Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published September 3rd 2017.
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ENERGY (16) |
Technology : Thermal disposal and heat recovery of sewage sludge and other organic content communal wastes, with utilization of Phosporus from the ash and clean CO2 for algae cultures – technology & know-how offered for licensing Technology OFFER from Hungary A Hungarian SME developed a burning-disarming system for thermal disposal and heat recovery of sewage sludge and other organic content communal wastes in an integrated process, while provides green electricity and recovers useful materials (especially phosphorous compounds). It’s a perfect solution for communal sewage treatment plants and solid waste handling. The SME looks for licensees involved in communal sewage and waste projects in Germany, France, the UK, Denmark, Norway. |
Technology : Patented device for dynamic ventilation facades Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish inventor has patented a ventilation and dehumidification device of double sheet facades with air chamber. It can be adjusted depending on weather conditions, from inside the house, and prevents condensation in the air cavity, resulting in energy saving and cosy indoor environments. It has low manufacturing and installation costs compared to traditional solutions. This device is offered for companies interested in a license agreement |
Technology : Electrothermal boiler with heat pipe for producing domestic hot water and heating Technology OFFER from Romania A Romanian inventor from Transylvania has developed an environmentally-safe electrothermal boiler, which can be used for generating hot water as well as for domestic space heating. The electrothermal boiler generates heat through a heat exchanger based on a central thermal tube, thus advantageously ensuring both low primary energy and high speed thermal transfer. The Romanian inventor is willing to transfer the specific know how to a prospective partner on the basis of a license agreement. |
Technology : Solar collector offering higher efficiency and increased daily operating time Technology OFFER from Hungary A Hungarian SME has developed a novel light weight solar collector that offers an 80% efficiency compared to the 40-60% efficiency gained by other solar collectors available on the market. The novelty of this technology is based on the specially designed house and the special absorber that offers heat transfer without heat loss. The company is interested in a licence agreement. |
Technology : Energy systems based on vortex gas generators. Technology OFFER from Russian Federation The innovative company from Russia has developed an energy-efficient and cost-effective low-temperature pyrolysis technology, which allows to recycle organic waste and obtain inexpensive energy. The technology is ahead of counterparts in many aspects. The company is looking for partners for the establishment of cooperation in the framework of ?ommercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : German system provider of an innovative infrared-carbon heating systems is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Germany German company, specialised in renewable energies, provides integrated infrared-carbon heating solutions. Due to its characteristics, the new system is suitable for public buildings, e.g. museums, as well as for private homes, e.g. for people with allergies. The system can be installed in ceilings, walls and floors. The company is looking for distributors under distribution services agreements. |
Research & Development : SME-Instrument phase I - An Italian biotech company is looking for a biogas plant builder from Germany, Austria or Switzerland Research & Development REQUEST from Italy An Italian company specialized in fermentation systems, including Solid State Fermentation, and production process for biotechnological products, is preparing a SME-Instrument phase I proposal, related to the development of a new biogas plant technology. The project’s aim is to produce high value organic fertilizers, while increasing the biogas conversion efficiency. An experienced biogas plant builder from Germany, Austria or Switzerland is sought to cooperate in the project development. |
Business : A French smart biomass high-end boilers manufacturer seeks commercial partners for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Russia and Ukraine Business OFFER from France A French company designing and producing biomass boilers is looking for importers, wholesalers distributors to distribute their products. The boilers comprise a wide range of products, including different fuels, which allow the boilers to be adapted to the needs of the consumer. Products are able to ensure the heating of a housing, as well as the production of domestic hot water. They are smart and easily connectable. Partners from energy sector are sought for distribution services agreement. |
Technology : Vertical wind power generation system in building Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME has developed a highly efficient power generating system that utilizes wind energy. The system can produce at minimum, four times as much electricity than current wind energy systems. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative. The SME seeks partnership for license, research cooperation and commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : Energy-efficient electric engine with high torque and wide range of rotational speed is offered under license agreement Technology OFFER from Poland A team of Polish scientists has developed a new, energy-efficient electric engine with a unique magnetic circuit, additional control and power supply systems that has higher torque and a wide range of a rotational speed. The offered solution is applicable in the automotive industry but can be also used as a power generator with voltage regulation. The scientists are looking for industrial partners interested and able to introduce the innovation to their products under license agreement. |
Business : A French company is offering a system recovering calories from wastewater and transferring it to building’s sanitary water or heating water and is looking for licencing and distribution services agreement in Germany and Singapore Business OFFER from France French SME has developed a system recovering calories from grey wastewater in buildings. Calories are transferred to the heating and sanitary water systems. There is no contact between wastewater and sanitary water or heating water. The coefficient of energetic efficiency is around 4. The solution can be installed easily in old and new buildings. The markets targeted are collective housing, hotels. Licensing and distribution services agreements are looked for in Germany and Singapore. |
Technology : Development of a wind power generator with a capacity of 300W Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean SME is offering expertise technology in renewable energy technologies. The company is specialized in developing a wind power generator with a capacity of 300W. In addition to the generator, a hybrid system utilizing energy saving solutions was constructed as sets of streetlights. This SME is looking for European partners that are interested in the technology and wish to conclude a license agreement and commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : A new bio coating for enhanced heat transfer Technology OFFER from Turkey A Turkish university has developed a biocoating material and coating method that offers enhanced boiling heat transfer and have the potential for addressing high heat transfer performance requirements in multiphase heat exchanger applications. The technology is at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4. University is looking for industrial partners to jointly develop and commercialise the technology and is open for license and research cooperation agreements. |
Business : A French social company, specialized in catering wastes valorization, developing local circular economy loops for the benefit of territories’ energetic autonomy is looking for a cooperation agreement such as a service agreement to implement its solution. Business OFFER from France A French catering wastes collection (such as cooking oils, coffee grounds, fermentable) for biodiesel production from used cooking oils, distribution to local authorities’ vehicles fleet and other catering wastes valorisation on energetic or other value chains. Looking for services agreement with local authorities, SMEs, research centers in Europe. |
Business : Russian developer and manufacturer of highly effective LED equipment is looking for partners abroad for cooperation in the framework of distribution services agreement or subcontracting Business OFFER from Russian Federation The Russian company specializes in effective energy concepts and offers economical and environment-oriented lighting systems based on LED equipment. It is looking for partners in foreign countries in the framework of distribution services agreement or subcontracting. |
Business : Portuguese SME, manufacturer of solar charging devices and smart street furniture, is looking for partners wanting to establish trade intermediary services to promote the commercialization and distribution of the product. Business OFFER from Portugal Portuguese company, manufacturer of solar charging devices, which are connected to the internet, providing wi-fi and able to recharge cell phones and gadgets, is looking for partnerships for commercial agency and distribution services agreement with other companies that want to promote their commercialization and distribution. |