Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published July 27nd 2016.
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Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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ENERGY (22) |
Technology : A distributed repository platform that is applicable to unstructured data management, smart grid and smart city Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of As a software and service provider in ICT industry based in South Korea, the SME is capable of providing demand response management system for smart grid and unstructured-data management solutions. Its solutions and services have been adopted by more than 1000 customers globally and the core technologies will become fundamentals of IoT(Internet of Things). With its core competency. The company is expecting a licensing or research cooperation agreement to collaborate with European partners. |
Technology : Innovative LED floodlights and LED panel lights Technology OFFER from Serbia A Serbian company produces innovative high quality LED floodlights for (indoor and outdoor use) and LED panel light for indoor use. Advantages compared to existing LED floodlights are: modular chassis and electronics for floodlight (power of main floodlight unit is 15 W), different orientations of the light beam controlled by custom made optics, and long lifetime (over 60,000 hours). The company is looking for partners interested in commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : Automatic guidance device for solar energy collectors Technology OFFER from Romania A Romanian research team has invented a mechanism addressed to solar photovoltaic panels or hot water panels, with the purpose of their guidance towards sun during daylight. The mechanism is in the concept stage, but it has many advantages, such as capturing solar energy to a value close to maximum during the day. The Romanian researchers are looking for partners in the field of research and production in order to develop the product and for technological transfer. |
Technology : Efficient cultivation and harvesting of microalgae Technology OFFER from Spain Two Spanish universities developed a more effective method for microalgae cultivation and harvesting, rising its yield up to 85% in comparison to existing photobioreactors on the market. The patented invention (not granted yet) is useful for algae biomass production at industrial scale. This biomass could be used for several applications, e.g. as a carbon source in biogas plants. Although open to technical cooperation, they are mainly interested in licensing the invetion to microalgae producers. |
Technology : Full inorganic load bearing insulator Technology OFFER from Germany A German university together with a research centre developed a high performance light weight thermal-insulator material that has robust compressive load and flame retardant properties. The university and the research centre offer a license agreement and are open for technical co-operation. Companies and institutes from the construction or automotive sector are addressed. |
Technology : Slovak institution sought for partners for a review and assessment of a model - local and regional energy planning tool Technology OFFER from Slovakia A Slovakian institution active in the energy sector has participated in join projects with a result - a software tool developed as a dedicated local and regional energy planning tool. It provides a simple and user-friendly planning tool for local governments. They are looking for partners for information exchange and training. Prefered types of cooperation are via commercial agreement with technical assistance and via technical cooperation agreement. |
Technology : Hourly weather history worldwide for any point on land and sea, since 1985, with full range of weather parameters and no gaps Technology OFFER from Switzerland Swiss company offers high precision hourly weather history data worldwide for any point on land and sea since 1985. Full range of parameters (temperature, humidity, wind, etc.). Data based on high precision simulations, which have been validated on >10,000 locations. Data is suitable for renewable energy assessment, building management, climate risk analysis, tourism, etc. Commercial agreement with technical assistance, license- or research cooperation agreement sought. |
Business : Ukrainian manufacturer of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coating is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian company that specialises in manufacture of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coating which can be used in housing stock to prepare buildings and constructions for a heating season, on pipes or steam lines, agriculture, or automotive industry.The company is looking for distributors and commercial agents throughout Europe. |
Business : Portuguese company acting in the renewable energy field seeks for commercial partners or distributors Business REQUEST from Portugal A Portuguese company, acting commercially in the sectors of renewable energy (wind and solar) and energy efficiency, is looking for partnerships (commercial agency agreement and/or distribution services agreement) with other companies that have innovative energy solutions/products and seek their commercialization/distribution in the Iberian Peninsula and Portuguese Speaking Countries. |
Business : Israeli wind (small vertical axis and large wind turbine enhancers) and hydro (in-pipe and in river/tide) technologies provider looks for representatives and distributors Business OFFER from Israel Israeli company offers innovative early stage products in renewable energy:(1)unique small wind turbines for rooftops and other locations;(2)technology for increasing power output of large wind turbines in wind farms by 30-40%;(3)in-pipe hydroelectric turbine that also functions as a pressure breaker or pressure valve while producing electricity at high efficiency;(4)and run of river and tidal turbines. Co-operation sought is local representation\ distribution with sales and project-development |
Technology : Energy efficiency, sustainability and waste management expertise and facilities to joining an European project consortium as demonstration partner Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish research institute working on agriculture, livestock and food, wants to participate as demonstration partner in European projects (H2020, LIVE…). The department focusing on energy efficiency, sustainability and waste management projects in their farms is interested in joining a consortium participating with the infrastructures they possess and their research experience in the demonstration of technological innovation projects. They are looking for research cooperation agreement. |
Technology : Underwater objects scour protection technology offered for commercial, license or research cooperation agreement Technology OFFER from Poland A scientist from a leading Polish university has developed a set of structural solutions regarding the protection of foundations of offshore objects against water erosion. Key advantage of the solutions lies in their increased efficiency in comparison with competitive solutions in terms of maintaining the stability of underwater objects and durability of the offshore foundations. Cooperation types: commercial agreement with technical assistance, license agreement, research cooperation agreement. |
Business : German SME offers consulting services in the marine industry and in particular in the offshore wind energy sector and is looking for services agreement and subcontracting Business OFFER from Germany The SME based in Northern Germany is an independent production- and logistics oriented consulting company with long term experience and is offering their support in relevant projects in the marine industry as well as offshore wind energy. The company is already engaged in multiple international projects and has gained a very good reputation over the years. To foster its international activities and entering new markets, the company is looking for services agreement and subcontracting. |
Business : French furnaces for industry are offered for commercial agency or a distribution services agreement in Spain or Portugal. Business OFFER from France A French designer and manufacturer of highly engineered furnaces for high technology and nuclear industries, research institutes, is looking for a distributor or a sales agent in Spain or Portugal. |
Business : Training services and infrastructure for energy efficiency optimization of industrial production lines, processes and utilities (also applicable to functional buildings) Business OFFER from Luxembourg A Luxembourg based company has developed a set of experiential training modules for energy efficiency optimization of industrial production lines and other businesses. Thanks to a unique infrastructure, the company proposes the training modules to industries and training companies and is looking for service agreements. |
Technology : A Chinese company is looking for technology of testing equipment of biomass fuels Technology REQUEST from China A Chinese company specializing in biomass fuels is looking for testing equipment that can measure major parameters of biomass fuels simultaneously. Any testing technique of biomass fuels is welcomed. The company wishes to find partner with universities, companies or research institutes. Research and Technical cooperation agreements are sought. The company is also open to other collaborartion agreements. |
Technology : Partners sought for the joint development and mass production of high efficiency metallic heat exchange components based on additive manufacturing Technology REQUEST from Germany A German company specialised in additive manufacturing (AM) is looking for industrial enterprises and R&D entities to jointly develop and produce advanced metalic heat exchange components by AM. AM allows for the production of complex applications of supreme quality which can improve the performance of heat transfer components for electronics, motorsport, the automotive and petroleum industry etc. The company seeks joint venture, manufacturing as well as technical cooperation agreements. |
Technology : New catalysts for sustainable liquid biofuels Technology OFFER from Singapore A Singapore educational and research institution has developed novel enhanced catalysts for sustainable liquid biofuels in the form of capsules by encapsulating syngas (synthesis gas)-to-liquid catalytically active species into a selective penetrable shell of zeolite materials, at approximately 99% of encapsulation efficiency. The institution is seeking licensing or research cooperation agreements with industrial MNEs or SMEs of all sizes. |
Research & Development : EUROSTARS-2 – URGENT: Looking for a SME or a large company related to industrial energy market activities to develop ICT tool to help optimize energy sales Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish Research Centre specialized in energy is seeking a company to participate in a Eurostars-2 project that aims to develop a virtual holistic platform for industrial energy production management and planning. The role of the partner sought will be to develop and test an ICT tool that combines certain functionalities for the optimal sale of power of the industries or group of industries involved, either for consumers or prosumers. |
Technology : Production of biogas from sugary waste water Technology REQUEST from Spain A Spanish food company produces inverted sugar solution which is sold to other food companies for producing beverages, liquors, and bakery and confectionery products. They are interested in acquiring a technology to obtain biogas from sugary water and thus be more efficient and environmentaly friendly. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical cooperation with companies or research centres specialized in biogas production |
Business : German based service provider and subcontractor for on- & offshore geotechnics and geophysics, consulting and numerical modelling is looking for services agreement and subcontracting Business OFFER from Germany Cornerstones of this German university spin-off are on-/offshore geotechnics and geophysics together with highly skilled personnel. Extensive field experience, for instance in foundation planning and exploration for entire offshore wind energy parks, combined with know-how from in-house developed equipment, e.g. on-/offshore cone penetrating testing (CPT) makes this company a powerful partner. To offer its services the company is looking for services agreement and subcontracting. |
Technology : Power from heat by using organic rankine cycle (ORC) technology. Either to increase power output or to decrease fuel consumption Technology OFFER from Netherlands A Dutch company has developed a groundbreaking heat recovery technology to increase the efficiency of local power generation units by using organic rankine cycle (ORC) technology. The company is looking for partners that have experience with decentralized production of electricity and heat based on biogas, landfill gas, mine gas and diesel. The company is offering a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a technical cooperation agreement. |