woensdag 29 januari 2014

MKB Innovatie Top 100 in 2014, schrijf u in voor 01/03 en sta in de spotlight!

De KvK organiseert deze belangrijkste prijs voor innovatieve ondernemingen
De nieuwe Kamer van Koophandel stimuleert ondernemers te groeien en innovatie is daar een belangrijke pijler van. In de afgelopen acht jaar is de MKB Innovatie Top 100 onder regie van Syntens Innovatiecentrum uitgegroeid tot de grootste en belangrijkste innovatieprijs voor het MKB. De kracht van het initiatief is te laten zien waartoe het MKB in staat is en het vergroten van de kansen van innovatieve ondernemers.

Dit jaar organiseert de Kamer van Koophandel de MKB Innovatie Top 100 in een vernieuwde opzet. Niet alleen wordt het netwerk van de afgelopen acht edities MKB innovatie Top 100 actief ingezet als inspiratiebron voor de nieuwe generatie succesvolle innovatieve ondernemers, ook wordt gebruik gemaakt van de kennis en data van de Kamer van Koophandel. Het netwerk aangevuld met deze informatie zorgt ervoor dat er in de tweede helft van dit jaar weer 100 toppers in de schijnwerpers gezet kunnen worden! 

De MKB Innovatie Top 100 zal worden voorgezet zonder initiatiefnemer en innovatiepromotor Herman Poos. Het projectteam is Herman dankbaar voor zijn bijdrage aan het initiatief. Mede door Herman is de prijs uitgegroeid tot wat deze nu is! Nederland heeft een innovatief MKB waar we trots op mogen zijn. Om deze bedrijven de waardering te geven die zij verdienen, organiseert de Kamer van Koophandel de MKB innovatie top 100 dit jaar voor de 9e keer.

Meer weten over innovatie? Kijk op http://www.kvk.nl/advies-en-informatie/innoveren/
Inschrijven voor de MKB innovatie top 100 kan tot 1 maart 2014 via http://www.mkbinnovatietop100.nl .

Voor meer pers informatie neem contact op met Debby van Wijngaarden via debby.van.wijngaarden@kvk.nl . Voor inhoudelijke vragen kun je contact opnemen met projectleider Marije Hovestad via marije.hovestad@kvk.nl

dinsdag 28 januari 2014

2 Connect Business bijeenkomst Waterzuivering, afvalverwerking en innovatie in Kalkar D.

BRON: Uitnodiging 2 connect business

Bent u als ondernemer of ambtenaar in de sector milieutechnologie geïnteresseerd in de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van waterzuivering, afvalverwerking en productinnovatie? Dan nodigt ‘2 connect Business’ u graag uit voor een grensoverschrijdende branchebijeenkomst over milieutechnologie op

Woensdag 5 februari 2014 van 14.00 uur tot 18.00 uur in Kalkar Duitsland

Gedurende de bijeenkomst ligt de nadruk op de uitwisseling van kennis tussen Nederlandse en Duitse experts uit de sector milieutechnologie. Na twee keynotes van vertegenwoordigers van resp. Stichting kiEMT en het cluster Umwelttechnologien.NRW vinden er parallel workshops plaats rond de drie bovengenoemde thema’s.

Tijdens de workshop over waterzuivering wordt ingegaan op de verschillende regels, taken en verantwoordelijke instanties aan beide zijden van de grens. Ook wordt een interessant praktijkvoorbeeld gepresenteerd.
De workshop rond afvalverwerking is op dezelfde manier opgebouwd.
Tijdens de workshop over technologie & productinnovatie vinden drie à vier pitches plaats met betrekking tot nieuwe technologieën of marktinnovaties. Aan het eind van elke workshop is er voldoende tijd voor vragen en discussie.

Heeft u interesse in deze bijeenkomst? Aanmelden kan HIER. Online informatie over 2 connect business is te vinden via de website www.2connectbusiness.nl. Hier vindt u binnenkort ook het gedetailleerde programma. Deelname is gratis.

De bijeenkomst is een initiatief van het grensoverschrijdende b2b-project ‘2 connect Business’. De organisatie is in handen van de Nederlands-Duitse Handelskamer (DNHK)

vrijdag 24 januari 2014

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from 2ndt half Januari 2014

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published second half of January 2014.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Find more than 10,000 profiles of companies offering and requesting co operation in technology or business.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
- Combine fair visit with matchmaking organised by Enterprise Europe Network to find your new business partners

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

Producer of high efficient small wind power plants offers production licence agreement and looks for sales partners
Business OFFER from Germany
German enterprise develops and produces high-efficient small wind power plants for decentralized operation. The company offers granting of production licences, co-operation with distribution partners in all the countries covered by the Enterprise Europe Network (list available at http://een.ec.europa.eu/) as well as willingness to talk with potential buyers of the company.

Planning offices for renewable energy generation projects sought
Business OFFER from Germany
German company engaged in planning, installation and operation of holistic renewable energy concepts with windpower, photovoltaics and biomass and including grid connection is searching for engineering offices working as project planner with market know-how in these areas. The company offers additional know-how and diversification of business risks, enabling the partner to offer turnkey projects. Envisaged is a commercial service agreement, but joint ventures can be considered as well.

Producer of high efficient small wind plants looks for sub-suppliers, service partners and financing partners
Business REQUEST from Germany
German enterprise develops and produces high-efficient small wind power plants for decentralized operation. They are looking for business co-operation with sub-suppliers, service and financing partners from any country covered by the Enterprise Europe Network (list of countries available at http://een.ec.europa.eu/).

A Scottish designer of solar Ovens seeks a manufacturer
Business REQUEST from United Kingdom
A Scottish company (SME) has developed a solar oven that can store up to 6 kWh of heat to produce an evening meal, served hot to taste, up to 4 hours after sundown. The device reduces environmental damage caused by burning wood or Liquefied Petroleum Gas. The company is seeking industrial partners, initially in India, who can manufacture, assemble, distribute, market and sell the solar oven.

Separation Technology - New hose washer system for sand and gravel
Business OFFER from Germany
A German SME has developed a new, more efficient wet processing technology and constructed a new hose-washer system for washing sand and gravel. This separation technology reduces capital cost, energy consumption and the amount of wash water.The technology is fully developed, tested and already in the market. This company is looking for reliable partners throughout Europe with good connections to their local waste industries. Distributers are sought.

Looking for project partners within the following fields: integral water cycle framework, urban solid waste management, and environmental monitoring and analysis
Business REQUEST from Spain
Spanish SME specialized in projects within the integral water cycle framework and urban solid waste management as well as in environmental monitoring and analysis, is looking for partners to create a joint-venture in order to commercialize and deploy projects in their countries.

Air collector for the purpose of increasing heating performance during the heating season
Technology OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian SME has developed an air collector combined with an evacuated tube solar collector system to increase heating performance during the heating season. Its main advantage is that it is able to produce energy from scattered light. The attached solar collector is equipped with evacuated tubes and as a result it is able to store heat over a given period of time. The SME is seeking for a service provider partner for further improvement of the technology or for its on-site installation.

Mounting system for photovoltaic modules modules on flat roof surfaces for optimized load distribution without roof penetration
Business OFFER from Germany
German company has developed a new aerodynamic mounting system for photovoltaic modules on flat roof surfaces with low load capacity and an inclination angle up to 5°. Mounting of the lightweight, stilted modular structure requires no roof penetration by bolts. The specific arrangement of its pre-assembled components provides optimal weight distribution (max. 15 kg/m²). The system is adjustable to any roof type and size. The company is looking for commercial, distribution or service agreement.

A Polish LED producer offers its services as a subcontractor
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company with high level of competence and know-how in designing and mass production of dedicated LED (Light-Emitting Diode) modules for lighting applications would like to establish cooperation with the LED manufacturer as its subcontractor.

Italian company is offering innovative patented constructed wetlands system for wastewater treatment
Technology OFFER from Italy
Italian company, located in the North West of Italy, is offering technical assistance for wastewater treatment. The company developed an innovative patented constructed wetlands system for wastewater treatment. The system is used for any type of wetland. It drastically reduces the surface area required for the treatment of wetland. The company will provide technical assistance for the diffusion of the technology. Co-operation agreement, exclusive sales with commitment in turnover, is sought.

Novel Range of Aerosol Valves
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A North West UK University has designed, developed and patented new aerosol spray valves that allow the use of benign gases such as air as a propellant instead of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and seeks partners to either invest financially or as a technology licensee to bring this to market, with technical assistance from the developer. The chief advantages of this new design is that there would be Zero Carbon emissions in using this can and much reduced Health & Safety Risk in storage.

Highly efficient electrolytes for safe and reliable high energy density battery
Technology OFFER from France
A French university has developed and patented a new type of solid single-ion polymer electrolyte based on polyanionic block copolymers, with improved mechanical properties & stability. This electrolyte is particularly well suited for safe and reliable high density energy batteries (including lithium metal polymer batteries). Companies of the energy & electricity sector, dealing with battery manufacturing, are sought for license agreement or R&D collaboration (possible co-funded).

Ethanol to hydrogen process
Technology OFFER from France
An organization, based in the north of France developed a catalytic process to convert ethanol in presence of water to hydrogen. The new method is clean and operates at low temperature and pressure. The resulting hydrogen has application as an industrial chemical and as a fuel. The organization would like to collaborate with companies of the energy and fine chemical sectors interested to collaborate through commercial agreements / licensing agreements.

Mobile device for automatic stacking of split pieces of wood or logs on pallets
Technology OFFER from Austria
An Austrian company has developed a mobile device for stacking wooden logs onto a pallet with raised sides. Using this procedure wood billets can be stacked automatically onto commercial pallets. The construction is built on a container frame. The patented device can be expanded to stacking in sacks and card boxes. Partners for further development, market introduction and commercial agreement with technical assistance are sought. The purchase of patent licences or the whole patent is possible.

Zero Liquid Discharge Technology for an Effluent Treatment Plant in a Distillery Industry based in North India
Technology REQUEST from India
An Indian project development company is seeking innovative effluent treatment technologies that will ensure zero liquid discharge from the distillery industry. The company is currently developing an effluent treatment plant for processing 0.8 million liters per day of wastewater in north India. They are seeking industry partners for joint ventures, technical cooperation or commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Implementation of Zero Liquid Discharge in Indian Paper and Pulp Industry
Technology REQUEST from India
An Indian project development company is seeking innovative effluent treatment technologies that will ensure zero liquid discharge from the paper and pulp industry. The company is currently developing an effluent treatment plant for processing 2 million liters per day of wastewater in north India. They are seeking industry partners for joint ventures, technical cooperation or commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Turkish textile company is looking for a new technology to reduce their huge water consumption in manufacturing process.
Technology REQUEST from Turkey
A Turkish woven fabric textile manufacturer seeks a technology which helps them to reduce their consumption of water and energy. The company wants to redesign their manufacturing process with a new technology for a more sustainable production.This textile /garment manufacturer is now looking for technical cooperation and a commercial agreement with technical assistance.The company is also interested in making manufacturing agreements.

PV Electric bike sharing service with grid or non-grid connection
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian SME with expertise in land trasport, searches partners with technological expertise to implement a bike sharing system through the construction of shelters which will be equipped by solar panels to recharge the bike and surveillance cameras for monitoring stations. The collaboration required is technical cooperation for joint further development.

German producer of semi-finished PTFE products (polytetrafluoroethylene) and structural components of high-performance plastic materials is offering manufacturing services
Business OFFER from Germany
The German company is specialized in manufacturing semi-finished PTFE products (polytetrafluoroethylene) as well as structural components made of many different high-performance plastic materials. The company is interested in entering new markets, especially in Western and Eastern Europe and Northern Africa. For this step, the enterprise's CEO is interested in manufacturing agreements with partners abroad.

Czech manufacturing company is looking for subcontracting opportunities from precision engineering industry
Business OFFER from Czech Republic
Czech manufacturing company produces complex tools and components of high precision delivered mainly to automotive and precision engineering industries. The company is looking for subcontracting opportunities and manufacturing agreement of its complex components of high precision mainly in Austria, Germany, Sweden and Denmark.

The technology of creation of nano-ordered planar templates
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
A higher education establishment (Ukraine) offers a technology of nanomaterials creation with use of templates, which form a structure with preselected type of elements ordering, and can be used in nanoelectronics and alternative energy sources. The technology allows creating templates with necessary characteristics using standard equipment, it is efficient and environmentally friendly. The company is looking for investors and partners to launch joint production of high efficiency solar cells.

Advanced and economic solar thermal electricity production
Technology OFFER from France
A French university has developed and patented a cutting edge Linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) solar concentrator with a new mirror technology allowing optical efficiency and drastic cost reduction. Manufacturing industry of the Solar & Photovoltaic sector are sought for license agreement or R&D collaboration (possible co-funded) for further development and implementation.

Combined solar and air source solar pump
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company developed a novel solution which combines thermal and air source heat pump technology to produce a "one-box" solution for providing heating and hot water for Europe’s domestic properties. This guarantees significant savings to the consumer and reduces the CO2 emissions. The company is looking for partners able to help take the product to the market through joint venture and/or reciprocal production and/or distribution agreements.

German Trade Agent is looking for manufacturers of castings and forging parts who want to enter the German market.
Business REQUEST from Germany
The German Trade Agent is specialized in the commercial representation of precision parts and applications made of various basic materials e.g. heavy welded components, castings, forging parts assemblies, steel and coils. He is looking for similar products in order to increase and to complete his product portfolio.

Magnetic compact and high stroke microposition sensor for microgripping devices
Technology OFFER from France
A French company has developed a magnetic compact and high stroke microposition sensor. The main goal of the technology is to measure the position of a bi-directionnal actuator without any contact and a high resolution. The company would like to license the technology to partners interested in a new compact and cost effective device.

Looking for partners to test and validate the use of an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) for Biomass furnaces
Technology OFFER from France
A French-German consortium developing a Small Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) for small biomass furnaces in private households or in small companies is looking for industrial partners to validate the system or integrate it in their heating systems. Partners sought should be able to integrate the ESP in a domestic heating system and validate the new ESP design through several testing procedures and, in case of successful operation, commercialize the integrated ESP / biomass system.

Full integration of Photovoltaic Generators with Electric Vehicles and Power Grid with Demand Side Management with users' involvement in energy market through smartphone or PDA
Technology OFFER from Italy
An academic spin-off from Italy has developed a framework for smart bi-directional Charging Station Interface for EVs (Electric Vehicles) with Photovoltaic (PV) Generators, full integration with Power Grid and Market-based Energy Flow Management, ensuring optimum use of energy and Smart Grid stabilization. Industries are sought for supporting in a large-scale prototyping and commercialization.

Microparticulate coating technology for catalytic and other industrial applications
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish company has developed a technology for coating glass, ceramic and polymer microparticulates, including hollow glass microspheres, with nanometer thick layers of reactive materials such as pigments, dyes, metals and metal oxides. These coated materials have uses in various industrial processes. The company is seeking partnerships or collaborations with potential partners who envisage a use for this product type.

Turkish Metal Processing Company seeking a new technology to modify and reduce high rate of water and chemical consumption in their manufacturing process.
Technology REQUEST from Turkey
A Turkish metal processing company is looking for an innovative technology to reduce their chemical and water consumption in their process. The company is operating in metal processing and machinery sector as a supplier for automotive industry. It has a process where zinc phosphate is used as a surface finishing agent. Company is highly interested in technical cooperation agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Energy Efficiency and Electrical Bill Analysis service for environment protection and reduction of energy consumption
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish SME Engineering and Architectural consultancy firm with ten year experience in project design and work’s supervision, is looking for partners to cooperate in the supplying of energy efficiency and electrical bill analysis service designed to protect the environment and reduce the energy consumption with a minimum investment

Consultancy firm specialized in design of Integral Water Cycle projects for optimization of water consumption and treatment of waste waters
Business OFFER from Spain
Spanish SME Engineering and Architectural consultancy firm with ten year experience in project design and work’s supervision, is looking for partners interested in supplying integral water service to their clients, which could be interested in optimization of water consumption and treatment of waste water.

Italian company is offering a new patented street illumination system to distributors and representatives for its commercialization and it is also interested in finding subcontractors.
Business OFFER from Italy
Italian company specialized in the development of photo luminescent applications and products is offering a new patented street illumination system that puts together photovoltaic and photo luminescent technology and allows to save energy. The company is searching for subcontractors. It also offers the product to agents, distributors and representatives interested in its commercialization in Austria, Switzerland, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.

The technology of production of composites based on compounds that have no common solvent.
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
A higher education establishment in Kyiv (Ukraine) offers a technology for production of composites based on molecular compounds, which have no common solvent for the elements in nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, alternative energy sources, pharmaceutics. The advantage is the possibility to use the proposed technology for a wide range of organic molecular compounds. The company is looking for partners for joint development of technology and adapting it to practical requirements.

Fluidized bed reactor for sewage sludge treatment
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
A Czech SME with experience in sewage sludge thermal treatment is offering a fluidized bed reactor of the 3rd generation processing from 0,5 T of sludge per hour and more, with minimum auxiliary fuel consumption and easy assembly due to its modular design. The technology enables up to 60% savings in fuel consumption and approximately 3 times more efficient operation compared to similar devices.The company is searching for partners for signing a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Compact UV technology for purifying drinking water
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME has developed a compact solution to purify drinking water easily. The device uses a strong UV lamp to kill harmful bacteria and viruses (up to 99,99%). The energy needed for power is obtained from a solar panel. The system is independent of the local grid, can easily be installed. Especially suitable in remote places.The Dutch SME is offering a license or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Large-scale solar distillation and rainwater harvesting
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch SME has developed a integrated technology for producing drinking water. It is a uniquely designed foil structure, utilizing energy from the sun to evaporate dirty or polluted source water and to condense high quality drinking water. Furthermore it is designed to harvest and collect rainwater in rainy seasons. The SME is offering a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a license agreement (for local production) to organisations with knowlegde of the local water market.

The Polish SME is is offering its subcontracting activities for engineering and machinery industries.
Business OFFER from Poland
The Polish company specialized in producing and designing of product-specific devices, special machines, assembly lines is offering its subcontracting activities for engineering and machinery industries.

A Polish engineering company,specialized in producing technology lines offers products and services
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish engineering company,specialized in producing technology lines offers products and services in engineering, technological cooperation, creative cooperation, research and development as subcontractor. The SME is interested in providing subcontracting activities for new business partners.

Micro bubble generator using water supply pressure which can be used for various purpose
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean SME has developed a micro bubble generator using water supply pressure. Only using water pressure, users easily generate micro bubble for various purposes such as shower, washing water, etc. It is also used for farming and fishing industry. As it is not required any electricity to generate micro bubble, energy can be much more saved than existing one. Also chemical substances are not needed to clean and sterilize. They want to collaborate with a major company for licensing agreement.

Production technology of ecologically pure sorbent for gathering of oil and its products from surfaces of water storages and soils.
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
A higher education establishment (Ukraine) offers a nonwaste technology of purification of soils and water surface from oil and its products. The technology based on use of a sorbent, which was got from natural oxidized graphite. It is characterized by high degree of surfaces purification, simplicity of distribution of the sorbent on surfaces, the high ability for absorption of oil and its products. The company is looking for investors to organize of fabrication of units for sorbent production.

CAD/CAM - Software for robot supported composite laying systems
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German SME has developed a modular software solution as independent programming and simulation software for automated laying of fiber composite fabrics and tapes. The system opens extensive possibilities to simulate, visualize and analyze the laying of CFRP (carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic) tapes based on CAD models and covers the entire process chain from the development of the component to its production. The SME is searching for partners for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

A Polish manufacturer offers their professional machinery
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish SME is a modern company designing and producing devices and technological lines destined for coatings production. The company is looking for local agents/distributors in european countries. Moreover the SME is offering subcontracting agreement.

Reducing foam in a compact steam generator
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
The UK branch of a domestic appliances business is looking for ways to significantly reduce foam in a compact steam generator. Solutions may be chemical or physical methods, as long as they are safe and user-friendly and do not make the steam generator much more complex. The company has capacity for joint further development, incl under license.

Temporary flood protection barriers primarily for rail networks
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A Southampton, UK, based company has developed a rapidly deployable flood protection barrier that can be used by rail networks to keep tracks open longer. The barrier can also be used for protection against flash flooding by communities and emergency services on all property types, wide areas such as business and industrial parks, and infrastructure. They are looking for partners who can distribute this solution to train operating companies.

Agents sought to market and sell an innovative platform product
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A London based SME is looking for agents to market and sell their innovative canopy platform product to national railways, metro and light rail maintainers and constructors.

A Turkish company specialized in manufacturing, designing and exporting of plastic and metal parts for Automotive, White Appliances and Construction Sectors is looking for trade intermediary services
Business REQUEST from Turkey
Turkish company specialized in manufacturing metal and plastic parts in Automotive, White Appliances and Construction sectors is looking for trade intermediary partners (distributor, agent and representative) from Switzerland and other European countries.

An Irish manufacturer and distributor of sustainable and recyclable polystyrene pallets seeks distributors
Business OFFER from Ireland
An Irish manufacturer and distributor of lightweight, sustainable and recyclable polystyrene pallets, with integrated 'Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip technology, seeks distributors for its products.

Seat with adjustable pressure profile
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
A research team of Czech University focusing on mechanics, strength and flexibilty of materials is developing a seat with adjustable pressure profile. The technology allows to control the hardness of a seat's cushioning using the electro-pneumatic feedback circuit. The University is looking for partners to establish various types of cooperation like license agreement and research cooperation agreement.

Thermographic Services to the Marine Sector
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A Scottish SME, a specialist in integrity services and corrosion monitoring in the oil and gas industry, now wishes to offer its thermography services to the marine sector. Thermography is a non-intrusive inspection technique which can be used for the inspection of vessels, corrosion under insulation and the assessment of flow assurance and scale. The company seeks agents within the marine sector to promote their in-house expertise, high specification equipment and comprehensive reporting.

Web platform for interconnecting warehouses of automotive components
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company has developed a commercial web platform (B2B - business to business) for interconnecting warehouses of automotive parts. The platform provides new applications for locating, in a quick and confident way, spare parts for any type of automotive vehicle. This platform streamlines and accelerates this sector. The company offers joint venture and commercial agreements with technical assistance in other countries.

Innovative in-wheel electric motor with permanent magnets
Technology OFFER from Slovenia
Slovene engineering company, active in the field of electromagnetic drive, developed an innovative in-wheel electric motor with permanent magnets. The new modular solution for a multi-phase electric motor is easily applicable to different power levels and applications. The company is looking for partners interested in licensing agreement, technical cooperation or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Traffic calming and road safety products made from recycled rubber
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK based company designs and manufactures traffic calming products made from recycled rubber tyres to reduce traffic speed and improve road safety. The products are quick and simple to install with no need for excavation, saving costs and minimising traffic disruptions. The company is looking for a distributor/ agent in Denmark, Norway and Sweden with experience and relevant contacts in the highways sector, urban planning and traffic management.

Customized smart key system for cars
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean SME has invented a smart key custom system and setting method for cars. Compared to the existing smart keys, the user can easily modify the assigned functions of the smart key by applying this smart key system without having to adjust at a repair shop or having to buy a new one. It will give considerable utility to customers and satisfaction to vehicle users. The company is looking for an automaker or any related company for licensing agreement.

A Polish company is offering its transport services to potential EU partners.
Business OFFER from Poland
A Polish company active in road transport is looking for companies which need logistic services.The company is offering its transport services to potential EU partners.
 Would you like to use the Enterprise Europe Network as well to get in contact with new business partners on trade or innovation, please contact your local suppport office, to be found HERE.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy