Smart textiles in Thueringen - Company mission with workshop and matchmaking - Joint action of the SG Materials
11-12 June 2012, Weimar/Germany
The company mission is focussed on smart textiles for the building sector, technical and medical applications.
The mission will start off with a joint workshop presenting the regional Smart Tex Network and continue with a matchmaking event for companies and research institutes from the smart textile sector, who are searching for cooperation partners in Germany and in other countries. The second day will be dedicated to very interesting company visits in Thueringen.

The mission is addressed to:
- Manufacturers looking for new smart textile applications in the building sector
- Manufacturers looking for functional applications within the medical area and in other industries
- Developers of smart technical textiles interested in starting European projects
- Developers, designers and producers of next generation’s smart textiles
Contact: Elke Römhild, Te. +49 361 789 23 76; email: e.roemhild@een-thueringen.eu
More information and registration HERE
Viele Grüße/Kind regards