Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published January 27th, 2018.
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Succesfull R&I in Europe 2018
The 9th Conference Succesfull R&I in Europe is held in Düsseldorf Germany for finding partners in Horizon 2020 projects covering Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Energy, Nanotechnologies, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM), Sustainable Economy, Life Sciences, Transport.
Hannover Messe 2018
Visiting or present at the Hannover Industrie Messe 2018? Get pre arranged meetings with companies and technology of your interest and meet new business partners! Free registration untill February 28th, 2018 using the Enterprise Europe Network services.
ESEF 2018 Utrecht
The supplier of succesful technologies, tomorrow's technology today at Utrecht the Netherlands. The matchmaking event will take place in the exhibition complex Jaarbeurs Utrecht from 20th to 23th March 2018. More information HERE.

Business : Ukrainian producer of wooden bicycle frames seeks distributors Business OFFER from Ukraine A producer of wooden frames and complete bicycles from Ukraine seeks distributors. Innovative wooden frames that absorbs kicks and vibration with an improved durability and strength are in great demand in Ukraine. The manufacturer is looking for distributors and financial partners to expand its international activities. |
Business : Ukrainian manufacturer of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coating is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian company that specialises in manufacture of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coating which can be used in housing stock to prepare buildings and constructions for a heating season, on pipes or steam lines, agriculture, or automotive industry.The company is looking for distributors and commercial agents throughout Europe. |
Technology : Established Slovak university is offering an automatic system for monitoring of moving sky objects Technology OFFER from Slovakia Researchers from a significant Slovak university have developed an award-winning technology for automatic monitoring of moving sky objects. The system is highly mobile and allows effective full-spectrum video recording of the sky in 180°. Technology is applicable for monitoring in various fields including astronomy, meteorology, geophysics or air surveillance. The university seeks for partners through licensing, commercial or manufacturing agreement or via technical cooperation agreement. |
Business : A Japanese manufacturer of LED-lights with an emergency light function is seeking a distributor in Europe Business OFFER from Japan A manufacturer from Japan specialized in LED-lights with an emergency light function is looking for distributors in the EU. Their product is well recognized in Japan and automatically lights up in case of a blackout or power cut. Therefore, it improves safety in houses, offices, factories and other facilities. The company is looking to conclude a distribution agreement with a partner having distribution facilities, a good network and experience with e-commerce. |
Technology : Super dense, small weight internal combustion engine Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK SME has developed a compact internal combustion engine with significantly reduced weight compared to conventional internal combustion engines. It uses a patented modification of the two and four stroke Otto cycle that allows for one cylinder of the new engine to deliver almost the same power as two cylinders in a conventional Otto cycle engine. The company is looking for license or technical cooperation agreement with vehicle and other original equipment manufacturers. |
Technology : Aviation hybrid propulsion systems Technology OFFER from Italy A start-up company from North East of Italy develops Diesel engines and assembles them with electric motors for general aviation and ultra-light aircraft, producing advanced hybrid propulsion systems, with high efficiency. Companies interested to integrate this technology in their products but also international investors interested in the business development are sought, for a license, financial, technical cooperation or commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Technology : New generation deformation sensor with application in civil engineering, traffic, geotechnics, hydrology and soil mechanics Technology OFFER from Slovakia A Slovak scientific institute has developed a new generation magnetoelastic deformation sensor based on advanced amorphous/nano (quasi)crystalline materials. The sensor was tested in real conditions such as on a water dam, tunnel and a gas pipeline with excellent results. Application possibilities of the technology are in civil engineering, traffic, geotechnics, hydrology and soil mechanics for scanning of deformations and vibrations. The institute is looking for licensing of this technology. |
Technology : Mechanism for converting a reciprocating linear movement to a unidirectional circular continuous movement Technology OFFER from Cyprus An innovative, mechanical module that converts a reciprocating linear movement to a unidirectional circular continuous movement has been developed by a Cypriot SME which can provide a total engine efficiency greater than most types of engine. A commercial agreement with technical assistance as further development is required by the SME, is sought, with engine designers and manufacturers. |
Technology : A UK manufacturer of composite components looking for advanced manufacturing partners Technology OFFER from United Kingdom A UK composite components manufacturer, located on the south coast of England, is supplying marine and renewable energy sectors with high-end products (olympic boats, tidal power blades, wind power blades, etc.). The company's 22 000 sq. ft. production base is equipped with state of the art facilities for design, production, and testing. The company is offering services agreement to automotive, defense, marine, renewables and aerospace industries. |
Business : Spanish integration engineering provides solutions for handling and palletising of packed products, seeks commercial partners. Business OFFER from Spain A Spanish company provides systems for batching, boxing, transport, stacking and palletising in a wide variety of formats and sectors (agrofood, health care, automotive or paper). These systems improve the competitiveness through automation and adapted software. Partners, related with the packing sector, agents or representatives, which are familiar with automation, are sought for commercial or manufacturing agreements. |
Business : French highly flexible pre-insulated plastic piping systems are offered for distribution in European countries Business OFFER from France French company, specialised in the manufacturing of polyethylene pipes network systems, major French leader in the field of water transport in underground distribution network, is looking for a commercial agent or a distributor to develop its products in the European market. |
Business : A French company designing water breaker devices is looking for distributors. Business OFFER from France The French company is specialized in the design of smart water breaker devices that automatically shut off the water in case of abnormal consumption. This solution can be used by professionals and individuals and in various types of installations (public patrimonial holdings, industries, business premises, commercial buildings ...) The company is looking for distributors in Europe, Middle East and West and North Africa to develop its presence abroad. |
Research & Development : Spanish research institute seeks partners (companies and RTDs) with expertise in polymers/polyvinyl butyral additives characterization, modification and recycling for a project proposal (CE-SPIRE-10-2018) Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish non-profil research institute is looking for partners for an H2020 project proposal (CE-SPIRE-10-2018) related to polymers/polyvinyl butyral additives characterization, modification and recycling. The project aims to develop a sorting system of post-consumes polyvinyl butyral in different grades for improving the quality of the final recycled product. The institute looks for SME/Industry and RTD partners in this sector and education training experts for dissemination activities. |
Business : Slovenian company developing and producing air filters for shelters, industrial and sports buildings is looking for distributors. Business OFFER from Slovenia A Slovenian company is developing and manufacturing air filters. The company produces filters for different industries, shelters, business premises, and sports halls. The company is selling most of its products in the EU markets and is looking for distributors involved in sale of filters to cooperate in form of distribution agreements. |
Business : Geothermal and deep drilling technology Business REQUEST from Germany A German engineering and consulting company with focus on deep geothermal energy, deep drilling technology and special machinery design offers distribution service and commercial agency agreements in German language regions. |
Business : Manufacturing agreement with producer of weighing systems sought as supplier to German SME Business REQUEST from Germany A German SME specialised in development and production of measuring instruments for surface and interfacial tension is searching for contacts to producers of weighing systems for tensiometers. Cooperation in form of a manufacturing agreement is envisaged. The partner sought is expected to supply about 200 weighing systems per year as component of the German SMEs tensiometers. |
Technology : Applicable renewable energy techniques in road Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean company that specializes in the engineering and construction services for highways, roads, and airports was founded in 1973. The company focuses on selecting an appropriate location for the new airport and expanse the national road. Environment, leisure, railroad, and the national road development are the major area of their business. The company is looking for cooperation in renewable energy technology that is applicable on the road with research cooperation and license agreement. |
Business : Slovenian producer of exhaust systems for motor vehicles is looking for new partners through distribution as well as manufacturing and subcontracting agreements. Business OFFER from Slovenia A Slovenian company producing exhaust systems for all kinds of motor vehicles (cars, lorries, trucks, combined and military vehicles, construction machinery, generators, forklifts, tractors etc.), is now looking to expand into new markets and is looking for distribution agreements with potential partners, as well as manufacturing and subcontracting agreements. Company manufactures and installs exhaust pipes at the request of each party. |
Business : Slovenian producer of pneumatic, electro magnets and magnetic systems seeks partners through distribution, commercial or outsourcing agreements Business OFFER from Slovenia A Slovenian company with more than 15 years of experience in magnetic technology and manipulation and separation industry is looking for partners worldwide via distribution, commercial or outsourcing agreement for their pneumatic, electro magnets or magnetic systems. |
Business : Polish company specialized in manufacturing of modern motor boats is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Poland Polish company specializes in manufacturing of modern motor boats and it is engaged in each stage of the production process, starting from a design project of a motor boat which is final tested on the water. The company is looking for distributors and agents worldwide. |
Technology : Seeking partners to cooperate on convergence of solar energy and optical sensor technology in the fluorescent materials industry Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean company manufactures fluorescent materials and optical sensors desire to find partners to develop convergence of technology in the field of fluorescent materials and optical power. The technology would allow finding the accurate location of the sun over all azimuths as the batteries and sensors are following the position of the sun. The company desires to seek a partner for cooperation under the research cooperation agreement and licensing agreement. |
Technology : Looking for a technical solution for the recycling of of laminated glass/Windshields particularly the PVB Technology REQUEST from Belgium A Brussels based professional organization of glass recyclers is looking for a technical solution to allow for the recycling of laminated glass/Windshields, particularly the PVB (polyvinylbutyral) fraction. The organisation is looking for companies or universities with an expertise on materials in order to develop and demonstrate them with a technical agreement. This demonstration could take place in the framework of Horizon 2020 projects. |
Technology : Non toxic and environmental friendly mice repellant Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian SME has developed a new mice repellant product. It is an essential oil-based multi-sensory mouse repellent. It is non-toxic natural repellent, suitable for houses with pets and children. One example of the product is already on the market and consists of a complete line of standalone cardboard diffusers to fulfill all customers's needs. Licence, commercial with technical assistance agreements are sought for. Target countries mainly in Europe, second extra EU. |
Business : A Korean company specialized in the field of automotive climate control is looking for a distributor to globally expand their market Business OFFER from Korea, Republic of A Korean company specialized in the field of automotive climate control parts has concrete partnerships with over 300 local auto parts manufacturers. Based on this, the company is looking for a European partner who could play an important role of sales and distribution of the company’s products: compressors, radiators, condensers, cooling fans, evaporators, heater cores, air conditioning parts and etc. The preferred partnership types would be distribution services and commercial agency agreement |
Business : A Spanish technology centre is looking for partners for its automatic loan system for electric bicycles through commercial agency agreement. Business OFFER from Spain A Spanish non-profit technology centre has developed an innovative automatic system for the loan of electric bicycles. The centre is looking for new international commercial partners in the field of electromobility and urban services. Commercial agency agreement is sought. |
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