donderdag 24 maart 2022

Companies looking for smart mobility solutions with new business partners for trade, development and innovation

Source: Enterprise Europe Network March 2022

Following companies and research institutions are looking for a commercial or technical co-operation with other international companies on the field of Transport, Mobility, Sustainability in various projects or stages of development. Please find more information by clicking the profile of your interest.

If you would require further information, or would like to express your interest, please contact your local Enterprise Europe Network support office with the profile title and reference, free of charge that can be found on this page Enterprise Europe Network Branches

UK company specialising in smart 3D battery electrodes seeks to partner with battery fabrication and scale-up facilities, battery ink and active ...
Technology Request Updated last year from United Kingdom
The UK company has developed a patent-pending smart optimised 3D battery electrode technology that works with different battery chemistries enabling ...
moreThe UK company has developed a patent-pending smart optimised 3D battery electrode technology that works with different battery chemistries enabling performance improvement. The company seeks to collaborate with battery fabrication and scaleup facilities, battery ink and active material suppliers, and electrode coating experts either under technical cooperation agreement or services agreement. The aim of the cooperation is to further improve the performance of the batteries.

Expires in 4 months

Industrial partners are sought for the development of a low consumption and ecological air conditioning system for campers, trucks, boats and special ...
Technology Request Updated last year from Italy
An Italian company with experience in production and installation of technological accessories for cars, is developing an innovative air conditioning ...
moreAn Italian company with experience in production and installation of technological accessories for cars, is developing an innovative air conditioning technology, with low electric consumption and environmental impact, based on a granted patent. The sought partners are industrial companies producing air conditioning systems and components for campers, trucks and boats, interested to be involved in the development and prototyping of the new technology, under technical cooperation agreement.

Expires in 3 months

Italian company looking for gardening and agriculture autonomous navigation systems for outdoor (grass-cutting machines) and indoor (floor-cleaning ...
Technology Request Updated last year from Italy
An Italian company is a major player in machinery manufacturing for the gardening and agriculture sector; they are seeking new technology solutions, ...
moreAn Italian company is a major player in machinery manufacturing for the gardening and agriculture sector; they are seeking new technology solutions, preferably at TRL 6, to improve their autonomous grass-cutting and floor-cleaning machines by reducing system redundancies and increasing the machines' energy autonomy. Partners will work together in proofs of concept or pilot projects under technical cooperation agreement. This request is part of an open innovation challenge.

Expires in 8 months

A French company is looking for an industrial partner in metal / mechanical parts to manufacture a new patented product
Business Request Updated last quarter from France
A French SME has invented and designed a hand trolley system that clips onto a hoverboard to facilitate the transport of goods on foot. Its handles ...
moreA French SME has invented and designed a hand trolley system that clips onto a hoverboard to facilitate the transport of goods on foot. Its handles modulate the forward speed and makes it possible to brake if necessary. The SME seeks an industrial partner specialising in metal tubes (steel or aluminum) folding, welding, capable of adapting mechanical parts (braking system). A long-term partner located in Eastern Europe is sought for a manufacturing agreement. A prototype will be made initially.

Expires in 9 months

Portuguese systematic innovation research and development company offers for technology transfer a novel patent-pending drive assembly for an ...
Technology Offer Updated last year from Portugal
A private Portuguese systematic innovation R&D company, based in Lisbon, has been developing the novel patent-pending drive assembly for providing a ...
moreA private Portuguese systematic innovation R&D company, based in Lisbon, has been developing the novel patent-pending drive assembly for providing a natural walking input, that is compact, ergonomic and integrates with the components of the bicycle industry. It offers the technology to industrial and/or commercial companies for a license agreement for technology transfer, and/or a manufacturing agreement and/ or a joint venture agreement for technology exploitation.

Expires in 8 months

A Czech producer of secure bicycle stands with built-in charger for electric bikes is looking for partners focusing on smart cities solutions to ...
Business Offer Updated last quarter from Czechia
A Czech manufacturer of bicycle stands offers its smart stand with built-in charger for electric bicycles. The bicycle stand is fully autonomous and ...
moreA Czech manufacturer of bicycle stands offers its smart stand with built-in charger for electric bicycles. The bicycle stand is fully autonomous and user can unlock it with a contactless card. Security is ensured by an armoured chain and cannot be overcome with lever pliers. The stand is connected to internet and equipped with solar-charger. The SME is looking for commercial agency agreements with companies involved in smart cities projects and/or municipal trasnportation projects.

