maandag 7 september 2015

Matchmaking Bio-Based materials in luxury - Dijon Okt. 6th 2015

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Brokerage Event – R.ACE, Luxe In Green 6th October 2015, Dijon, FRANCE

Next October 6th, will take place in Dijon the R.ACE - Luxe In Green event 2015, the 1st European event dedicated to BIO-BASED MATERIALS IN LUXURY.
During this business event participants will meet the challenges of combining through bio-based materials: technical performance, eco-design while being economically viable.
In the framework of the conferences, a business to business (B2B) matchmaking is arranged by Enterprise Europe Network through CCI Bourgogne (Chamber of Commerce and Industry), and other European and local business support organisations.

This Networking event will target a wide spectrum of participants (enterprises, local authorities, urban planning agencies, research centers, etc.) interested in sharing new project ideas and finding collaboration within the following topics :
  • Ecodesign
  • Bio-based materials properties
  • Luxury industry
  • Composites / other bio-based materials processing
  • Furnitures
  • Protection equipment
  • Design
  • Market trends

More details can be found in the attached brochure & on the event’s webpage:  .

The following companies have already registered, see the list HERE:

Deadlines: Registration is opened until October 6th and bilateral meetings can be scheduled until September 30th.

Participation fee: 120€ per participant
Including the following services:
  • Business Meetings
  • Conferences
  • Assistance before, during and after the event
  • Lunch, refreshments.
For Dutch participants that need support or require more information on how this matchmaking works and what else the Enterprise Europe Network has to offer to your business, please contact me by mail or leave a message here.

woensdag 2 september 2015

Membranen en food: groeikansen voor de industrie 1 oktober 2015 Ondernemershuis Twente

Bron: KvK

Laat u op 1 oktober inspireren door gerenommeerde sprekers van bedrijven als FrieslandCampina, Pentair X-Flow, BLUE-tec en onderzoekers van de Membrane Science and Technology vakgroep van de UTwente met een uitstekende internationale reputatie. En neem ook nog een kijkje in het keuken van de labs van MESA+ / Membraantechnologie!

Wat kunt u verwachten?
Recente ontwikkelingen in de membraantechnologie maken het mogelijk om bestaande productieprocessen efficiënter te laten verlopen, nieuwe productsamenstellingen te ontwikkelen, alternatieve energiezuinige processen te realiseren en afvalstoffen terug te winnen. In deze bijeenkomst staan we specifiek stil bij de voedselproducten en afvalstromen. Kun je nieuwe recepturen of producten ontwikkelen, kun je efficiënter produceren, wat is terug te winnen uit reststromen, welke kansen zijn er voor de foodindustrie en haar toeleveranciers?

Op donderdag 1 oktober a.s. organiseert de Kamer van Koophandel in samenwerking met UTwente European Membrane Institute, Kennispark Twente en Oost NV een themamiddag rondom productieprocessen in de food waarbij membranen nieuwe mogelijkheden bieden.

Programma van de middag:
14:30 Ontvangst en inloop
15:00 UTwente European Membrane Institute Dhr. Zandrie Borneman, trends en ontwikkelingen in membranen
15:20 BLUE-tec te Wageningen, Dhr. Lex van Dijk, ontwikkeling van membranen voor afvalwaterbehandeling concentratie middels FO/RO
15:40 Pentair Xflow te Enschede, Dhr. Jens Potreck & Andre Mepschen, afvalwaterfiltratie bij Mars en/of bier/wijn filtratie
16:00 WUR / Friesland Campina te Wageningen Dhr. Albert van der Padt, fractionering en koude sterilisatie
16:20 Discussie en drinks Optioneel: rondleiding bij Mesa+ / Membraantechnologie
17:00 Einde

Waarom mag u deze bijeenkomst niet missen?
  • In de foodindustrie is voedselveiligheid een belangrijk issue, leer wat u met de nieuwste membraantechnieken kunt bereiken om uw producten consumenten veilig te maken en houdbaarheid te verlengen
  • Afvalwater bevat vaak waardevolle grondstoffen uit het proces, nieuwe ontwikkelingen maken het mogelijk deze afvalstromen te beperken en uw lozingsvergunning aan te scherpen
  • Productconcentratie is een mogelijkheid om efficiënter en duurzamer om te gaan met opslag, transport en verpakking. Wat biedt dit aan kansen voor uw producten?
  • Ontmoet andere bedrijven en kennisinstellingen tijdens de informele afsluiting voor nieuwe verbindingen
  • Onderzoek mogelijkheden voor uw bedrijf door expertise van de UTwente te ontsluiten voor uw vraagstuk

Locatie en kosten:

De bijeenkomst is gratis, aanmelden is verplicht en kan HIER.

Het ondernemershuis Twente

Verdieping 3 (Kamer van Koophandel)
Hengelosestraat 585
7521 AG Enschede

dinsdag 1 september 2015

Matchmaking for (automotive) industry with Enterprise Europe Network - Turkey Kocaeli

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

We take great pleasure in informing you about the 4th edition of the Match4Industry Business Matching Event to be organised on 15th & 16th October 2015 and held in the TOSB Automotive Supplier Industrial Park in Kocaeli, Turkey.

The Match4Industry Business Matching Event will be organised by ABİGEM East Marmara and the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry in close collaboration with other Enterprise Europe Network and many other professional business support organisations from Europe, Turkey and beyond.

Match4Industry is a part of “Doing Business Onsite”, a unique concept in matchmaking events that has been organised in a special industrial zone. This concept has been envisaged by the organisers with the aim of facilitating successful negotiations by taking advantage of the infrastructure and business activities in an industrial zone. This provides a whole spectrum of value added business development services to better meet the globalisation needs of companies.

In addition to targeted bilateral meetings being organised in the industrial park, onsite visits to companies’ premises will also be offered as an optional programme. This will assist with assessing the business environment of the region and to finalise negotiations.

Sectors of Interest:

  • Automotive Supply
  • Metal and Machinery
  • Plastics and Rubber
  • Tire
  • Chemical (Automotive Paints and Coatings, Automotive Care Products)
  • Construction and Construction Materials
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Electric-Electronics
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Woman Entrepreneurship

Participation fee:
Participation fee is 80 EUR per participant (if a company wants to attend the event with two or more representatives, an additional registration fee of 80 EUR per person will be added)

Participation fee includes below services:
  • b2fair Business Meetings
  • Assistance before, during and after the event
  • Local transfers to meeting points
  • English to Turkish, Turkish to English translation
  • Lunches, refreshments and welcoming dinner
Accommodation cost of the delegation and partners (2 nights stay at 5 star hotel) will be financed by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy.

Deadline for registration:  October 9th, 2015

Would you like to be a partner of this brokerage event and offer your companies the possibility to be part of this exclusive event? Please use the following LINK to register as partner online.

More information can be found in the attached brochure and on the event’s website:

For Dutch participants that need support or require more information on how this matchmaking works and what else the Enterprise Europe Network has to offer to your business, please contact me by mail or leave a message here.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy