woensdag 20 november 2013

Innovatie in Twente en de Europese toekomstplannen, MKB'ers gezocht met hun ervaringen

Bron: Podium |  communiceren beleven leren

Begin 2014 organiseert de Nederlandse vertegenwoordiging van de Europese Commissie publieksbijeenkomsten door heel Nederland organiseert.
Tijdens deze bijeenkomsten wil de vertegenwoordiging het publiek op de hoogte brengen van, en informeren over belangrijke Europese thema’s.
De thema’s van deze bijeenkomsten worden afgestemd op onderwerpen die lokaal/regionaal spelen, maar waar ook een duidelijke Europese betrokkenheid bij is.
Tijdens deze bijeenkomsten staat de dialoog centraal; zowel de Europese Commissie, lokale gemeenten en instellingen, inhoudelijk specialisten, bedrijfsleven als de geïnteresseerde burger komt aan het woord.

In januari a.s. vindt een bijeenkomst in Enschede plaats, met als thema ‘Innovatie’. Dit sluit aan bij het innovatieve en bedrijfskundige karakter van de Twentse regio.
De Europese Commissie streeft naar een Europees groeibeleid waarbij actief samenwerking wordt gezocht tussen verschillende landen, regio’s en vakgebieden. Kennisuitwisseling staat centraal.
Tijdens de bijeenkomst wordt gesproken over de gevolgen van de Europese toekomstplannen voor de regio. Wat doet de EU om innovatie, economie en werkgelegenheid in de regio te bevorderen? Wat doen de gemeente, provincie, Kennispark Twente en het MKB? En hoe kunnen inwoners zelf invloed uitoefenen op de Europese plannen en - besluitvorming? Hoe ziet Twente eruit in 2020?
Graag komen we voor deze bijeenkomst in contact met ondernemers die zelf innovatief ondernemen, liefst ook met Europese subsidie. De bijeenkomst vindt naar verwachting plaats in de laatste week van januari/ eerste week van februari 2014.

Ik hoop u hiermee wat meer informatie gegeven te hebben over de bijeenkomst over innovatief ondernemen. Mocht u nog meer of specifiekere informatie zoeken, aarzel niet contact op te nemen.

Bij voorbaat hartelijk dank.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Judith van Tiggelen

Podium | communiceren beleven leren
Postbus 1590 | 3500 BN  Utrecht | Domstraat 6 | 3512 JB  Utrecht | www.podium.nl
Tel. 030 239 32  36 | Mobiel: 06 511 198 66 | Fax 030  233 25 15 | vantiggelen@podium.nl

Waterstofnet bijeenkomst België Nederland bij Automotive NL in Helmond

Bron: AutomotiveNL

Europa investeert in de periode 2014-2020 voor 1,4 miljard euro in de implementatie van waterstofprojecten. Ook de industrie heeft concrete plannen. Toonaangevende automotive spelers kondigen de introductie van personenauto’s en bussen op waterstof aan en energiebedrijven investeren in energieopslag via waterstof.
Volledig in lijn met deze internationale trends, bereidt de regio Vlaanderen/Zuid-Nederland zich via het Interreg-project “Waterstofregio Vlaanderen/Zuid-Nederland” voor, om tot de koplopers op het vlak van waterstof in Europa te behoren.

Het regionale programma, gecoördineerd door WaterstofNet, dat zich richt op “duurzame waterstof”, ”early market toepassingen” en “onderwijs” heeft een aantal concrete projecten gerealiseerd, waaronder de grootste brandstofcelplant op restwaterstof ter wereld bij Solvay, een waterstoftankstation voor heftrucks bij Colruyt, een waterstoftankstation in de gemeente Helmond, diverse toepassingen in early markets en een onderwijsprogramma. Deze resultaten leiden tot een unieke cluster van technologiespelers in de regio Vlaanderen-Nederland, waarbij inmiddels ook wordt samengewerkt met spelers uit Noord-Rijn-Westfalen en Schotland.

