In dit bericht staan de meest nieuwe samenwerkingsvoorstellen van innovatieve ondernemers uit voornamelijk Europa die zijn opgenomen in de databank van Enterprise Europe Network, gepubliceerd op 1 november 2017. Deze ondernemers zijn op zoek naar internationale partners voor samenwerking, innovatie en handel.
Het Enterprise Europe Network bestaat uit circa 70 aangesloten landen met sterke zakelijke netwerken in de regio. De dienstverlening is veelal kosteloos vanuit financiering door de Europese Unie. In Nederland wordt dit netwerk onder andere door de KvK en RVO uitgevoerd.
De onderstaande profielen betreffen innovatieve technologieën en producten waarbij wordt gezocht naar internationale zakenpartners voor samenwerking en hebben tot doel het versnellen van de innovatie en time to market. Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de samenwerkingsvoorstellen kunt u krijgen door op de link te klikken van het betreffende profiel. Na registratie op de website kunt u uw interesse kenbaar maken en wordt dit opgepakt door mijn collega's. Profielen bevatten handelsvoorstellen, technologische samenwerkingen of onderzoeksprogramma's
De voordelen voor u om gebruik te maken van het Enterprise Europe Network zijn onder andere;
- Snelle en makkelijke toegang tot nieuwe technologieën en handel,
- Minder risico in ontwikkelingstrajecten voor producten en technologieën,
- Versnellen van de innovatie en "Time to Market",
- Vergroten van het afzetgebied naar andere landen,
- Vinden van nieuwe zakencontacten via een warme netwerk introductie,
- Begeleiding en support bij het leggen van de eerste contacten,
- Deelname aan matchmaking programma's op diverse beurzen,
- Neem direct contact op met de adviseur in uw vakgebied HIER.
- Kijk HIER waar u kunt deelnemen op beurzen waarbij onze diensten worden aangeboden.

Technology : Innovative plant technology for water disinfection based on sodium hypochlorite Technology OFFER from Serbia A Serbian company developed an innovative water disinfection plants with dosing systems that are producing sodium hypochlorite solution on place of consumption from common salt. Advantages over existing solutions are elimination of additional transportation, storage and costs. The company seeks industrial partners from Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Macedonia interested in commercial agreement with technical assistance, licensing and/or joint venture agreement. |
Business : Russian supplier of waste paper is looking for manufacturers in Europe Business OFFER from Russian Federation A Russian company specialized in collecting waste paper of all grades and stretch wrap, is looking for manufacturers of paper products interested in receiving regular supplies of raw materials. |
Technology : Turkish road sweeper manufacturer company is looking for partners for technical or research cooperations in the sense of sweeping techniques, noise control, suction efficiency, energy efficiency and exhaust emission Technology REQUEST from Turkey A Turkish company, founded in 1989, is manufacturing truck-mounted road sweeping vehicles and equipments. The company has recently added electrical surface cleaning machine and compact road sweeping machine to its product range. The company is looking for technology partners from all over the world in order to develop the new products with value added features. Research or technical cooperation agreement is being offered. |
Technology : Catalan company developed a versatile Helicopter bucket with low consumption loading and release Technology OFFER from Spain A Catalan company offers a multiple applications liquid tank for transportation by helicopters. This helicopter bucket can be loaded extremly fast, in very narrow and shallow spots. Due to his aerodynamic design, it increases flight safety while loading and transport.The patented technologies to fill the tank and empty it out are low electricity consuming. They are looking for companies interested in manufacturing and selling this product by a license agreement. |
Technology : All-natural hydrophobic oil adsorbent powders and granules for environmental & industrial purposes Technology OFFER from Hungary A Hungarian company with an advanced technology for turning materials into hydrophobic oil adsorbent powders or granules is looking for possible business partners interested in R&D, joint venture or licesing & technology transfer. Main advantage of technolgy is multiple application: industrial filtering solutions for liquids and gases, emission control, waste management and cleaning, adsorbents, technological cleaning, capillary systems cleaning for food, seed oil, cosmetics industry. |
Technology : Sanitizing technology for cold and hot drinks vending machines Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian SME has fully developed and tested an innovative technology to have a significant reduction of dangerous substances found inside vending machines during their common use. The new process does not need operators to be run, can be custom set for each single machine and does not use chemicals or soap. No waste liquid or solid substances are released during or at the end of the process. The SME is looking for commercial and/or technical partnership agreements. |