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For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.
Device and method for diagnosis and on-line monitoring of cables for the transmission of electric signals Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian research institute has developed a device and method for continuous monitoring of quality of measurements coming from electric cables in industrial applications. The device is able to detect, also in hostile environments, cable ageing, signal integrity and faults. Industrial partners are searched for further development and field test of the patented device. |
LED bulbs with proprietary remote phosphor technology Technology OFFER from Italy A company in the North East of Italy is interested to get in contact with industrial partners interested to adopt its LED lamps for their lighting appliances and devices. These LED lamps use a proprietary patented technology for remote phosphor caps and have unique characteristics with good performance of high efficacy & wide beam angle. The company is interest to reach commercial agreement with technical assistance or technological cooperation agreements |
New cost effective technique for painted surfaces treatment against ageing Business OFFER from France The French company is specialized in the treatment of all surfaces as gel coat, painted surfaces, wood, glass, steel and all textiles with a new process reducing the ageing of painting about ten years. This treatment is based on a specific surface preparation, and then on polymers application on the surface. This treatment is actually used for Yacht Repair activities but also adapted to any other painted surfaces. Partners interested to promote this service and bring customers are sought. |
Vertical axis wind turbine Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek SME has developed a new vertical axis wind turbine of innovative design. The wind turbine can easily fit in the surrounding environment thanks to its special shape and can operate in a very wide range of wind force. The Greek company is looking for commercial collaboration with technical assistance with companies active in the renewable energy sources field. |
Patented flexible instrumentation for the treatment of spinal column pathologies Technology OFFER from France French surgeons patented a titanium implant with springs that refers to the devices of unstable rachidian osteosynthesis. The apparatus has lengthwise supports in form of single or double spiral springs to allow for movement. Posterior insertion reduces the time of the surgical act avoiding the obligatory time of bending on the rigid connections. Manufacturers of medical implants in titanium are sought for a Licence agreement to produce the dedicated apparatus. |
Enhancing efficiency of photovoltaic modules by adding a special layer to coverages Technology OFFER from Austria An Austrian SME developed a cost-effective method to convert frequencies of light. A nanostructured layer enlarges the spectrum of exploitable wavelengths and thus increases efficiency of solar cells by 5%. The technology can be applied to any glass or synthetic coverage of photovoltaic (PV) modules. The company is looking for cooperation partners to further develop the technology and implement such layers in existing PV covers. Patent will be applied for. |
Heat pumps: domestic hot water dedicated to energy-positive buildings and industries Technology OFFER from France A French innovative SME involved in New EnergyTechnologies (NET) developed an innovative heat pump to produce domestic hot water, with very high energy efficiency in rupture with conventional technologies. The Coefficient Of Performance (COP) is of 6.4 (which means that final energy consumption is divided by 6.4) to heat water up to 58°C by recovering heat from grey waters at 30°C. Commercial agreement with technical support and technical cooperation are sought. |
Innovative technological equipment complex for log houses manufacturing plant Technology OFFER from Latvia A Latvian company has developed technology for designing and manufacturing of log houses. The technology is based on a specific corner seam design of the logs that ensure excellent heat insulation during the natural wooden structures ‘sitting’ process. The log house keeps heat during the winter and coolness during the summer. The houses are suitable for exploitation in any climate. The company offers commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Sustainable, Energy-Autonomous, Bioclimatic, Hydroponic Greenhouse Technology OFFER from Greece A Greek company in the field of renewable energy sources, has developed a novel sustainable, energy-autonomous, hydroponic greenhouse. The innovative Greenhouse is a product tailored for covering the needs of farmland and freshwater stagnated areas, using renewable energy. They are open mainly to financial, technical, joint venture &/or commercial agreement (with technical assistance adapted to the customers needs) with public & private enterprises in the renewable energy sector. |
Universal fuel range indicator device for a CNG or GPL vehicle Technology OFFER from Italy An italian inventor has developed a high precision device for CNG or GPL vehicles indicating the residual fuel in a BI-FUEL or BI-POWER vehicle and counting the residual distance that a vehicle is able to run on the basis of the alternative fuel (CNG or LPG) remaining in the tank. He is looking for industrial partner operating in the automotive sector for licence agreement and transfer of the IP rights. |
Manipulation technology for high pressure water jet glass plate cutting Technology REQUEST from Netherlands A Dutch SME is specialized in the production of high pressure water jet cutting machines for the steel construction sector. The company discovered that their water jet cutting technology is also useful for cutting large glass plates. To design a machine for this special application, the Dutch company is interested in technical cooperation with partners that have experience with computer numerical controlled manipulators to handle and guide glass plates and/or machines for the glass industry. |
Turkish SME requesting distributor for patented food and drink packaging Business REQUEST from Turkey A Turkish SME has designed a patented food and drink package which resembles a round wok box and can hold 2 or more types of food and a drink. This design is especially suitable for food stants in concerts, fairs, shopping malls. The SME is looking for a distributor for their product. |
Autonomous non-contact device for detecting oil spills on water in real time Technology OFFER from Estonia An Estonian SME has developed an autonomous non-contact sensor that detects oil spills on water in real time. Real-time detection of oil spills offers major economic and environmental benefits derived from early detection of leaks and helps to identify the origin of the leak. Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance is sought. |
Short term solar irradiance forecast system and output power prediction for solar photovoltaic power plants based on sky images Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish company has developed a solar irradiance forecast system which includes short term intra-hour irradiance predictions, based on sky cameras to analyse clouds evolution. The system also predicts output power from irradiance estimations using machine learning. Partners in the photovoltaic industry are sought for technical or research cooperation, or commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Long term solar irradiance forecast system and output power prediction for solar photovoltaic power plants based on meteorological data Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish company has developed a solar irradiance forecast system which includes long term forecasts (on an hourly basis, up to 15 days), based on meteorological data. The system also predicts output power from irradiance estimations using machine learning. Partners in the photovoltaic industry are sought for technical or research cooperation, or commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Heat pump for production of hot water, heating and cooling. Technology REQUEST from Greece A Greek SME is in the process of constructing a new agro-tourism complex in Crete. The complex will constitute of traditional stone houses as well as space for recreational activities.The company is looking for suppliers and/or manufacturers of an innovative heat pump that apart from the heating and cooling solutions, can produce hot water to the complex. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Working platform and network for disabled people garments Technology OFFER from Romania A Romanian institute has developed a project that aims to contribute at increased quality of life for target people with disabilities like poor growth, disproportionately body, obesity, asymmetric posture, deficient spinal, deficient joints, obese and elderly people by a better choice, fitting and functional clothing and textile products. The objective is to develop an innovative working platform and network support for design the garment of target people. |
Energy saving oxygenation unit used in biological treatment of industrial waste water Technology OFFER from Sweden A Swedish engineering company has improved the efficiency of oxygenation process in biological treatment of industrial waste waters. The oxygenation unit can be used in shallow basins and enables a more efficient and controlled use of oxygen without aerosols formation. The company is looking for industries or municipalities interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance and adaptation to specific needs to implement new waste water process. |
Video-surveillance and video-analysis system Business OFFER from Italy An Italian SME specialized in video surveillance and video analysis is looking for partners from EU countries interested in finding new distributors. To the foreign partner cooperating with the Italian company means to get a partner available to offer advanced solutions in the implementation of video analysis systems to meet an increasingly growing market. |
Serbian company is producing electronic products and systems associated with medical, dental, and photovoltaic devices Business REQUEST from Serbia Serbian SME is producing electronic products and systems associated with medical and dental devices, as well as renewable energy systems such as solar photovoltaic systems. The company is looking for trade intermediary - distributors for its products on foreign markets. |
Looking for manufacturer of aluminum knobs Business REQUEST from Sweden Swedish company is looking for a manufacturer of an aluminum knob for a percolator. The knob is positioned on the percolators lid. The partner should work as a subcontractor and produce the special designed aluminum knobs. |
Low cost, high performance, ‘smart’ window technology for full control of light and heat Technology OFFER from Cyprus A Cypriot SME active in the field of smart or switchable glass technology has created a window technology for complete control of light and heat on windows; from full transparency to complete opacity, or to a frosted state, for privacy. No electricity is required. Manufacturing costs are very low. The window can be used in buildings and vehicles to maximize energy efficiency and comfort. The SME seeks partners for acquisition agreement, licensing, research or technical cooperation agreement. |
Large Scaled Solar Thermal Water Heating system Technology REQUEST from Israel An Israeli company is looking for technology to design and plan a solar thermal water heating system of large scale. Ideally, the technology should be ready for final implementation in turn-key projects. The cooperation may be performed as a partnership in turn-key projects. |
Solar thermal systems Business OFFER from Greece A medium sized Greek company, one of the pioneers in solar thermal systems, is looking for commercial representatives abroad. The products of the company are of excellent quality and performance, covering a wide range of needs. The company is also keen to providing solar thermal systems under manufacturing agreement to interested manufacturing companies. |
Self-powered solar terminal as intelligent urban furniture Business OFFER from France French SME looking for trade intermediairies in European countries for products distribution of a totally self-powered solar terminal for power and service distribution as intelligent urban furniture. The terminal, thanks to solar energy, enables to charge electronic devices everywhere in town: all phones, smartphones, tablets, computer… thanks to 220V plug and a USB port. |
Lubricant-Free Epicyclic Gear for Uses e.g. in the Field of Medical Technology Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME offers a new technology in the field of epicyclic gears. The innovation works from -40°C to +122°C free of lubricants. The lubricant-free gear is smaller and lighter than normal gears. No contamination is caused by oils and fats. The innovation is used in the automotive sector and ICT. But the benefit of smaller gears should be highly interesting e.g. for medical technology. Thus the company is looking for partners in this industry for a license agreement. |
Additive which improves the biomass’s heating power and lowers the amount of ash after burnout. Technology OFFER from Poland Polish micro company specialized in the field of optimizing of solid fuel combustion has developed special additive which improves the biomass’s heating power. The additive is dedicated for wood briquettes producers. Improving of heating power is from 18% to 22%. The company is looking for commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Pre-industrial valorization of pilot systems elaborated for waste water treatment . Technology OFFER from Belgium The environmental department of a Belgian collective centre is looking for cooperation partners for the pre-industrial valorization of pilot systems elaborated for the treatment of industrial waste water. The first pilot is based on an oxidative treatment and the second on a algae-bacteria combination treatment. Moreover, the centre is looking for partners for the set up of new research projects in the fields of waste water treatment, sewage sludge, soil purification. |
Large area of graphene nanocrystals layers on non-restricted substrates Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish public research center and two U.S.A. universities have developed a method of growing large area of graphene nano-crystals (GNC) layers on a substrate with the only requirement that is able to withstand the conditions of the process. The size of crystals is accurately controlled both with the temperature and the duration of deposition, so that the method can produce large scale graphene layers. Industrial partners are being sought to license the technology. |
Charging infrastructure for electrical vehicles (charging points and IT platform for Electrical Vehicles. Technology OFFER from Belgium A Brussels-based company specialized in manufacturing of electronic devices for the industrial and energy sector developed electrical mobility solutions based on IT platform for charging points parks. The company is offering his innovative technology to partners having a specific demand for e-vehicles infrastructure willing to cooperate under commercial agreements with technical assistance and technical cooperation. |
Skill toy and lifestyle accessory-‘EU Moving Stars’ Business OFFER from Germany A German engineering office has developed a patented skill toy and lifestyle accessory. A small steel disc moves along a profiled ring of about 7cm diameter and with skilful movements the user can hold the disc in ‘endless’ movement. The toy can be used e.g. as bracelet or pendant and carries the 12 stars of the EU logo in form of beads on the surface of the disc. It could therefore be a promotion article for all EU institutions. The SME is looking for a license or cooperation agreement. |
ECOLOGIC SOLVENT DESIGNED TO SUBSTITUTE CLASSIC PETROCHEMICAL SOLVENTS Technology OFFER from Romania A Romanian Research Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry designed an ecological solvent having alkyl esters of fatty acids as a main component and to a process for preparing the same by the chemical transformation of vegetable oils. |
Hydraulic cylinders with improved properties regarding costs and reliability Technology OFFER from Germany A company from northern Germany, specialized in engineering and construction of nonstandard hydraulic cylinders, has developed innovative hydraulic systems: an integral cleading cylinder and a monoblock bolt cylinder. Currently the cylinders are used within agricultural machines or in the navigation and automotive sector - vital function doors, locks and shots. The company is looking for partners for commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Accredited electronic calibration services dedicated to high frequency and electromagnegtic compatibility instruments. Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch company is offering accredited electronic calibration services dedicated to high frequency (HF) and electromagnegtic compatibility EMC instruments. The company is one of three accredited calibration laboratories in Europe that can offer this package of EMC and RF calibrations.The company is looking for industries that make use of these instruments including ISO17025 accredited test laboratories. In addidition it provides dedicated trainings and technical consultancy services. |
Unmanned system for civil uses Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish company is specialized in the development of unmanned systems and composite structures. The company is designing and manufacturing its own aircrafts made of composite materials (such as fiber glass and kevlar) as well as all the ground support and control equipments. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance for implementing the system in companies working in agriculture or in the environmental field, for instance to monitor crop productions or fires. |
A modern nini-central unit for gas detection Technology OFFER from Poland A polish SME company specializes in detection of toxic and explosive gases systems for industry. The modern, microprocessor CPU (Central Processing Unit) intended for use in detection systems (detection) of explosive and toxic gases has been developed and implemented by the company. The company is looking for partners from fire protection area for using license agreement, know-how and commercial agreement with technical assistance . |
Generation of heat from poultry droppings using biomass boiler system Technology OFFER from Ireland An Irish SME involved in the manufacture & supply of agricultural equipment has developed a complete on farm solution utilising poultry droppings to generate heat by way of a biomass boiler system. This is a fully automated system from material handling & storage right through to hot water distribution system within a poultry unit. The company is seeking partners for licensing agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Hardened RFID tag operating on metal parts and/or harsh environments Technology OFFER from France A French university has set-up and patented a Radio Frequency Identification tag for metal parts and/or harsh environments. These passive & hardened tags are conceived to be easily manufactured, with compact size and read/write capabilities. Industries requiring RFID tags operating on metal parts and/or harsh environments are sought for license agreement or R&D collaboration (possibly co-funded). |
Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of second-generation bioethanol Technology OFFER from Spain An Andalusian research group developed a procedure for making soluble the lignin and other polymers responsible for the low digestibility of lignocellulosic materials. This new procedure utilizes hydrogen peroxide in conditions of high pressure for digesting the material. This pre-hydrolysis stage is essential for extracting maximum amounts of the sugars that are subsequently fermented to produce second-generation bioethanol. They seek industrial partner for licensing or technical cooperation. |
Solderable system-on-module for embedded applications Technology OFFER from Czech Republic A Czech SME manufactures solderable system-on-module for embedded applications. Main advantage is unlimited software possibilities, high configurability and easy board placement and soldering. The SME is looking for international partners for Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance, Adaptation to specific needs or Technical cooperation. |
Innovative microwave scanner for near and far field characterization & measurements of objects Technology OFFER from France A French state laboratory has developed and patented a microwave scanner; an innovative wave generator for both near and far field measurements. It enables to characterize objects and their defects with higher resolution, thanks to evanescent waves improving sensitivity & energy transfer into objects. Entities dealing with Non Destructive Control, imaging, measurements, characterization are sought for license agreement and R&D collaboration (possibly co-funded). |
Saving bandwidth solution: multi-channel wireless transmission on a single carrier frequency Technology OFFER from France A French university has developed and patented a saving bandwidth solution for multi-channel wireless transmissions; allowing simultaneous transmission of independent channels on a single carrier frequency with low computational load. Civil or military entities working in communication are sought for license agreement or R&D collaboration (possibly co-funded). |
Innovative marine ecological propulsion system Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company operating in the maritime engineering services sector has designed an innovative technology based on a revolutionary electric propulsion system allowing boats to sensibly reduce their environmental impacts. The company is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance provided with respect to assembly and maintenance of the technology. License agreements and technical cooperation agreements are considered as well. |
A Polish company is specialized in production of bags and accessories for transporting and storing firewood, useful also for garden work. Business REQUEST from Poland A Polish company is specialized in production of bags and accessories for transporting and storing firewood, useful also for garden work. The company is looking for trade intermediary service (agent, representative, distribution). |
Innovative portable energy storage system Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company operating in the renewable energy services sector has designed an innovative portable storage system of cogeneration of energy and water from discontinuous renewable energy sources from sun, wind and sea. The company is looking for partners interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance and manufacturing agreement for local production in partners’ own countries. |
An Irish company focusing on high-specification plastics injection moulding is offering its expertise and precision moulding capabilities to international partners. Business OFFER from Ireland A manufacturing company from Ireland with 34 years experience of highly specialised plastics injection moulding is offering its expertise and precision moulding capabilities to international partners. Services available include rapid prototyping, tool design, construction and trialing. |
New innovative lighting solution for office spaces substituting fluorescent lamps and improving lighting performance Business OFFER from France A French company has developed a new lighting product that can substitute fluorescent lamps mainly in office spaces to render the light softer and to improve the performance of office lighting installations. The company is looking for distributors or trade agents and is also open for reciprocal distribution under the condition of being distributed. |
Polish innovative technology park Business OFFER from Poland Polish company, a technology park, working in the field of innovative renewable energy technologies and modern transportation devices is looking for companies interested in the implementation of joint innovative projects. The company has the infrastructure required for the implementation of very demanding and innovative concepts and ideas. The company invites commercial companies, inventors, research institutions and investors to possible cooperation. It is looking for joint venture agreement. |
German business association for the support of environmental technologies offers plant technology, engineering services, further education, reference plants, R&D Business OFFER from Germany A German business association for the support of environmental technologies offers the delivery of plant technology, engineering services, further education, reference plants, R&D especially to Eastern Europe, Latin America, South-East Asia and Africa for the development of joint projects, also as subcontractor. It looks for service representatives (e.g. agents), providers of subcontracting services and/or joined venture partners on the local markets. |
Trade partners sought for used forklifts Business OFFER from Germany A German company is one of the largest manufacturer-independent provider of used forklifts world-wide. It is looking for trade intermediary services and providing the respective logistic support. Partners are expected to trade on their own account. |
Hovercrafts – innovative transport in hostile environments and terrain Technology OFFER from Poland Polish SME, expert in hovercraft construction as well as boats and other vehicles, is interested in international cooperation. The company has developed an ultramodern, highly advanced hovercraft, designed for rescue operations. The vehicle is ready to operate in extreme conditions and hostile environments and terrain. SME is looking for opportunities to produce even larger machines and is searching for foreign partners interested in joint research, manufacturing, investing and other activities. |
Smart grids applied to the multiple applications: Communications and sensor networks Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research group develops and implements smart grids for multiple applications such as heterogeneous wireless sensor networks capable of responding to the needs of communication, sensing and distributed intelligence in a flexible, autonomous, robust and efficient way. The research group is looking for companies acquiring this technology for its exploitation or joining further development |
Small Turbojet design and development Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian SME that designs and develops small turbojet and turbo-shaft engines, is currently developing a turbojet in the size of 175 daN thrust and a turbo-shaft in the range of 120 kW for very light aircraft (VLA), energy generation systems and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV). The Italian SME is looking for aircraft and UAV manufacturers interested to install these products on their aircrafts. |
New CCTV technology for peaceful management of crowds Technology OFFER from France A French SME specialized in CCTV video images interpretation provides a system that helps crowd controllers to manage crowd moves through intelligent video camera image for counting (including dense crowds), to detect incident and to produce statistics for experienced consolidation. They need experimentation partners that would participate in definition of needs and would integrate and deploy the system for end-users in order to collect end-user feedback on the principles of the system. |
UK company specialising in Security Marking and Registration System for motorbikes is looking for distributors Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company has created a system for protecting motorbikes against theft and cloning that provides permanent covert and overt identification. They are looking for distributors specialising in security and lock systems for motorbikes to add the system to the range. |
A location notification device for sufferer’s life saving during the accident at sea Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean research institute has developed a location notification device for saving life of a sufferer during the incident at sea. This technology is mainly used as passenger’s safety device at ship, flight and other transportation. The features of this technology are that it is easy to operate and cost less to maintain. It reduces time for search and rescue sufferer so increases chance to survive. The institute is looking for a partner licensing agreement. |
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Instruments and Software Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch company specialized in R&D and manufacturing of measurement instruments, test systems and software dedicated to the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) market is looking for end users, such as industrial, commercial and governmental laboratories. The company offers high tech consulting and training to clients to implement the technology. |
UK automotive components agent and distributor offers UK sales channel Business REQUEST from United Kingdom Experienced automotive component sales and marketing agent offers trade intermediary services to international automotive parts manufacturing companies wishing to establish a sustainable UK retail and distribution network. Located in the South West UK. |
Italian Transportation Company looking for business relations in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary or Croatia Business OFFER from Italy The Italian company is specialized in specific transport (bulk and waste) with high degree specialization of employee is looking for transports companies that are in market of bulk loading or waste loading and also companies with interest in transport of bulk material or waste material from or to Italy in order to collaborate to furnish transportation services. |
Small Turbojet design and development Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian SME that designs and develops small turbojet and turbo-shaft engines, is currently developing a turbojet in the size of 175 daN thrust and a turbo-shaft in the range of 120 kW for very light aircraft (VLA), energy generation systems and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV). The Italian SME is looking for aircraft and UAV manufacturers interested to install these products on their aircrafts. |
Polish company dealing with car parts production and assembly offers its subcontracting. Business OFFER from Poland Polish company dealing with car parts prodcuction and assembly, experienced in car mechanics and body work and painting, is offering its subcontracting in the area of manufacturing of mechanical and electromechanical car parts. Company has its own workshop where all kinds of repairs can be performed including restoration of classic cars. |