Dit congres geeft u een concreet beeld van de resultaten en perspectieven op het vlak van waterstof in de regio, ondermeer binnen het toekomstige Interregprogramma, met toonaangevende sprekers vanuit industrie, Europa en overheden.
De dag wordt op een feestelijke wijze afgesloten met de officiële opening van het waterstoftankstation op de AutomotiveCampusNL in de gemeente Helmond, waarbij een nieuw ontwikkelde bus en een vuilniswagen op waterstof worden getankt.

Inschrijven kan op www.waterstofnet.eu

maandag 18 november 2013

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from second half November 2013

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published second half of November 2013.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Find more than 10,000 profiles of companies offering and requesting co operation in technology or business.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
- Combine fair visit with matchmaking organised by Enterprise Europe Network to find your new business partners

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

High rate optical communication for indoor or underwater applications.
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME has developed an optical high rate communication system using standard optoelectronic components and interfaces. the sytem allows underwater applications and immunity to radio interference. The SME proposes this technology for implementation in devices in underwater robotics or household appliances fields to transmit high rate data like audio,video or data acquisition. Licensing, technical and commercial agreements with technical support are sought.

Intuitive lighting control technology for lighting fixtures
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME company developed and patented an intuitive lighting control technology that enables easy and comfortable control of light settings (amongst others: colour effects, focus and direction of a beam) using touch gestures as commonly used in smartphones and tablet PC’s. The company offers its intellectual property, know-how and concepts in the frame of license agreements to OEM’s and designers of lighting fixtures.

Ultra compact inverter
Technology OFFER from Italy
A small Italian company has developed a very compact modified sinewave inverter for automotive of industrial use. The inverter can implement dc powerline communication and an auxillary dc output. The company is interested in customizing its solution for existing products or in further development for specific requirements and new solutions. The company is looking for technical cooperation agreement or commercial agreement.

Cast bronze alloy moulds for injected thermoplastic and fibre reinforced composite products
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company has a track record in design and production of rough, pre- and final machined bronze alloy castings of up to 50 tons. It was discovered that the alloys used also have excellent surface quality and mould release properties for use in the casting of moulds for low pressure injection moulding and the production of composite components. The company seeks contact with industrial partners to develop the technique further in the frame of a technical cooperation agreement.

Austrian engineering company offers a patented technology for recycling biogenic waste is is offering agency contracts and is looking for joint-venture partners
Business OFFER from Austria
This Austrian company, focussing on engineering services is looking for partners to distribute their environmental technology which recycles biogenic waste in energy (heat, electricity) and fertilizer. Also investment partners are welcome (joint-venture) for setting up plants.

German company providing advanced automation technology in shipbuilding on worldwide search for joint-ventures or to buy company shares
Business OFFER from Germany
German company providing advanced automation technology in shipbuilding industry is looking for agencies/partners in Eastern Europe, North & South America. The company offers business co-operation optional by establishment of joint-ventures, buying of company shares, offering own or using the partners' subcontracting abilities or even by establishment of sales and service stations (which may start at sales first).

Fully mechanical automatic vending machine free of electronic devices
Technology REQUEST from France
A French SME is looking for a partner (designer and producer) able to provide a fully mechanical automatic vending machine. This machine will have to operate without any electronic devices to perform the vending of consumer goods. The French SME is looking for a commercial agreement with Technical Assistance (assembly, engineering, technical consultancy).

A Serbian company offering fully implemented visa and passports reader in a hand-held format is looking for partners interested in joint-venture or manufacturing agreement.
Business REQUEST from Serbia
A Serbian company is looking for partners interested in joint-venture or manufacturing agreement for production of the fully implemented visa and passport reader in a hand - held format with all accompanying documentations and technical support.

Method for fabrication of environmentally friendly Ceramic Thick Tape offered by Norwegian company. Interesting for industry partners
Technology OFFER from Norway
Norwegian company offers method for producing ceramic 'Thick Tapes'. Thick tapes are used by many industries in production of e.g electronics and heat sinks. This Norwegian fabrication method is low cost, environmentally friendly, and makes thick tapes with different thickness. The company offers commercial agreement with technical assistanse. This offer is espesially intereresting for industies that use thick tapes in their production line.

Polymer Processing using Advanced Rotational Moulding Technology
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME with over 30 years experience in the rotational moulding sector is offering new techniques, customised design and full manufacturing facilities for the production of polymer based containers. The company is seeking a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement

Distribution and maintenance of energy emergency pack
Business OFFER from Croatia
Croatian manufacturer specialized in production of innovative electronic products and electronic promotional products is requesting trade intermediary partnership (distribution) and maintenance for sole product.

Tackling challenging and complex natural resource and energy exploitation projects through application of multi-disciplinary science and engineering development and management services.
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A Cambridge based technology development SME offers R&D, evaluation and project management services to help realise the commercial potential of natural resources, conventional energy and alternative energy sources. The SME has considerable, multidisciplinary science and engineering experience handling projects that are both technically challenging and complex. Commercial partners are sought who, faced with such opportunities, need help with technical development and project management.

Serbian company producing more than 400 different kinds of silicone profiles is looking for intermediate for sales on European market.
Business REQUEST from Serbia
The Serbian company established in 1993 is specialized in production of silicone profiles and offer more than 400 different kinds of silicone profiles. The company is looking intermediate for sales on European market. Products are made of high-quality raw materials.

Fluorescent nanoparticles for new generation of displays, films and coatings
Technology OFFER from Germany
A SME from northern Germany produces fluorescent semiconductor nanoparticles with enormous brightness. The quantum dots combine very high quantum efficiencies above 60% and an intense absorption coefficient below 450 nm. This makes the particles ideal for applications where a maximum in fluorescence intensity is needed. Company is interested in finding partners for development of applications in displays or in other fields as well as co-development of films, coatings and sheets.

Functionally oriented oxide nanopowders and technologies of their development
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
Group of developers from Ukrainian academical institute propose functionally oriented oxide nanopowders and technologies of their development. Proposed method allows to produce nanomaterials of differen nature with different properties using a simple hardware equipment. Targeted partners: producers of technological and medical equipment. Deal: Licence agreement.

White light Phosphor of carbonized nanocomposites
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
Ukrainian academical institute propose white light phosphor of carbonized nanocomposites. Main advantage is absence of heavy metals or rare-earth elements in composition of phosphor. Developers would like to conclude a licence agreement with producers of the lightning equipment.

Bioreactor for organic waste composting
Technology OFFER from Poland
Researchers from North-East Poland developed a bioreactor for composting isolated biological materials especially for aerobic decomposition of organic waste. The device can produce energy for self-heating. The innovative approach of the device to self-heating can be used in waste management. Researchers are interested in establishing technical cooperation with financial support or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

No sludge wastewater treatment system with sustainable long term benefits
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
An East of England based SME offers a high-process rate wastewater treatment system. The system incorporates a self-digesting sludge process that requires no pre-screening, sedimentation tanks, no routine sludge disposal and uses little energy. The company is looking for water utility companies to install the system on site. Technical expertise will also be offered for installations.

Water Control Device for Households and Commercial Properties
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
An East of England based inventor has developed a household/commercial water control device capable of detecting leaks and burst pipes. The device has a timer to allow the owner of the property to state how long their water is flowing before it is automatically turned off. They are looking for either licensing agreements or full purchase of the device rights.

Organic eco-friendly fertilizer complying with food standards
Technology OFFER from Austria
An Austrian SME developed a natural fertilizer, complying with food standards and registered at DSMZ (German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures). It is not based on animal residues and more effective than competing products. They build up an international franchise system to produce and sell the product on regional scales. Partners are sought to replicate a plant and evaluate the process with adaptions. The project is accepted for funding in the CIP-Eco-Innovation program.

A simple add-on to truck wing mirrors that saves time and lives
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company has prototyped and market tested a device to clean wing mirrors on trucks. The simple design can be retrofitted or built into new vehicles. Feedback from drivers suggest massive time savings and much safer driving. Manufacturers and suppliers of truck parts are sought for licencing.

