dinsdag 31 juli 2012

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network july 2012

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published August 2012.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in 50 countries, helps small companies find business opportunities across the European Union.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced by it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants

Innovative fuel conditioning system to reduce energy consumption in commercial and industrial buildings  
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company has developed a fuel conditioning system that offers significant energy savings for buildings. The system is based on a unique design and configuration of double nickel coated neodymium magnets attached to fuel lines feeding into gas or oil fired boilers. A molecular reaction improves combustion and leads to fuel savings between 6% and 10% with return on investment usually within 14 months. The developer seeks partners for commercial cooperation with technical assistance.

Technology for stone edge polishing sought
Technology REQUEST from Poland
A small company from south-east Poland is looking for technology for stone processing , allowing edge polishing. Technology should be proven and ready for market application. Commercial agreement with technical assistance is sought.

New capability in gas-phase synthesis and deposition of nano-clusters
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company specialised in physical vapour deposition coatings and coating equipment has developed a new capability for the gas-phase synthesis and deposition of nano-clusters. Clusters can be size selected with effective beam currents up to 1 nA, or partially size selected, increasing effective beam current by x3-4. Single and multi-element clusters can be created. The company seeks technical cooperation with end users for exploitation in high added value applications.

Block copolymer-based nanoparticles for drug delivery and bioimaging
Technology OFFER from Greece
A Greek research team with high expertise in the synthesis of novel water-soluble, biocompatible block copolymer materials for drug delivery and bioimaging is looking to establish technical collaboration for further development and optimisation of the novel technology with the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, research organisations and academia.

Natural, preferably organic fabric for use in nursery products
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
SME in North East England wants to develop an innovative nursery product for babies and toddlers and seeks manufacturer of natural, organic fabric for use in nursery products with a majority of certified-organic natural fibres (cotton, wool, silk, linen). The SME are looking to establish a licence (commercial) agreement or joint further development.

Dutch SME specialised in shredded tyres technology is looking for processing technology for application and potential investment
Technology REQUEST from Netherlands
A Dutch SME is a leading company in shredding and collection of wasted tires and the production of half-fabricates based on recycled rubber. The company invests in and builds shredding plants worldwide and is looking for new technology to process the shredded rubber material into innovative, high value materials. The Dutch partner offers production plant facilities, partnership in business development and potential investments in the framework of licence and joint venture agreements.

An Educational Device for the Development of Motor Creativity
Technology OFFER from Spain
An andalusian research group has developed a new device designed to enhance the development of motor creativity of the user (self-expression through the body, and to provide solutions and creative responses to physical stimulus) and increase the user´s motor skills, regardless other materials traditionally used in physical education. They are looking for entities from the sports and recreational fields to reach a licensing agreement(manufacturing under license)or a technical cooperation.

A life-saving Cell
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian company with a long experience in engineering and architecture services is creating a safe, accessible and functional space to provide protection in case of natural or man made disasters (seismic, flood, tornado, impact, explosions, etc.) The company is looking for other businesses and/or investors to establish partnerships in order to continue scientific and industrial research on innovation projects and/or already existing projects. Also technology license.

Development of a binder to produce thermal insulation panels from agricultural raw materials
Technology REQUEST from France
A French project leader is looking for a binder to produce a thermal insulating panel based on agricultural product. The material must be able to bind straw and/or corn cobs and/or grain bark. Ideally it will be an ecological material with thermical insulation properties. It can be a thermo binder, self binder, composite material. The project leader is looking for a license or manufacturing agreement, or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Innovative power management device for bicycle dynamo.
Technology OFFER from Poland
A Polish SME company operating in the LED lighting industry has developed a device for power management bicycle dynamo. This device provides power dynamos at a level significantly above the standard. The company is looking for a partner who is a manufacturer of LED light sources for bicycles, approved by the german market. The Polish company wants to make a commercial agreement with technical assistance. It is also possible to create a joint venture agreement.

Development of Fundamental technology of magnetic substance holding device combining the characteristics of permanent magnet and electromagnet
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean company has developed a magnetic substance holding device which combines the characteristics of permanent magnet and electromagnet. This is a fundamental technology which is used for chuck, clamp, electromagnetic lock and so on. This technology is cost efficient since it has very strong holding force with a very small size. The company is looking for a partner for technical cooperation, joint venture, and commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Plasma deposited abrasion and scratch resistant layers
Technology OFFER from Germany
An institute of a German university specialised in microwave plasmas has developed high rate deposition processes for abrasion and scratch resistant layers on polymers, polycarbonate (PC) in particular, applicable on industrial level. Deposition rates of up to 50 µm per minute have been achieved. Apart from their high abrasion and scratch resistance, the silica films show excellent adhesion to PC. The institute looks for industrial partners for technical co-operation and joint research projects.

Oscillatory bars sieve for screening adherent bulk material
Technology OFFER from Romania
A Romanian institute created an oscillatory bars sieve for inertia screen usage in the case of screening adherent bulk material. Advantages over a classical wire sieve include continuous auto-cleaning process eliminate the necessity of washing the sieve or of a rubber cover sieve usage, the simplicity to exchange the run-out elements of the sieve.The institute is looking for industrial partners interested in producing and testing the product in order to establish the optimum-vibrating regime.

Disruptive 3D Software Applications for PC and Mobile Devices
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK company who specialise in the design and development, implementation and management of immersive and interactive 3D digital applications for computers, mobile devices and also large scale projection installations is seeking opportunities to collaborate with partners in Europe. Through potentially funded collaborative research and development, or consultancy based activities the company wish to explore how these disruptive technologies can be exploited and applied in to different sectors.

Mobile agricultural meal blender and dispenser.
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish engineering company specialising in products for the equestrian sector, have designed, developed and manufactured a novel mobile product that blends, stores and dispenses animal feed, thus creating large savings in terms of time and expense for the livestock industry. As the product is not part of the company’s core market focus they wish to partner with a suitable partner interested in acquiring their product for manufacture through license or other suitable partnership arrangement.

New Technologies for precision-engineering
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK company specialised in precision-engineering seeks new technological innovations for manufacture and sale in the UK. In particular it has expertise in precision-machining, sub-contract machining, prototype machining and the manufacture of CNC tool holders. The company wishes to establish partnerships for the manufacture and commercialisation of innovative precision-engineering solutions in the UK.

Innovative software application supporting cross docking
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME has developed a software application for logistics and distribution companies, facing two specific topics related to cross docking operations: (1) scheduling incoming loads day-by-day, and (2) accomplishing cross docking daily operations in the shortest time. The SME would cooperate with logistics and distribution companies interested in cross docking, and/or is looking for partners willing to extend their distribution and logistics software platform.

Partnership request for European Research Programms (KP7) 

PS: FP7-SME2-13:- End Users and RTOs sought for Carbon Nanotube Production Scale up Proposal

Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK SME and RTD provider have patented Carbon Nanotube (CN) production processes which if scaled up correctly will produce cost effective CN fibres and mats for a range of applications. The SME is coordinating a proposal for FP7-SME2-13 to design and build the scale-up reactor and seeks additiona RTO support for this process as well as End Users who can trial and test CN in applications such as Structural Composites, Batteries & Fuel Cells, Power Transmission/Conductors and Textiles.

PS: FP7 2013-NMP-ENV-EeB - Energy efficient retrofitting and renewal of existing buildings for sustainable urban districts.
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK university is preparing a proposal aimed to identify a process for the modelling, appraisal, analysis and improvement of energy performances of existing public sector building stock. The final goal of the project is to establish a methodology to model, manage, measure and reduce the carbon emissions of the existing buildings and their installed services. The university is looking for companies, research centres and public authorities to define integrated pilot actions at national level.

PS Eco-Innovation - Composite materials for the construction industry made from recycled materials and materials from responsible renewable sources.
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A UK based SME is coordinating an Eco-Innovation proposal aimed at developing a new family of composite materials for the construction industry made from recycled materials and materials from responsible renewable sources, which will provide a green alternative to high environmental impact/high energy consumption materials. Partners are sought from the wood pulp industry to supply the raw materials and innovative architects to help develop the market.

PS FP7-SME-2013-2 FLOWMORE - An innovative low cost method to enhance production from existing oil and gas fields
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A consortium, coordinated by a UK Oil & Gas SME, A UK University and a Swiss organisation is looking for research and industrial partners for an FP7 project with the objective of designing and manufacturing innovative flow boosting technologies to be used to increase and prolong production in existing well and production systems.

PS FP7-SME-2013-1 FlexiCell - a scalable, modular microgeneration energy storage solution designed for homes and businesses
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A consortium coordinated by a UK solar company is looking for several industrial (SME) and research partners for an FP7 project with the goal of developing a novel technology to enable consumers with local micro-generation renewable energy resources to store their generated power either for use later or for time managed offload to a distribution grid.

If you are interested in any of the above mentioned profiles, please do not hesitate to leave me a message. Contact will be established through the Enterprise Europe Network with the company behind the profile, free of charge and commission.

Would you like to brouse the database with profiles yourself, please visit the following website and fill in the keywords you are interested in.
HERE is the link to your new business partner

maandag 23 juli 2012

Guide-ID voet aan de grond in Europa door Syntens en het Enterprise Europe Network

Bron: Website Syntens:
In Nederland heeft het uit Deventer afkomstige bedrijf GuidID al jaren een zeer sterke marktpositie. En nu is de rest van Europa aan de beurt. Samen met Syntens werkte Guide ID verschillende mogelijkheden uit om in het buitenland voet aan de grond te krijgen.
Guide ID is gespecialiseerd in het ontwikkelen van hard- en software voor de museummarkt. Eén van hun producten, de Podcatcher, is een audiogids waarmee museumbezoekers zonder kabel of hoofdtelefoon door het museum kunnen lopen. Door middel van een klein zendertje - de IDentifier, die naast het tentoongestelde werk wordt geïnstalleerd - worden audiofragmenten op de Podcatcher geactiveerd. Daarnaast heeft Guide ID een app voor smartphones ontwikkeld, waarmee content na het scannen van een QR-code bekeken kan worden.
Podcatcher ontwerpen

Uniek concept: pay per user

"De producten van Guide ID zijn uniek voor de museummarkt", vertelt Frits Polman, Managing Director bij Guide ID. "We werken daarbij met het principe 'pay per user'; Guide ID krijgt een vergoeding per gebruiker van de Podcatcher. Het product zelf, inclusief het logo van het museum en de betreffende collectie, wordt gratis aan musea ter beschikking gesteld. Musea worden daarbij door middel van walk-ins met ons product bekend gemaakt. Bij een klant van ons organiseren we dan een dag waarop prospects de Podcatcher uit kunnen proberen en ze vragen aan ons kunnen stellen."

Op zoek naar exportmogelijkheden

Logo Enterprise Europe Network"We werken voor zeventig Nederlandse musea, waaronder dertig uit de top honderd", vertelt Polman verder. "In Nederland zijn er dus nog genoeg groeimogelijkheden, maar daarnaast waren we al een tijdje op zoek naar exportmogelijkheden. Maar hoe pak je dit goed aan? Samen met Olaf ter Haar, adviseur bij Syntens, hebben we een aantal Nederlandse bedrijven bezocht die al succesvol in het buitenland opereren. We wilden graag van anderen leren." "Guide ID is op zoek naar agenten en distributeurs in het buitenland", voegt Ter Haar toe. "Via het Enterprise Europe Network, een project van Syntens en Agentschap NL, wordt daarom ook een profiel uitgezet bij onze zeshonderd partnerorganisaties, waarna bedrijven uit heel Europa kunnen reageren. Syntens zorgt voor een follow-up en voor waarborging van de kwaliteit van de reacties. Daarnaast hebben we Guide ID geholpen bij het aanpassen van het product naar de juiste Europese keurmerken. Hiervoor hebben we ze doorverwezen naar kennispartijen uit ons zakelijke netwerk, zoals het World Trade Center Twente."

Podcatcher: olievlek over Europa

Sinds begin dit jaar heeft Guide ID al voet aan de grond gezet in Engeland, waar een medewerker de Podcatcher onder de aandacht probeert te brengen. Verder werkt Guide ID sinds kort samen met een aantal partners, waaronder het Saxion. "Buitenlandse studenten die aan het Saxion studeren gaan vanaf september voor ons aan de slag met het uitwerken van exportstrategieën voor Duitsland en Scandinavië", zegt Polman. "We hopen de Podcatcher als een olievlek over Europa te verspreiden."

vrijdag 20 juli 2012

Stork Hotlo terug naar Hengelo actie heeft uw steun nodig!

De laatste nog werkende scheepsdieselmotor van eigen bodem komt terug naar Twente/Hengelo. Van alle kanten, zowel vanuit Brazilië als in Nederland , heeft men SOS-Hotlo geholpen dit project van de grond te trekken. Van de huidige eigenaar Noble Drilling, via de Rotterdamse haven tot onze eigen provincie en gemeente, evenals bedrijven, krijgen wij ondersteuning, zowel in natura als in geld. Tevens hebben de Fuldauerstichting en de Rabobank grote bedragen toegezegd.

Vertrouwend op de vele adhesiebetuigingen van vrienden, bekende en onbekende belangstellenden hebben we de beslissing genomen om door te gaan, ondanks het gegeven dat de begroting nog niet helemaal sluitend is.
Draagt u ons en de Hotlo ook een warm hart toe en wilt u ons ook daadwerkelijk steunen? Onder het motto dat "Vele kleintjes in dit geval een hele grote (HOTLO) kunnen maken" doen wij dan een beroep op u om een bijdrage te storten op bankrekening 1442.95.008 ten name van Stichting Save Our Stork SOS Hotlo
U kunt ook heel gemakkelijk via onze website direct een bedrag overboeken via: http://www.sos-hotlo.nl/ORGANISATIE/00003/Begunstigers/Donatieknoppen/

Wilt u een substantiële bijdrage doen kijk dan hier: http://www.sos-hotlo.nl/ORGANISATIE/00003/Begunstigers/Gifteninformatie/

SOS-Hotlo heeft een culturele "ANBI" erkenning dus uw bijdrage is aftrekaar van de belasting en wel voor 125%. Stel u stort € 10,00 dan mag u op uw belastinaangifte bij giften €12,50 opvoeren, bij € 50,00: € 62,50. Wilt u daar meer over weten aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen.

Kent u meer mensen die de HOTLO een warm hart toe dragen, wilt u dan dit bericht doorsturen. Wij adviseren dit via <doorsturen> te doen en BCC te gebruiken voor adressering.
We hopen op deze wijze en binnen een kort tijdsbestek veel mensen te benaderen, als u per abuis meedere keren deze mail ontvangt, daarvoor bij voorbaat onze excuses.

Voor het meest actuele nieuws en ontwikkelingen over de HOTLO, volg ons via twitter: www.twitter.com/sos_hotlo of via Facebook www.facebook.com/soshotlo

Met vriendelijke groet, namens het bestuur van de stichting SOS-Hotlo,

Wil Kuipers
Vice voorzitter Stichting SOS-HOTLO
tel. 06 53911093 

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy