vrijdag 10 januari 2014

International co operation profiles from Enterprise Europe Network from first half Januari 2014

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partnersearch, new business at your doorstep published first half of January 2014.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organisations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Find more than 10,000 profiles of companies offering and requesting co operation in technology or business.

Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
- Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
- Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
- Combine fair visit with matchmaking organised by Enterprise Europe Network to find your new business partners

For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.

CO2 laser cutting unit is sought for reciprocal production of CNC laser cutting machine
Technology REQUEST from Turkey
A Turkish SME active in automatic machine tools (CNC) market is looking for CO2 laser cutting unit for co-development of CO2 laser cutting machine with more than 750 W-1 kW laser power. European industrial companies are sought for reciprocal production and/or or technical cooperation agreements. Joint venture agreements can also be negotiable in the long run.

Montenegrin company specialising in protective zinc coating solutions and sandblasting offers cooperation
Business OFFER from Republic of Montenegro
A Montenegrin company leading in anti-corrosion protection, sandblasting and rehabilitation of concrete surfaces offers subcontracting in anti-corrosion protection.

Low consumption LED variable messaging sign
Technology OFFER from Spain
Spanish electronic company has developed an innovative whole new range of variable messaging signs with a built-in technology able to cut power consumption up to 80%. It expands the lifetime of the variable messaging sign, while reducing operating and maintenance costs. The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Fireproof Airfit Slab System largely increasing safety and durability of underground tunnel
Technology OFFER from Korea, Republic of
A South Korea company invented a new method of construction of the transverse ventilation system in underground roadways and tunnels using combination of Fireproof Prestressed Concrete Slab and FireProof Partition. This combination operates the ventilation in case of fire, so that suffocation would not happen. It largely strengthens the safety and durability of tunnel. They are looking for a partner who is willing to have a license contract or joint venture or investment.

Novel food and beverage containment system for suitcases
Technology OFFER from Ireland
An Irish product design company has developed, prototyped and IP protected a system which facilitates the storage, transport and access to open beverage and food items using a standard wheeled suitcase. The company are seeking partnerships with existing manufacturers of luggage items who would be interested in incorporating the system into their product lines. The partnership could take the form of a license agreement or another mutually beneficial arrangement.

Indirect Ophthalmoscope Apparatus
Technology OFFER from Turkey
A researcher from University has developed a fundus camera (ophthalmoscopy), more particularly to handheld apparatus for fundoscopic photo-imaging. The type of the apparatus called as indirect ophthalmoscopy. Researcher is looking for a licensing partner or a manufacturing agreement.

A UK manufacturer of powder processing equipment and components for the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries is looking for distributors / agents in Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
Business OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK supplier of powder processing equipment and components for the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries is looking for distributors and agents in Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The solutions based equipment and systems meet the needs of the Food, Pharmaceutical and Chemical industries, covers one off equipment to complete package.

World's leading Flood Protection system, mobile barriers- much more efficient than sand bags - searching for distributors in countries with heavy rain and flooding
Business OFFER from Norway
World leader in MobileFloodProtection,a Norwegian sme with products worldwide.The Mobile Flood Barriers are rapidly installed, prior to or during heavy rain/weather.They search for distributors.Partners can be water management companies, emergency response agencies, building owners.The system is quick and easy to install. Each flood barrier module are two boards in flat packs, lifted into place. The construction is stabilized by water pressure when the flood arrives.Distribution agreement sought

High Corrosion Resistance for Aluminium Alloys via Conversion Coating Process
Technology OFFER from Israel
An Israeli SME develops chemicals for metal finishing / surface treatment & offers a new process of conversion coating for aluminium alloys. Advantages over current approaches include high corrosion resistance (achieved even for aerospace alloy 2024) of the treated product, visible colour difference between treated and non-treated alloys etc. Looking for partners interested in joint venture, integration the technology in their systems, adaptation to local markets etc.

Efficient pump to be powered by solar energy to replace diesel-powered pump for irrigation in agriculture
Technology REQUEST from Italy
An Italian multidisciplinary small company working on social innovation topics is looking for a technology to complete a renewable energy powered system to replace diesel pump in agriculture. It is looking for an efficient but economic pump able to push 10 litres per second from 5m depth. The pump will be powered by photovoltaic panels, with which it constitutes an integrated and transportable system. The technology requested can either be at an advanced test stage or fully developed.

A Turkish chemical company is searching for the most economical drying system for the waste sludge of the soda plant.
Technology REQUEST from Turkey
A Turkish chemical company produces soda chemicals with high amount of solid waste more than 500.000 tons/year.This solid waste has higher level of moisture (%50-60) with its chemical features.The company is looking for new economical solutions (filtration,decanter,etc) to reduce high level of moisture content of the waste sludge from %50-60 to below %10 by utilizing solar energy. The company is seeking partners for technical cooperation and commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Serbian company offering consulting services and project management in water industry and waste water industry is looking for a trade intermediary and contractors.
Business OFFER from Serbia
Serbian company offering consulting services and project management in water industry and waste water industry is looking for a trade intermediary and contractor services on larger projects.

French company developing programming tools and systems to optimize engine performance of agricultural machinery is looking for commercial partners
Business OFFER from France
A French company developing programming tools and systems to optimize the engine performance of agricultural machinery is looking for commercial partners in Europe: distributors of electronic products especially in the field of agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery dealers

A Greek company that deals with the construction and management of photovoltaic facilities, is looking for cooperations with foreign countries.
Business OFFER from Unknown
The Greek company undertakes the design and/or construction of photovoltaic facilities, offers technical advice/solutions on complex constructability issues and has know-how in site planning, quantity estimation and cost management. The company is seeking to establish cooperation - a distribution services agreement, a joint venture agreement and/or subcontracting- in the broader European sector as well as in major international markets.

Intelligent Energy Storage Solution With Integrated Control and Management System
Technology OFFER from Unknown
An Estonian SME, specialized in design and engineering of intelligent energy solutions, has developed an efficient modular and scalable battery pack with integrated control and management system. Main advantages include high customizability, CAN (Controller Area Network) communication, wireless transmission, smart mechanical design, durable interconnects, thermal cooling and vibration isolation. Licensing agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance is sought.

A Japanese trimming & deburring machine system manufacturer is seeking a manufacturing and sales licensee in the EU for their technology
Technology OFFER from Japan
A Japanese trimming & deburring machine system manufacturer is seeking a manufacturing and sales licensee in the EU. A total license for local manufacturing, sales and after-sales service with non-exclusivity can be granted with royalty & down payment.

Ending water stock notification system
Technology OFFER from Poland
Inventor from North-East Poland developed an innovative approach to water stock notification system. The solution concerns whole HOD (home/office delivery) market. Innovation keeps the flow of the notification for demand of gallon water and delivery process to the customer. System can be applied to the home delivery. Technical agreement, manufacturing agreement or license agreement is desirable.

Lithuanian company, specialized in logistics, trucks spare parts and grain trading, is looking for partners to create a joint venture.
Business OFFER from Lithuania
A Lithuanian company, specialized in logistics, trucks spare parts and grain trading, is looking for partners to create a joint venture. The company is interested in creating a joint venture, which would operate as food, pharmaceutical products or agricultural machines spare parts trade company.

A French group specialized in selling garden and DIY tools, housewares, kitchenware, car accessories and leisure and fitness goods, seeks partners to distribute its products
Business OFFER from France
A French group, leading mobile retailer in French market, selling garden and DIY tools, housewares, kitchenware, car accessories and leisure and fitness goods, through three commercial brands and through different distribution channels (store-trucks, shops, mail order business and internet), seeks new partners to distribute its products. The partnership can either be a distributor contract, a brand license agreement or a franchise.

donderdag 9 januari 2014

Hoe snel groeit het elektrisch vervoer in Nederland?

Bron: Automotive NL Nieuwsbrief

Cijfers elektrisch vervoer t/m november 2013
datum 16 dec 2013 08:17

Hierbij een overzicht van het aantal voertuigen en laadpunten in Nederland t/m 30 november 2013. Dit overzicht geeft een indruk van de ontwikkeling van elektrisch rijden in Nederland.
Het overzicht is weergegeven in de volgende PDF-Ducument. Het wordt maandelijks samengesteld door Agentschap NL, in opdracht van het ministerie van EZ. De teller staat per eind november op ruim 20.000 plug-in hybride en volledig elektrische voertuigen.

AgentschapNL is onderdeel van het ministerie van Economische Zaken. Het agentschap is de uitvoeringsorganisatie van de Nederlandse Rijksoverheid als het gaat om duurzaamheid, innovatie en internationaal ondernemen. Op die drie gebieden brengt AgentschapNL namens de overheid gerichte verandering tot stand in de maatschappij. De belangrijkste doelgroepen zijn ondernemers, onderzoekers en decentrale overheden.

Cleantach Café 11 februari 2014: Van gebruikte stoffen naar nieuwe vezels, het upcyclen van textiel

Hoogwaardig hergebruik van oude vezels in nieuwe toepassingen is de specialisatie van het open innovatiecentrum Texperium in Haaksbergen. Vanuit de samenwerking met onder andere VAR|Frankenhuis als \textielrecycler, Kennispark Twente, Saxion en diverse andere partijen wordt er gewerkt aan nieuwe en vooral hoogwaardige toepassingen van post consumer vezels. Deze samenwerking resulteert in een vooraanstaande kennispositie voor hergebruik van textiel.

Texperium heeft o.a. oude KLM uniformen gerecycled en verwerkt in nieuwe producten als plaatmateriaal, tassen, sjaals en riemen. Een ander aansprekend voorbeeld is het upcyclen van oude spijkerkleding die niet herdraagbaar is. De aanwezige kennis en samenwerking met partners maakt het mogelijk dat deze vezels weer hoogwaardig hergebruikt worden in een nieuwe bestemming zoals bv nieuwe jeans.

Jaarlijks verbranden wij in Nederland circa 150.000 ton kleding en 200.000 ton overige textiel als tapijt. Erg jammer, mede ook gezien de hoge milieu impact die de productie van textiel heeft op haar leefomgeving door een hoog waterverbruik en veel bestrijdingsmiddelen.

In dit Cleantech Café vertelt voorzitter Peter Bos over de visie van Texperium op upcyclen van textiel, het ontwikkelen van nieuwe producten, de toepassingen in de markt en de unieke kennispositie vanuit de samenwerking als open innovatiecentrum, gespecialiseerd in textiel. Dat hier meer bij komt kijken dan alleen het van textiel weer vezels maken zal blijken tijdens de rondleiding, waarbij we machines te zien krijgen die textiel verwerken tot hoogwaardige grondstoffen en kleding ontdoen van ritsen en knopen
Dhr. Bos ontvangt ons graag in het nieuwe pand in Haaksbergen op het industrieterrein Stepelo.

15.45 uur: Ontvangst
16.10 uur: Welkom, introductie sprekers
16.20 uur: Spreker Peter Bos, directeur VAR|Frankenhuis en voorzitter Texperium
16.50 uur: Rondleiding door het bedrijf
17.15 uur: Borrel en aansluitend om 17.30 uur pitch voor alle aanwezigen
18.30 uur: Einde programma

Algemene gegevens
Datum: Dinsdag 11 februari 2014
Tijd: 15.45 - 18.30 uur
Locatie: Elektrostraat 5, 7483 PG Haaksbergen, www.texperium.eu en www.varfrankenhuis.nl

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Foto's gemaakt tijdens de bijeenkomst zijn HIER te vinden. Het was een erg interessante en succesvolle bijeenkomst.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy