Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published May 2012.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in 50 countries, helps small companies find business opportunities across the European Union.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
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Fuel cell based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems for deployment in future and existing housing
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK housing association wishes to identify partners for the development of demonstration projects in the domain of fuel cell based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. The association has already undertaken live trials in its existing housing stock and is currently seeking manufacturers of suitable technologies and systems integration specialists to explore improvements and cost reduction strategies in fuel cell based CHP.
Technology for Distributed Pressure Sensing in Harsh Environments
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for technologies enabling distributed pressure sensing in cables or pipes located in harsh environments. They are interested in proof of concept demonstration, joint development, technology licensing.
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for technologies enabling distributed pressure sensing in cables or pipes located in harsh environments. They are interested in proof of concept demonstration, joint development, technology licensing.
EffectiveExtraction of Energy from High Temperature Slag
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for extracting useful energy from molten slag as it cools to ambient temperatures. They are interested in licensing, product acquisition, contract research, proof of concept leading to scale up to manufacturing, joint development agreement.
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for extracting useful energy from molten slag as it cools to ambient temperatures. They are interested in licensing, product acquisition, contract research, proof of concept leading to scale up to manufacturing, joint development agreement.
Noveltracker technology to increase efficiency of solar and photovoltaic systems
Technology OFFER from Austria
An Austrian developer constructed a tracking system to maximize the gain of solar energy for private and small installations. Increased efficiency (up to 40%) for solar and photovoltaic panels is achieved by permanently direct sunlight in 100% coverage area from sunrise to sunset. It features a low failure sensitivity. The inventor is looking for cooperation partners to jointly further develop the system or to license it in Germany or Switzerland, or other countires.
Technology OFFER from Austria
An Austrian developer constructed a tracking system to maximize the gain of solar energy for private and small installations. Increased efficiency (up to 40%) for solar and photovoltaic panels is achieved by permanently direct sunlight in 100% coverage area from sunrise to sunset. It features a low failure sensitivity. The inventor is looking for cooperation partners to jointly further develop the system or to license it in Germany or Switzerland, or other countires.
Foundryfor manufacturing monolithic components from Titanium or Cobalt-based alloysfor biomedical parts
Technology REQUEST from France
A French company is looking for a foundry for manufacturing monolithic components from Titanium or Cobalt-based alloys for biomedical parts. These monolithic components could be manufactured with different type of casting process. A manufacturing agreement (subcontracting) is targeted.
Technology REQUEST from France
A French company is looking for a foundry for manufacturing monolithic components from Titanium or Cobalt-based alloys for biomedical parts. These monolithic components could be manufactured with different type of casting process. A manufacturing agreement (subcontracting) is targeted.
A new biomaterial for bone tissue engineering applications
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish research consortium has developed a new biomaterial consisting of a pentapeptide-coated bioactive ceramic, which exhibits osteoinductive properties of interest for bone regeneration and tissue engineering. The group is looking for technical cooperation and licensing agreement.
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish research consortium has developed a new biomaterial consisting of a pentapeptide-coated bioactive ceramic, which exhibits osteoinductive properties of interest for bone regeneration and tissue engineering. The group is looking for technical cooperation and licensing agreement.
NextGeneration SmartGrid Distribution Network Monitoring System using an InnovativeSensor
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish SME has developed and patented a novel current and voltage sensor technology and a family of wireless monitoring products for medium-voltage electricity distribution grids. The developed products employ open robust wireless communication standards and offer distinct competitive advantages where remote monitoring is required. The company is interested in exploring any mutually beneficial partnership arrangement with companies operating in, or supplying to, the power utility sector.
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish SME has developed and patented a novel current and voltage sensor technology and a family of wireless monitoring products for medium-voltage electricity distribution grids. The developed products employ open robust wireless communication standards and offer distinct competitive advantages where remote monitoring is required. The company is interested in exploring any mutually beneficial partnership arrangement with companies operating in, or supplying to, the power utility sector.
Autonomousheating systems based on solid-phase heat accumulators using night electricenergy or/and surplus energy from wind power stations and/or solid fuel
Technology OFFER from Russian Federation
A small enterprise from Karelia, Russia, developed a compact heating system based on solid-phase heat accumulators made of soapstone with the capacity up to 100 kW. The system uses night electric energy, surplus energy of wind power stations, solid or gaseous fuel as energy sources. The system is ecologically safe, it costs 2-3 times less than analogues. The company seeks partners for technical cooperation.
Technology OFFER from Russian Federation
A small enterprise from Karelia, Russia, developed a compact heating system based on solid-phase heat accumulators made of soapstone with the capacity up to 100 kW. The system uses night electric energy, surplus energy of wind power stations, solid or gaseous fuel as energy sources. The system is ecologically safe, it costs 2-3 times less than analogues. The company seeks partners for technical cooperation.
SeekingPartners for Developing Automotive Night Vision Systems
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for co-development of a far-infrared (FIR) image sensor based night vision system. They are interested in joint development, supplier agreement, technology acquisition, licensing, consulting, etc.
Technology REQUEST from United States
A large US company is looking for proposals for co-development of a far-infrared (FIR) image sensor based night vision system. They are interested in joint development, supplier agreement, technology acquisition, licensing, consulting, etc.
Newplastic parts and process to complete RIM (reactive injection moulding)products
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME has developed a technology to produce polyurethane parts (such as automotive dashboard or furniture parts). This technology, combining raw material and use of low-cost mould process, provides cheaper and better multicolour parts than Reactive Injection Moulding (RIM), since it avoids post-painting, and increases drop impact resistance. The company is looking for licensing, technical cooperation, manufacturing agreements and commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Technology OFFER from France
A French SME has developed a technology to produce polyurethane parts (such as automotive dashboard or furniture parts). This technology, combining raw material and use of low-cost mould process, provides cheaper and better multicolour parts than Reactive Injection Moulding (RIM), since it avoids post-painting, and increases drop impact resistance. The company is looking for licensing, technical cooperation, manufacturing agreements and commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Developmentof a GPS tracking device for anti-theft of fuel from trucks
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli R&D company, producing computerized electronics and mechanical systems for vehicles, is developing a new solution for fuel protection and management which prevents fuel thefts from trucks. The company is seeking an industrial R&D partner for further development and design of this technology. Main focus will be put on discovering new adaptations of existing technology.
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli R&D company, producing computerized electronics and mechanical systems for vehicles, is developing a new solution for fuel protection and management which prevents fuel thefts from trucks. The company is seeking an industrial R&D partner for further development and design of this technology. Main focus will be put on discovering new adaptations of existing technology.
Biogas plant for farms
Technology OFFER from Italy
Company based in North-eastern Italy designs and manufactures anaerobic digestion equipment for production of electricity from biogas. They develop small size plants (from 50 kW to 150 kW) to meet the needs of small farms, family dairy farms, or holiday farms. The company looks for entrepreneurs interested in adopting such small biogas plants in order to solve problems of organic farming waste, becoming, at the same time, self sufficient in their energy consumption with money saving.
Technology OFFER from Italy
Company based in North-eastern Italy designs and manufactures anaerobic digestion equipment for production of electricity from biogas. They develop small size plants (from 50 kW to 150 kW) to meet the needs of small farms, family dairy farms, or holiday farms. The company looks for entrepreneurs interested in adopting such small biogas plants in order to solve problems of organic farming waste, becoming, at the same time, self sufficient in their energy consumption with money saving.
Traceabilitysystem dedicated to biological samples collected outside biomedicallaboratories
Technology OFFER from France
A French company has developed a system enabling to trace biological samples collected outside the biomedical laboratories. The system based on a software enables a real time monitoring of transport operations and routing of biological samples. The company is looking for partnerships with industry, biomedical laboratories or groups, purchase centers, ICT companies to settle the system and for complementary developments.
Technology OFFER from France
A French company has developed a system enabling to trace biological samples collected outside the biomedical laboratories. The system based on a software enables a real time monitoring of transport operations and routing of biological samples. The company is looking for partnerships with industry, biomedical laboratories or groups, purchase centers, ICT companies to settle the system and for complementary developments.
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