We take great pleasure in informing you about the 4th edition of the Match4Industry Business Matching Event to be organised on 15th & 16th October 2015 and held in the TOSB Automotive Supplier Industrial Park in Kocaeli, Turkey.
The Match4Industry Business Matching Event will be organised by ABİGEM East Marmara and the Kocaeli Chamber of Industry in close collaboration with other Enterprise Europe Network and many other professional business support organisations from Europe, Turkey and beyond.

In addition to targeted bilateral meetings being organised in the industrial park, onsite visits to companies’ premises will also be offered as an optional programme. This will assist with assessing the business environment of the region and to finalise negotiations.
Sectors of Interest:
- Automotive Supply
- Metal and Machinery
- Plastics and Rubber
- Tire
- Chemical (Automotive Paints and Coatings, Automotive Care Products)
- Construction and Construction Materials
- Energy
- Environment
- Electric-Electronics
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Woman Entrepreneurship
Participation fee:
Participation fee is 80 EUR per participant (if a company wants to attend the event with two or more representatives, an additional registration fee of 80 EUR per person will be added)
Participation fee includes below services:
- b2fair Business Meetings
- Assistance before, during and after the event
- Local transfers to meeting points
- English to Turkish, Turkish to English translation
- Lunches, refreshments and welcoming dinner
Deadline for registration: October 9th, 2015
Would you like to be a partner of this brokerage event and offer your companies the possibility to be part of this exclusive event? Please use the following LINK to register as partner online.
More information can be found in the attached brochure and on the event’s website: www.een-matchmaking.com/m4i2015

For Dutch participants that need support or require more information on how this matchmaking works and what else the Enterprise Europe Network has to offer to your business, please contact me by mail or leave a message here.