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maandag 13 maart 2017
Save the Date - 6th Biobased Performance Materials Symposium 15 June 2017
Source: RU Wageningen
We are pleased to announce that the 6th Biobased Performance Materials symposium will take place in Wageningen, the Netherlands on Thursday, 15 June 2017. Please save this date in your calendar.
The 2017 edition of the BPM symposium will focus on the topic “How R&D on biobased materials leads to market entry”. Key industry players from the entire value chain- ranging from agrifood to polymer processing companies, end application producers and users, will reflect on their R&D strategies. Registration for this event is now open!
Programme at a glance
9.00 Registration
9.30 Welcome & Opening of the symposium
9.35 Importance of biobased performance materials for the Netherlands
9.45 Introduction to the BPM programme
10.00 Presentation 1: Raw materials
11.30 Presentation 2: Building blocks
12.30 Lunch
13.45 Presentation 3: Polymers
15.30 Presentation 4: Products
17.00 Closing remarks, reception & drinks
We will anounce the detailed programme, including our keynote speakers, in April.
We hope to welcome you in Wageningen on June 15th. Register now or contact us if you have any further questions related to the programme, location or accommodation.
Kind regards, on behalf of the organising team,
Christiaan Bolck
Director of the BPM research programme
For more information, contact
BPM Project Office
T: +31 317 480229
E: bpm.projectoffice@wur.nl
I : www.biobasedperformancematerials.nl
In the Biobased Performance Materials (BPM) research programme, companies and knowledge institutes from across the value chain are working together in developing high-quality materials based on biomass; materials that are being increasingly applied in practice. The research focuses on two types of materials: polymers produced by plants, and polymers from biobased building blocks produced via biotechnology or chemical catalysis. The BPM programme is partly financed by the Dutch Top Sector Chemistry and is led by Wageningen University & Research Food & Biobased Research.