Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published February 11th, 2018.
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Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
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Ecobuild 2018 London
Find new business partners on innovation and technology related to sustainable construction, energy, domotics from all over Europe in a matchmaking on March 7th, 2018. Registration is open untill March 5th. More info HERE.
Hannover Messe 2018
Visiting or present at the Hannover Industrie Messe 2018? Get pre arranged meetings with companies and technology of your interest and meet new business partners! Free registration untill February 28th, 2018 using the Enterprise Europe Network services.
ESEF 2018 Utrecht
The supplier of succesful technologies, tomorrow's technology today at Utrecht the Netherlands. The matchmaking event will take place in the exhibition complex Jaarbeurs Utrecht from 20th to 23th March 2018. More information HERE.

ENERGY (18) |
Business : Ukrainian manufacturer of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coating is looking for distributors Business OFFER from Ukraine A Ukrainian company that specialises in manufacture of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coating which can be used in housing stock to prepare buildings and constructions for a heating season, on pipes or steam lines, agriculture, or automotive industry.The company is looking for distributors and commercial agents throughout Europe. |
Business : UK designer and manufacturer of high quality, designer LED (Light Emitting Diode)low energy light bulbs and light fittings seeks partners for a distribution services agreement. Business OFFER from United Kingdom This UK based company is an award winning designer and manufacturer of designer low energy lighting solutions. It offers a comprehensive range of contemporary LED light bulbs, light fittings and accessories and are now looking to expand it's sales by increasing its distribution network in Europe. The company seeks partners in the retail and electrical wholesale sectors for a distribution services agreement. |
Technology : Innovative device for weed-control powered with renewable biomass Technology OFFER from Italy An Italian SME working in the field of renewable sources and environmental solutions has developed an innovative portable device using heat to kill weeds. The weed-control effect is provided by exposing weeds to the hot gases generated during pyro-gasification and combustion of pellet or agri-pellet, thus avoiding herbicides toxic chemicals treatments. The company is looking for manufacturing agreements and commercial agreements with technical assistance in Spain, Germany, Austria and France. |
Business : A Japanese manufacturer of LED-lights with an emergency light function is seeking a distributor in Europe Business OFFER from Japan A manufacturer from Japan specialized in LED-lights with an emergency light function is looking for distributors in the EU. Their product is well recognized in Japan and automatically lights up in case of a blackout or power cut. Therefore, it improves safety in houses, offices, factories and other facilities. The company is looking to conclude a distribution agreement with a partner having distribution facilities, a good network and experience with e-commerce. |
Technology : Mechanism for converting a reciprocating linear movement to a unidirectional circular continuous movement Technology OFFER from Cyprus An innovative, mechanical module that converts a reciprocating linear movement to a unidirectional circular continuous movement has been developed by a Cypriot SME which can provide a total engine efficiency greater than most types of engine. A commercial agreement with technical assistance as further development is required by the SME, is sought, with engine designers and manufacturers. |
Technology : Seeking biogas burners manufacturers for innovative Stirling engines Technology REQUEST from Italy An Italian SME is producing innovative Stirling engines that recover heat in cogeneration systems. They are looking for a manufacturer of biogas burners with horizontal flame to integrate this burner in their systems. They are looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. |
Business : Spanish company specialized in the field of energy efficiency audits and control of energy costs for large buildings looks for partner to access new customers in European countries and Latin America Business OFFER from Spain Spanish engineering company specialized in energy efficiency consultancy is looking for a partner in EU countries and Latin America, through a joint venture or a services agreement. The partner sought should be an engineering company specialized in energy efficiency solutions and installations, wishing to offer this audit service to their customers. The Spanish company offers an innovative service of energy efficiency audit together with control and monitoring addressed to large buildings. |
Business : French highly flexible pre-insulated plastic piping systems are offered for distribution in European countries Business OFFER from France French company, specialised in the manufacturing of polyethylene pipes network systems, major French leader in the field of water transport in underground distribution network, is looking for a commercial agent or a distributor to develop its products in the European market. |
Business : French furnaces for industry are offered for commercial agency or a distribution services agreement in Spain or Portugal. Business OFFER from France A French designer and manufacturer of highly engineered furnaces for high technology and nuclear industries, research institutes, is looking for a distributor or a sales agent in Spain or Portugal. |
Business : A French social company, specialized in catering wastes valorization, developing local circular economy loops for the benefit of territories’ energetic autonomy is looking for a cooperation agreement such as a service agreement to implement its solution. Business OFFER from France A French catering wastes collection (such as cooking oils, coffee grounds, fermentable) for biodiesel production from used cooking oils, distribution to local authorities’ vehicles fleet and other catering wastes valorisation on energetic or other value chains. Looking for services agreement with local authorities, SMEs, research centers in Europe. |
Technology : Dutch developer of unique air preheater made out of high temperature resistant polymer tubes is looking for users or suppliers of boilers, furnaces or dryers Technology OFFER from Netherlands The Dutch company has developed a robust heat exchanger of polymer tubes to recover waste heat and save on energy costs. The unique air preheater can recover heat from corrosive and fouling gas streams in combustion processes or humid exhaust air from drying processes in multiple industries. To expand sales in Europe and South Asia both end users and suppliers of furnaces and dryers are sought. A commercial agreement with technical assistance or a joint venture agreement are proposed. |
Research & Development : H2020-SC5-2018-2019-2020: Industrial partners with expertise in recycling and recovery of secondary raw materials from end-of-life products Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish university is preparing a project proposal under the topic CE-SC5-07-2018-2019-2020 “Raw materials innovation for the circular economy”, focused on the search for sustainable, green and environmentally safe approaches to more efficient and economically viable recycling rates of secondary raw materials from end-of-life products, in particular in the nuclear industry, envisaging their eventual gradual partial substitution. Companies with expertise in this subject are sought. |
Business : Russian energy-efficient light-emitting diode lamp manufacturer seeks partners in Europe Business OFFER from Russian Federation A Russian company from Nizhny Novgorod specialized in the production of electrical goods offers a wide range of modern technology light-emitting diode lamps under its own trademark. The company is interested in European companies engaged in wholesale and internet lightning trade and is ready to enter into a distribution services agreement. |
Business : Russian company specialised in wind-power generators supply looks for the distributors Business OFFER from Russian Federation A Russian company specializes in the distribution of wind-powered generators and their installation and service, seeks partners from Norway and Germany for cooperation within distribution services agreement, which implies installation of the above-mentioned equipment upon request. In addition, the company is ready to cooperate within the distribution services agreement. |
Business : Geothermal and deep drilling technology Business REQUEST from Germany A German engineering and consulting company with focus on deep geothermal energy, deep drilling technology and special machinery design offers distribution service and commercial agency agreements in German language regions. |
Business : Russian producer of explosion-proof and waterproof equipment is looking for manufacturers Business REQUEST from Russian Federation The Russian company is engaged in production and distribution of explosion-proof and waterproof equipment for explosive gas production, petroleum, chemical and coal industries. The company is looking for foreign producers of rolled steel, brass-mill products, tool steel, cast iron, silver contacts, paints and varnishes to cooperate under the manufacturing agreement. |
Technology : Applicable renewable energy techniques in road Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean company that specializes in the engineering and construction services for highways, roads, and airports was founded in 1973. The company focuses on selecting an appropriate location for the new airport and expanse the national road. Environment, leisure, railroad, and the national road development are the major area of their business. The company is looking for cooperation in renewable energy technology that is applicable on the road with research cooperation and license agreement. |
Technology : Seeking partners to cooperate on convergence of solar energy and optical sensor technology in the fluorescent materials industry Technology REQUEST from Korea, Republic of A Korean company manufactures fluorescent materials and optical sensors desire to find partners to develop convergence of technology in the field of fluorescent materials and optical power. The technology would allow finding the accurate location of the sun over all azimuths as the batteries and sensors are following the position of the sun. The company desires to seek a partner for cooperation under the research cooperation agreement and licensing agreement. |
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