Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published September 3rd, 2017.
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Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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Technology : Enzymatic peeling of citric fruits Technology REQUEST from Spain A Spanish company is specialized in fruit processing for industrial use. The company’s main activity is aseptic processing and preservation of fruits. It has recently incorporated to its range of products individually quick frozen (IQF) fruit processing, using cryogenic technology. It is interested in acquiring a technology that allows an enzymatic peeling of citric fruits. It is looking for industrial partners interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : Measurement data management for the water industry Technology OFFER from Germany A small German company offers a management system for water measurement data that can be applied in many areas, e.g. in monitoring of rain, floods, water and wastewater plants, hydrology and others. Advantages include higher resolution and the possibility to combine data from many different sources. Partners are sought to implement the system within commercial agreements with technical assistance. |
Technology : Patented device for dynamic ventilation facades Technology OFFER from Spain A Spanish inventor has patented a ventilation and dehumidification device of double sheet facades with air chamber. It can be adjusted depending on weather conditions, from inside the house, and prevents condensation in the air cavity, resulting in energy saving and cosy indoor environments. It has low manufacturing and installation costs compared to traditional solutions. This device is offered for companies interested in a license agreement |
Technology : Novel pressure monitoring system for high voltage fluid-filled or oil-filled cables Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company has developed a novel pressure monitoring system for high voltage fluid-filled electricity cables (FFC's), which offers real-time and predictive monitoring of cable insulation. The company is able to adapt the system to specific needs and offer installation and training, and is seeking electricity transmission and/or distribution companies that use oil/fluid-filled cables to retrofit the system into their existing network under a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : Sensor for nanoparticle detection in industrial emissions Technology OFFER from Spain Three Spanish Research Institutions have developed a nanoparticle sensor capable of detecting particles under a certain size in gas emissions. It can be used to measure particles' concentration in line at industrial emissions, evaluate progressive decline of particle filters or determine particle size distribution in aerosols. Industrial partners from the sensor or nanoparticle industries are being sought to collaborate through a licence agreement. |
Business : Ukrainian manufacturer of antiseptics for households and professional disinfectants is looking for distribution services and commercial agency agreements Business OFFER from Ukraine Ukrainian producer is one of the biggest developers of high-quality disinfectant and antiseptic products in own country. It was established in 2001 and provides more than 30 antiseptics and disinfectants for different purposes. The company has its own laboratory. The company is searching for distributors, retailers, medical facilities or suppliers. Desired types of partnership are distribution services and commercial agency agreements. |
Technology : Austrian research and consulting centre on climate change, risk- and energy management is looking for cooperation partners Technology OFFER from Austria A leading Austrian research centre and consulting company focusing on climate change, risk- energy- & water management, is looking for partners in Europe and beyond. The SME is interested to collaborate on project proposals with like-minded entities from the private and public sectors under research cooperations or service agreements, thereby enhancing its geographical outreach and the impact of its expertise in order to facilitate the transition to a climate resilient and low carbon future. |
Research & Development : EUROSTARS: Biotechnology SMEs for testing and commercialisation of a combined (optical and electrical) biodetection portable platform based on graphene Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish SME is preparing a project proposal to the Eurostars call. The project aims to develop a portable platform based on graphene for the combined biodetection (both optical and electrical) of virus, proteins, molecules, etc. This platform will provide faster and more accurate detection than other current devices and reduced operational costs. The consortium is looking for biotechnology SMEs for the testing and commercialisation activities within the project. |
Business : A French social company, specialized in catering wastes valorization, developing local circular economy loops for the benefit of territories’ energetic autonomy is looking for a cooperation agreement such as a service agreement to implement its solution. Business OFFER from France A French catering wastes collection (such as cooking oils, coffee grounds, fermentable) for biodiesel production from used cooking oils, distribution to local authorities’ vehicles fleet and other catering wastes valorisation on energetic or other value chains. Looking for services agreement with local authorities, SMEs, research centers in Europe. |
Technology : Solutions in the caregiving of the elderly. Technology REQUEST from Belgium A Belgian multinational active in consumer goods is looking for disruptive solutions that help orientating and navigating both the caregiver and the cared-for through the aging journey, as well as for solutions that help in-home monitoring and prevention of events that result in hospital visits, including mobility and fall prevention. Industrial partners or research centers are sought for license agreement or technical cooperation agreement with the large account. |
Technology : Non-toxic insect attractant technology. Technology REQUEST from Belgium A Belgian multinational active in consumer goods is looking for products or technologies already on the market which do not require the use of any chemical and are able to fight against insects that may be present in the home. The solutions have to therefore be safe to people and pets. Industrial partners or academia are sought for license agreement or technical cooperation agreement with the large account. |