A Berlin-based research institution is looking for partners in Europe (excluded Germany) for the H2020 Call "Advanced materials for additive manufacturing (IA) - Topic identifier: DT-NMBP-19-2019". Deadline: 22 January 2019.
Summary of the project idea:
The high potential of additive manufacturing could still only partly used by industry. This mainly is due to the fact that so far only materials originally developed for conventional manufacturing processes such as casting or sintering could be used.
The project is intended to close this gap and develop completely new materials for three fields of application that will make it possible to open up new and innovative opportunities.
Partners sought:
The already existing consortium is looking for End-User for Hard-Metals, Composites; Possible sectors could be Aerospace, Mobility, Tools etc.
Please find further information about the project idea in the attachments and contact me if you do have a potential partner among your clients in mind.
Interested, please contact my Berlin colleague Mr. Jens Woelki at Berlin Partner fur Wirtschaft und Technolgie GmbH
Further information on this partner search:
Development of new high-performance materials for additive manufacturing
A European-Brazilian Research project for call H2020 - DT-NMBP-19-2019 - Advanced materials for additive manufacturing
The high potential of additive manufacturing could still only partly used by industry. This mainly is due to the fact that so far only materials originally developed for conventional manufacturing processes such as casting or sintering could be used.
This project is intended to close this gap and develop completely new materials for three fields of application that will make it possible to open up new and innovative opportunities.
1. Hard Metals:
Design of an AM-compatible hard metal for filament based Fused Deposition Modelling process (FDM). First time production of high-quality parts using additive processes. Replace classical processing technologies like sintering for application in moulding and die making industry as well for forming tools.
2. Composites:
Ground-breaking innovation by development of a new functional metal composites for liquid based AM technologies with ultra-high build-up rates as well as for laser processes. Light weight alloys in binder matrix with ultra-high strength to weight ratio for structural parts of automotive industry.
3. Aerospace Alloys:
Modelling of a new lightweight material for Laser based AM technologies to address Aerospace industry. Material should show advantages in processability, wear- and high-temperature resistance and be significant cost effective than available alloys.
This cooperation project has powerful approaches and unique selling points:
a) Process-related material development
New materials will consequently be developed by considering thermodynamic transformation processes during the additive manufacturing. Parallelization of material and process design.
b) Strategic partnership with Brazil
The European access to strategically important raw materials is getting progressively more restricted and constitutes a major problem for the future economic stability. Brazil is one of the largest producers of raw materials in the world with great expertise in materials processing. Brazilian companies and research institutions are therefore involved in the project.
c) Wide-ranging technology base with high synergy impact
Within the planned project, four different AM technologies will be investigated. Synergy effects can be exploited for a large number of material-scientific and process-technical questions.
d) Low costs open broad field of applications
For the first time, very cost-effective technologies originally developed for plastics processing will be used to manufacture products from metal composites and hard metals. In addition a low-cost alloys for laser processes will be developed. This opens high potentials to replace standard process technologies inside the three different application routes.