dinsdag 30 mei 2017

Bijeenkomst ‘Hoe bescherm ik mijn product en merk?’ Afkijken, beschermen, delen of geheim houden?

Bron: RVO - Octrooicentrum Nederland

Als ondernemer bent u continu bezig om de toegevoegde waarde van uw bedrijf te vergroten. Hiertoe kijkt u naar de kansen in de markt, ontwikkelt u nieuwe producten en diensten en zorgt u dat uw bedrijf een sterk merk is. Maar hoe beschermt u nieuwe ideeën, producten of merken? Moet u een octrooi of patent aanvragen? Is dit niet erg duur? In deze workshop leert u de zin en onzin van intellectueel eigendom en geven wij u handvatten om de juiste beschermingsmogelijkheden te kiezen voor uw bedrijf. 

In deze bijeenkomst geven wij u inzicht in de mogelijkheden om uw ideeën, innovaties, producten/diensten en/of merken te beschermen, maar ook gebruik te maken van gratis en online kennis in allerlei databanken en registers. Dit biedt kansen voor uw bedrijf! De ervaring leert dat succesvolle bedrijven op een slimme manier hun ideeën, innovaties, merken en producten hebben beschermd. We geven u de concrete handvatten om bewust na te denken of het wel of niet zinvol is en zo ja welke bescherming voor u de beste is. En als het aan ons ligt, laten we het niet bij deze bijeenkomst en ondersteunen wij u bij het implementeren in uw bedrijf, zodat uw bedrijfsstrategie versterkt wordt! Hoe? Dat vertellen wij u graag tijdens de bijeenkomst.

Deze bijeenkomst is een initiatief van de Octrooicentrum Nederland (onderdeel van Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland), Benelux-Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom (BOIP), Marquant Advocaten en het Ondernemershuis voor het Vechtdal.

Wilt u ook uw ideeën slim beschermen? Meld u zich dan nu aan via info@ondernemershuisvechtdal.nl en noteer meteen dinsdag 4 juli 2017 in uw agenda.

Nog even kort op een rij:

Bijeenkomst      :              Hoe bescherm ik mijn product?
Datum                  :              dinsdag 4 juli 2017
Tijd                        :              16.00 uur – 19.30 uur (inloop vanaf 15.30 uur)
Locatie                 :              Hibertad  (Molensteen 5 te Hardenberg)
Kosten                 :              Geen
Aanmelden        :              Bij het Ondernemershuis voor het Vechtdal via
info@ondernemershuisvechtdal.nl of tel. 06-15906432  
(Heeft u concrete interesses of vragen? Geef deze dan alvast door. Wij nemen dit in het programma mee.)
Het programma
15.30 - 16.00 uur              Inloop en ontvangst
16.00 -  16.10 uur             Welkomstwoord door dagvoorzitter en toelichting op het programma
16.10 – 16.50 uur             Idee- en merkbescherming. Ideeën, wat valt er te beschermen? Merkbescherming, waarom en waar? Door Jan Hart van het Benelux-Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom (BOIP)
16.50 – 17.30 uur             Octrooi of patent, geheimhouden of samenwerken? Wat is voor mijn product en/of bedrijfsvoering de beste keuze? Door Ilona Koomen van Octrooicentrum Nederland
17.30 – 17.45 uur             Pauze
17.45 – 18.20 uur             Goede afspraken voorkomen ellende! Enkele praktijkvoorbeelden van inbreuken/namaak. Door Paul Nij Bijvank van Marquant Advocaten
18.20 – 18.45 uur             Aan de slag met een inspirerend praktijkvoorbeeld 
18.45  – 19.30 uur            Borrel en netwerken
19.30 uur                            Afsluiting

Stendert de Vries van het Ondernemershuis voor het Vechtdal

Jan Hart van het Benelux-Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom (BOIP)
Ilona Koomen van Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)

Paul Nij Bijvank van Marquant Advocaten

woensdag 24 mei 2017

International co operation profiles on protecting man & environment technologies from Enterprise Europe Network from May 2017

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published May 2017.

Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:

  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertise's external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.


Technology : Mineral waste eco-friendly recycling technologies for building materials industry
Technology OFFER from Romania
A Romanian research center has developed several eco-friendly and sustainable technologies for obtaining concrete- and clay-based construction products, by recycling mineral wastes (mining sterile, ceramic wastes, fly ash). Interested partners from building industry and research areas are sought for further development in EU projects and for market scale replication of the eco-innovative resulted products.

Technology : Multiparameter microelectronic sensor for complex ecological monitoring of environment
Technology OFFER from Ukraine
A University of Ukraine offers a multiparameter microelectronic smart sensor for simultaneous control of several parameters (pressure, temperature, distance) of the object of observation for complex ecological monitoring (for example, spring flooding). The sensor is characterized by high accuracy of given measurements in on-line mode. University is looking for partners from the environmental sector for technical cooperation or cooperative manufacture with instrumentation companies.

Technology : Device for cleaning heat transfer surfaces of boilers of small and medium thermal outputs
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
Czech university developed technology of cleaning mechanism for boilers of small thermal outputs. The university is looking for industrial and business partners who would be able to produce boilers of small and medium thermal outputs suitable for central heating of households and public buildings. The university offers license agreement.

Technology : High temperature dust removal equipment
Technology OFFER from Czech Republic
Czech university with rich experience in energy production, developed equipment that is a part of gasification technology for electric and heat production. It is usable everywhere for dedusting of gaseous media with high temperature. The university is looking for industrial and business partners who would be able to produce a filter unit – a device for trapping solid particles of different types of air. Cooperation offered on the basis of license, manufacturing and/or technical agreement.

Technology : Pheromone insect traps suitable for capturing bark and wood boring beetles with the purpose of monitoring and inspection of forest protection
Technology OFFER from Slovakia
Established Slovak research centre has developed highly effective pheromone insect traps suitable for capturing bark and wood boring beetles with the purpose of monitoring and inspection of forest protection. The pheromone trap is available in two different shape variants, both providing high quality of collected samples, and 20 - 30% increase in collecting efficiency compared to currently available technologies.The centre seeks companies interested in financial agreement or licensing agreement.

Technology : Innovative plant technology for water disinfection based on mixed disinfectant (sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide)
Technology OFFER from Serbia
A Serbian company developed an innovative water disinfection plants with dosing systems producing disinfection solution based on combination of sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide on place of consumption from common salt. The advantage is production of chlorine dioxide from common salt without toxin. The company seeks partners from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania, and Austria interested in commercial with technical assistance, licensing and/or joint venture agreement.

Technology : Effective biological treatment of contaminated soil. Looking for partners.
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli company specialising in soil & ground water remediation has developed a new hub for biological treatment of contaminated soil. Advantages over the existing technologies include highly customized fast complete biodegradation process even for the wastes "difficult to decompose". The process results in no gas / odour / dust emissions. Looking for joint venture, license & services agreement.

Technology : Reduction and measurement of the pollutant emission upstream engine system
Technology OFFER from France
A french laboratory based in northern France, specialized on research in the field of atmosphere, is recognized for managing reducing particulate and gas pollutants using a patented additive on solid fuels. It is looking for technical or research cooperation with a company in the fields of Automotive or pollutant emission control, to develop and test a new technology of low nitrogen oxide emission during combustion – in the cylinder - with an additive on liquid fuel.

Business : Looking for partner to produce animal feed from human food wastes via recycling factory establishment
Business OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME, which specialises in processing human food wastes turning it mainly into animal feed as animal feed substance. Advantages over current methods include innovative cost-efficient rational use of the human food wastes followed by providing the market with the resulting animal feed, also environmental friendliness etc. Looking for reciprocal production and joint venture agreements.

Technology : Innovative technology for the production of slabs with a high efficiency in the reduction of pollutants in the air we breathe
Technology OFFER from Spain
Spanish company located in the north and dedicated to the production of different kind of slabs, but with an innovative technology that reduces the pollution of the air. The slabs have a superficial layer with photocatalysts and enhancers which are activated by luminous radiation which produces an oxidation of the main pollutants. They are looking for manufacturing companies interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Research & Development : COSME proposal : A French cluster seeks partners for a European strategic cluster partnership on the sustainable use of the subsurface.
Research & Development REQUEST from France
A high-performance French cluster operates in the sectors of geosciences and subsurface engineering for energy. In response to the COSME call COS-CLUSINT-2016-03-01 Cluster Go International, the cluster is looking for partners to join a consortium in order to develop an innovative project. Its objective is to establish a European strategic cluster partnership on the sustainable use of the subsurface. Partners sought are clusters with expertise in geothermal energy, renewables and environment.

Technology : WILDTHING-EEIKO crowdsourcing platform application for alien species control
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish company, beneficiary of the SME Instrument, is about to deploy into the market WILDTHING, a citizen collaboration-based multiplatform application for the control of Invasive Alien Flora Species. Following 1143/2014 regulation, it allows citizen participation and the validation by civil servants. The company is looking for partners able to carry out pilot tests with some of their customers, either public or private, under a research cooperation agreement.

Technology : Digestion technology for biogas plants
Technology OFFER from Germany
A German company, active in the machine tools sector, developed a modular designed container for the retrofitting of a biogas plant. The advantage of the technology is the increasing in biogas productivity and the possibility to insert diverse materials into the biogas plant via bio-extrusion. The company seeks industrial partners for further development under a technical cooperation agreement and/or for a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Business : Looking for a distributor for a smart phone accessory that can monitor radioactive levels, electromagnetic fields, and etc.
Business OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean company as a developer and supplier of software, multimedia technologies and device connectivity has developed a product that monitors personal environment such as radioactivity, electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet rays, temperature humidity, and etc. By connecting the product to a smart phone, a customer can measure the surroundings and avoid harmful substances. The company is looking for a European distributor for product sales under the distribution agreement.

Business : UK manufacturer of luxury tissue paper products made from 100% bamboo is looking for distributors
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company has developed a highly innovative use for discarded bamboo by turning bamboo into luxury tissue products that are available for mass consumption at very competitive prices compared to traditional tissue products made from paper. The UK company's products are highly sustainable and 100% sourced from discarded bamboo trees and do not contain de-inking agents and are therefore kinder to skin than paper based products. The UK company is looking for retail distributors.

Technology : Eco-friendly boiler water treatment without chemicals
Technology OFFER from Singapore
A Singapore tech SME has researched and developed a green technology which is an Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) wave generator. The technology improves, enhances and protects the productive assets of plants without the use of chemicals. The company is seeking SME industry partners (1-49 employees) to explore a licensing agreement or commercial agreement with techical assitance.

Business : Manufacturer of polyethylene-based packaging products is seeking partners for a distribution services agreement
Business OFFER from Romania
A Romanian manufacturer of polyethylene-based packaging products (film, packaging, shopping bags, trash bags with and without printing, etc.) processes over 2000 tons of polyethylene (low and high density) per year, with 30-40% exported to the EU. The company is looking for partners for distribution services agreements. The potential partners include wholesale or retail companies and agents related to the packaging industry.

Technology : New technology for neutralisation of industrial wastewater, concentrated solutions and solid waste containing heavy metals
Technology OFFER from Poland
A Polish company has developed a new technology for neutralisation of industrial wastewater, concentrated solutions and solid waste containing heavy metals. It can be used for neutralization of effluents from electroplating shops, tanneries and also wastes from different hazardous chemical processes. The partners for technical cooperation or joint venture are sought and also partners for further product development through research cooperation.

Business : Brazilian consultancy firm specialized in technical and legal environmental advisory services is looking for services agreement
Business OFFER from Brazil
Brazilian company in the area of innovation and environment, located in the State of Ceará, Northeastern region, offers environmental advisory services to enable the installation of companies and enterprises in the state. The company aims to facilitate/guide the process of environmental regularization of all enterprises that have sustainability values and the desire to foster the social and economic development of the city where it will be installed. Collaboration is sought for service agreement

Technology : Highly efficient dynamic scrubber technology, especially suitable for cleaning of industrial and marine diesel exhaust emissions, for licensing or patent acquisition
Technology OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish SME has developed and patented a highly efficient scrubber technology, especially suitable for cleaning of industrial and marine diesel exhaust emissions. The technology combines large contact surface with a low and constant back-pressure, compact dimensions and low weight. The SME is looking for partners in the industrial and/or shipping sectors, for a commercial agreement with technical assistance, meaning acquisition of the patent or a license agreement.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy