dinsdag 27 maart 2012

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in 50 countries, helps small companies find business opportunities across the European Union.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced by it

Intelligent LED Lighting Management System, concentrated on energy saving by using several IT technologies
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean SME has developed an intelligent LED light control system which is constructed based on IT technology. This can be applied to lighting facilities at buildings such as, parking lots, schools and so on. The advantage of this technology is that it is cost efficient and easy to operate. This company is looking for a partner for technical cooperation and commercial agreement with technical assistance. MORE>

A photocatalytic concrete slab able to decontaminate
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company has 25 years of experience in the exterior paving industry. In 2008 the company patented a paving that includes up to 30% of recycled material and incorporates in its surface a catalyst capable of converting pollutant gases into harmless products for health and the environment. The company offers license agreements with paving manufacturers in Europe and USA. MORE>

Innovative technology for production of solid fuel from waste material
Technology OFFER from Poland
A company from Western Poland has developed a method for production of solid fuel from waste material. This fuel is applicable as a heaeting source for various heating devices from home fireplaces to large, industrial furnaces and boilers. It may also be adapted to be automatically supplied to the heating devices. The company is interested in technical co-operation as well as co-operation in terms of engineering and is looking for manufacturers of briquetting machines. MORE

Optimised usage of air streams to improve the performance of electric cars
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME has invented a technology optimising the usage of the air flow of a driving electric car. A fan connected to a generator converts the air flow into electric energy and charges the car’s batteries. The air stream optimization saves energy, reduces the need of high battery storage capacities (weight reduction) and increases the kilometer range of e-cars. The patent owner seeks partners from industry and investors to install the technology in electric cars and for licensing. MORE

Solar collector with innovative solutions
Technology OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian firm is dealing with the development of solar collector operating with infra-red radiation of a special liquid for producing hot water, for supplementary heating and cooling of buildings and for producing electricity. Its main advantage: it will not run hot even if hot water is not used. The technology is good for all type of buildings. The company is seeking an industrial or a service providing company for making the metal spare-parts and for performing the laboratorial tests. MORE

Brussels SME looking for Stirling engines to be integrated into solar parabolic concentrators
Technology REQUEST from Belgium
A Brussels SME seeks Stirling engine or similar to integrate into solar parabolic concentrators. This integration will not aim at large concentrating solar power plants but at individual, site-based installations. The idea is to have one unique technology to produce electricity and indoor heating/cooling. The company is looking for partners producing Stirling engine or integrated solutions (solar parabolic concentrators with Stirling engine) and is open to all sort of technical partnerships. MORE

Variable speed driver for bicycle, e-bike, any other vehicle or windmill
Technology REQUEST from France
A French SME, specialized in the design of cutting edge products in the field of sport (cycling) (and others) has developed a breakthrough innovative transmission device. The technology can be implemented to other vehicles or any other machinery needing transmission device. The company would like to establish a long term partnership through a joint venture or a licensing agreement with a partner having a strong know-how of the bicycle (and e-bike), cars or any vehicle industry. MORE

Unique patented ‘green’ refrigerant for Commercial Point-of-Sale Refrigeration and Vehicle Air Conditioning Equipment
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
An East of England based SME offers a new patented refrigerant blend for use in small vehicle air conditioning and commercial refrigeration systems. The newly developed blend offers positive characteristics compared to existing blends including reduced flammability, increased efficiency, low toxicity and it conforms to new EU legislation. The company seeks partners for joint venture, a large partner to produce the refrigerants and European partners to manufacture the blends under licence. MORE

Technologies to Produce Micropolymer Pellets
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for technologies that can accurately produce micropolymeric pellets with a narrow size distribution and with a specified diameter to length ratio. They are interested in licensing, product acquisition, equipment purchase, contract research, proof of concept leading to scale up to manufacturing, joint development, supplier agreement. MORE

Miniaturized Rechargeable Power Supply Systems
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for very small rechargeable power supply systems. They are interested in licensing, product acquisition, contract research, proof of concept leading to scale up to manufacturing, joint development agreement. MORE

Urea to Hydrogen Converter for Combustion Engines and E-Cars
Technology OFFER from Denmark
An international Danish company has developed an innovative converter making it simple and safe to use hydrogen. The system which on-the-fly can convert urea direct into hydrogen for application areas where hydrogen is an environmental advantage: Primarily the transportation sector, but also stationary energy sources. The Danish company is looking for joint venture and/or commercial agreement with technical assistance with e.g automotive manufacturers and sub suppliers fuel distributors. MORE

dinsdag 20 maart 2012

Regeling mobiliteitsvouchers verder verruimd

BRON: Nieuwsbrief Subvention

Wist u dat mobiliteit veel geld kost? Zo’n € 8.000,- per medewerker! Besparen kan tot 25% door Slimmer Reizen, Slimmer Werken toe te passen binnen uw organisatie. Wilt u gratis inzicht in de mobiliteitskosten van uw personeel? Wilt u in een aanvullend advies weten wat u kunt doen om de mobiliteitskosten te verminderen om vervolgens de maatregelen met subsidie te implementeren? Dan is de subsidieregeling Mobiliteitsvouchers iets voor u.

Enkele praktijkvoorbeelden:
- Thuiswerkfaciliteiten en flexibele werktijden van medewerkers;
- Aanschaffen van een oplaadpunt voor elektrische fietsen of auto's;
- Ontwikkeling van een parkeerbeleid.

De mogelijkheden zijn zeer ruim, zolang deze maar voortkomen uit de mobiliteitsscan. Investeringen in bovengenoemde maatregelen kunnen voor 2/3 deel worden vergoed dankzij de grote voucher, tot een maximum van € 4.500,-.

Lees meer HIER

Subvention Enschede
053 - 434 85 12

maandag 19 maart 2012

Smart Textiles Company Mission with workshop and matchmaking

Smart textiles in Thueringen - Company mission with workshop and matchmaking - Joint action of the SG Materials
11-12 June 2012, Weimar/Germany

The company mission is focussed on smart textiles for the building sector, technical and medical applications.
The mission will start off with a joint workshop presenting the regional Smart Tex Network and continue with a matchmaking event for companies and research institutes from the smart textile sector, who are searching for cooperation partners in Germany and in other countries. The second day will be dedicated to very interesting company visits in Thueringen.

The mission is addressed to:
- Manufacturers looking for new smart textile applications in the building sector
- Manufacturers looking for functional applications within the medical area and in other industries
- Developers of smart technical textiles interested in starting European projects
- Developers, designers and producers of next generation’s smart textiles

Contact: Elke Römhild, Te. +49 361 789 23 76; email: e.roemhild@een-thueringen.eu

More information and registration HERE

Viele Grüße/Kind regards

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy