Het Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit circa 70 aangesloten landen met contacten ter plaatse in de markt. De dienstverlening is veelal kostenloos vanuit financiering door de Europese Unie. In Nederland wordt dit netwerk onder andere door de KvK en RVO uitgevoerd.
De onderstaande profielen betreffen innovatieve technologieen en producten waarbij wordt gezocht naar international zakenpartners voor samenwerking en hebben tot doel het versnellen van de innovatie en time to market. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de samenwerkingsvoorstellen kunt u krijgen door op de link te klikken van het betreffende profiel. Na registratie op de website kunt u uw interesse kenbaar maken en wordt dit opgepakt door mijn collega's. Profielen bevatten handelsvoorstellen, technologische samenwerkingen of onderzoeksprogramma's
De voordelen voor u om gebruik te maken van het Enterprise Europe Network zijn onder andere;
- Snelle en makkelijke toegang tot nieuwe technologieën en handel,
- Minder risico in ontwikkelingstrajecten voor producten en technologieën,
- Versnellen van de innovatie en "Time to Market",
- Vergroten van het afzetgebied naar andere landen,
- Vinden van nieuwe zakencontacten via een warme netwerk introductie,
- Begeleiding en support bij het leggen van de eerste contacten,
- Deelname aan matchmaking programma's op diverse beurzen.
Business : Medicinal mud for medicinal product developers or producers Business OFFER from Hungary The Hungarian company is distributor and developer of products made from medicinal mud of a Hungarian thermal lake. They are looking for medicinal product manufacturers with needs of this kind of mud or who would like to develop a new product family with it and need a raw material provider. The company is offering firstly its supplier services in form of distribution agreement and additionally their assistance to the developments in form of service agreement. |
Business : A Slovenian company is offering machines and systems for recycling of waste EPS (expanded polystyrene) Business OFFER from Slovenia A Slovenian company developed and is producing machines and systems for recycling and size reduction of waste EPS for different industries and is looking for distributors |
Technology : The new generation of public windmills Technology OFFER from Hungary A small Hungarian company developed an innovative, new domestic wind turbine blade spiral system with less vibration, higher efficiency at lower start-up speed. These are very practical, handy for households, smaller factories, schools. The company is looking for industrial partners to start commercial cooperation with technical assistance and R&D partners for research and technical cooperation. |
Technology : Production of new fuels from burning wastes in Electrokinetic Pulse and High-Speed Burners Technology OFFER from Ukraine The group of Ukrainian scientists and engineers conducted a successful research on the organization of improving the effectiveness of renewable energy resources in the production of new fuels and its flame combustion. They are looking for partners to create a syndicate in expanding of production of new types of energotechnological equipment, pursuance of the additional researches, market promotion of the technologies. Possible: sale of technology, participation in the patent, license etc. |
Technology : Knowledge-based software to assess and improve the carbon footprint of a product over its complete life cycle Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian SME has developed a tool to calculate, compare, improve and communicate product carbon footprint, giving a clear indication of a product's environmental performance. It has an intuitive interface, requires no previous knowledge and provides robust results by using a comprehensive inventory database based on international standards. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance or license agreements and research and/or technology cooperation agreements. |
Technology : De-polymerisation of post-consumer PET. Upcycling PET bottles. Technology OFFER from Switzerland Swiss company offers network and know-how to de-polymerise post-consumer PET bottles. De-polymerisation is the process of converting a polymer into a monomer or a mixture of monomers. This means that the PET waste will be upcycled (back to pure PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) instead of downcycled (actual situation) and that it follows the closed loop circular economy concept. Theoretically availability of PET bottle material: 40,000 t/yr. Cooperation sought is manufacturing agreement. |
Technology : Established Slovak university has developed an additive for improving the cetane number in diesel or biodiesel fuels Technology OFFER from Slovakia A research team from an established Slovak university has developed an innovative additive for improving the cetane number of diesel and biodiesel fuels. Improvement of cetane number has a significant effect on the reduction of ignition delay of fuel engines. The additive is based on bio-components, making it possible to increase the quality of fully ecological fuel. The university is looking for partners through license agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : Plasma torch to reach ultra high temperatures without fossil fuels Technology OFFER from France A French industrial company has developed a new technology called the plasma torch, which allows high temperatures to be reached without fossil fuel. Applications include waste recovery, safe asbestos destruction and renewable energy production. License agreement is sought. |
Technology : Alternative Bioleaching process of metals from secondary resources (industrial wastes) Technology OFFER from Belgium A Belgian Research Centre developed (stage of development: technology validated in lab TRL 4) a microbial assisted leaching process designed for metal recovery from secondary resources. The technology is based on a new process integrating bacterial cell encapsulation for a higher resistance to dissolved organics and heavy metals. The research center looks for companies and universities to develop European projects and further applications in other sectors (other residues) |
Business : A well-established Slovak company has developed an inorganic composite sorbent for the removal and immobilisation of heavy metals and/or phosphates and is looking for distributors of this solution Business OFFER from Slovakia A West-Slovakian company active in the field of water management and environmental protection has developed an inorganic composite sorbent for removal and/or immobilization of heavy metals and/or phosphates in contaminated solids and/or liquids. They have been granted a Slovak patent, European patent, as well as for Czech patent, Polish patent and Hungarian patent. This product is already manufactured in Slovakia. The company is looking for distributors of offered solution. |
Business : UK manufacturer of a number of flood prevention products seeks agents or distributors worldwide Business OFFER from United Kingdom This growing UK based manufacturer has developed a number of successful flood prevention products for the residential, commercial and industrial markets. These flood mitigation aids include non-return valves, UPVC and steel doors and aluminium/steel barriers for houses, warehouses, shopping centres and public buildings. The company is now looking to develop sales overseas and seeks experienced agents or distributors worldwide within the residential or industrial construction sectors. |
Technology : Paint stripping - environmental friendly technology Technology OFFER from Sweden A Swedish SME, seeks distributors/partners for a commercial agreement with technical assistance for its products used for paint stripping and removal of glue, adhesives and polymer resins. The SME is active in developing and selling specialty chemicals and have references within many fields such as automotive, automotive sub supplying, defense, wood industry etc. Partners are sought in following countries: Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey |
Research & Development : EUREKA/Eurostars: agriculture company that provides post-harvest services or post-harvest treatments Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish SME working in the agro sector wants to extend the applications of its newly developed whey based sanitizing formula to other fruits and vegetables. Previous results in tomato, lettuce and spinach have been very positive. This natural formula prevents the use of chlorine-based solutions that have restriction by EU regulations. The plan is to apply to the Eurostars call in 2018 (next call March 2018). |
Technology : Tents for humanitarian demand in crisis- and distressed area Technology REQUEST from Germany A SME from Saxony, Germany is focussing on the development of engineering projects. One product developed is a tent. The tent is suitable for sheltering people in crisis- and distressed areas. The company is looking for partners, which are able to improve the construction within the framework of a technical cooperation agreement. A manufacturing agreement for the production of the tent is envisaged as well. |
Technology : Development of new method for the prediction of harmful algal blooms via smartphone - users and testers sought Technology OFFER from Germany A German university offers a new method for prediction of harmful algal blooms via smartphone app. The application is valuable for sensitizing the public especially in recreational areas to the problem as well as for institutions concerned with water monitoring and impacts of climate change development. Industrial partners who are interested in a license agreement or university partners who are interested in a research cooperation are sought. |
Business : A Singapore company is looking for distributors to distribute their industrial grade bacteria based degreaser to companies in Europe. Business OFFER from Singapore The Singapore company promotes eco-friendly products and helps customers solve various problems due to fat, oil and grease. They are interested to look for resellers or distributors to distribute their degreaser products to cleaning companies,facilities management company,hospitals and hotels who has clogging pipes or grease trap problems. |