New material to replace brass wire
Technology REQUEST from France
A South West France SME is looking for a partner which could provide or develop a new wire responding to specific characteristics to replace brass wire. The company is ready for all kinds of cooperation that would allow it to obtain such new wire: research, technical cooperation, license agreement…

Serbian clothes manufacturer is looking for foreign partners
Business OFFER from Serbia
The company is a family-run factory with a 26 year long tradition. Its primary focus was clothing sawing service. It is willing to find distributors, similar manufacturers and partners for mutual projects.

Innovative electronics design and development consultancy
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
This south west UK SME is an innovative electronics design and development consultancy. They are interested in helping client businesses grow by offering solutions to their electronic engineering problems. This company seeks subcontracting opportunities from across the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

Photovoltaic technology sought for rural areas of Senegal
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
A Brussels based company specialized in energy audit and management of photovoltaic projects is looking for photovoltaic technology and installation/maintenance services able to provide different sizes stand-alone plants in order to satisfy the African photovoltaic market. The technology can be suitable for production of renewable energy by complementary systems such as biomass and/or wind energy.

UK environmental and engineering consultancy seeks representatives and collaboration partners in the field of flood risk mapping and related areas in Germany and Croatia
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company specialising in environmental, risk and engineering consultancy seeks a partner to represent the firm and to collaborate with it in the field of flood risk mapping, flood warning and natural hazard resilience / planning. The company is also interested in reciprocal sub-contracting arrangements.

New laser welding technology for solar cells
Technology OFFER from Germany
An institute of a German university has developed an interconnection process for crystalline silicon rear-contacted solar cells based on laser micro-spot welding. Unlike conventional technologies it does not require cost intensive metallization like silver, reduces the thermo-mechanical stress during interconnection and offers opportunities for novel cell geometries. The institute is looking for partners to implement the technology in industry with the development of a novel solar cell stringer.

Technologies related to renewable energy and energy efficiency
Technology REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish business association is willing to put into the market innovative technologies related to renewable energy and energy efficiency. These technologies, already available or in the latest stages of development, should contribute to improve the energy efficiency and should be adaptable to Southern European countries. The association is open to study a wide range of agreements (i.e. license, joint venture, R&D cooperation, technical cooperation, ...) with technology providers.

A Polish producer from bicycle industry is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish producer of bicycles made in traditional, old and retro style is looking for distributors.

Technology products for Balance of Systems in Renewable Energy for off-grid applications
Business REQUEST from India
An Indian company is engaged in distribution and after sales service for electronic products like Wiring Cables, Geysers, Fans, Motors, Electronic Voltage Stabilizers, Single Phase Pumps, Solar Water Heaters, Line Interactive UPS, Power & Control Cables, Induction Cookers, etc. Now looking to partner with established companies to market their products as well as gain technical know-how from them.

French company looks for iron,steel or aluminum foundry supplier
Business REQUEST from France
French company specialized in the machining of engine turbo parts (and other parts) for automotive industry as: center housing, turbine housing, exhaust & intake manifold, brackets, inserts, impactor,... is looking for iron, steel or aluminum foundry supplier for manufacturing agreements. The foundry supplier has to be certified, at least, ISO 9001. The certification ISO TS 16949 would be appreciated.This French company is also developing market in railway, agricultural, wind turbine.

High quality Graphene by efficient Graphite exfoliation in liquid phase
Technology OFFER from Spain
A public research organisation from Spain has developed a new method of preparation of Graphene by means of Graphite exfoliation in liquid phase, employing Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES). The main advantages are the simplicity of the process, only by shaking a mixture of graphite with DES gets a homogenous dispersion of Graphene, and the high quality of the Graphene obtained, no stage of the process involves a chemical transformation. Industrial partners are being sought to license the technology.

Unique Radio Frequency (RF) development technology
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company with unique know how on RF technology is offering its R&D capabilities to industries (technical cooperation) to develop and simulate custom made anntennae, filters and mixers as well as high power RF amplifiers and other RF products.