Expires in 1 month

Safe adaptable sanitising lid for reusable bottles
Technology Offer Updated last year from Italy
An Italian monitoring system company has developed a technical solution for the actual COVID-19 emergency, helping to answer the growing hygiene ...
moreAn Italian monitoring system company has developed a technical solution for the actual COVID-19 emergency, helping to answer the growing hygiene necessity. The firm has developed, prototyped and is going to produce smart lids for reusable bottles. Using embedded UV-C (ultraviolet C) LEDs (light emitting diode) and a proprietary closure system, they can sanitise both bottle and content in the safest way, thanks to two use control components. Joint venture and licence agreement are sought.

Expires in 1 month

Slovak manufacturer of different types of lighting is looking for business partners under distribution services agreement, outsourcing or ...
Business Offer Updated last quarter from Slovakia
The Slovak company working on lighting projects and supplying lighting fixtures for offices, industrial halls, family houses, sports grounds, ...
moreThe Slovak company working on lighting projects and supplying lighting fixtures for offices, industrial halls, family houses, sports grounds, greenhouses is looking for new business partners to sell its products or collaborate on joint projects. The company has its own production of design and industrial lights. Desired types of partnership are: distribution services agreement, outsourcing or subcontracting.

Expires in 3 months

Spanish company seeks license agreement for a shoe cleaning machine
Business Offer Updated last year from Spain
A Spanish (Basque) design SME has developed a new domestic and easy-to-use shoe cleaning machine (SCM) that in addition to polishing, the appliance ...
moreA Spanish (Basque) design SME has developed a new domestic and easy-to-use shoe cleaning machine (SCM) that in addition to polishing, the appliance stores, sanitizes and disinfects shoes. A license agreement is envisaged by the design company.

Expires in 1 month

A French company specialized in plastic injection and pressure foundry, is looking for industrial partners (automotive, medical, childcare) under a ...
Business Offer Updated last year from France
The French company is specialized in plastic injection and pressure foundry for industry purposes and automotive, medical and childcare ...
moreThe French company is specialized in plastic injection and pressure foundry for industry purposes and automotive, medical and childcare industries. The company has nearly 40 years of experience, manufacturing plastic and zinc products or components using thermoplastic injection and zinc alloy pressure foundry. They are looking for industrial partners under a manufacturing or subcontracting agreement. A distribution services may also be relevant.

Expires in 1 month

woensdag 23 maart 2022

Groningen en Drenthe gaan samenwerken met Nedersaksen aan waterstofprojecten

Bron: Provincie Groningen, 16 maart 2022 

Provincies Groningen en Drenthe gaan een samenwerking aan met de Duitse deelstaat Nedersaksen voor het ontwikkelen van waterstofprojecten. Dat hebben gedeputeerden Melissa van Hoorn van de provincie Groningen en Tjisse Stelpstra van de provincie Drenthe woensdag 16 maart tijdens een werkbezoek aan Lingen besproken met Birgit HonĂ©, minister voor Federale en Europese Zaken en Regionale Ontwikkeling van Nedersaksen. 

Samenwerking Groningen, Drenthe, Nedersaksen

Projecten koppelen

Noord-Nederland wordt gezien als een leidende Hydrogen Valley in Europa, waar groene waterstof wordt geproduceerd, getransporteerd maar ook toegepast wordt in de industrie, het vervoer en in gebouwen. De provincies en deelstaat willen de Hydrogen Valleys aan beide kanten van de grens met elkaar verbinden. Daarnaast willen ze bestaande waterstofprojecten aan elkaar koppelen en daardoor ook gebruik maken van een nieuw financieringsprogramma van de EU. 


In Noord-Nederland gaat de samenwerking om het HEAVENN-project. HEAVENN staat voor Hydrogen Energy Applications for Valley Environments in the Northern-Netherlands. Het is een project met als doel in Noord-Nederland een groene waterstofwaardeketen te ontwerpen en ontwikkelen. Hierbij ligt de focus op de gehele keten: van productie van groene waterstof, transport en opslag tot gebruik in de industrie, voor mobiliteit en de omgeving. HEAVENN is onder andere bezig met de ontwikkeling van de energiehub GZI Next in Emmen en projecten in en rondom de Eemshaven en Delfzijl. In Noordwest-Duitsland gaat het om de H2 Region Emsland en HyWays for Future

Sneller groen en onafhankelijk

De samenwerking tussen organisaties en kennisinstellingen leidt tot kennisuitwisseling, werkgelegenheid, schaalvergroting en lagere prijzen van groene waterstof. Hiermee wordt het gebruik van waterstof aantrekkelijker, kan de energietransitie versnelt worden en worden de regio's sneller onafhankelijk van buitenlandse import van energie.  

dinsdag 22 maart 2022

Handelsmissie Ag-Tech in Frankrijk 16 t/m 19 mei 2022

Bron: RVO 

Bent u actief op het gebied van digitalisering en robotisering in de landbouw en voedselproductie? En bent u benieuwd naar uw kansen in Frankrijk? Ga dan van 16 tot en met 19 mei 2022 mee op handelsmissie naar Frankrijk. 

Frankrijk is momenteel de derde exportmarkt voor Nederlandse landbouwproducten. Ook is het een belangrijke exportmarkt voor hoogwaardige en duurzame producten, technologieĂ«n en kennis. De Franse overheid trekt de komende jaren € 2,8 miljard uit voor de bevordering van onder andere de digitalisering en robotisering van de Franse landbouw. Dit biedt kansen voor Nederlandse ondernemers die actief zijn in deze sector 

Voor wie?
Deelname aan deze handelsmissie is geschikt voor Nederlandse organisaties die:
  • actief zijn in digitalisering en robotisering van de landbouw- en voedselproductie, waaronder robotica, fotonica, AI en data;
  • technologieĂ«n, producten of services aanbieden die de ontwikkelingen in de landbouwsector versnellen of bestendigen;
  • de Franse markt willen verkennen;
  • al zakendoen in Frankrijk en willen uitbreiden, of willen starten met Frankrijk;
  • zakenpartners zoeken in Frankrijk en/of bestaande contacten willen onderhouden.
Waarom deelnemen?
Deelname aan deze handelsmissie biedt u verschillende voordelen. 
Ga mee en:
  • krijg inzicht in de marktkansen van de Franse Ag-Techsector.
  • Vergroot uw netwerk door in contact te komen met potentiĂ«le Franse partners en klanten.
  • Onderhoud uw huidige Franse contacten door deze weer eens fysiek te ontmoeten.
  • Ervaar de toegevoegde waarde van samen optrekken met andere Nederlandse bedrijven die zich richten op de Franse markt.
  • Krijg inzicht in hoe uw bedrijf kansen kan benutten op de Franse Ag-Techmarkt.
  • Krijg in samenwerking met de Nederlandse overheid toegang tot de markt, door consortia te vormen en door publiek-private samenwerking.
Meld je aan voor deze handelsmissie. De uiterste aanmelddatum is 11 april 2022. De voertalen zijn Nederlands en Engels. 

Deelname aan deze missie kost € 500 exclusief btw per bedrijf. Per bedrijf mag maximaal 1 deelnemer mee met deze handelsmissie. De prijs is inclusief deelname aan de collectieve programmaonderdelen, collectief lokaal vervoer en lokale ondersteuning door de organisatie. De reis- en verblijfkosten zijn voor eigen rekening. De organisatie is niet aansprakelijk voor eventuele annuleringskosten. 

Let op: op deze handelsmissie is een Covid-19-clausule van toepassing. 

Heeft u vragen over het missieprogramma of over logistieke en financiĂ«le zaken? 
Neem contact op met: 
Mihill Luli, Business Development Coach Frankrijk, RVO 

De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) organiseert deze missie in nauwe samenwerking met het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en in samenwerking met de Nederlandse ambassade in Parijs, Frankrijk. 

Aanmelden en verdere informatie HIER

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