Source: Enterprise Europe Network
Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published January 8th, 2018.
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Ecobuild 2018 London
Find new business partners on innovation and technology related to sustainable construction, energy, domotics from all over Europe in a matchmaking on March 7th, 2018. Registration is open untill March 5th. More info HERE.
Hannover Messe 2018
Visiting or present at the Hannover Industrie Messe 2018? Get pre arranged meetings with companies and technology of your interest and meet new business partners! Free registration untill February 28th, 2018 using the Enterprise Europe Network services.
Energy 4 Smart Mobility
Organised by the Capenergies competitiveness cluster and GreenUnivers, this first event unique in Europe will welcome CEOs from global companies, start-ups, SMEs, mid-caps, local authorities.
With the collaboration of some leading European countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany, 300 experts will gather in Marseille on Februari 15th and 16th, 2018. More info HERE.

ENERGY (22) |
Technology : Elipsoidal heat exchanger pipe for all functional stove and nuclear plants.
Technology OFFER from Romania A Romanian inventor in applied research has developed a technology that converts primary energy originating from electric, fossil or nuclear fuels into secondary energy in a shorter time, implicit smaller volume, mass and costs than other heat exchangers on the market. The inventor is offering to license the solution to producers of heat exchangers. |
Technology : Full inorganic load bearing insulator Technology OFFER from Germany A German university together with a research centre developed a high performance light weight thermal-insulator material that has robust compressive load and flame retardant properties. The university and the research centre offer a license agreement and are open for technical co-operation. Companies and institutes from the construction or automotive sector are addressed. |
Technology : Entirely plastic solar water heating collectors Technology OFFER from Armenia An Armenian company engaged in designing and fabrication of solar energy systems has developed efficient and cheap entirely plastic solar collectors for water heating, which are currently a lab prototype. Partners are sought for improving and finalizing the product for further commercial use/manufacturing. The company is looking for joint venture, technical or research cooperation, or manufacturing agreement. |
Business : A SK-DE engineering office specialized in energy efficiency and failures of building constructions, building-physical simulations looks for companies in construction sector to reach a subcontracting agreement. Business OFFER from Slovakia A Slovak-German engineering office with 15 years of experience in energy efficiency in building construction, proposals and optimalizations of energy-efficient solutions, failures of building constructions, building-physical simulations etc. using highly innovative softwares looks for constructions companies, architects, planning engineers to reach a subcontracting agreement in order to access new customers in EU countries. |
Technology : Slovak institution sought for partners for a review and assessment of a model - local and regional energy planning tool Technology OFFER from Slovakia A Slovakian institution active in the energy sector has participated in join projects with a result - a software tool developed as a dedicated local and regional energy planning tool. It provides a simple and user-friendly planning tool for local governments. They are looking for partners for information exchange and training. Prefered types of cooperation are via commercial agreement with technical assistance and via technical cooperation agreement. |
Technology : Cost effective solar energy concentrator Technology OFFER from Armenia An Armenian company specialized in design and development of cost effective solar energy systems has developed a new type of solar energy concentrator for generation of thermal and/or electric energies. The concentrator is cost efficient, easy to install and maintain. The company is looking for cooperation under license agreement, joint venture agreement or manufacturing agreement. |
Technology : A novel wind turbine system extracts more energy from intermittent wind energy in day night cycle. Technology OFFER from Israel Israeli start-up offers a new technology of wind turbine system to maximize wind energy utilization. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy are clean and available as long as the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. The company technology designed to extract maximum energy when wind prevails and use it when demand is high in day night cycle. Partners are sought in Green energy for financial, joint venture, and technical cooperation agreements. |
Technology : District energy retrofitting design methodology Technology OFFER from Spain Spanish technology centre has developed comprehensive district energy retrofitting methodology. This holistic and customizable method reduces the economic risks of large-scale renovation projects and facilitates the planning, implementation, management of such energy projects. The methodology has been tested at district level on three demonstration sites. Partnerships sought are service and research cooperation agreement with any type of entity interested in district energy retrofitting |
Technology : Energy dynamic modelling simulation of new and existing buildings Technology OFFER from Spain the energy department of a Spanish technology centre is offering its energy dynamic modelling simulation of new and existing buildings to companies, architectural studios and public administrations interested in obtaining detailed information and techniques for the energy efficiency of buildings they are working with. Partnerships sought are service agreement and research cooperation agreement with any type of entity in the field of energy efficiency. |
Technology : A Polish company developing an environmentally-friendly autonomous water aeration system interested in concluding a commercial agreement with technical assitance Technology OFFER from Poland A company from Poland is offering an autonomous water aeration system using special dedicated wind turbines and compressed air tanks. The solution can be used mainly for maintenance of fish ponds, but also in other applications, including water purification. The offered solution is innovative and environmentally-friendly. Commercial agreement with technical assistance is considered. |
Technology : Italian company possessing patented integration technology for hybrid battery-supercapacitors seeks partners to establish a technical cooperation agreement to produce/sell/test them in different environment like photovoltaic storage, street signaling, etc. Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company which has developed a technology for hybrid battery-supercapacitors is looking for industrial partners to establish a technical cooperation agreement. The company is introducing a new international battery patent regarding a long-life hybrid storage system able to withstand more than one daily cycle (from 10% to 30% of total stored energy) with an estimated calendar life of about 15 to 20 years. |
Business : Portuguese consultancy offers services agreement for distinctive solutions in the fields of energy, water, waste, carbon and sustainability Business OFFER from Portugal A Portuguese policy management and engineering consultancy advises governments, businesses and industries in policy design and implementation, institutional technical assistance, concept and strategy planning, project design, implementation, construction and monitoring. They are looking for partners to establish services agreement for solutions in the fields of energy, water, waste, carbon and sustainability. |
Technology : BigData supported forecasting of fluctuating energy sources Technology OFFER from Germany A German SME, specialized in machine learning techniques and data analysis is operating a platform for high-precision forecasts of production of renewable energy based on meteorological and production data. The company is looking for service agreement and technical cooperation agreement. The company is especially looking for organizations involved in energy trading with the goal of refining the forecasts directly for this purpose. |
Technology : Polish company developed Thermo Pump - Heat-powered self-acting water pump Technology OFFER from Poland A company from North East Poland specialising in low heat sources developed a new type of thermal engine used to pump water without electricity. The company is looking for long-term partnerships under manufacturing agreement and financial agreement. |
Research & Development : Spanish research institute seeks partners (companies and RTDs) with expertise in hydrogenation of CO2 process and conversion from methanol to gasoline processes for a project proposal (CE-SC3-NZE-2-2018) Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish technological centre is preparing a project proposal (H2020-CE-SC3-NZE-2-2018) that aims to develop new bifunctional catalysts based on metallic nano-oxides supported as well as improved and tailored zeolites to be used in the conversion process from CO2 to liquid fuels. The centre looks for companies or research institutes working in the fields of transformation of CO2 to methanol and conversion of methanol to gasoline. |
Business : A Portuguese SME developed a platform intelligent light for buildings and is looking for commercial agency and distribution agreements Business OFFER from Portugal A Portuguese IT SME developed a business intelligent platform for maximum energy saving performance. To minimize electricity wastage due to lighting independently of usage and occupancy, this system continuously provides the right amount of light when and where needed.This SME is looking for financial, commercial agency or distribution services agreements in Brazil, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands or Luxembourg. |
Research & Development : H2020: LC-SC3-RES-12-2018 - Manufacturer of heat pipe heat exchangers required to complete project consortium Research & Development REQUEST from United Kingdom An East of England research centre is developing a proposal for the LC-SC3-RES-12-2018 call. The project aims to develop technology for geothermal power to ensure flexible, resilient, intelligent and smart operation. They require a manufacturer of heat pipe heat exchangers to complete the consortium. The partner will be required to develop the heat exchanger to transfer the heat from the geothermal fluids to a storage facility. |
Technology : Bulgarian company offers invention relates to a turbine internal combustion turbo engine for air and road transport. Technology OFFER from Bulgaria The invention relates to a turbine internal combustion turbo engine,small- sized,with higher rotating moment and higher efficiency, which can be operated by an operator and/or by a programmable logical controller (PLC). The engine turbine is housed in the turbine vessel of the engine and rotates resting in its bearing hubs. To reach the anticipated degree of preliminary thickness of the air-fuel mixture or of the air, the working chambers of the engine are forcibly fed with high-pressure air. |
Technology : An R&D Centre specialised in steel and coal is looking for partners for technical or research cooperation. Technology OFFER from Turkey A Turkish R&D centre specialized in steel and coal offers technical skills for production of new qualities, cost reduction, quality improvement studies (via pilot scale steel production and simulation laboratory) and innovative projects with its accredited laboratory infrastructure. The R&D centre is looking for technical cooperation or research cooperation agreement. They are also interested in being partner in Horizon2020 or Interreg projects. |
Business : Educational solar photovoltaic kit demonstration model manufacturer seeks distributors Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company has developed an interactive and effective solar photovoltaic kit for schools, colleges, universities and the solar industry to help demonstrate how the sun’s energy can be used to generate electricity. The company is looking for a distribution services agreement with established distributors with extensive experience and contacts in the education sector, or with schools, colleges, universities or solar utility companies. |
Business : Wind turbine kit demonstration model manufacturer seeks educational distributors Business OFFER from United Kingdom A UK company has developed an interactive and cost effective wind turbine kit for schools, colleges, universities and the wind power industry to help demonstrate how wind energy is used to generate electricity. The company is looking for a distribution services agreement with established distributors with extensive experience and contacts in the education sector, or with schools, colleges, universities or wind power utilities companies. |
Research & Development : H2020-SC5-2018-2019-2020: Industrial partners with expertise in recycling and recovery of secondary raw materials from end-of-life products Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish university is preparing a project proposal under the topic CE-SC5-08-2018-2019-2020 “Raw materials policy support actions for the circular economy”, focused on the search for sustainable, green and environmentally safe approaches to more efficient and economically viable recycling rates of secondary raw materials from end-of-life products, in particular in the nuclear industry, envisaging their eventual gradual partial substitution. Companies with expertise in this subject are sought. |
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