Building Insulation System "Cold Bridge" Solutions
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
An SME in N.Ireland has patented solutions to address "Cold Bridge" weaknesses in building insulation systems. They want to partner with manufacturers and installers of existing insulations systems. A joint solution, with added expertise and products of the client, will produce a more efficient building.

Innovative intermodal transport: no changes to the railway wagons and loading units are needed
Technology OFFER from Italy
This unique Italian prototype is an innovative equipment for intermodal door to door transport. The system allows to solve problems related to goods handling in case of transport by road and rail consisting of a more economic and faster transfer in horizontal mode. The company is looking for partners interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance provided with respect to assembly and maintenance of the technology. Technical cooperation agreements are considered as well.

The German SME is searching for project development agencies that are searching for reliable subcontractor partners for the development of marinas, cruise terminals and waterfront projects. They are also looking for partners for the distribution of their
Business OFFER from Germany
The German SME is searching for project development agencies that are searching for reliable subcontractor partners for the development of marinas, cruise terminals and waterfront projects. They are also looking for partners for the distribution of their services to local governments. Furthermore the company offers (as a subcontractor) their marketing and management services to existing marinas and cruise terminals throughout Europe and beyond.

A Serbian company specialized in architectural, promotional and industrial marking is offering subcontracting and outsourcing activities
Business OFFER from Serbia
A Serbian company specialized in architectural, promotional and industrial marking is offering subcontracting and outsourcing activities to foreign companies and local/traffic authorities. The company is specialized in production enamel panels for street names and numbers.

Precision Engineering & Cold Forming manufacturer
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A Welsh company specializing in cold forming precision components and CNC machining (milling) is seeking to extend its manufacturing capabilities preferably through OEMs or Tier 1 suppliers. Established for over 60 years, the company has excellent credentials and reputation in producing quality contract manufactured parts for the Automotive, Aerospace and Medical sectors. The company is offering subcontracting and manufacturing agreements to USA, France, Italy, Japan, Germany

A Serbian company which performs on-line merchantile exchange of recyclable materials is looking for trade intermediaries and joint venture possibilities.
Business OFFER from Serbia
A Serbian company which performs on-line merchantile exchange of recyclable materials is looking for trade intermediaries and joint venture possibilities.

Looking for distributors for an innovative heat recovery system for industry
Business OFFER from France
A French company has developed and patented an innovative heat recovery system, which recovers all the condensation heat generated by cooling units in various industrial processes. They are now looking for distributors specialised in colling /heating/refrigeration equipment to increase their market

Looking for distributors for an innovative heat recovery system specially intended for milk coolers
Business OFFER from France
A French company has developed and patented an innovative heat recovery system, which recovers 100% of the condensation heat generated by cooling units in dairy industry. They are now looking for distributors specialised in milk cooling / dairy farming equipment to diffuse their system in different markets

A Serbian company specialized in design and production of balancing machines and vibrodiagnostic diagnostic equipment offers distribution of similar products
Business OFFER from Serbia
A Serbian company specialized in design and production of balancing machines and vibrodiagnostic diagnostic equipment offers its services as distributor of similar products to other manufacturers.

Inkjet Printing on 3D Parts & Inkjet Printing of Functional Materials
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
A Brussels-based multinational active in consumer goods aims at identifying inkjet printing solutions applicable to 3D objects and inkjet printing technologies of functional materials.The company is open to different kinds of collaboration.

Technical Expertise in Electromagnetic Induction Heating
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian SME, manufacturer of culinary machinery, intends to develop an innovative electromagnetic induction oven for commercial and food service use. The company seeks technical expertise in induction systems, through a technical cooperation agreement.

A Romanian transport and logistic company offers its transport services to potential EU partners.
Business OFFER from Romania
A Romanian transport and logistic company is looking for business cooperation with interested partners from the EU. The company is offering its transport services and logistics to potential EU partners.

Italian company - Renewable energy - Electric Mobility
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian company, active in the field of renewable energy and electric mobility is looking for trade intermediary services (distributors, agents) and offers joint venture. In addition the company is available for subcontracting and outsourcing on behalf of the partner.

Polish custom designed car air fresheners
Business OFFER from Poland
Polish company is a manufacturer and is offering wide range of a custom designed car air fresheners. The company is looking for distributors able to reach foreign markets Company is also open for further development of its products so long term joint ventures are sought as well.

A Polish company specialized in organization of different types of company events is offering subcontracting services as well as transport services.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company specialized in organization of different types of company events is offering subcontracting and transport services.

Polish company specialized in steel processing and production of steel structures is offering its services to foreign partners.
Business OFFER from Poland
Polish company specialized in steel processing, production of steel products, structures and advertising billboards is offering transport/logistic services and subcontracting services. It is also looking for joint venture opprortunities.

A Polish company which provides full services for sea and land shipment is offering transport/logistic services and outsourcing services.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company which provides full services for sea and land shipment is offering transport/logistic services and is offering outsourcing activities to partners worldwide.

A Polish company which specializes in manufacture of metal and aluminum products and owns a fleet of trucks is offering transport/logistic and subcontracting services.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company which specializes in manufacture of metal and aluminum products using the latest CNC laser cutting and bending equipment and owns a fleet of trucks and trailers is offering transport/logistic services as well as subcontracting services to partners from EU countries.

logistics offers
Business OFFER from Russian Federation
Russian company specialized in third party logistics offers its services for companies in EU countries. Russian company is interested in the cooperation based on the services agreement.

A Polish company which is providing full services for sea and land shipment is requiring transport/logistic services.
Business REQUEST from Poland
A Polish company, which is providing full services for sea and land shipment is requiring transport/logistic services.

Romanian company specialized in metal working with numerical control machine (CNC) metalworking is looking for subcontracting opportunities.
Business OFFER from Romania
Romanian company specialized in CNC metalworking of metal parts and components from steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass is looking for subcontracting opportunities in EU member states.

Distributor sought for ultra-light electric motors for mountain or road bikes
Business OFFER from Austria
Austrian company specialized in producing ultra-light electric motors for mountain or road bikes which can be assembled in an invisible conversion kit is looking for distributors within the US and following European countries: Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, UK, Ireland and Scandinavia.

Services outsourcing for the manufacture of iron pieces for motors, agricultural machinery and industrial machines
Business OFFER from Spain
A Spanish foundry, specialized in the manufacture of pieces in cast iron and nodular iron for motors, agricultural machinery and industrial machines, is looking for European partners working in the agriculture, engineering or industrial fields interested in outsourcing its services.

UK company offers services for dangerous goods transportation and outsourcing services for chemical sampling
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
UK company which provides a fully outsourced sample management service to the chemical industry offers transport and logistics services for dangerous goods transportation and outsourcing services for chemical sampling.

UK-based designer and manufacturer of accessible minibuses and specialised vehicles seeks distributors or agents
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
Leading UK-based designer and manufacturer of coach built low floor accessible minibuses and specialised vehicles seeks partners to distribute these products in their respective country. The firm would also consider appointing agents, acting as an outsourced/ sub-contract supplier or joint ventures.

UK company interested in acquiring a warehousing operation in continental Europe and potentially in a joint venture
Business REQUEST from United Kingdom
UK company which provides a fully outsourced sample management service to the chemical industry seeks to acquire a warehousing operation in continental Europe and is also potentially interested in a joint venture to help it expand its business network.

UK debt recovery, credit management, and business law services
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
This UK SME offers a subcontracted service to international companies seeking resolution of debt recovery, credit management, and business law issues when trading with UK companies. All as part of an outsourced solution for businesses trading in the UK.

A Polish medium sized company from automotive industry is looking for branch partners for reciprocal production of spare parts.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish medium sized company from automotive industry is looking for branch partners for reciprocal production of spare parts.

A Polish company operating in the transportation industry, offers its transport and logistics services to foreign contractors.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company operating in the transportation industry is specialized in providing complex services, freight forwarding and international transport in the transport of cars. The company offers its transport and logistics services to foreign contractors.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy