Source: Enterprise Europe Network - Italy
An Italian company, specialised in the production of Organic Rankine Cycle systems for power production from renewable energy sources, has patented innovative production methods for turbomachinery components, in particular bladed parts. The company is looking for partners interested in developing the new manufacturing methods under technical cooperation agreements. Joint venture and manufacturing agreements can be considered with companies able to offer a deeper and continuous collaboration.
The full profile can be found HERE at the Enterprise Europe Network database.

Artikelen die interessant zijn voor u als innovatieve MKB ondernemer met een focus op innovatie, industrie, cleantech, en internationalisatie. De inhoud geldt als informatie, inspiratie en implementatie binnen uw onderneming. Articles for SME's to inform, inspire and related to innovation, cleantech, manufacturing and international business. This page is for inspiration, information and an invitation for you to get in contact with Dutch entrepreneurs and their network.