In dit bericht staan de meest nieuwe samenwerkingsvoorstellen van innovatieve ondernemers die zijn opgenomen in de databank van Entrprise Europe Network, gepubliceerd op 16 oktober 2017.
Het Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit circa 70 aangesloten landen met contacten ter plaatse in de markt. De dienstverlening is veelal kostenloos vanuit financiering door de Europese Unie. In Nederland wordt dit netwerk onder andere door de KvK en RVO uitgevoerd.
De onderstaande profielen betreffen innovatieve technologieen en producten waarbij wordt gezocht naar international zakenpartners voor samenwerking en hebben tot doel het versnellen van de innovatie en time to market. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de samenwerkingsvoorstellen kunt u krijgen door op de link te klikken van het betreffende profiel. Na registratie op de website kunt u uw interesse kenbaar maken en wordt dit opgepakt door mijn collega's. Profielen bevatten handelsvoorstellen, technologische samenwerkingen of onderzoeksprogramma's
De voordelen voor u om gebruik te maken van het Enterprise Europe Network zijn onder andere;
Snelle en makkelijke toegang tot nieuwe technologieën en handel,
- Minder risico in ontwikkelingstrajecten voor producten en technologieën,
- Versnellen van de innovatie en "Time to Market",
- Vergroten van het afzetgebied naar andere landen,
- Vinden van nieuwe zakencontacten via een warme netwerk introductie,
- Begeleiding en support bij het leggen van de eerste contacten,
- Deelname aan matchmaking programma's op diverse beurzen.
Technology : Offer of Wind Tunnel Facilities to experimental activities Technology OFFER from Portugal A Portuguese research group, specialised on data acquisition and post-processing in experimental fluid dynamics evaluations, offers 3 wind tunnels with complimentary configurations. They are open to cooperate with industry, universities, R&D institutions, seeking for knowledge and expertise on theoretical and experimental wind tunnel activities. The institute is looking for partners to cooperate with via the following agreements: license, services, research cooperation or technical cooperation. |
Technology : The new generation of public windmills Technology OFFER from Hungary A small Hungarian company developed an innovative, new domestic wind turbine blade spiral system with less vibration, higher efficiency at lower start-up speed. These are very practical, handy for households, smaller factories, schools. The company is looking for industrial partners to start commercial cooperation with technical assistance and R&D partners for research and technical cooperation. |
Technology : Scalable microalgae biomass production & harvesting system to get biofuel, food & feed feedstock for competitive price Technology OFFER from Israel An Israeli SME, specialising in microalgae biomass production, has developed a modular microalgae biomass production and harvesting system. Advantages over current systems include its scalability, efficiency and simplicity in construction, operation & maintenance. Looking for partners to establish a farm on the turn-key / BOT (build-operate-transfer) platform - according to commercial agreement with technical assistance, finance & license agreement. |
Technology : Production of new fuels from burning wastes in Electrokinetic Pulse and High-Speed Burners Technology OFFER from Ukraine The group of Ukrainian scientists and engineers conducted a successful research on the organization of improving the effectiveness of renewable energy resources in the production of new fuels and its flame combustion. They are looking for partners to create a syndicate in expanding of production of new types of energotechnological equipment, pursuance of the additional researches, market promotion of the technologies. Possible: sale of technology, participation in the patent, license etc. |
Technology : Knowledge-based software to assess and improve the carbon footprint of a product over its complete life cycle Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian SME has developed a tool to calculate, compare, improve and communicate product carbon footprint, giving a clear indication of a product's environmental performance. It has an intuitive interface, requires no previous knowledge and provides robust results by using a comprehensive inventory database based on international standards. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance or license agreements and research and/or technology cooperation agreements. |
Technology : Tailored battery packs with high performance, reliability and lifetime for applications in e-mobility, power tools and stationary appliances Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian SME developed a module system of battery packs by connecting Lithium ion round-cells via laser welding. Together with a smart battery management system and a novel cooling unit design battery packs with highest efficiency (10-20% increased energy density), safety and lifetime are produced. The module system enables high flexibility for different applications. The SME offers license agreements, commercial agreements with technical assistance, technical and/or research cooperations. |
Technology : Established Slovak university has developed an additive for improving the cetane number in diesel or biodiesel fuels Technology OFFER from Slovakia A research team from an established Slovak university has developed an innovative additive for improving the cetane number of diesel and biodiesel fuels. Improvement of cetane number has a significant effect on the reduction of ignition delay of fuel engines. The additive is based on bio-components, making it possible to increase the quality of fully ecological fuel. The university is looking for partners through license agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : Russian producer of silicon carbide power invertors seeks distributors Business OFFER from Russian Federation A Russian company specialized in producing Silicon Carbide power invertors for regions with unstable electrical supply is looking for partners selling to private households or small power plants under the distribution services agreement. |
Technology : Belgian SME is offering a patented technology of vertical axis wind turbine. Technology OFFER from Belgium A Belgian SME has developed an innovative vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). Scientifically monitored wind tunnel tests with a scale size model have proven it’s highly efficient compared to existing VAWTs, due to its low start-up wind speed, specific design and increased power output. The company is looking for manufacturers interested in finalising the product and commercialising it. It is offering a granted EP patent (and more applications) on a VAWT and the corresponding knowhow. |
Business : UK company seeking energy management software solutions to offer to their clients through license agreement Business REQUEST from United Kingdom The UK SME who offer IT services for energy reduction of organisational IT are looking for software-based energy management solutions which measure and monitor network connected end user devices. The company currently have a software solution in place, but are seeking to diversify the range of energy management solutions they offer, by purchasing new software solutions either through license or outright. |
Technology : Dutch developer of unique air preheater made out of high temperature resistant polymer tubes is looking for users or suppliers of boilers, furnaces or dryers Technology OFFER from Netherlands The Dutch company has developed a robust heat exchanger of polymer tubes to recover waste heat and save on energy costs. The unique air preheater can recover heat from corrosive and fouling gas streams in combustion processes or humid exhaust air from drying processes in multiple industries. To expand sales in Europe and South Asia both end users and suppliers of furnaces and dryers are sought. A commercial agreement with technical assistance or a joint venture agreement are proposed. |
Business : French specialist in ecological insulation material made exclusively with cork for construction sector is looking for distribution partners. Business OFFER from France A French enterprise is specialized in ecological insulating materials made of cork. They produce a pure expanded cork panel used for interior work and façade insulation of any type of building. The company is looking for distribution partners of different European countries with experience and knowledge in the building sector and/or natural insulating materials. |
Research & Development : LC-GV-04-2019: A French SME looking for trucks and passenger cars manufacturers to develop a combustion engine based on heat recovery technology reducing energy consumption Research & Development REQUEST from France A high-performance French SME operates in the sector of intelligent energy applied to automotive, transport and logistics. In response to the H2020 "LC-GV-04-2019: Low-emissions propulsion for long-distance trucks and coaches" the coordinator of the project is seeking partners to integrate a heat to power recovery technology reducing energy consumption on an vehicle through a research cooperation agreement. Partners sought are trucks and passenger cars manufacturers. |
Business : Investors/investments are sought for the production of highly dispersed silicon dioxide Business OFFER from Germany A company from Germany is focussing on the production of technical films and sheets. The SME has more than 15 years' experience and is now involved in a project for the development of highly dispersed silicon dioxide. Partners are sought that are interested in investing in the project within the framework of an acquisition agreement or a financial agreement. |