Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published July 23th, 2018.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep. Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 60 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
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Our upcomming matchmaking events:
- Automechanika Frankfurt September 13: International B2B event for automotive suppliers during Automechanika 2018, Frankfurt am Main. More info HERE.
- TIV Hardenberg Matchmaking 19-20 September: Active in the industrial supply chain, industrial services and looking for suppliers or clients in industrial production from mainly the Netherlands and Germany. Join in for free HERE!
- Marimatch Hamburg, 6 & 7 september: This event has been designed as a partnering platform offering an opportunity to meet potential partners for new business, for R&D projects and to expand your network in the maritime sector. Register HERE.
- WindEnergy Hamburg 27 & 28 september: Looking for international business partners for wind energy at sea or land? Participate in the matchmaking for free using this link HERE.

Business : Leading Polish producer of air humidification systems is looking for distribution services, manufacturing, subcontracting and joint venture agreements
Business OFFER from Poland Leading and experienced Polish producer of industrial air humidification systems offering dust and electrostatic voltage eliminating systems, systems eliminating the risk of explosion and adiabatic cooling systems is looking for cooperation partners such as agents and distributors familiar with heating, ventilation, air conditioning branch to enter new markets in Europe and beyond. The company is also ready to operate as manufacturer or subcontractor and take part in a joint venture. |
Technology : Specialist geo-information system for data integration and mining Technology OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian University of Dnepr city offers a software product for monitoring of mineral resources, environmental conditions, forecasting of seismically hazardous events. Advantages - complex processing of various spatial data, operate on Windows, user-friendly interface with built-in hint system. The university is looking for companies for commercial agreement with technical assistance and R&D Institutions for technical cooperation agreement in geological exploration and mineral mining. |
Technology : A Portuguese research group is offering their large-scale cyclic triaxial load testing system Technology OFFER from Portugal A Portuguese group specialised on the characterization of road, airport and railway materials, aggregates, bituminous binders, bituminous mixtures and materials treated with cement and non-traditional binders offers its large-scale triaxial device. They are open to establish a research and technical cooperation agreement with the industry, universities or R&D institutions, seeking for expertise on characterization of bound and unbound granular materials for infrastructures layers. |
Research & Development : Horizon 2020/ MSCA: Researcher in optoelectronics /photonic sought Research & Development REQUEST from Germany A German precision engineering company is looking for a researcher in optoelectronics/ photonic with technical skills for the development of remote sensing devices to detect the speed of particles and objects based on the companies patented core technology. The aim is to commonly apply for a MSCA Individual Fellowship grant under Horizon 2020 (MSCA-IF-2018). |
Business : Portable vehicle wash water recovery and wash and refueling containment pad offered for distribution Business OFFER from Netherlands Dutch specialist in the development, design and production of water treatment and management systems has developed an innovative portable vehicle wash water recovery system and wash and refueling containment pad. The system is easy to install, mobile and modular, and suitable for heavy traffic loads. The company is offering a distribution agreement or commercial agency agreement to companies with expertise in water treatment and containment and mobile facilities. |
Business : Romanian company, producer of environmental systems for monitoring of air quality, is looking for distributors and agents. Business OFFER from Romania A Romanian IT and communications company developed a range of environmental systems for monitoring air quality. Their innovative solutions contribute significantly to a healthier environment, monitoring indoor and outdoor air quality. The company seeks distributors or commercial agents from the environmental sector. |
Technology : Innovative system to monitor, predict and control algae with the use of ultrasound in many large water surfaces such as lakes, ponds, and drinking water reservoirs. Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch manufacturer has developed an innovative system to monitor, predict and control algae (including the toxic blue-green algae) with the use of ultrasound in many large water surfaces such as lakes, ponds and drinking water reservoirs. The manufacturer is offering a commercial agency agreement with technical assistance to companies active in the water sector. |
Business : Chillers for commercial air conditioning or process temperature control - for cooperation under distribution services agreement Business OFFER from Israel An Israeli SME specializing in development, manufacturing, service and marketing chiller systems offers an innovative chiller system for comfort cooling industry. Advantages include minimal operating costs at high energy efficiency, minimal environmental impact, extreme reliability and safety. The company is looking for specialists / companies in the electro-mechanical field in Greece and Cyprus to cooperate under distribution services agreement. |
Technology : An Italian company offer an innovative technology: thermal bridge system for aluminum frames Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company, specialized in the development of new technologies for aluminium windows, is interested to contact foreign manufacturers of windows for commercial agreements with technical assistance or license agreements. The company developed an innovative thermal bridge system capable to maximize energy efficiency, environmental performance, reduce the CO2 emission. Partner can be from any country. |
Business : A Turkish SME developing smart control systems for clean environment is looking for commercial agency agreements and distribution services agreement Business OFFER from Turkey The SME based in Turkey is specialized in single integrated smart control systems regarding, namely; infrastructure and geosolutions. They offer commercial agency agreements and distribution services agreements with utility companies. |
Technology : Solar hybrid (photovoltaic and thermal) panels with increased energy production Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish company works in the development of solar hybrid panels for the solar energy sector. The company has developed and commercialized its second-generation PVT (photovoltaic-thermal) panel that produces thermal and electrical energy on the same module. The company is looking for partners to sign a commercial agreement with technical assistance, research agreement or technical cooperation agreement for its commercialisation and/or the continuous improvement of the panels. |
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How does a matchmaking / brokerage event works at the Enterprise Europe Network: