Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published January 12th 2018.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.
Hannover Messe 2018
Visiting or present at the Hannover Industrie Messe 2018? Get pre arranged meetings with companies and technology of your interest and meet new business partners! Free registration untill February 15th, 2018 using the Enterprise Europe Network services.
Energy 4 Smart Mobility
Organised by the Capenergies competitiveness cluster and GreenUnivers, this first event unique in Europe will welcome CEOs from global companies, start-ups, SMEs, mid-caps, local authorities.
With the collaboration of some leading European countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany, 300 experts will gather in Marseille on Februari 15th and 16th, 2018. More info HERE.
Technology : Powerful composite sorbent for the removal of contaminants from water
Technology OFFER from Slovakia Established Slovak scientific research institutes have developed a highly effective composite sorbent for the removal of contaminants from water for drinking purposes. These are mainly heavy metals such as arsenic, antimony, chromium, cadmium, lead and others. The composite sorbent can be also used in wastewater treatment, including wastewater from chemical and electronic industry.The institutes are looking for an industrial partner for licensing the technology or to engage in contract research. |
Business : Leading Polish producer of air humidification systems is looking for distribution services, manufacturing, subcontracting and joint venture agreements Business OFFER from Poland Leading and experienced Polish producer of industrial air humidification systems offering dust and electrostatic voltage eliminating systems, systems eliminating the risk of explosion and adiabatic cooling systems is looking for cooperation partners such as agents and distributors familiar with heating, ventilation, air conditioning branch to enter new markets in Europe and beyond. The company is also ready to operate as manufacturer or subcontractor and take part in a joint venture. |
Technology : An Italian company offers an innovative technology to solve the problem of cheese whey disposal Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian company, that works in the biotechnology field, solved the problem of cheese whey (byproduct of cheese making) disposal by using an innovative patent pending technological process. It converts whey into yeast for bakery and other products, together with the recovery of whey protein that find their application in food, beverages, and nutraceuticals. The company is interested to sign a financial agreement with manufacturers in these sectors, to industrialise the process. |
Technology : Russian waste recovery company is looking for technical cooperation Technology REQUEST from Russian Federation A Russian small enterprise from the Murmansk region specializes in waste disposal and looks for partners to cooperate within technical cooperation agreement. The company looks for a partner which is able to provide an economically effective recycling technology of rubber-, mercury-, and carbon-containing waste products. |
Business : Portuguese consultancy offers services agreement for distinctive solutions in the fields of energy, water, waste, carbon and sustainability Business OFFER from Portugal A Portuguese policy management and engineering consultancy advises governments, businesses and industries in policy design and implementation, institutional technical assistance, concept and strategy planning, project design, implementation, construction and monitoring. They are looking for partners to establish services agreement for solutions in the fields of energy, water, waste, carbon and sustainability. |
Research & Development : Spanish research institute seeks partners (companies and RTDs) with expertise in polymers/polyvinyl butyral additives characterization, modification and recycling for a project proposal (CE-SPIRE-10-2018) Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish non-profil research institute is looking for partners for an H2020 project proposal (CE-SPIRE-10-2018) related to polymers/polyvinyl butyral additives characterization, modification and recycling. The project aims to develop a sorting system of post-consumes polyvinyl butyral in different grades for improving the quality of the final recycled product. The institute looks for SME/Industry and RTD partners in this sector and education training experts for dissemination activities. |
Business : Czech company that manufactures machines for biowaste treatment is looking for a partner Business OFFER from Czech Republic The Czech SME is focused on manufacturing, development and other services in the environmental area, where the company concentrates on technology supply and processing of biologically degradable waste and its further use. The Czech company is looking mainly for a partner that is able to sell its product on a foreign market using distribution agreement or a partner for realization specific parts of the project via subcontracting. |
Technology : Technology for production of substances for remediation of soil from oil pollution Technology OFFER from Latvia A company from Latvia engaged in bioreactor production has developed technology for production of bacterial material for remediation of oil-product polluted soil. The bacterial material is produced in bioreactor system and further is used for soil remediation. The technology is environmentally friendly and has proven its effectiveness in praxis. The company offers commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Research & Development : H2020-SC5-2018-2019-2020: Industrial partners with expertise in recycling and recovery of secondary raw materials from end-of-life products Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish university is preparing a project proposal under the topic CE-SC5-08-2018-2019-2020 “Raw materials policy support actions for the circular economy”, focused on the search for sustainable, green and environmentally safe approaches to more efficient and economically viable recycling rates of secondary raw materials from end-of-life products, in particular in the nuclear industry, envisaging their eventual gradual partial substitution. Companies with expertise in this subject are sought. |
Research & Development : Erasmus +: looking for partners in the field of school education, bilingual schools and didactic applications developer focused on the coming European “green” energy model for School Education. Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish SME focus on innovation projects in the energy filed is willing to present an European project to the Erasmus + call. The project aims to introduce the importance of climate change and air quality in school education. They are looking for bilingual Educational Centres, English, that could involve their students and an enterprise focused on didactic applications (web/mobile apps) to develop the ICT tools. |
Research & Development : In search for research institutions, NGOs and/or SMEs for H2020 Hubs of Entrepreneurship call Research & Development REQUEST from Bosnia and Herzegovina SME from Bosnia and Herzegovina specialized in social and economic development, climate and environmental actions is searching for partners (SMEs, NGOs, R&D institutions) to apply for H2020 project. The main objective of the project is boosting heritage and culture-relevant innovation and entrepreneurship in historic urban areas and cultural landscapes. H2020 SC5-20-2019 call. Partners with expertise in cultural/historic innovation, enterpreneurship, climate and environment action sought. |
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