Find some of the latest profiles on Enterprise Europe Network for partner search, new business at your doorstep published July 27nd 2016.
Within the Enterprise Europe network other specialized fields are available for partner search such as automotive, industry and biochemtech. Make your own query for partner searches based on your interest at this database and find new business at your doorstep.
Enterprise Europe Network, with its 600 partner organizations in over 70 countries, helps companies find business opportunities across the European Union and beyond.
Some advantages are:
- Easy access to new technologies
- Less risk in developing new products or technologies
- Improve speed of development, time to market
- Shared co development on your expertise combined with other expertise's external
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For a full description of the proposals below, please click on the title. You will be directed to our website. Here you indicate your interest at the bottom of the full description.
ENERGY (11) |
Technology : Automatic cut-out ball-gage cocks (valves) of the new generation with the dual-spherical shell structure. Technology OFFER from Russian Federation A Russian company from Chelyabinsk specializes in the engineering services for the process automation in energy management. The company has developed a new design of a ball-gage cock (valve) with an automatic actuating device for controlling the coolant flow. The product is intended to be used in the power engineering and housing and utilities infrastructure. The company is looking for partners for the manufacturing agreement. |
Technology : Kinetic electric energy storage system. Technology OFFER from Russian Federation The Russian ?ompany based in Chelyabinsk specializes in scientific research in the field of energy saving technologies. The ?ompany has developed a kinetic electric energy storage system of new generation (the system consists from the separation of high-temperature segments/plates module and generator module where an inner cavity is vacuumized up to high degree discharge). The company is searching for partners to conclude technical cooperation agreement. |
Technology : A cooling device operating on the principle of the magnetic refrigeration. Technology OFFER from Russian Federation The Russian company from Chelyabinsk, specializing in the studies of the physics of magnetics, has developed a cooling device operating on the principle of magnetic refrigeration. The device can be installed in any household refrigerator instead of the conventional gas compressor which allows to reduced energy consumption and noise level. The company is looking for partners under technical cooperation agreement. |
Business : Polish IT software company is looking for partners from the gas and power industry Business OFFER from Poland A Polish company providing engineering and software services for energy and gas market worldwide is looking for business partners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The company's systems can be used for power plants and gas storage facilities to monitor technical processes in order to maximize profits and reduce costs. The company is also offering billing systems, fixed assets management systems and many more. The company is ready to collaborate under a services agreement. |
Business : Russian producer of power inverters seeks distributors in EU countries Business OFFER from Russian Federation A Russian company specialised in production of SiC (silicon carbide) power inverters offers a business-partnership to a partner abroad under a distribution services agreement. |
Research & Development : EUROSTARS Project: SME specialised in the development of ultrasounds cleaning systems for the prevention of biofouling in membrane water treatment facilities Research & Development REQUEST from Spain A Spanish SME specialised in the development and maintenance of water and wastewater systems is looking for partners for a Eurostars proposal. The objective is the development of an automated system based on ultrasounds for the prevention of biofouling in membrane water treatment (MBR) facilities. The SME is looking for a technology based SME specialised in the development of ultrasound cleaning systems. |
Business : Jordanian company specialized in the development and manufacturing of advanced plastic bore piping systems seeks distributors and installers through distribution service agreement. Business OFFER from Jordan Leading Jordanian company for the development and manufacturing of advanced plastic bore piping systems that are capable of handling a wide variety of materials in industrial and domestic applications including water, fluid waste, gas and chemicals is looking to find distributors and installer’s partners from EU countries through distribution service agreement. |
Technology : Novel electric drive system with superior performance - high torque and power density, high efficiency factor, low use of rare earth metals, maximum torque right from start, hollow shaft construction for integration of functional modules/machine tools Technology OFFER from Germany German SME offers a novel electric drive system combining the reluctance and the transversal flow principle thus eliminating the disadvantages and exploiting the advantages of both machines: high torque/power density, efficiency, no or 50% less rare earth metals. Hollow shaft construction allows integration of functional modules/tools; applicable where max. torque is needed right from start: pumps, compressors, turning tables, serial production machines, e-vehicles. Licensing or sale of patents. |
Technology : Solar biomass gasification Technology OFFER from Armenia An Armenian company engaged in designing and fabrication of solar energy systems has developed a solar powered biomass gasifier, including concentrating solar technology and biomass gasification. Partners are sought for optimization of the technology under commercial agreement with technical assistance, technical cooperation agreement or research cooperation agreement. |
Business : Jordanian company specialized in the development and manufacturing of advanced plastic bore piping systems seeks investors from Europe through joint venture agreement. Business OFFER from Jordan Leading Jordanian company for the development and manufacturing of advanced plastic bore piping systems is looking for investors in EU countries through a joint venture agreement, in order to expand their operation by introducing two new types of plastic pipes. |
Business : Jordanian company specialized in the manufacturing of photovoltaic panels seeks distributors and installers through distribution service agreement. Business OFFER from Jordan Leading Jordanian company for the manufacturing of photovoltaic panels is looking to find distributors and installer’s partners from EU countries through distribution service agreement. |