Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published July 8th, 2018.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep. Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 60 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertise's external
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Our upcomming matchmaking events:
- Automechanika Frankfurt September 13: International B2B event for automotive suppliers during Automechanika 2018, Frankfurt am Main. More info HERE.
- TIV Hardenberg Matchmaking 19-20 September: Active in the industrial supply chain, industrial services and looking for suppliers or clients in industrial production from mainly the Netherlands and Germany. Join in for free HERE!
- Marimatch Hamburg, 6 & 7 september: This event has been designed as a partnering platform offering an opportunity to meet potential partners for new business, for R&D projects and to expand your network in the maritime sector. Register HERE.
- WindEnergy Hamburg 27 & 28 september: Looking for international business partners for wind energy at sea or land? Participate in the matchmaking for free using this link HERE.

ENERGY (10) |
Business : Portuguese company acting in the renewable energy field seeks for commercial partners or distributors Business REQUEST from Portugal A Portuguese company, acting commercially in the sectors of renewable energy (wind and solar) and energy efficiency, is looking for partnerships (commercial agency agreement and/or distribution services agreement) with other companies that have innovative energy solutions/products and seek their commercialization/distribution in the Iberian Peninsula and Portuguese Speaking Countries. |
Technology : New catalysts for sustainable liquid biofuels Technology OFFER from Singapore A Singapore educational and research institution has developed novel enhanced catalysts for sustainable liquid biofuels in the form of capsules by encapsulating syngas (synthesis gas)-to-liquid catalytically active species into a selective penetrable shell of zeolite materials, at approximately 99% of encapsulation efficiency. The institution is seeking licensing or research cooperation agreements with industrial MNEs or SMEs of all sizes. |
Business : Portable vehicle wash water recovery and wash and refueling containment pad offered for distribution Business OFFER from Netherlands Dutch specialist in the development, design and production of water treatment and management systems has developed an innovative portable vehicle wash water recovery system and wash and refueling containment pad. The system is easy to install, mobile and modular, and suitable for heavy traffic loads. The company is offering a distribution agreement or commercial agency agreement to companies with expertise in water treatment and containment and mobile facilities. |
Research & Development : LC-SC3-RES-14-2019: Looking for an offshore wind turbine operator Research & Development REQUEST from Greece A Greek research SME prepares a proposal for the optimization of manufacturing and system operation for the marine energy deriving from the ocean and ?ff-shore wind. The proposal will deal with the monitoring of the wind farms. using intelligent sensor. The company is looking for an offshore wind turbine operator to identify needs and provide operational data. |
Technology : Data management system for energy and environmental data Technology OFFER from Belgium A Belgian IT company developed a platform that collects, manages and makes sense of energy and environmental data via an all-time accessible cloud platform. The solution is a data analytics platform to make quality data available to all the data driven processes and easily generate various types of report, dashboard and alerts. The company is looking for integrator, hardware providers or energy companies for commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation. |
Technology : Technology for dynamic power consumption monitoring and data acquisition for production processes management Technology OFFER from Latvia An industrial research institute from Latvia has developed modular and flexible hardware and software solution that enables dynamic power consumption monitoring and sensor data acquisition with high data resolution, data transfer rate and synchronization with production processes. It is advanced sensor system for Industry4.0, ISO50001, and ISO9001. The research institute offers commercial agreement with technical assistance or research cooperation for further development of the system. |
Business : An Italian producer of energy saving technologies is looking for distributors, commercial agents or final user companies Business OFFER from Italy An Italian company with 25 years of experience and expertise designs, produces and commercializes, in Italy and abroad, instruments and software for energy measurement, saving and consumption and energy production management. To further expand abroad the company is looking for cooperation partners via a commercial agency or a distribution services agreement. Alternatively, big final user companies to cooperate with as original equipment manufacturer. |
Technology : Hungarian SME is looking for reliable partners under financial or licence agreement for its insulation system that operates only by using geothermal energy Technology OFFER from Hungary Hungarian company offers its insulation system that operates only by using geothermal energy, without auxiliary energy. The system can be used to decrease significantly the winter heat demand and the summer heat load. The potential partners are capital intensive enterprises from the field of insulation manufacturing and geothermic energy which can provide support under financial or licence agreement for the further development of the invention. |
Technology : 24 hour solar electric energy without conventional battery Technology OFFER from Germany A German family-owned SME, located in the south of Germany, is working in the field of innovative materials. Over a period of 8 years it has developed a new solar system consisting of photovoltaic and thermal voltaic. This system is in the position to generate electric energy day and night. Furthermore the system can be applied in areas that have no electric power grid. Partners that want to enter into a research or technical cooperation agreement are sought. |
Technology : A new control method and improved topology of bi-directional DC-DC converter for energy recovery or storage Technology OFFER from Latvia A Latvian research organization has developed power electronics converter that is tested on experimental prototype and is proposed to connect energy storage to 600 V DC bus. Converter can be used for various types of industrial equipment using motors to reuse braking energy or to supply energy during power failures. The organization seeks commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation agreement with companies in order to test prototype and commercialize technology. |
Did not find anything interesting? Why not search the Enterprise Europe Network database using your own interests and search keys. Some 10,000 business proposals open for co operation in trade, innovation, research and consortia building within Horizon 2020. Want to create your own profile? Or discuss with your local contact point on possibilities? Please follow me Sir, this way! To THE Network!
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