dinsdag 25 juli 2017

International co operation profiles on protecting man & environment from Enterprise Europe Network from July 2017

Source: Enterprise Europe Network

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published July 2017.

Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertise's external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.


Technology : Method of recuperative treatment of the zinc ion from residual solutions
Technology OFFER from Romania
A research team from a Romanian university has invented and patented a method of recuperative treatment of the zinc ions from residual solutions, method that has the advantage of establishing optimum conditions of cleaning solutions containing compounds of zinc waste. The research team is looking for industrial partners interested in license agreements and technical cooperation agreements.

Technology : Method of recuperative treatment of the nickel ion from residual solutions
Technology OFFER from Romania
A research team from a Romanian university has invented a method of recuperative treatment of the nickel ion from residual solutions. The method has as main advantage establishing optimum conditions of cleaning solutions containing compounds of the nickel waste. The research team is looking for industrial partners interested in license agreements and technical cooperation agreements.

Technology : Efficient cultivation and harvesting of microalgae
Technology OFFER from Spain
Two Spanish universities developed a more effective method for microalgae cultivation and harvesting, rising its yield up to 85% in comparison to existing photobioreactors on the market. The patented invention (not granted yet) is useful for algae biomass production at industrial scale. This biomass could be used for several applications, e.g. as a carbon source in biogas plants. Although open to technical cooperation, they are mainly interested in licensing the invetion to microalgae producers.

Technology : Enhanched photocatalysts that eliminate toxic organic molecules that commonly contaminate water or air
Technology OFFER from Spain
A research group from a Spanish university have developed a number of enhanced photocatalysts for the removal of contaminants, particularly organic molecules, from water and air decontamination processes using visible and UV light. The university research group is looking for a company interested in this technology in order to reach a license agreement.

Technology : Hourly weather history worldwide for any point on land and sea, since 1985, with full range of weather parameters and no gaps
Technology OFFER from Switzerland
Swiss company offers high precision hourly weather history data worldwide for any point on land and sea since 1985. Full range of parameters (temperature, humidity, wind, etc.). Data based on high precision simulations, which have been validated on >10,000 locations. Data is suitable for renewable energy assessment, building management, climate risk analysis, tourism, etc. Commercial agreement with technical assistance, license- or research cooperation agreement sought.

Technology : Romanian company from the poultry farming sector is looking for a technology to recycle chicken manure
Technology REQUEST from Romania
A Romanian company active in the poultry farming sector is looking for an innovative technology to transform the chicken manure into secondary products for the company, based on a research/technical cooperation agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Business : French company specialised in water/soil decontamination is looking for exclusive importers for their absorbing preparation cleaning up harmful spills, hazardous soils and any petroleum-based fluids
Business OFFER from France
French company specialised in water and soil decontamination is looking for trade intermediaries and especially exclusive importers (distributor or sales agent) for their absorbing preparation.

Business : A Romanian company, specialized in the collection, dismantling, sorting, recovering and recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment seeks partners to conclude a distribution agreement.
Business OFFER from Romania
A Romanian Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling company is seeking private partners from Germany, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Greece and Belgium, with environmental permits and other certificates in the recycling field to conclude a distribution agreement. The company offers for sale components resulting from the dismantling process of electrical and electronic waste (circuit boards, cables, coils, motors, plastics, metals, glass, etc.).

Business : Italian distributor is looking for suppliers of innovative industrial equipment, electromechanical and automation components for the European market
Business REQUEST from Italy
Italian SME, belonging to an international group, offers itself as distributor for the European market. The company is looking for suppliers of technical and innovative products such as: electric and electromechanical components, products for automation and robotics, industrial equipment, medical equipment and devices, technologies related to Internet of Things (IoT) and renewable energy. The company offers a collaboration under a distribution, a commercial agency or a services agreement.

Business : Looking for a distributor for a smart phone accessory that can monitor radioactive levels, electromagnetic fields, and etc.
Business OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A Korean company as a developer and supplier of software, multimedia technologies and device connectivity has developed a product that monitors personal environment such as radioactivity, electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet rays, temperature humidity, and etc. By connecting the product to a smart phone, a customer can measure the surroundings and avoid harmful substances. The company is looking for a European distributor for product sales under the distribution agreement.

Business : A Chinese company is looking for distributors for waste tyre pyrolysis production line equipment in the European market.
Business OFFER from China
A Chinese environmental protection company has developed a set of intelligent waste tyre pyrolysis production line equipment for waste tyre recycling. Now, they are looking for distributors for their equipment in the European market via a distribution agreement.

Business : A Chinese company offers industrial waste gas treatment equipment to the European market
Business OFFER from China
A Chinese environmental protection company developed a series of industrial waste gas treatment equipment with the latest technology, which have high purification efficiency and strong processing capacity to save electricity. They are looking for distributors for their industrial waste gas treatment equipment in the European market. Cooperation could be worked out under a distribution agreement.

Business : Israeli wind (small vertical axis and large wind turbine enhancers) and hydro (in-pipe and in river/tide) technologies provider looks for representatives and distributors
Business OFFER from Israel
Israeli company offers innovative early stage products in renewable energy:(1)unique small wind turbines for rooftops and other locations;(2)technology for increasing power output of large wind turbines in wind farms by 30-40%;(3)in-pipe hydroelectric turbine that also functions as a pressure breaker or pressure valve while producing electricity at high efficiency;(4)and run of river and tidal turbines. Co-operation sought is local representation\ distribution with sales and project-development

Business : French furnaces for industry are offered for commercial agency or a distribution services agreement in Spain or Portugal.
Business OFFER from France
A French designer and manufacturer of highly engineered furnaces for high technology and nuclear industries, research institutes, is looking for a distributor or a sales agent in Spain or Portugal.

Technology : Air quality and odor emission Automated sampling & monitoring system
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian SME, active in industrial and environmental instrumentation and monitoring, developed an innovative system for remote odor emissions sampling & air quality monitoring, performing the tasks needed for public surveillance, as timely activation to get air samples and check them against threshold concentration limits. Research cooperation agreement with Public Entities and/or Commercial agreement with technical assistance are needed for finalising and testing the product.

Technology : A Chinese company is looking for technology of testing equipment of biomass fuels
Technology REQUEST from China
A Chinese company specializing in biomass fuels is looking for testing equipment that can measure major parameters of biomass fuels simultaneously. Any testing technique of biomass fuels is welcomed. The company wishes to find partner with universities, companies or research institutes. Research and Technical cooperation agreements are sought. The company is also open to other collaborartion agreements.

Business : A Greek company with extensive experience in auditing and certification services mainly for quality management systems, in sectors including maritime, hospitality, e-learning & food seeks business partners, through a services agreement.
Business OFFER from Greece
A Greek SME with 30 years’ experience in providing accredited certification, inspection and auditing services for the maritime, hospitality, e-learning and food sectors wishes to offer its package of support services in matters of safety, security, environmental protection and regulatory compliance to companies interested in offering such services to their clients, under a services agreement.

Technology : NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) Multiplexer hardware manufacturers with satellite connection incorporated for maritime solutions.
Technology REQUEST from Spain
Spanish sensor network technologies specialised company is requesting an NMEA multiplexer technology which storages data from sensors and is able to communicate with a satellite, in order to integrate within a maritime fleet intelligence platform that collects and analyses with big data technologies the sensor data generated by ships. The data will be obtained on a real-time basis. The company is interested in technical cooperation agreements.


Handelsregister KvK vanaf 17 juni 2017 gratis inzages voor ondernemers.

Bron: KvK

Vanaf 17 juli 2017 is na veel publieke discussie het Handelsregister van de Kamer van Koophandel gratis inzichtelijk via de KvK app. Tevens zijn er twee open datasets beschikbaar.

De Kamer van Koophandel geeft vanaf 17 juli alle ondernemers de mogelijkheid om per jaar dertig gratis inzages te krijgen in ondernemingen die in het Handelsregister staan.

Daarnaast stelt de KvK kosteloos twee geanonimiseerde sets met open data beschikbaar waarmee analyses en bijvoorbeeld apps gemaakt kunnen worden. De ene set is een geanonimiseerd overzicht van ondernemingen en in de andere set zitten geanonimiseerde gegevens uit jaarrekeningen.

Goed om te weten
De 30 gratis inzages kan je krijgen via de KvK App Handelsregister. De KvK Handelsregister app kunt u downloaden van de Kamer van Koophandel en u  krijg direct toegang tot het officiĂ«le Nederlandse Handelsregister. Met de KvK App Handelsregister ziet u onder andere:
  • hoe lang een bedrijf al bestaat,
  • de contactgegevens van een bedrijf,
  • wie de eigenaren en/of wettelijke vertegenwoordigers zijn.
De gratis credits voor de 30 uittreksels zijn als volgt te activeren:
  • Bij Android gaat dit automatisch bij installatie. Voor Android tablets zonder 3G of 4G functionaliteit is de gratis credit niet beschikbaar.
  • Bij iOS kan je dit aanzetten door eenmalig 'Activeer gratis aankopen' te selecteren. Bij iOS dien je iCloud te activeren. Hoe je iCloud installeert en wat de instellingen zijn wordt uitgelegd in de app tijdens de installatie.
  • Voor Windows / Nokia is geen app beschikbaar.

Vanaf 17 juni om 9.00 uur zijn de open data sets te downloaden:
  • KvK Handelsregister open data set: Met de KvK Handelsregister Open Data Set krijgt u een aantal bedrijfsgegevens, geanonimiseerd, uit het Handelsregister. De data set wordt wekelijks geactualiseerd.
  • KvK Jaarrekeningen open data set: Met de KvK Jaarrekeningen Open Data Set krijgt u in Ă©Ă©n bestand alle recent (afgelopen drie gesloten boekjaren aangevuld met het lopende jaar) vastgestelde, geanonimiseerde, bij de Kamer van Koophandel, in XBRL-formaat gedeponeerde jaarrekeningen. Het bestand is beschikbaar in XML formaat.
Een betekenisvolle stap
Minister Kamp van Economische Zaken zegde de gratis inzages en de geanonimiseerde datasets vorig jaar toe aan de Tweede Kamer. Hij noemde dit “een betekenisvolle stap”, ook omdat er met het beschikbaar stellen van deze gegevens weinig risico’s op het gebied van privacy en fraude zijn. Hij geeft hiermee invulling aan het kabinetsbeleid voor open data en de maatschappelijke wens om informatie van het Handelsregister meer als open data te ontsluiten. Deze stap geeft, zo schreef hij vorig jaar in zijn brief aan de Tweede Kamer, ook de ruimte om de effecten van het ter beschikking stellen van het Handelsregister als open data te monitoren en een aantal zaken rondom privacy nader uit te werken.

Andere KvK apps
Naast de KvK App Handelsregister, waarmee de gratis inzages mogelijk worden, heeft de KvK nog de speciale apps voor zzp’ers (KvK Connect), voor nieuwe inschrijvingen in het Handelsregister (KvK Bedrijvenradar), voor het OnderNemerSplein Rotterdam (ONSapp) en een app met verhalen van ondernemers (OP Verhalen App).

maandag 24 juli 2017

Webinar Intellectual Propertyrights: Online IP Protection in China and South-East Asia 

Source:China and South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk

Internet usage continues to boom in China and in South-East Asia. The region is effectively boasting with the largest number of internet users in the world, which opens up many opportunities for the European SMEs. Moreover, the growing trend towards online shopping for products and services mean that the Internet is now both a way to communicate with customers and, for many companies, their main sales channel. While being a gateway to customers, the internet is also an excellent place for the counterfeiters to do business. Thus, a robust online IP protection strategy is a key to business success in China and South-East Asia.

Join the China and South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk expert Mr. Patrice Vidon on Wednesday, 26 July 2017 for a webinar: "Online IP Protection in China and South-East Asia” This webinar will give European SMEs an overview of online IP protection tools in China and South-East Asia. The expert will provide real life case studies involving European SMEs experiencing and overcoming IP issues with their online business.

The expert will focus on the following topics:
  • What types of IP rights are relevant to online businesses?
  • Why and How should European SMEs protect these IP rights?
  • What could SMEs do in case of an infringement?
  • Expert tips on how to draft a comprehensive IP strategy in both regions.
  • Case studies.
This is a free of charge 45-minute web-based presentation, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session on Wednesday, 26 July 2017 at 10:00 Brussels time (15:00 Ho Chi Minh time /16:00 Beijing time). Get valuable insights from our expert, and ask questions live throughout the webinar!

Register HERE to participate in this webinar

Language: English

We hope to see you soon!

The China and South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesks are European Union co-funded projects that provide European SMEs with free, practical, business advice relating to IPR in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and South-East Asia. To learn about any aspect of intellectual property rights in in China or South-East Asia, including protecting your copyrights in the creative sector, visit our online portal at http://www.ipr-hub.eu/. For free expert advice on China and South-East Asia IPR for your business, e-mail your questions to: question@china-iprhelpdesk.eu and question@southeastasia-iprhelpdesk.eu. You will receive a reply from one of the Helpdesk experts within three working days.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy