Source: Automotive NL
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 11th Automotive Congress in the Netherlands: Challenges for the Automotive Industry!
AutomotiveNL, RAI Automotive Industry & Mikrocentrum
This event has over the last years proven to be the most important and interesting happening on the Dutch automotive technology calender. The congress and its participants will proudly reveal the state-of-art technology and discuss the challenges we face in this exiting industry. Various executive key note speeches and parallel sessions from leading companies will inform and discuss about most relevant current topics.
The Automotive industry is a truly global sector characterized by complex value chains and continuous innovations, Internationalisation and Collaboration are key words for success. It is also for this reason that the organizing partners of this event, AutomotiveNL, RAI Automotive Industry and Mikrocentrum, are more than happy to join their forces. We are particularly pleased that the venue, like last congress, will be the Automotive Campus in Helmond.
What can you expect?
There will be international speakers from Car Manufacturers / Suppliers, we will focus on specific developments in smart mobility, green mobility, manufacturing & logistics and materials & design. We will also provide you with guided tours at Automotive companies. Besides there will be an exhibition for Automotive companies.
Challenges for the Automotive Industry!
Automotive Congress 2017
7 & 8 June 2017
Automotive Campus 30, 5708 JZ Helmond, The Netherlands
Opening hours 09h15 - 17h30
More information
In the coming weeks we will inform you about the program and registration HERE, If you have any questions or suggestions please send an e-mail to

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