On behalf of the Conference Committee, I am pleased to invite you to the 11th International Conference on Advanced Building Skins, to be held in Bern, Switzerland, on 10-11 October 2016. The aim of the Conference is to contribute to a multidisciplinary integrated planning approach by architects, engineers, scientists and manufacturers to reduce energy consumption of buildings. By fostering lively exchange between these groups, this conference will shed light on the significance of the building skin, with a view to putting scientific know-how into practice.
We are inviting you to present a paper on a topic falling within the scope of the conference, and to submit a proposal by 15 February 2016.
Proposals should be sharply focused; please avoid an introduction to the topic or a description of your organization. Each proposal should clearly identify its subject and its particular approach to it. You can submit your proposal in either English or German.
Please include the following information in your proposal:
- paper title plus 3 bullet points
- author’s and co-author’s names
- phone number, email address and postal address
- synopsis of 300 words (abstract) with 6 keywords
See the 2016 program for samples of bullet points; please do not use words like Introduction, Results, Conclusions, or Case Studies as bullet points.
Proposals should be submitted through the abstract submission form on the website. The Scientific Conference Committee will review your proposal, and submitters will be notified by 30 March regarding the status of their submission.
For information on the Conference Committee and registration fees, please visit our website www.abs.green
Looking forward to receiving your proposal.
Kind regards
Andreas Karweger
President of the Conference Committee
Conference on Advanced Building Skins

Hostettstr. 30, CH-6062 Wilen (OW), Switzerland