dinsdag 7 juli 2015

Green Tech Week 2015 - Deelnemen, aanmelden, presenteren, netwerken, kennis delen

Green Tech Week 2015
Van maandag 5 tot zaterdag 10 oktober 2015 vindt de tweede editie plaats van de Green Tech Week. We laten aan elkaar zien waar we mee bezig zijn. Zo kan iedereen ervaren hoe bijzonder de wereld van green tech is. We vergrootten de kans op het ontstaan van mooie contacten, die ons allen verder brengen in de energietransitie. En we laten onze gezamenlijke kracht zien als energie- en milieutechnologie-regio.

Aanmelden activiteit
Wilt u in 2015 meedoen en ook een activiteiten tijdens de Green Tech Week organiseren? Vanaf medio mei kunt u zich weer aanmelden voor het organiseren van een activiteit tijdens de Green Tech Week. We hebben de ambitie om verschillende evenementen en activiteiten faciliteren op het gebied van Energie- en Milieutechnologie.
  • We vinden het belangrijk dat alle evenementen gratis toegankelijk zijn;
  • Het thema moet zoveel mogelijk aansluiten op het dag thema;
  • U bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor het werven van deelnemers.

De dag thema’s van 2015 zijn:
  • Maandag:      Cleantech
  • Dinsdag:        Duurzame energie en Energiebesparing
  • Woensdag:    Circulaire economie
  • Donderdag:   Biobased Economy
  • Vrijdag:         Duurzame mobiliteit
  • Zaterdag:      Publieksdag
De komende maanden zal het programma van de Green Tech Week steeds meer vorm krijgen. Wilt u hiervan op de hoogte blijven? Kijk dan voor meer informatie op website van de Green Tech Week.

Green Tech Week 2014 - Facts:
In 2014 is het idee ontstaan om dit aanbod te bundelen in een week die geheel in het teken staan van Energie- Milieu- Technologie. De eerste editie van de Green Tech Week was dan ook een groot succes met maar liefst 22.000 bezoekers verdeeld over 30 activiteiten. In heel Oost-Nederland waren er verschillende activiteiten georganiseerd verdeeld over de verschillende dag thema’s (groene groei (financieel), circulaire economie, duurzaam bouwen en energiebesparing, duurzame energie en mobiliteit, biobased economy en innovatie en de publieksdag)

De Initiatiefnemers van de Green Tech Week 2015 zijn:
GreenTechAlliances, powered by kiEMT, De Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, VNO-NCW Midden, de Kamer van Koophandel en Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.

maandag 6 juli 2015

Update uit nieuwsbrieven voor internationaal en duurzaamheid voor uw bedrijf

Bron: RVO / Ecomobiel / Automotive NL /kiEMT

De CityTransporter van Allmotive: groen, groener, groenst!
Allmotive B.V. in Goor heeft waarschijnlijk de meest duurzame bedrijfsvoertuigen binnen het meest 'groene' dealernetwerk in de Benelux! Niet alleen levert Allmotive de bijzonder milieuvriendelijke en zuinige bedrijfsvoertuigen van het merk CityTransporter, ook aan haar dealernetwerk stelt zij hoge eisen op het gebied van duurzaamheid.
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Campagne Wereldwijd ondernemen
De campagne Wereldwijd ondernemen laat zien hoe het buitenlandnetwerk van de Nederlandse overheid u als ondernemer kan helpen. Steeds meer ondernemers kiezen voor internationaal ondernemen. Omdat er in het buitenland kansen liggen, waar Nederland het verschil kan maken. Laat u inspireren en ontdek hoe uw bedrijf de stap naar het buitenland kan maken.
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Missie biosector naar Expo Milaan
Bent u actief in de biologische sector? Dit is uw kans om het beste te halen uit uw bezoek aan de wereldtentoonstelling Expo Milaan. Enterprise Europe Network Nederland organiseert een handelsmissie naar de Expo, speciaal voor bedrijven uit de biologische sector. U bezoekt het speciale Organic Paviljoen en kunt matchmaken met Italiaanse biologische bedrijven. Reageer snel.
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Smart-oplossingen voor Tokyo2020
Japan staat open voor internationale samenwerking om zo de meest innovatieve Olympische Spelen ooit te organiseren. Nederlandse bedrijven met smart-oplossingen kunnen hiervan profiteren. Lees het rapport van de ambassade.
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Shanghai: life science hub
Shanghai is de thuishaven voor 2 belangrijke Life Science & Health-evenementen. De Innovatie Attaché in Shanghai vertelt waarom deelname interessant is voor Nederlandse innovatieve bedrijven.
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Start community biobased producten inkopen
Wilt u biobased producten inkopen maar zoekt u nog naar goede voorbeelden, praktische informatie en ondersteuning? De projectgroep Biobased Inkopen van de Rijksoverheid nodigt overheden uit om deel te nemen aan de Community of Practice Biobased Inkopen voor de Overheid.
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Themamiddag materials innovation in surface treatments for the automotive indusrty
Eén van de grootste uitdagingen voor veel OEM's is de CO2 reductie in uitstoot en productie van voertuigen. Gewichtsreductie, schonere aandrijfsystemen en minder weerstand zijn de sleutels tot succes. Dit leidt tot nieuwe constructies, nieuwe materialen, nieuwe aandrijfsystemen met minder wrijving, nieuwe vormen van carrosserieën, aangepaste of zelfs nieuwe wetgeving en eisen van OEM's. In alle gevallen zal dit zijn uitwerking hebben op de oppervlakte behandeling van vele componenten in het voertuig. AutomotiveNL neemt u graag mee in deze uitdaging en organiseert op dinsdag 29 september aanstaande een themamiddag met als titel: Innovation in Surface Treatments for the Automotive Industry. Lees meer

Praktijkverhaal WBSO: Leren schrijven op een Ipad
In samenwerking met Stabilo ontwikkelt &ranj een serious game waarmee kinderen met een tablet leren schrijven. Met ondersteuning van de WBSO ziet het Rotterdamse bedrijf kans om de game door te ontwikkelen voor de consumentenmarkt.
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Praktijkverhaal: Innovatiekrediet voor elektrische wielaandrijving in bussen
e-Traction Europe ontwikkelt een nieuw type elektrische motor die past in het wiel van stadsbussen. Deze elektrische wielaandrijving is ongeveer 15% efficiënter dan andere elektrische aandrijvingen voor stadsbussen. Dit komt omdat de aandrijving het vermogen direct op de wielen overbrengt en zo nergens energie verloren gaat. Voor de ontwikkeling ontving het bedrijf een Innovatiekrediet.
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Start indientermijn voor Subsidieregeling praktijkleren
Vanaf 2 juni 2015 9:00 uur tot en met 15 september 2015 17:00 uur kan een onderneming of intermediair een aanvraag indienen. De Subsidieregeling praktijkleren is een financiële tegemoetkoming voor de werkgever in de kosten die hij maakt voor de begeleiding van een leerling of student. Wacht niet tot de laatste dag met indienen!
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Subsidieregelingen energie-innovatie 1 juli 2015 open
De tweede tranche subsidieregelingen voor de Topsector Energie is vanaf 1 juli 2015 open. Het ministerie van Economische Zaken stelt 19,5 miljoen euro beschikbaar voor energie-innovatieprojecten. Doel van deze Topsector is schone en efficiënt opgewekte energie, die Nederland economisch sterker maakt.
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Oost-NL Top Investeringsklimaat Biobased Ondernemerschap
Oost-Nederland is koploper met meer dan 300 biobased initiatieven. Bedrijven, overheden en kennisinstellingen investeren volop in de vergroening van onze economie. Dit blijkt uit de Monitoring Biobased Economy NL 2014, dat door het ministerie van Economische Zaken is opgesteld en op 4 juni aan de Tweede Kamer is aangeboden.
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Jan Terlouw Innovatieprijs 2015
Innovatieve ondernemers in de energie- en milieutechnologie (EMT) schrijf nu in voor de Jan Terlouw Innovatieprijs en maak kans op de hoofdprijs van 10.000,- euro en vijf adviesdagen voor verdere ontwikkeling en het vermarkten van uw winnende innovatie. Inschrijven kan tot 1 augustus aanstaande!
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vrijdag 3 juli 2015

International co operation profiles Energy & Environment from Enterprise Europe Network 16th June 2015

Source: Enterprise Europe Network / KvK

Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search in energy and environment published 16th June 2015.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query  for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.

Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 50 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.

Some advantages are:
  • Easy access to new technologies
  • Less risk in developing new products or technologies
  • Improve speed of development, time to market
  • Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertises external
  • Finding relevant new contacts using the network and get introduced to it
  • Get a warm introduction on the right level using personal contacts from the Enterprise Europe Network consultants
For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.


Technology : Innovative concepts of wind turbine and tidal turbine
Technology OFFER from Serbia
A Serbian company has developed new concepts of wind and tidal turbines for tidal and wind kinetic energy conversion. Advantages over conventional turbines are smaller size with much higher productivity, higher reliability, smaller vibrations, lower noise and lower sensitivity to unexpected wind direction changes. The company seeks industrial partners interested in Licensing, JV or Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance and research institutes for Technical cooperation.

Technology : Electronic solar compass
Technology OFFER from Italy
An Italian research centre patented an electronic solar compass able to determine, with the best today accuracy, the orientation of a viewed point respect to true north. Main advantages are accuracy, low production cost and applicability in all regions of the world. The proposer is looking for industrial partner/research organization, for engineering or adaptation/integration to instruments, for licensing, technical cooperation agreements and commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Technology : Cost effective substrates
Technology OFFER from United Kingdom
A UK SME specialising in the field of semiconductors and photovoltaics has developed technology to reduce the cost of substrates. The novel technology enables the creation or transfer of a one to ten micrometres depth Semiconductor Film, as a functional substrate, from bulk materials or via thin film deposition. Partners are sought for technical collaboration or license in the areas of LED, photovoltaics, power electronics and RF chips from companies/ universities experienced in this sector.

Business : A Dutch developer and manufacturer of air curtains and fan coils is looking for trade intermediaries in Scandinavia
Business OFFER from Netherlands
Dutch developer and manufacturer of air curtains and fan coils offers a wide range of standard units. These units can be implemented in almost every situation. If the standard units do not meet the requirements in terms of design or capacity, the company offers tailor-made units, built to specifications given by client.The company seeks distributors and agents in Norway, Sweden Finland and Denmark for cooperation in the frame of a commercial agency or distribution services agreement.

Business : Hungarian energy management software developing company already on the international market is looking for system integrators and distributors
Business OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian energy management software developing SME with a strong experience in automation and system engineering has been involved in developing energy management solutions for the industrial and building-complexes sector for over 10 years. The team is offering an Energy Management Software. The company is looking for system integrator partners as agents and are open to establish co-operation with potential suppliers in the frame of distribution agreements.

Business : Austrian supplier of innovative photovoltaic solutions is looking for distributors, sales agents and also subcontractors - special focus on self-sufficient PV-powered outdoor booths
Business OFFER from Austria
An Austrian company is seeking committed distribution partners, sales agents and also subcontractors for innovative photovoltaic solutions including an energy-self-sufficient fully equipped PV (photovoltaic) powered outdoor booth that has fold-out sides that are covered with PV-panels and can be used as a sales booth or a (beach) bar.

Business : Greek company specialised in renewable energy covering and shading systems offers its products for distribution
Business OFFER from Greece
Greek company specialised in covering and shading systems using renewable energy sources is interested in finding commercial partners to distribute its products on foreign markets (especially Armenia, Russia, Ukraine).

Technology : Software for wind-speed and solar-radiation forecast with application to renewable energy generation
Technology OFFER from Spain
A Spanish university developed a technology for quick prediction, with high precision, of wind-speed and solar-radiation. The prototype can be easily integrated into real products, giving intelligent information to weather forecasts. The university seeks end users (renewable energy producers, meteorological station manufacturers) to integrate it into existing products through technical cooperation or commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Technology : New kind of solar concentrator for solar heat industrial process - industrial testers are sought.
Technology REQUEST from France
French SME near Paris has conceived and developed a new kind of solar concentrator for solar heat industrial process. The innovation is based on new technologies in order to reduce structure cost and operation cost, while delivering excellent optical, mechanical and thermal performances. The SME is looking for a partner to test the demonstrator of this innovation in the field of industry. It will be a technical or research cooperation.

Technology : Hybrid technologies for poultry litter management and power generation
Technology REQUEST from India
Indian business conglomerate, with diverse commercial businesses and presence in poultry, animal feed and food retailing sectors, is seeking hybrid technologies for poultry litter management and power generation.

Technology : Micro hydro turbine using final effluent cascade from wastewater treatment works.
Technology REQUEST from United Kingdom
A Large Scottish (UK) Water Utility wishes to explore the potential to recover energy from treated sewage effluent, allowing local sources of renewable electricity to be generated from sites where this is not currently possible. An industrial partner is sought for the demonstration or technological development of low cost micro hydro solutions capable of operation on treated wastewater effluent.

Business : Danish biogas plant development company is looking for an agent based in the United Kingdom
Business OFFER from Denmark
A Danish company, which plans and constructs turn-key biogas plants, with more than 20 years of experience in manure based biogas plant development, is looking for an agent in the United Kingdom. The agent, should be able to identify new biogas plant projects and should ideally already be working in the construction sector, selling to farmers.

Technology : Decentralized heat recovery
Technology OFFER from Germany
A company from the Northeast of Germany has developed a waste heat recovery (WHR)-system based on Clausius Rankine Cycle (CRC) and Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology in the 1-5 kW (AC). Currently the SME is implementing the SME-instrument Phase 1. The company seeks for partners (universities, industry, SME) in order to jointly implement SME-instrument Phase 2 or to apply in a consortium for further Horizon 2020 energy call or Eurostars (Eureka). Research cooperation agreement is offered.


Technology : A novel process for SO2 and dust removal from exhaust gases with heat recuperation
Technology OFFER from Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
A small Macedonian research company has developed a novel process for SO2 and dust removal from exhaust gases coming from the steam and hot water boilers. The solution offers high levels of purification and heat recuperation based on an innovative SO2 filtration system. The company is looking for industrial and research partners interested in licensing, commercial or technical cooperation agreements

Technology : Wireless medical sensors
Technology REQUEST from Spain
A Southern Spanish technology based enterprise active in the area of remote patient monitoring solutions is very interested in getting in contact with providers of novel wireless medical sensors. Companies interested should provide not only the sensor but also technical support for the integration in the technology developed by the Spanish requester. Commercial agreements with technical assistance are sought.

Business : Looking for a Distributor for Mildew killer combines disinfection effect by alcohol and long-term effect by lime
Business OFFER from Germany
A German SME works as consultant for mining, tunnelling and civil engineering companies and is offering a product for the destruction of mildew arising indoors. Mildew grows within window recesses and in corners and areas of high differences in heat (no damming in houses). It is the first product which combines disinfection effect by alcohol and long-term effect by lime. The company is looking for distribution service agreements.

Business : A Dutch developer and manufacturer of air curtains and fan coils is looking for trade intermediaries in Scandinavia
Business OFFER from Netherlands
Dutch developer and manufacturer of air curtains and fan coils offers a wide range of standard units. These units can be implemented in almost every situation. If the standard units do not meet the requirements in terms of design or capacity, the company offers tailor-made units, built to specifications given by client.The company seeks distributors and agents in Norway, Sweden Finland and Denmark for cooperation in the frame of a commercial agency or distribution services agreement.

Technology : Novel integrated technology for processing rice husks in order to turn them into carbon / silicon - containing materials with added value
Technology OFFER from Bulgaria
A Bulgarian research institute with more than 50 years of experience in research and development in the field of general and inorganic chemistry has developed a novel integrated technology to process rice husk in order to turn them into carbon / silicon -containing materials with added value. The institute seeks commercial agreements with technical assistance with interested companies for the implementation of the technology or research cooperation agreements for further development.

Business : Hungarian energy management software developing company already on the international market is looking for system integrators and distributors
Business OFFER from Hungary
A Hungarian energy management software developing SME with a strong experience in automation and system engineering has been involved in developing energy management solutions for the industrial and building-complexes sector for over 10 years. The team is offering an Energy Management Software. The company is looking for system integrator partners as agents and are open to establish co-operation with potential suppliers in the frame of distribution agreements.

Business : An Irish provider of a heat retention system for open chimneys seeks distributors
Business OFFER from Ireland
This company is an Irish manufacturer and installer of a heat retention solution for open chimneys and it has over 40 years' experience in the fireplace trade. Its patented heat retention solution is compliant with all International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and British Standard (BS) standards and specifications.The product, which can be designed and manufactured to suit bespoke fireplaces, guarantees a minimum of 15% energy savings. The company seeks UK sales distributors.

Business : A Dutch company has developed sustainable products for water quality problems and is looking for commercial agents / distributors
Business OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch company develops and distributes sustainable products for water quality problems in potable, waste, industrial, storm, raw water and lakes. They offer a wide range of effective strategies against blue-green algae, problems due to stratification and oxygen deficiency. The Dutch company is interested in partners who are active in the environmental engineering and water pollution treatment market in the framework of a commercial agreement.

Business : Swedish heat pump manufacturer looking for agent in France
Business OFFER from Sweden
A Swedish company manufacturing air/ground heat pumps and groundwater heat pumps is looking to expand their market within the EU. The company is looking for a an agent in Northern France. The agent should be active within construction and refrigeration areas, supplying products such as ventilation systems.

Business : Search for partners doing analysis of samples within limnology and marine biology
Business REQUEST from Sweden
A Swedish company offers environmental consulting services within limnology and marine biology. They are looking for similar companies that can assist the Swedish company with the analysis of samples at times of high demand. The company is looking for partners in northern Europe who can help with subcontracting or service agreements.

Technology : Hybrid technologies for poultry litter management and power generation
Technology REQUEST from India
Indian business conglomerate, with diverse commercial businesses and presence in poultry, animal feed and food retailing sectors, is seeking hybrid technologies for poultry litter management and power generation.

Business : Finnish company specialized in stone installation and landscaping offers subcontracting and seeks agents in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Business OFFER from Finland
A Finnish company with an excellent reputation and references in stone installation and landscaping services is looking for partners in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The Finnish company seeks companies, which need subcontractors for making stone installation and landscaping works.The company is also looking for an agent who would cooperate with them in finding suitable projects in concrete and natural stone installation and landscaping and cooperating with them in these projects.

Technology : Building dike reinforcements with dredged sediments
Technology OFFER from Netherlands
A Dutch civil engineering company is specialized in designing and building climate adaptive structures like dike reinforcements and related infrastructure with dredged sediment contained in tubes of geotextile material. This way of using of waste material is cost effective and sustainable. The Dutch company is one of few specialist in the world in this field. They are interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance with government agencies and building and construction companies.

Business : Distribution partner sought for real-time permanent biosensor for biomonitoring of water quality
Business OFFER from Germany
A German SME specialized in the field of biomonitoring tools has developed a real-time permanent biosensor to monitor the quality of water. The sensor can be applied in all sectors where pollution hazards in water, sediment and soil can affect ecological integrity and/ or human health. End-users could be e.g. waterworks, the beverage, pharmaceutical or oil industry or waste water treatment plants. The SME is looking for a distributor for their sensors.

Research & Development : H2020: Searching for a company involved in the use of coal and coal-derived liquids for the development of novel carbon materials
Research & Development REQUEST from Spain
A Spanish research centre specialized in coal and coal-derived products is preparing an RFCS project proposal to use coal-derived liquids as precursors for the preparation of graphene-based and other porous carbon materials to be used in energy and environmental applications, such as supercapacitors, catalyst supports, adsorbents (CO2, H2), degradation of organic pollutants (dyes, drugs, etc). A company working in coal-derived products is sought for the development of novel carbon materials.

Business : Scientific information of the impacts of cigarette butts on ecosystems sought
Business REQUEST from France
A French entrepreneur is currently building a new activity of cigarette butts collecting and recycling in order to reduce pollution and toxicity. But that issue of butts’ toxicity is mainly unknown. In order to negotiate with local institutions, stakeholders of environment he is willing to obtain scientific information on the environmental impacts of cigarette butts: ecological consequences, chemicals & toxicology on ecosystems and humans, polluting activities and degradation in sea.

Cleantech & MVO related links

Enterprise Europe Network - Automotive

Enterprise Europe Network - Energy