woensdag 25 maart 2015

Find new partners in textile innovation and technology at the TechTextile Frankfurt 5 & 6 May 2015

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Steadily increasing numbers of exhibitors and visitors show that Techtextil in Frankfurt on the Main is the leading trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens. From manufacturers and users of technical textiles the fair is used as a platform to present innovative products and services and, to discuss new developments. In addition to the extensive fair programme the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chemnitz together with German and foreign partners organises the

B2B Meetings Techtextil 2015 from 5 - 6 May 2015.

B2B Meetings – that are 1-to-1-meetings of exhibitors, exhibitors and visitors as well as meetings of visitors with visitors. To participate in the B2B Meetings, please register and submit your company/cooperation profile at www.b2match.eu/techtextil2015. The profiles of all participants will be published online. Later on, you can use the online tool to choose potential business partners and to book your meetings. At the same time you will receive meeting requests from other participants also. A few days before the event you will receive your personal meeting schedule. In any case, our staff will be at your disposal before, during and after the matchmaking event

We would like to invite you to participate in the B2B Meetings Techtextil 2015 and to use the international cooperation event to find foreign partners for business, technology and research.
Registration deadline: 1st of May 2015.
Please be aware that an early registration increases the visibility of your company profile for other participants.

The participation is free of charge. The fair entrance ticket is not included.

Event language: English.

Manufacturer, Supplier, Distributors of technical textiles and applications
Research centers and universities
Service Provider

Advantages B2B – Meetings

  • Online presentation of your cooperation profile will make you visible in advance.
  • The combination with the B2B event will make your fair visit more effective.
  • You can meet potential business partner in pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings.
  • You can use the event to inform on new projects, developments and innovations.
  • Select your partners for matchmaking HERE.  

How it works?

  • 1 May 2015, at the latest Register with your company and cooperation profile at www.b2match.eu/techtextil2015
  • 13 April 2015 You are asked to send meeting request to other participants you are interested to meet with. At the same time you will receive meeting requests from other participants also.
  • 3 May 2015 You will receive your preliminary meeting schedule by email
  • 5 – 6 May 2015 B2B Meetings Techtextil 2015

Agenda 5 May 2015
09:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 13:00 Individual B2B Meetings
13:00 – 14:00 Break
14:00 – 17:30 Individual B2B Meetings

Agenda 6 May 2015
09:00 – 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 13:00 Individual B2B Meetings

Please to not hesitate to contact your national co organizer for this fair in case of further questions. National co-organizers can be found HERE.

maandag 9 maart 2015

Welcome to Railways Brokerage event 2015 at Enterprise Europe Network Northern France

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network North of France and the i-Trans competitiveness cluster organize a brokerage event in rail industry during the 9th edition of SIFER, France’s only international fair dedicated exclusively on the rail market.

This event will be held the 25 March all day and 26 March morning 2015 in the Lille Grand Palais.

This matchmaking event is a unique platform for small and medium sized enterprises, start-ups and larger companies as well as research institutes to find new business partners, initiate cross border co-operations and share innovative technologies in an efficient way.

Don’t hesitate, join us and register now!

Relevant topics
  • Rolling stock – the latest in rail vehicle design & systems
  • Infrastructures - innovation in rail infrastructure technology
  • Passenger transport technology – meeting passenger needs
  • Rail vehicle interior – matching passenger expectations

Why to participate
Meet potential partners or costumers and expand your company’s network within the European railways industry. Participate if you would like to:
  • Find out about market trends and innovations
  • Develop and/or strengthen business relationships
  • Find new commercial and technological partners
  • Establish collaborations with international companies
Attendance at this event is free of charge. However, you must be registered to attend to the main SIFER 2015 event. Register to attend SIFER 2015. Registration HERE.
Registration possible till March 22nd 2015.

A list of companies participating for matchmaking at the fair can be found HERE.

Road 2 Germany - Succesvol zaken doen in Duitsland 31 maart 2015

Bron: KvK

Wat kunt u verwachten?
Duitsland is een geweldig land om zaken in te doen. De Duitse economie is de grootste van Europa, de ondernemers zijn professioneel en staan over het algemeen positief tegenover samenwerking. Maar wat niet iedereen weet, is dat zakelijk Duitsland er vele gewoonten en tradities op nahoudt. Om u een vliegende start te geven bij onze oosterburen, organiseren we deze bijeenkomst Road2Germany.

Succesvol zakendoen in Duitsland?
Weet dan dat Duitsers experts zijn op het gebied van planning, dat groene idealen door veel Duitsers worden gewaardeerd en dat Duitsers, als het op werk aankomt, over het algemeen formeel en introvert zijn. En Duitsers zijn, net als Nederlanders dol op de eigen taal. Zakendoen in Duitsland biedt veel kansen voor wie de zakelijke cultuur goed begrijpt en daar handig op inspeelt. Als u daarbij ook meer weet over het belastingstelsel, de juridische aspecten kent en weet hoe u met personeel in Duitsland aan de slag kunt, dan bent u anderen een aantal stappen voor. Uw eerste stap is de bijeenkomst Road2Germany bezoeken!

Zeven interactieve workshops:
Een belangrijk onderdeel van het programma vormen de workshops:
1. Zakendoen in Duitsland; vom Wunsch zum Erfolg!
2. Belastingen in Nederland en Duitsland
3. Juridische aspecten van het zakendoen in Duitsland
4. Groeien met uw Duitse webshop
5. Succesvolle online marketing en social media
6. Op weg naar Duitsland
7. Aan de slag met personeel in Duitsland

Op zoek naar handelspartners, innovatie of Horizon 2020 partners in Duitsland?
Het Enterprise Europe Network ondersteunt ondernemers bij innoveren en ondernemen in Europa. Via dit netwerk vindt u buitenlandse bedrijven die Nederlandse bedrijven en organisaties zoeken voor commerciële of technologische samenwerking. Het netwerk van Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit meer dan 600 organisaties in ruim 50 landen. In Nederland maken Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland en de Kamer van Koophandel deel uit van dit Europese Netwerk.

Enterprise Europe Network diensten
Tijdens deze bijeenkomst zijn we aanwezig om met u te zoeken naar voor u interessante contacten, het opstellen van een nieuwsbrief met voor u relevante informatie of het maken van een afspraak om een eigen profiel op te stellen. HIER kunt u al vast zoeken in de database ter voorbereiding.

Aanmelden: volg DEZE link.

Marconiweg 8
4131PD Vianen

Datum: Dinsdag 31 maart 2015, 13:30 - 18:00 uur

Kosten: € 50,00 p.p.

donderdag 5 maart 2015

Octrooien voor MKB bedrijven, een bron van strategische informatie voor u, 2 opeenvolgende gratis workshops

Bron: RVO Octrooicentrum

Workshop Do's en don'ts rondom octrooien en IE, Zwolle 12 maart 2015
Bent u bezig met een nieuw product? Laat een ander er niet mee vandoor gaan! Bescherm uw nieuwe product of productieproces. Een goede bescherming van een goede vinding verdient zichzelf dubbel en dwars terug.
Wilt u meer weten over bescherming van intellectueel eigendom? Kom dan naar de workshop 'Do's & Don'ts rondom octrooien en IE'.
Tijdens deze workshop gaan we in op de do's en don'ts rond octrooien, productbescherming en octrooi-informatie bij productontwikkeling.
De volgende vragen kunt u na deelname aan deze workshop beantwoorden:
  • Welke beschermingsvormen zijn er en wanneer gebruik ik deze?
  • Heeft het zin mijn product te beschermen?
  • Wat kost een octrooi en wat kan het me opleveren?
  • Hoe gebruik ik informatie uit octrooidatabanken bij productontwikkeling?
  • Hoe moet ik een octrooi lezen en waar moet ik op letten?
Uiteraard is er tijdens de workshop voldoende tijd beschikbaar voor uw eigen vragen.

Aanmelden: Wilt u meer halen uit octrooien? Meld u dan aan voor deze workshop.

Workshop Slim gebruikmaken van octrooien, Arnhem, 19 maart 2015
Bent u bezig met een nieuw product? Laat een ander er niet mee vandoor gaan! Bescherm uw nieuwe product of productieproces. Een goede bescherming van een goede vinding verdient zichzelf dubbel en dwars terug.
Leer er alles over in deze workshop, speciaal voor innovatieve mkb'ers. In een paar uur leert u hoe u octrooien kunt inzetten in uw bedrijf. Ook leert u gebruik te maken van octrooi-informatie voor uw productontwikkeling.

De volgende vragen kunt u na deelname aan de workshop beantwoorden:
  • Heeft het zin mijn product te beschermen?
  • Welke beschermingsvormen zijn er?
  • Hoe werkt het octrooisysteem?
  • Wat kan mijn bedrijf met octrooien en andere beschermingsvormen?
  • Wat zijn de kosten en opbrengsten?
  • Hoe kan ik informatie uit octrooidatabanken gebruiken?
  • Hoe kan ik zoeken in deze databanken?
  • Hoe kan ik bedrijven vinden die met vergelijkbare innovaties bezig zijn?
Uiteraard is er tijdens de workshop voldoende tijd beschikbaar voor uw eigen vragen. Onze octrooiadviseur zal de workshop inhoudelijk verzorgen.
Naast deze beknopte workshop bieden wij ook een uitgebreidere module aan:
Octrooien Deel 1: Do’s & don’ts rondom octrooien en IE
Octrooien Deel 2: Zelf op zoek in octrooidatabanken
U vindt al onze workshops in de agenda.

Aanmelden: Wilt u meer halen uit octrooien? Meld u dan aan voor deze workshop.

maandag 2 maart 2015

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from 29th February 2015

Source: Enterprise Europe Network / KvK

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published 28th February 2015.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.


Business : A German company, producer of Computerized Numerical Control precision engraving machines is looking for distribution partners worldwide
Business OFFER from Germany
German company, producer of Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) precision engraving machines and CNC high speed cutting machines with a broad range of software and equipment is looking for distribution partners across Europe and worldwide.

Business : German manufacturer and exporter of rotary dental instruments is looking for distributors and trade intermediary partner in the Netherlands
Business OFFER from Germany
A German manufacturer and exporter of rotary dental instruments is looking for distributors and trade intermediary partners in the Netherlands. The company offers high quality products for dentists, laboratories and industry.

Technology : A novel synthesis process of zeolite from fly ash at low temperature
Technology OFFER from Italy
A relevant Italian research centre has developed an innovative process of zeolite synthesis from fly ash at very low temperature by using seawater. The process represents a concrete potential application to obtain industrial products from waste material with economical advantages. The centre is looking for support in scientific research and in practical application. The partners sought are industries and research organisations in the field of: environmental monitoring; cement; nano-materials.

Business : A Polish SME manufacturing high quality cutting tools is looking for trade intermediary services.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish SME with long tradition in manufacture of high quality cutting tools is looking for trade intermediary services (commercial agents, distributors).

Business : German SME spezialised in manufacture of plastic parts made by injection molding is looking for industrial partners /suppliers who need plastic products made by injection molding; subcontracting services are offered.
Business OFFER from Germany
German SME spezialised in manufacture of plastic parts made by injection molding is looking for industrial partners /suppliers who need plastic products made by injection molding; industrial partners sought for manufacturing and subcontracting agreements.

Business : Spanish company specialized in the manufacture of paint, is looking for new commercial agents or distributors to commercialize its products in Europe (plastic paint, paint thinner, enamels).
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish company specialized in the manufacture of paint, is looking for new commercial agents or distributors to commercialize its products in Europe (plastic paint, paint thinner, enamels).

Business : Industrial clamping technology for CNC measuring machines
Business OFFER from Germany
A German company operating in the field of project engineering and logistics is looking for a trade intermediary (agent, representative, distributor) in Europe, USA and South America. The company provides an industrial clamping technology for CNC measuring machines.

Business : A German (Bavarian) company specialised in elastic couplings used in ?ships, trains, power plants, power generation, motor and gear box ?junctions, wind turbines is looking for trade intermediaries.?
Business OFFER from Germany
A German (Bavarian) company specialised in elastic couplings used in ?ships, trains, power plants, power generation, motor and gear box ?junctions, wind turbines is looking for trade intermediaries.?

Technology : Hybrid closed-panel building system delivering cost-effective structures with exceptional thermal performance using insulation based on recycled, renewable vegetable oil
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A Scottish construction company has developed a hybrid closed-panel building system delivering cost-effective structures with exceptional thermal performance using insulation based on recycled, renewable vegetable oil. The company is now looking to license the system for local manufacture and distribution in Europe. Licensees would typically come from a traditional timber frame, SIPS or wooden building background. The system integrates seamlessly to enhance existing factory facilities.

Business : Czech engineering and contracting company offers its subcontracting services
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
Czech engineering and contracting company specialized in contractor services and investment plans deliveries is looking for partners to cooperate, both within the territory of the EU and China and offers its subcontracting services.

Business : Hungarian medium sized manufacturing company is offering itself for subcontracting
Business OFFER from Hungary
Hungarian medium sized enterprise specialized in manufacturing of compactor, plastic injection mould, and aluminum pressure mould, maintenance service and repair of manufacturing tools, extrusion, cutting, inflection, deep drawing (until 450 tons pressing force) of sheet-metal, welding and assemblage of components is offering itself for subcontracting activities. It offers its services from pilot lot to standardized production.

Business : Manufacturing of buses and cars bodies
Business OFFER from Poland
Polish company specialized in manufacturing of bus's and car's bodies (metal elements) is looking for international cooperation. The firm is offering itself as a subcontractor and is searching for reciprocal production.

Business : Looking for innovative machine tools: extrusion, rope and twine making, tube bending, profiling, welding mesh and reinforcing steel.
Business REQUEST from Spain
Spain-based company, specialized in commercialization of foreign machine tools for the Spanish industrial sector, is looking for manufacturers of innovative machine tools regarding the following fields: extrusion, rope and twine making, tube bending, profiling, welding mesh and reinforcing steel. The company offers its services as trade intermediary (commercial agent).

Business : A Czech company processes engravings, printing of aluminium labels, manufacture of school furniture is offering subcontracting
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
A Czech company, manufacturer of fabricated metal products, processes engravings, printing of aluminium labels, manufacture of school furniture and the air pressure gauges is offering subcontracting to companies from Russia, Austria, Slovakia, Poland and Germany.

Business : German producer of valves for wastewater applications is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from Germany
A German SME, producer of tailor-made stainless steel valves, gates and weirs for wastewater applications, is looking for distributors in Austria, BeNeLux, Switzerland and Russia.

Business : Machining of heavy pieces for the wind, maritime, nuclear, rail and oil and gas markets.
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish company with expertise in machining big and heavy pieces for the sectors: wind, maritime, nuclear, rail, oil and gas, is offering their facilities and capabilities for partners willing to subcontract them for machining these kind of pieces.

Business : Croatian company specialized in metal processing is offering subcontracting services
Business OFFER from Croatia
A Croatian company specialized in metal processing primarily of stainless steel, but also aluminium, brass and bronze is offering subcontracting services.

Technology : Bitumen removal from electrical equipment
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A Welsh company specialising in Heavy Electrical Plant Recycling & Recovery is seeking an environmental solution for removing bitumen from electrical equipment that will ensure the components are sufficiently clean to enable re-use or for recycling. The solution must cope with large quantities of bitumen removal, be efficient and cost effective and the technology must be developed.

Business : Mounting system for photovoltaic modules on flat roof surfaces for optimized load distribution without roof penetration
Business OFFER from Germany
German company has developed a new aerodynamic mounting system for photovoltaic modules on flat roof surfaces with low load capacity and an inclination angle up to 5°. Mounting of the lightweight, stilted modular structure requires no roof penetration by bolts. The specific arrangement of its pre-assembled components provides optimal weight distribution (max. 15 kg/m²). The system is adjustable to any roof type and size. The company is looking for commercial, distribution or service agreement.

Business : A French company, specialized in swimming pool equipment, is looking for partners interested by innovative solutions for the safety of young children and seniors in aquatic facilities.
Business OFFER from France
A French company, specialized in swimming pool equipment, is looking for partners interested by its newly developed innovative high chair and low chair for babies, but also by a small mobile bench for senior citizens. The company offers its products especially for the communal showers of swimming pools, aquatic centers, thalassotherapy, spa, campgrounds, parks, outdoor hotels and luxury hotels.

Technology : Patents for sale - vacuum super insulation panel and other technologies.
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME has developed an innovative way to form metallic structural edges to vacuum insulation panels (or other devices that need a thermal break) that is not only light and strong but has significantly higher insulation properties than alternative designs. This coupled with special manufacturing processes enables an exceptionally long life product to be created for a very wide range of temperatures. Purchasers are sought for the array of patents underpinning this technology.

Business : Polish provider of chemistry and mechanical devicies for sugar industry offers mixers and feeders for dosing sugar paste
Business OFFER from Poland
A small Polish company which provides specialized industrial chemistry and devices, mainly for the food industry, offers innovative mixers and feeders for sugar paste for use in sugar factories (especially in factories processing sugar beets). The company is interested in distribution and manufacturing agreement with partners from Europe, especially from Germany, France, Italy, Spain and UK.

Business : Polish producer of single-screw pumps and impeller horizontal and vertical pumps is offering its services as a subcontractor and producer.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish industrial pumps manufacturer with many years experience is offering its services as a subcontractor and producer for partners looking for complete pumps as well as particular parts for industrial pumps.

Business : Polish fast-moving consumer goods distributor is looking for partners
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish fast-moving consumer products distributor is interested in entering foreign markets with its products. The company is looking for commercial agents and distributors interested in soft drinks, energy drinks and confectionery products.

Business : Slovak manufacturer of impregnated wooden household supplements is looking for distributors in EU countries
Business OFFER from Slovakia
The company is focused on production of impregnated wooden household supplements by use of vacuum-pressure impregnation technique. The company is mainly focused on production of pergolas, louvered shutters, louvered furniture doors and thermo wood. The company is looking for partners interested in manufacturing agreement.

Business : French company develops and manufactures technical parts and components in plastic raw materials
Business OFFER from France
This French company, based in south west France, develops and manufactures technical parts and components in plastic raw materials. The company is looking for customers, importers, distributors, wholesalers for its international development.

Business : French manufacturer masters all plastic and metal materials processing techniques
Business OFFER from France
French company specialised in plastic and metal materials processing, such as injection, stamping, thermoplastic, overmoulding, assembly, laser making, finition services (paint, metal coating, decoration), product engineering, particularly in automotive, transport, aeronautics, medical, electronics, agrofood, multi-industry, luxury fields, looks for new manufacturing and subcontracting agreements.

Business : Long term partnerships for an on-going smart village project and concept development are wanted
Business OFFER from Finland
A Finnish company with a novel concept of ecological and sensible living in a village-like environment equipped with digital technology is looking for EU based financiers and real estate sales professionals for its on-going project in Finland. Partnership could be a commercial agency agreement, a financial agreement or a joint venture agreement.

Business : Austrian company is looking for long-term partnerships with universities offering 6-month internships to international students in the export sales department
Business OFFER from Austria
The Austrian company is a wholesale for aluminium profiles, tubes and fittings. It is looking for long-term partnerships with universities in order to offer 6-month internships in the export sales department to their students. The Austrian SME supplies 60 countries world-wide and exports 50% of its products. The company offers free accommodation, free lunch, German courses, complete integration into the export sales team and participation in all events organised for the employees.

Business : A Dutch developer of a unique solar water heater system with a compact plastic storage tank to fit in every kind of home is looking for partnerships with European agents or distributors
Business OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch developer of a solar water heater system with a compact plastic storage tank to fit in every kind of home is looking for long term partnerships to expand their market in the EU. The system is cost-effective and can be commercialized without subsidies. Installation is very easy and ‘plug and play’. The company is looking for a collaboration under the framework of a distributor's agreement with agents or distributors with experience in building industry and sustainable products.

Business : Producer of compressor / supercharger spare parts is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from Poland
A medium sized company from South-West of Poland is seeking for distributors / agents across EU to expand its distribution channels. The company offers repair kits for majority of compressors, superchargers and diesel turbines as well as gaskets for inlet and outlet manifolds - used in cars, buses, trucks and various heavy duty machinery.

Technology : Photocatalytic material with superior properties suitable for water and air purification applications and a method for its preparation
Technology OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian research institute has developed a new photocatalytic material and a method for its preparation. The material is based on thin layer of zirconia. The measurements of photocatalytic activity show up to four-times higher photocatalytic activity compared to common titania photocatalysts. The technology is suitable for air, gas and water purification. Potential industrial partners for licence agreement are sought to apply the technology at an industrial level.

Technology : Cleaning technology sought for waste gas heat exchanger
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
A Belgium based company specialized in design and manufacturing of a new generation of heat exchangers dedicated to heat recovery in waste gas is looking for automated cleaning techniques in order to upgrade its technology. Already-on-the-market or to-be-developed cleaning solutions are sought for technical cooperation agreement, commercial agreement with technical assistance, or R&D partnership.

Technology : Process for separating ( glas-, carbon- and aramid) fibers and resins in composites for reuse in new products.
Technology REQUEST from Netherlands
A small Dutch company is interested in technology and processes for separating fibers and resins in composites so they can provide recycled second generation fibers and resins to producers of composites for reuse in new materials. The technic and processes must fit in a economically viable model. The company is looking for technical cooperation with a company or institute that has developed a recycling technique for separating fibers and resins in composites.


Technology : Energy saving technology enabling a smart management of artificial lighting.
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company has designed and produced an innovative energy saving tool for the automatic management of artificial lighting. Based on a microprocessor hardware topology, the technology offered is able to independently manage any kind of lamp, resulting in the energy efficiency maximization in any application environment. The company is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance with energy management companies and sales representative companies.

Technology : Cost efficient and environmental friendly structure for dual axis solar tracking, suitable for photovoltaic and solar thermal panels
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company, operating in the field of solar installations for the production of energy, has realized an a high precision dual-axis tracker technology structures on which able to support installed panels (photovoltaic or solar thermal) efficiently and with high precision. The company is looking for manufacturers of steel structure or wood structures and companies operating in renewables to evaluate possibilities of license agreements and technical cooperation.

Business : Production, sale and installation of thermal and acoustic insulation material made of cellulose fibers
Business OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian company, specialized in production, sale and installation of thermal and acoustic insulation material made of cellulose fibers, is looking for carpenters, construction companies, insulation installers and insulation contractors, who are interested to become their agents and to install their low-energy insulation material in houses, attics and all other applications.

Technology : Hybrid closed-panel building system delivering cost-effective structures with exceptional thermal performance using insulation based on recycled, renewable vegetable oil
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A Scottish construction company has developed a hybrid closed-panel building system delivering cost-effective structures with exceptional thermal performance using insulation based on recycled, renewable vegetable oil. The company is now looking to license the system for local manufacture and distribution in Europe. Licensees would typically come from a traditional timber frame, SIPS or wooden building background. The system integrates seamlessly to enhance existing factory facilities.

Business : German GIS-based system which enables users to identify high potential areas to place solar panels
Business OFFER from Germany
A German research company developed a GIS-based system which enables users to identify high potential areas to place solar panels, using laser scanning data. The company is looking for partners to establish a joint venture or distribution services agreement.

Business : Poles and columns for street lighting
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish manufacturer of any type of poles, metal columns, traffic lights and high metal masts, is looking for agents and distributors with experience in the electrical sector.

Business : French company specialised in energy efficiency solutions for the industries is looking for sales agents
Business OFFER from France
French company specialised in energy efficiency solutions for the food and chemistry Industry, with special expertise in the reuse of energy present in the liquid or gaseous waste (like in waste water or boiler fumes); is looking for trade intermediaries and especially German speaking sales agents in order to expand their activities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Besides, the company is also looking for sales intermediaries in Belgium.

Technology : Innovative system that leads natural sunlight to indoor environments
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish SME offers sunlight for indoor environments through an innovative and patented technology that captures and leads the rays of the sun up to 20 meters inside a building. The company is interested in finding partners within property, architects and interior designers for technical and/or commercial cooperation. Also partners within indoor cultivation industries are sought for testing of new applications.

Technology : Innovative Technology to collect renewable energy from atmospheric pressure and to convert it in electricity.
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian private R&D centre provides an innovative generator operating even under shed continuously all year, not influenced by meteorological condition. The centre is looking for a medium/large enterprise able to support it in manufacturing and marketing the technology.

Business : Producer of high efficient small wind power plants offers production licence agreement and looks for sales partners
Business OFFER from Germany
German enterprise develops and produces high-efficient small wind power plants for decentralized operation. The company offers granting of production licences, co-operation with distribution partners in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and China. Furthermore the company is open-minded to talk with potential buyers of the company.

Business : Mounting system for photovoltaic modules on flat roof surfaces for optimized load distribution without roof penetration
Business OFFER from Germany
German company has developed a new aerodynamic mounting system for photovoltaic modules on flat roof surfaces with low load capacity and an inclination angle up to 5°. Mounting of the lightweight, stilted modular structure requires no roof penetration by bolts. The specific arrangement of its pre-assembled components provides optimal weight distribution (max. 15 kg/m²). The system is adjustable to any roof type and size. The company is looking for commercial, distribution or service agreement.

Technology : Rotation device of a wind turbine blade on its longitudinal axis.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Basque SME specializing in the design and development of customized servo actuators and servo systems, has developed an innovative device rotating blades of wind turbines, which obtains a better performance. The company is looking for companies interested in licensing its patent or establishing joint collaborations for the exploitation of the technology.

Technology : Patents for sale - vacuum super insulation panel and other technologies.
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME has developed an innovative way to form metallic structural edges to vacuum insulation panels (or other devices that need a thermal break) that is not only light and strong but has significantly higher insulation properties than alternative designs. This coupled with special manufacturing processes enables an exceptionally long life product to be created for a very wide range of temperatures. Purchasers are sought for the array of patents underpinning this technology.

Business : Long term partnerships for an on-going smart village project and concept development are wanted
Business OFFER from Finland
A Finnish company with a novel concept of ecological and sensible living in a village-like environment equipped with digital technology is looking for EU based financiers and real estate sales professionals for its on-going project in Finland. Partnership could be a commercial agency agreement, a financial agreement or a joint venture agreement.

Business : A Dutch developer of a unique solar water heater system with a compact plastic storage tank to fit in every kind of home is looking for partnerships with European agents or distributors
Business OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch developer of a solar water heater system with a compact plastic storage tank to fit in every kind of home is looking for long term partnerships to expand their market in the EU. The system is cost-effective and can be commercialized without subsidies. Installation is very easy and ‘plug and play’. The company is looking for a collaboration under the framework of a distributor's agreement with agents or distributors with experience in building industry and sustainable products.

Technology : Economic lamps family is looking for producer
Technology OFFER from Romania
A small Romanian research company has developed and patented an economic lamps family. Main advantage: lighting efficiency twice that of similar tubes at present. Type of partner sought: technical co-operation with a research organisation for further development, license or joint venture agreement with a producer from the lighting field for manufacture and distribution of this kind of tubes.

Technology : New fungal strain with applications in the pulp and paper industry and the production of second generation biofuels.
Technology OFFER from Spain
Researchers from a Spanish R&D public organization and a Spanish university have isolated and characterized the fungal strain Hormonema sp. CECT 13092, which offers improvements in several current processes in the industry of pulp and paper and in the production of second generation biofuels. Application onto eucalyptus chips improves both biopulping and enzymatic saccharification for the production of fermentable sugars to ethanol. Licensing and/or technical cooperation agreement is sought.

Technology : Cleaning technology sought for waste gas heat exchanger
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
A Belgium based company specialized in design and manufacturing of a new generation of heat exchangers dedicated to heat recovery in waste gas is looking for automated cleaning techniques in order to upgrade its technology. Already-on-the-market or to-be-developed cleaning solutions are sought for technical cooperation agreement, commercial agreement with technical assistance, or R&D partnership.

Business : Range of Biomass energy related systems, equipment and accessories sought
Business REQUEST from United Kingdom
A highly experienced UK consultancy company who are engaged in the energy and environmental sectors is seeking the opportunity to broaden its product range with high quality technology related to the growing sub-sector of biomass. The company seeks commercial agency or distribution services agreements for a range of biomass related systems, equipment and accessories. It is envisaged that any agreements would cover all of Ireland.

Technology : Terrace/carport canopy with variable and adjustable photovoltaic lamella sought
Technology REQUEST from Austria
A successful Austrian electrical engineering company is looking for a manufacturer or partner with experience in photovoltaics or canopies. The technology sought is a terrace and/or carport canopy with moveable photovoltaic lamellae which offers standard protective functionality in addition to energy-generating capability. Local snow and wind conditions need to be considered and will form part of the safety features. Modular design and sun-optimised panel tracking are essential.


Technology : High resolution Ion Mobility Spectrometer (IMS)
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company has developed a new concept of Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS), an emerging technique in the field of analysis. This technology is based on space classification of ions (DMS - Differential Mobility Analysis) with a high flow sheath gas that allows for higher sensitivity and resolving power than traditional IMS (drift time). The company is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance and/or technical cooperation.

Business : Extract for the treatment of anxiety and depression
Business OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company, specialized in the production of natural compounds active ingredients, has developed a new extract that can be used for the treatment of anxiety and depression. The product has 100% traceability and complies with quality standards. The company is looking for distributors and/or commercial agents in order to promote their product.

Business : A Czech geological and hydrogeological company is looking for cooperation
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
The Czech company is offering services agreement and subcontracting regarding protection of the environment through geology and environmental remediation as well as in geotechnical and hydrogeological research in countries such as Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary.

Technology : Patents for sale - vacuum super insulation panel and other technologies.
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME has developed an innovative way to form metallic structural edges to vacuum insulation panels (or other devices that need a thermal break) that is not only light and strong but has significantly higher insulation properties than alternative designs. This coupled with special manufacturing processes enables an exceptionally long life product to be created for a very wide range of temperatures. Purchasers are sought for the array of patents underpinning this technology.

Technology : Biotechnological enzymatic process for the valorization of a C5 sugar (arabinose) from hemicellulosic biomass
Technology OFFER from France
A French University Laboratory specialized in glycochemistry and biocatalysis has patented a new green process allowing to graft a molecule with an alcoholic function the C5 sugar (arabinose) directly from hemicellulosic biomass. It is looking for an industrial partner to complete the process with additional tests. A Technical cooperation agreement or Research cooperation agreement is sought with industrial partners.

Technology : Economic lamps family is looking for producer
Technology OFFER from Romania
A small Romanian research company has developed and patented an economic lamps family. Main advantage: lighting efficiency twice that of similar tubes at present. Type of partner sought: technical co-operation with a research organisation for further development, license or joint venture agreement with a producer from the lighting field for manufacture and distribution of this kind of tubes.

Technology : Nitrogen separation/purification from animal fat
Technology REQUEST from Finland
A Finnish animal by-product processing company is looking for technologies for separating, purifying or removing nitrogen from animal fat to be used as a raw material for biodiesel. Company is open for proposals covering the complete process line or partly solutions, either by licensing the technology, by obtaining a related service, via commercial agreements with technical assistance or by commencing a joint R&D project or technical cooperation agreement.


Technology : A novel synthesis process of zeolite from fly ash at low temperature
Technology OFFER from Italy
A relevant Italian research centre has developed an innovative process of zeolite synthesis from fly ash at very low temperature by using seawater. The process represents a concrete potential application to obtain industrial products from waste material with economical advantages. The centre is looking for support in scientific research and in practical application. The partners sought are industries and research organisations in the field of: environmental monitoring; cement; nano-materials.

Technology : High resolution Ion Mobility Spectrometer (IMS)
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company has developed a new concept of Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS), an emerging technique in the field of analysis. This technology is based on space classification of ions (DMS - Differential Mobility Analysis) with a high flow sheath gas that allows for higher sensitivity and resolving power than traditional IMS (drift time). The company is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance and/or technical cooperation.

Technology : Industrial volatile organic compound abatement/odour control concentrate and aids to compliance to emission and air pollution legislation
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A small UK company has developed formulas for odour and VOC control and abatement, which are applied using standard delivery systems. These formulas react with and break down the odorous compounds as opposed to masking them. Supplied very highly concentrated, their use reduces the number of site visits and refills. Owners of process plant emitting harmful or unpleasant vapours, and providers of cleanup and remediation services, are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Business : A Czech geological and hydrogeological company is looking for cooperation
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
The Czech company is offering services agreement and subcontracting regarding protection of the environment through geology and environmental remediation as well as in geotechnical and hydrogeological research in countries such as Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary.

Technology : A new class of biostimulants for bioremediation of land, water and concrete
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A small UK company has developed formulations containing natural catalytically active molecules that speed up bioremediation. This is quite different from the conventional ways of adding microbial cultures, or nutrients. The new way has proven to take less time, plus removing the issue of possible pathogenicity. Owners of process plant contaminated with hydrocarbons and solvents, and cleanup and remediation services providers are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Business : German producer of valves for wastewater applications is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from Germany
A German SME, producer of tailor-made stainless steel valves, gates and weirs for wastewater applications, is looking for distributors in Austria, BeNeLux, Switzerland and Russia.

Technology : Innovative ecotoxicological technology for the measurement of the degree of toxicity of environmental aqueous matrices.
Technology OFFER from Italy
A Southern Italy spin-off company is offering the license of a patented bioassay in vitro. The technology can be used for measuring general toxicity of aqueous environmental matrices, representing a quick, simple, and low cost method which does not use living organisms. License agreement or joint venture are sought with producers and marketers of the biossay kit.

Business : Manufacturer of a unique flood protection system is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
UK company manufacturing and selling a unique flood protection system is looking for distributors in Europe- particularly in France, Sweden and Germany. The company is also interested in a reciprocal agreement so licensing and reciprocal production sales are also welcome.

Technology : Bitumen removal from electrical equipment
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A Welsh company specialising in Heavy Electrical Plant Recycling & Recovery is seeking an environmental solution for removing bitumen from electrical equipment that will ensure the components are sufficiently clean to enable re-use or for recycling. The solution must cope with large quantities of bitumen removal, be efficient and cost effective and the technology must be developed.

Technology : Innovative & Advanced water and waste water treatment equipment technology
Technology REQUEST from India
The Indian company is a manufacturer of Water and waste water treatment equipment and supplying to turnkey projects for Soft Drink, Juices, and Milk production. They are looking for a technical cooperation agreement with a company having specialized technology in the area of water treatment like Reverse Osmosis, ultra filtration, Nano filtration and electrodeionization. The technology upgradation would help the company in creating a niche for itself amongst the competitors in Indian market.

Business : Water diagnostic kit manufacturer is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from France
A French company specialising in nanotech for biological applications is looking for distribution agreements for its water diagnostic kit. This product, using their patented technology based on Dendri-Graft Poly-Lysine (DGL) Technology, allows the quantification of total bacteria in water by ATP-metry (photons reveal intracellular ATP).

Business : Dutch developer of sustainable washroom solutions with product range free of harmful chemicals (C2C-certified) , with stylish and timeless design is looking for distributors in Denmark
Business OFFER from Netherlands
Dutch company offering complete and innovative solutions for better washroom hygiene in combination with exceptional environmental performance. The product range consists of hygienic paper, dispensers and accessories such as soaps, air fresheners, waste bins and ladies hygiene. The product range is free of harmful chemicals (Cradle to Cradle certified) , with stylish and timeless design. This Dutch company is looking for distributors in Denmark.

Technology : Seeking solution for complete replacement of antibiotic in animal semen for artificial insemination
Technology REQUEST from France
A French innovative company specialized in animal artificial insemination, aims to replace completely the use of the antibiotic in the semen. The R&D SME is looking for an active molecule or mechanical effect solution that would have a cytotoxic property or could inhibit bacteria and their metabolism. The French SME is seeking partner bringing know-how, experience or method to develop a suitable solution. A Technical Cooperation, Joint Venture or Licence Agreement is sought.

Business : Long term partnerships for an on-going smart village project and concept development are wanted
Business OFFER from Finland
A Finnish company with a novel concept of ecological and sensible living in a village-like environment equipped with digital technology is looking for EU based financiers and real estate sales professionals for its on-going project in Finland. Partnership could be a commercial agency agreement, a financial agreement or a joint venture agreement.

Technology : New technology for neutralisation of industrial wastewater, concentrated solutions and solid waste containing heavy metals
Technology OFFER from Poland
A Polish company has developed a new technology for neutralisation of industrial wastewater, concentrated solutions and solid waste containing heavy metals. It can be used for neutralization of effluents from electroplating shops, tanneries and also wastes from different hazardous chemical processes. The partners for technical cooperation, joint venture or manufacturing agreement are sought and also partners for further product development.

Technology : Algorithm for analyzing the electricity consumption of the appliances of an household from a single point of measurement
Technology OFFER from Switzerland
A Swiss private applied R&D center has developed a novel algorithm for non-intrusive appliance load monitoring (NILM) of domestic buildings. It automatically separates the measurement signal of the total power consumption of a household into the different appliances. They are seeking partners with expertise in monitoring electrical consumption & the development of mobile apps and electrical sensing equipment for research and cooperation agreements to integrate the technology into their system.

Technology : Photocatalytic material with superior properties suitable for water and air purification applications and a method for its preparation
Technology OFFER from Slovenia
A Slovenian research institute has developed a new photocatalytic material and a method for its preparation. The material is based on thin layer of zirconia. The measurements of photocatalytic activity show up to four-times higher photocatalytic activity compared to common titania photocatalysts. The technology is suitable for air, gas and water purification. Potential industrial partners for licence agreement are sought to apply the technology at an industrial level.

Technology : Nitrogen separation/purification from animal fat
Technology REQUEST from Finland
A Finnish animal by-product processing company is looking for technologies for separating, purifying or removing nitrogen from animal fat to be used as a raw material for biodiesel. Company is open for proposals covering the complete process line or partly solutions, either by licensing the technology, by obtaining a related service, via commercial agreements with technical assistance or by commencing a joint R&D project or technical cooperation agreement.

Technology : Novel advanced technology for realtime physical activity monitoring
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish SME has developed a system (device + software tools) to monitor physical activity. The system provides wealthy information that will contribute to improve and optimize the training process. Companies, universities, end users and investors from the fields of Sport Science, Biomechanical Science, Rehab, Health, Workers/Employees, Biomechanics Research, Training & Simulation, Industrial and Engineering & Robotics are sought for technical cooperation, financial or commercial agreements.

Technology : Process for separating ( glas-, carbon- and aramid) fibers and resins in composites for reuse in new products.
Technology REQUEST from Netherlands
A small Dutch company is interested in technology and processes for separating fibers and resins in composites so they can provide recycled second generation fibers and resins to producers of composites for reuse in new materials. The technic and processes must fit in a economically viable model. The company is looking for technical cooperation with a company or institute that has developed a recycling technique for separating fibers and resins in composites.

Technology : Terrace/carport canopy with variable and adjustable photovoltaic lamella sought
Technology REQUEST from Austria
A successful Austrian electrical engineering company is looking for a manufacturer or partner with experience in photovoltaics or canopies. The technology sought is a terrace and/or carport canopy with moveable photovoltaic lamellae which offers standard protective functionality in addition to energy-generating capability. Local snow and wind conditions need to be considered and will form part of the safety features. Modular design and sun-optimised panel tracking are essential.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy