers to develop a combustion engine based on heat recovery technology reducing energy consumption
Research & Development REQUEST from France
A high-performance French SME operates in the sector of intelligent energy applied to automotive, transport and logistics. In response to the H2020 "LC-GV-04-2019: Low-emissions propulsion for long-distance trucks and coaches" the coordinator of the project is seeking partners to integrate a heat to power recovery technology reducing energy consumption on an vehicle through a research cooperation agreement. Partners sought are trucks and passenger cars manufacturers.

Technology : A novel wind turbine system extracts more energy from intermittent wind energy in day night cycle.
Technology OFFER from Israel
Israeli start-up offers a new technology of wind turbine system to maximize wind energy utilization. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy are clean and available as long as the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. The technology offered is designed to extract maximum energy when wind prevails and use it when demand is high in day-night cycle. The company is looking for partners involved in green energy, for financial, joint venture, and technical cooperation agreements.

Technology : Seeking partners to cooperate on convergence of optical sensor technology into the fluorescent materials industry
Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of
A Korean company manufactures fluorescent materials and optical sensors desire to find partners to develop convergence of technology in the field of fluorescent materials and optical power. The technology would allow finding the accurate location of the sun over all azimuths as the batteries and sensors are following the position of the sun. The company desires to seek a partner for cooperation under the research cooperation agreement and licensing agreement.

Technology : A technology (an installation) for production of ultrapure hydrogen and oxygen
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
Ukrainian research laboratory for special instrument engineering offers a technology (an installation) for production of ultrapure hydrogen and oxygen from water steam by electrochemical electrolysis with solid electrolytes. The advantages of this offer are technological (the ultrapure products, compact size of installation, ability to work from a standalone power source) and competitive (quality of the products, price). Cooperation type is likely to be licensing or technical cooperation.

Technology : Preheater of cold air before heat pumps and ventilation systems
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
The SME from Kyiv (Ukraine) offers an air-heater for reducing the energy consumption in ventilation systems and increasing the coefficient of transformation heat pump (HP) of air-air or air-water type at temperatures below minus 5 °C using the heat of crystallization of water. Installed power of HP is reduced. The organization is looking for partners to implement this offer in the form of a commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation agreement.

Technology : A Spanish start-up company is looking for companies in the O&M (Operations and Maintenance) photovoltaic sector in order to test its innovative inspection software
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish start-up has developed a solution that accelerates the inspection process of big infrastructures such as photovoltaic plants. It uses AI(Artificial Intelligence) to analyse the thermal images taken by drones to automate the detection of hotspots and improves the management and visualization of key information regarding the O&M(Operations and Maintenance) process. The company is looking for partners in order to perform tests in real environment under a technical cooperation agreement.

Business : Ukrainian manufacturer of gas generator for producing pyrolysis gas with subsequent generation of electricity or heat seeks commercial agents
Business OFFER from Ukraine
A young and dynamic Ukrainian SME has a fully developed gas generator to produce generator gas from wood biomass, which ensures a more complete combustion of woodworking waste (sawdust), and can reduce emissions to the atmosphere. The firm is looking for partners under a commercial agency agreement.

Business : Services offered within development of geothermal projects
Business OFFER from Germany
A German engineering and consulting company with focus on deep geothermal energy, deep drilling technology and special machinery design is offering engineering and consulting services in geothermal projects. It is looking for private or public partners to participate in international tender processes in geothermal sector or special machinery sector. The company also offers service and subcontracting agreements.

Research & Development : H2020-SC3-RES-1-2019 : Companies with expertise in photovoltaics fabrication, power device, sensors are sought
Research & Development REQUEST from France
A French university will act as a coordinator of a European project aimed at developing new approaches for the fabrication of power devices. The consortium has identified 2 relevant calls to implement this project : LC-SC3-RES-1-2019 and LC-NMNP-32-2019. Industrial partners active in semiconductor electronics/sensor/photovoltaic (PV) are sought to complete the consortium.

Technology : Technology for production of pellets from black/brown coal dust that increases its energy value is offered for licensing
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
Czech inventor developed a technology for production of coal pellets from black or brown coal, useable as fuel in deferent types of coal and pellet boilers. The technology enables to produce pellets from the coal dust and thus increase the energy value of the material. Inventor is looking for a license partner capable to start a mass production of the fuel.

Technology : A French company is offering organic photovoltaic devices manufactured by digital printing expertise. Technical cooperation agreement is considered.
Technology OFFER from France
A French company specialized in designing and manufacturing photovoltaic solutions has developed flexible organic photovoltaic devices manufactured by digital printing. The company offers its expertise in the frame of a technical cooperation agreement.

Did not find anything interesting?
Why not search the Enterprise Europe Network database using your own interests and search keys. Some 10,000 profiles open for co operation in trade, innovation, research and consortia building within Horizon 2020.
Want to create your own profile? Or discuss with your local contact point on possibilities? Please follow me Sir, this way! To THE Network!

International co operation profiles onINDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING, MATERIAL AND TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES from Enterprise Europe Network from February 25th, 2018

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published February 25th, 2018.

Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep. Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertise's external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

Hannover Messe 2018
Visiting or present at the Hannover Industrie Messe 2018? Get pre arranged meetings with companies and technology of your interest and meet new business partners! Use the Enterprise Europe Network services to your business advantage.

ESEF 2018 Utrecht
The supplier of succesful technologies, tomorrow's technology today at Utrecht the Netherlands. The matchmaking event will take place in the exhibition complex Jaarbeurs Utrecht from 20th to 23th March 2018. More information HERE.


Business : French manufacturer offers manufacturing and subcontracting in the field of plastic and metal materials
Business OFFER from France
French company specialised in plastic and metal materials processing, such as injection, stamping, thermoplastic, overmoulding, assembly, laser making, finition services (paint, metal coating, decoration), product engineering, particularly in automotive, transport, aeronautics, medical, electronics, agrofood, multi-industry, luxury fields, is looking for new manufacturing and subcontracting agreements.

Business : French manufacturer of innovative road signs in thermoplastic injection offers manufacturing agreements
Business OFFER from France
A French specialist in design, industrialization and manufacturing of products or parts of thermoplastic material, has designed especially innovative road signs in thermoplastic injection. They offer manufacturing agreements to industrial partners, local authorities, interested in police road signs, directional road signs, temporary road signs, street road signs, quick information marking... All these products are designed and carefully manufactured by the French company in France.

Business : A global company providing services in the field of aluminium die-casting is looking for customers and partners.
Business OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME that specializes in high pressure die-casting for automotive industry is looking for cast product manufacturers in need for additional common work to bring innovative products to the market in an efficient and time saving way. Looking for license, manufacturing, technical cooperation, joint venture, financial agreement.

Technology : Compact solar collector with linear Fresnel concentrator and triple movement.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish research group in renewable energies has patented a compact solar collector with a linear Fresnel concentrator and triple movement for collecting and concentrating solar energy over a heat transfer fluid, which carries it to where it can be used providing a new thermal and electrical technology for the building industry. Companies operating in the energy and building sectors are sought to develop applications of the described technology under license agreements.

Business : Bulgarian company is offering transport and forwarding services to European partners under services and subcontracting agreements
Business OFFER from Bulgaria
Bulgarian company with more than 5 years of experience in the field of logistics offers road, sea and air international transport and forwarding services of safety and dangerous goods/freights in Europe. Cooperation under services and subcontracting agreement is offered.

Technology : Production line for the damage-free processing of high voltage cables for electric and hybrid vehicles
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME specialised in cable processing has developed a flexible production line for the damage-free processing of high voltage cables for electric and hybrid vehicles. Its modular setup allows the integration into existing production lines.The company looks for suppliers in the automotive industry for commercial agreements with technical assistance to integrate the technology. In addition to that partners to develop an automated solution are sought for technological cooperation agreements.

Technology : Advanced research and development in mobile propulsion using cutting edge test facilities for low carbon mobility solutions
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German university operates a sophisticated research centre for any kind of mobile propulsion system. The institute’s longtime research experience ranges from fundamental research on experimental and numerical basis up to the implementation of market-ready applications of single components as well as complete propulsion systems. Partners from research and industry are sought for any research and technical co-operation to develop and promote sustainable low carbon mobility solutions.

Research & Development : LC-GV-04-2019: A French SME looking for trucks and passenger cars manufacturers to develop a combustion engine based on heat recovery technology reducing energy consumption
Research & Development REQUEST from France
A high-performance French SME operates in the sector of intelligent energy applied to automotive, transport and logistics. In response to the H2020 "LC-GV-04-2019: Low-emissions propulsion for long-distance trucks and coaches" the coordinator of the project is seeking partners to integrate a heat to power recovery technology reducing energy consumption on an vehicle through a research cooperation agreement. Partners sought are trucks and passenger cars manufacturers.

Research & Development : [EUROSTARS2] Looking for partners for developing integrated analysis platform utilizing cloud-based block chain for cyber-attack prevention and threat management of IoT devices
Research & Development REQUEST from Korea, Republic of
A Korean SME specialized in IT security evaluation and cloud-based security solutions is preparing a project proposal under EUROSTARS2. The R&D project is about further developing and designing of the integrated analysis platform which could prevent and manage cyber-attack and attempts using block chain in cloud environment. A reliable and technological company, university, and a laboratory for cloud systems is welcomed to join for R&D collaboration.

Technology : Seeking partners to cooperate on convergence of optical sensor technology into the fluorescent materials industry
Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of
A Korean company manufactures fluorescent materials and optical sensors desire to find partners to develop convergence of technology in the field of fluorescent materials and optical power. The technology would allow finding the accurate location of the sun over all azimuths as the batteries and sensors are following the position of the sun. The company desires to seek a partner for cooperation under the research cooperation agreement and licensing agreement.

Business : Ukrainian company producing polymer composite railway sleepers is seeking for partner – investor to develop and spread their product on Ukrainian railway market.
Business OFFER from Ukraine
The company is located in the central region of Ukraine and specializes in the production of composite railway sleepers from recycled and processed polymer and plastic materials. At present, the company needs investment (current assets) to complete realization of the project, particularly to cover the cost of materials and gain required output. The company is ready to share profits under joint venture or financial agreement.

Technology : Innovative directional gamma ray source detector for strengthening Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear security
Technology OFFER from Slovenia
Slovenian SME specialized in ICT has developed an innovative gamma-ray source locator. Its main advantage is significantly shortened time one needs to find the radioactive source. The company is looking for governmental and other entities on EU and national level that are working to increase preparedness of agencies and authorities to CBRN incidents via trainings, exercises and offers commecial agreement with technical assistance or research cooperation agreement.

Technology : Polyurethanes: new 3D-Modelling and Tooling Techniques.
Technology OFFER from Austria
A revolutionary 3D-modelling and tooling technology has been developed by an Austrian SME. This technology is used to produce models from polyurethanes in a close contour casting process. By providing close contour casts, this company’s customers save up to 30% in labor costs and up to 40% in material costs. Partners active in the area of polyurethanes are sought for commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Technology : A Spanish start-up company is looking for companies in the O&M (Operations and Maintenance) photovoltaic sector in order to test its innovative inspection software
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish start-up has developed a solution that accelerates the inspection process of big infrastructures such as photovoltaic plants. It uses AI(Artificial Intelligence) to analyse the thermal images taken by drones to automate the detection of hotspots and improves the management and visualization of key information regarding the O&M(Operations and Maintenance) process. The company is looking for partners in order to perform tests in real environment under a technical cooperation agreement.

Technology : Anti-lock braking system for bicycles with suspension fork.
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German university offers an anti-lock braking system for bicycles with a suspension fork. It increases safety significantly as it lowers the risk of the cyclist to fall. The system has a simple and robust set-up and can be retrofitted to existing bicycles. The system is at the development stage. An industrial licensee with an interest in further development is sought.

Technology : Ultraviolet reflectivity based trace detection technology to detect the presence of explosives and/or narcotic traces on the surfaces of objects.
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME developed an ultraviolet spectroscopy technology to detect explosives and/or narcotic traces on the surface of objects. The technology detects traces in the nanogram range within a typical detection time of 3 seconds. The SME seeks partners in the security and safety industry to develop specific instruments based on this spectroscopy method, for example for airport security. The SME is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance and technical cooperation projects.

Technology : X-ray based screening technology to identify unknown materials like crystalline, amorphous and liquid materials behind thick barriers.
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME developed x-ray based screening technology to identify unknown materials behind barriers or irregularities in materials or material layers. The SME seeks partners to develop application specific instruments based on the X-ray screening technology, for example in the security sector or the quality control of composites and metal parts for the aerospace sector. The SME is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance and technical cooperation projects.

Business : Services offered within development of geothermal projects
Business OFFER from Germany
A German engineering and consulting company with focus on deep geothermal energy, deep drilling technology and special machinery design is offering engineering and consulting services in geothermal projects. It is looking for private or public partners to participate in international tender processes in geothermal sector or special machinery sector. The company also offers service and subcontracting agreements.

Research & Development : H2020-SC3-RES-1-2019 : Companies with expertise in photovoltaics fabrication, power device, sensors are sought
Research & Development REQUEST from France
A French university will act as a coordinator of a European project aimed at developing new approaches for the fabrication of power devices. The consortium has identified 2 relevant calls to implement this project : LC-SC3-RES-1-2019 and LC-NMNP-32-2019. Industrial partners active in semiconductor electronics/sensor/photovoltaic (PV) are sought to complete the consortium.

Technology : Adaptive numerical safety assistant system for the stabilization of construction vehicles with high center of gravity
Technology OFFER from Germany
This Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system developed by a Technical University from Northern Germany prevents construction vehicles with high center of gravity from tip over in cases of sudden sagging of unfortified grounds. Transfer of rights, license agreements or R&D cooperation are offered to industrial partners with an interest to commercialize the technology, e.g. producers of chain-driven big machinery like excavators, drilling vehicles, crawler cranes, diaphragm wall cutters etc.

Technology : A French company is offering organic photovoltaic devices manufactured by digital printing expertise. Technical cooperation agreement is considered.
Technology OFFER from France
A French company specialized in designing and manufacturing photovoltaic solutions has developed flexible organic photovoltaic devices manufactured by digital printing. The company offers its expertise in the frame of a technical cooperation agreement.

Technology : Innovative railway technology: energy efficient wagon construction for freight trains / freight folling stock
Technology OFFER from Germany
A University from Berlin (Germany) has developed a new hopper wagon design for freight trains that solves issues other wagon-designs have in regards to aerodynamic efficiency. While increasing aerodynamic efficiency the design at the same time ensures that loading as well as transport are not negatively influenced by the new design. The cooperation type they would be interested in is a license or a research cooperation agreement.

Did not find anything interesting?
Why not search the Enterprise Europe Network database using your own interests and search keys. Some 10,000 profiles open for co operation in trade, innovation, research and consortia building within Horizon 2020.
Want to create your own profile? Or discuss with your local contact point on possibilities? Please follow me Sir, this way! To THE Network!

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy