As fast interactive media nowadays can be made and shared around the world in the blink of pressing a button, a lot has changed for everyone, being consumer, manufacturer, government, employee or just an enthusiastic person.
More and more branding is about lifestyle, community, sharing between likewise persons and finding each other through the world wide web.
With modern devices and WiFi free available at every social spot in town everybody can be a reporter, photographer, stalker, spy or blackmailer or disappointed user. Twitter is all about sharing short messages with others.
What is the commercial value on twittering employees, what is the companies philosophy on this subject, can it be used for business, only positive or also critical? Is it to be done during working hours or just in private time? How to deal with your product or brand being twittered in a positive or negative perspective? Would you react? Should you react? How to react?
Any idea on what is being twittered using your brand or company name? Would you like to know and take actions to prevent negative publicity or shift marketing attention?
I know I did, being disappointed in buying an air bed of a well established brand, finding out it had three production failures that were leaking. The seam had been overheated while curing and left some pinholes that were venting. I bought the bed some months prior to my summer holiday and did not checked it after the purchase, so it came new out of an unopened cardbord box during the summer holiday. Made some photo's on my mobile phome, mailed the helpdesk with manufacturing date and serial number and got no reply at all. That is, an out of office reply only. An other mail adress used, no reaction again. Finally the question returned if I was able to show my purchase ticket from some 3 months after purchase, they would replace it. Do you keep your purchase tickets for that long? Well I do not.
So in frustration and just curious on what would happen, I thought about using a twitter message saying that the product sXcks, the service is sXit and would never purchase anything again from that brand.
Well they have a company policy, at least, that is what I assume as now again, nothing happened except for advertising newer products.
Finally my local camping shop in my town where I bought this product helped me out and gave me a refund for some €18.00. It is not about the amount, it is about being heard and being served properly. And to see how large companies deal with quality, customer service, speed and you as a small user.
So I concluded to buy at local enterpreneurs for the extra service in case of and to boycott this particular brand in outdoor camping products. Some of my friends suggested this boycott as well and had found out the quality and service was not in co operation with the branding. Well, it is all about sharing, you remember!
An other company solved a broken part on my sunblocking screen, made some pics on Sunday, mailed the company and the new parts arrived by mail on Tuesday, no cost just service. Way to go so a positive tweet went out, mentioning
comany name and my full compliments. I hope they have seen it, however it remained silent here as wel.
Well, now on the value on your twitter name, for business, private or both. I found this webadress and filled in my name. Result some $ 130
This account is following 35 people, is being followed by 121 people, has been listed 4 times,
has sent out 706 tweets, and was created on Fri Sep 24 10:18:21 +0000 2010.
We compared this account to case-histories of thousands of others (that have sold in the recent past) to determine this account's sales-potential.
Based on our analysis we believe that this Twitter account should sell for approximately $129.11 USD on the retail market.
Would you like to know your twitter account value, fill in your name at this webadress and find out in an instant. Based on quantity data and not on quality data. Please visit
My Twitter account value
Twitter fountains can help you keep an eye on your brand or product name, technology, users, customers or prospects. I have created three twitter fountains to have an idea on how it looks and what is possible. They can be seen